League of Legends General - /lolg/


Late-game edition

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i need a list of petite assertive league girls RIGHT NOW!

xth for my wife Syndra

Lolg is this the edgiest thing you've ever seen or yes?

Haven't had a jungle Xin go more than 3-8 this entire fucking season.

>tfw no qt petite gf


Never liked how daedric armor looked desu

Nope. This is. Do I win?



seems fine here

Sauce me user


That's all of them, you're welcome

You had really shitty Xins then. Xin Zhao is fucking amazing right now.


Relentless Sexual Aggression Tier: Evelynn, Ahri, Vi, Nidalee, Leona Illaoi Magma Fire
Teasing and Control Freak Tier: LeBlanc, Syndra, Orianna, Lissandra Camille Storm Dark
Definitely Dominant But Not Quite As Sexual Tier: Elise, Shyvana, Sejuani, Zyra
High Tier: Cassiopeia, Karma, Katarina, Vayne, Diana, Fiora,Miss Fortune
Mid Tier: Jinx, Caitlyn, Riven,Quinn, Sivir Air
Low Tier: Lux (some Elementalist forms are much higher), Ashe,Janna,Water,Nature,Akali
Submissive: Sona Xayah Soraka



>Xin and Azir are really good now

are we /polearms/ yet?

Don't forget Lux

Azir should be deleted

nice meme

kiddie art dont count

thats the only page

ashe is qt

I starting building that whenever I get ahead

Any anons want to help me do the tp mission on NA?


I skipped her on purpose

I want to snuggle up with him!

>You had really shitty Xins then.
You don't fucking say.

>Irelia is petite


>tfw I think Vayne is fun as fuck to play
>tfw absolute dogshit mechanics with her
Oh well.

I've been playing Veigar for years, his recent W buff wasn't even that big, and yet we're just now realizing he's fucking busted?

That's vanilla Lux, Elementalist is waaay different.

I'm not ranking skins.

Ah well. Worth a shot.

>diana's 11-0 raping everything across the map, ashe is
>we get their inhib at 15 mins
>have like two items for a sterrakhs gage (or however the fuck it's spelt)
>sell them in a panic and buy randuin's for the mission in case they surrender

short story short we fucking lost

the problem with veigar is his terrible early game, as long as he can make it to mid-late and not blow up the second anyone jumps on him he's god tier

he's one of those champs that you have to pray your teammates don't feed and surrender before you hit critical mass

>she's not even smiling
Nah senpai I've seen Flandre Scarlet fanart

Who said the infinitely scaling mage wasn't busted? Little fucker can go slightly behind in lane and turn into a monster after 30

You are now aware that Lulu is VERY cute!

>>>sell them in a panic and buy randuin's for the mission in case they surrender
you could have just undone the purchase

This but my seed planning as Zyra

I've kinda moved from J4 to Xin Zhao these last few days, so I was /polearms/ before already.

I actually prefer swords though, which sucks because all the sword wielding champions are top laners (that I also don't like too much) and I don't like Yi. I kinda liked how J4 swinged his lance like a sword, specially in the Commando skin in which it is basically a fucking big ass sword-dick.

how do i into karthus, bros? i dont know any of the matchups and cant find a decent guide

not when I already walked out of base


Over confidence is thy greatest enemy.

I wanna BEE with Lulu!

What champion is the Gavin Free of League?

Press R lmao

considering after it his winrate went from like 48% to almost 53% I'd say it was pretty big

mundo's cleaver now grounds enemies

is he good now?

>Try to q people as karthus
>They move slightly


Pretty much every champ I find fun
How do I suck so bad as Malz

>cleaver train becomes permacc

too good

Mundo is already fine

>Press R
>Everyone loves you
>"Have you ever felt a calling?"


What would you do if you woke up like this one day?

It mostly went up because it was a Veigar buff, not because of the buff specifically. His playrate went up because people saw the buff, and his winrate went up proportionally.

Get fugged

One get use to last hitting with your Q.
Build Rylai's makes landing Q a lot easier.
A lot of doing well as Karthus is being able to read your enemy movement. So in lane throw a few Q and watch how they dodge. Most people have a certain way of dodging.

Celebrate Kayn is between my thighs and have wild sex with him.

post webms

They also buffed his base stats which makes his early laning less dogshit. He still can't waveclear as well as other early mages but at least he survives.

riot needs to buff some champs or release a new champ ASAP before people get my veigar nerfed

Irelia has a pretty small frame compared to other champions aside from her ass She doesn't have that much boob and she's literally a teenager forever so her body will no longer grow which means she shouldn't be as tall as most champions.

Lulu is the spookiest! THE SPOOKIEST!

And people say shadow kayn sucks

He's a better talon

Didn't everyone get their base stats buffed since they are removing runes and masteries?

no he got separate buffs

You call that a drive by?

SA sucks on anything that isn't a squishy.

*one shoots one of your teammates*
*thanks you for the free lp*
*calls you a fag and to learn to ban*

That's not live yet. He got hp/regen buffs I think.

Jax lategame is pretty strong but it's not like he can 1v5 carry all games due to being melee and having cooldowns
He's great but definitely not a guarantee you'll win
6 items Trist though lmao whats a tank

More like he's a better Zed

>tfw I've been playing since season 1 and I don't own annie sivir or ashe

I'm pretty proud of myself desu

Q your lane opponent when they're going in for last hits. Use your wall as a zoning tool first and a chase tool second. Get an hourglass even if the enemy team is 100% full magic damage. Charging into fights with your E on and immediately popping the hourglass is a great way to control where you want your enemies to go. Using your E in short bursts along with Q's helps clear waves extremely efficently while conserving mana. When undying, you can usually sqeeze in 1, if not 2 Q's if you're slick before casting ult. Lategame you casting your ult before a fight almost entirely ensures the enemy will be too timid to attempt to win whatever fight is coming next. Ulting while the enemy is taking Baron usually makes the enemy team collectively shit themselves.

I don't think they're doing anything until the runes rework happens. They'll balance everything after that launches.

He is pretty useless for the first 15 min or so. If you can get snowballing he is fine but like said he sucks if there are two or more tanks on the other side.

what the fuck
>millionare company

>ywn be bullied by irelia butt
>she sits on you to wake you up

>Irelia VGU
>they actually go with that route
deliver the goods

Do you want it rough? or vanilla?

God, the preseason's gonna be the biggest shitfest since ever. It's gonna be great

One of my favorite interactions

I've been playing since pre season and I don't own teemo

not him but is it okay if I use my Q to farm or should I practice getting last-hitting with his god awful auto attack animation

yeah that's true

the new runes will probably make other champs more busted than veigar anyway

Does she grind her butt on your crotch to wake you up?

but teemo is one of the most fun champs in the game


Is 3v3 somehow way too easy? I am already 6-0 in qualification games. Usually either I pick Jarvan and destroy them from level 1 onwards or pick Kayn, wait till I get red form and some items and just obliterate solo whole team.
I hope I get matched in gold, I don't want to have to play more of this shit to get graves skin.



she puts it on your morning tent and proceeds to crush your willy with her big fat butt until you respond

Pretty damn rough his fit youthful hips can rail me like a train engine. He's full of Noxian testosterone and energy and as a result will take me no fewer than 7 times or until I faint. I will be sore for weeks afterwards but it will be so worth it.


It's that time again, /lolg/.

Post PURE girls only.

What da fug is going on here

Vayne is certified virgin


Its no longer a game anymore is whats happening