League of Legends general /lolg/

best ship edition


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>tfw no qt petite gf

Why /lolg/ so ded today?



what's this?

It's just the current time.
In US it's ~4 - 7 AM
so most are asleep.
In Europe it's 12 - 2 PM
so most are at work or at school.

Only neets and people who are memeing at work/uni post now.

what's your excuse then?
t. europoor neet

I just got back from uni, it's pouring rain so I decided to better just skip a few shitty classes and avoid walking home during a full storm.

Nothing better than listening to some shoegaze, drinking hot coffee and procrastinating to play League while there's a loud storm outside.

>Shoegaze mothgirl champion when?

I'm at work, usually shitpost at lunch but also while code is compiling.

It's PBE aka hype day today BOI am hyped.

>Teemo rushes hextech
>Literally has sustain, Ap, and a way to chase if you try to leave

On top of the fucking poison and blind how do you deal with this shit. He even ran ignite so he'd just flash ignite me if I got even remotely out

>Permanently banned


>Nothing better than listening to some shoegaze, drinking hot coffee and procrastinating to play League while there's a loud storm outside.
that sounds really great, desu

How about those Americans working the early shift?

>Please send help. :c

Dive on him and kill him until he's dead you weak cunt. How the fuck were you not already at least two items ahead?

I get anxiety playing top Lane because I feel like if I mess up I'll be useless, I know this is true for other lanes as well but I just feel there's a lot more pressure up top

Please advise anons

Because my jungler ganked when I was away and gave him a kill. Then I got ganked by a kayn under my turret and was behind.

It's even worse in bot lane.

Mess up and you lose the entire game for your team!

Buff Caitlyn

>A gross hairy serb listening to music for hip young people


>Low plat.
>Bannu'd for verbally assaulting some chinese troglodytes.
>Hop onto a friend's account that hasn't played the game since season 4.
>All lobbies are around plat4-gold 2.
>At the start of almost every match, someone says "Why is there an unranked player in this match?"

How did the system know? Surely placements is tooo early.

I don't think you wanna take a fight vs teemo with ignite fren

New champ this week yes or no?

Why were you away from your lane so early? Why did you let yourself get killed under tower so early? Why did you pick one of the few solo lane champs that couldnt even handle a teemo? Why did you not rush adaptive helm and at leaat stall teemo when you realized you were letting him shit all over you? Why are you asking for advice here instead of reading guides and watching tutorials on how to beat troll-tier meme champs?

play champs that dont heavily rely on snowball to win like ornn.

>Shoegaze is hip music for young folk
What dimension am I in?
Are you attempting to meme me?!
That would be very rude of you.

Top is honestly the least pressured lane, in my opinion.
If you fuck up you can still just build full tank or farm till you become the split push legend.

Mid on the other hand is THE lane for entering your base, so losing it is a lot more sivir kill me now.

If bot lane loses you get a turbo carry on the other team and your main damage becomes a fart gun.

If the jungler fucks up, literally all lanes are affected. Truest hell.


the lolg discord is disgusting

full of fat americans

what's the link for that one trick2g vid with the frog
i cant find it on youtube it's distressing me

The scene died 20 years ago so yes. It's perpetually stuck in the 90's. Anyone that claims there's good stuff now is a pleb

Saving this.

I need it.

Bigger question: which is the next champ rework and how are they going to fuck it up?
>bonus points
Why is soraka their worst champ rework so far?


Aren't all Americans fat?

transcendence rune in socery


While true, I still loved the new Slowdive album.


It's a bit... overproduced and clean, but I like that they're at lest trying to modernize it.

Transcendence in Sorcery gives 10% cdr at 10 mins and extra ap for every % of cdr you get over the cap.
Ultimate Hat in Sorcery gives you 15% extra cdr for your ult that goes over the 40% cap.
Cosmic Insight in Inspiration gives 5% and raises the cdr cap to 45%.

This lets you have 60% cdr for your ult.

>worst champ rework is soraka
what the fuck

any OCE anons want to play some video games?!

Top is sooooo easy mode
>ganks consistently come from only one direction
>no gamble for retarded lane partner
>can split push if your team is retarded
>can stall opponent for any given reason
>currently a huge pool of viable champs
Just dont feed your ass off trying to make fancy plays, nobody gives a fuck about your imaginary highlight reels.
If you actually know what youre doing in the roles then jungle, followed close by mid, are way more stressful.

>Why is soraka their worst champ rework so far?
w-what? what about evelynn?

whats the page for checking out the new runes reforged system?

Misfits were cheated.

when legacy halloween skin coming me want to spend money

Old raka was great, just somewhat boring to watch. New raka punishes the player for performing her iconic ability while also reinforcing the fact that the majority of online multiplayer gamers are too fucking stupid to not stand in known fire.
Shes a champ for dumb people, to be played against dumb people.

i knew healsuts were retarded but you are exceptional

I didn't fucking main varus for 3 seasons for me to fucking max e REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE


Hover over the rune for more info.
It's very well done.

Sad timeline.

roughly 5 hours to new champ lolg, get hyped

>not maxing w

the fuck does brand take now

the current one is way better though
t. healslut

>takes 3/4 of your health with a single Q from half a lane away

At least they attempted dynamic abilities and gameplay with her rework. After some buffs and/or the preseason update she'll be fine. But this new trend of way undertuning release champs is bullshit.

>mecha Rengar skin coming to PBE

I'm tired of this lazy shit. Does it really sell that well?


because I was well fucking aware I'd go against a teemo
I have some fucking telepathy that allows me to know what is going to get picked on the other fucking team

fix the champ first lol!

Brand and Malz seem to be fucked by the new runes, riot admitted it themselves in a post.
I don't play either, but I'd go into Domination and take Electrocute / Eyeball collection, Cheap shot and Relentless or Ravenous hunter.
Then get Transcendence and Scorch from Sorcery.

Maybe Glacial Augment if going support?

if you're playing blind pick you're only setting yourself up for disappointment

do you have a link to that post?

Two super annoying champs with toxic kits getting fucked by the new runes? Good.

No, I got first pick Top and no one would swap champs with me. I banned out Fiora because she's a cunt. I didn't expect a fucking Teemo.

>Brand and Malz seem to be fucked by the new runes

Dont usually play healers. Used to like raka when she wasnt forced to hang out of someones ass the entirety of the game. A plant in the river has the same ability set as her.

>SKT is allergic to shitpicking

who do you want to see topple them? Personally I want to see Darius come back and give the top meta a grim reminder on what he can do while I shit stomp him in solo q

>wanting more assassin cancer

I wanna CUDDLE and PROTECT Lulu!

Samsung will win regardless.

>not wanting brand to get fucked

I enjoy brand unironically
fucking hate malz though. total fucking cancer champ.

Is Ryze good for beginners?

Can't find it.
It was a buried response to someone complaining that their full Lethality rune page is getting fucked.
The Rioter briefly mentioned that most mages who went for Deathfire are also fucked.

not anymore. try annie

Lulu is the sweetest angel and i wanna dance and sing with her until sunrise!

None of this explains how you got shit on by a teemo. Still havent even said who you picked.
>i tried everything to beat teemo
>tried baning fiora
>tried trading last minute
>tried blaming junglers
>nothing works!

>legless blitz still has the awkward waddling animation

What was Rengar's last skin? SSG from two years ago?

Also that looks like a fucking transformer.

Yes. He's the best

How are you going to dance with lulu?
She'd be at your knee height.

Are these just automated posts made by a bot?

assassins are the most fun charaters in the game
why wouldn't we want assassins to get buffed?

Never did I blame my jungler. He asked how he got the hextech fast and I told you how, he gave the teemo first blood after trying to kill him near his turret. Then the moment he got the hextech I got camped. On top of that, any poke I dished out he'd just heal up.

she's not THAT small

cdr? brand with cdr is fucking scary

literally a foot tall autist

>listening to critiques likes this we ended up with Ardent Censer meta where the only diver/assassin-type character viable is Kassadin or Jarvan and one of them isn't even an Assassin.

What do you think about this option, better than using the A keybind ?

what kinda retarded backwards-ass unit of measurement is that supposed to be?

She's at LEAST twenty potatoes tall!

>wanting to play the "dead in 2 seconds no counterplay" meta
fucking degenerates.

Never listen to ADCfags

Always listen to Assassin or Mage mains. Maybe the jungle mains can have input too.

it's fun to kill people in 2 seconds

You said your jungler died to him and their jungler killed you and just about shit else. Sounds like jungler blame to me. And you STILL havent said who you were playing, which says a lot in its own way.

its fucking boring
>t. tank main

Lulu is the sweetest! THE SWEETEST!

Because "wait 15 minutes for the Kog'maw/Tristana/Twitch/Xayah to be unkillable from shields/sustain/ardent censer" meta is fun too right?

i am extremely attracted to a green goo man

>he doesn't like X meta
>he must instead like Y meta
naw nigga, I want Z meta.

It's probably not finished yet.

I'd give her 3.3 at best.
That's a meter tall.
How are you going to dance with her?
If you really loved her you would have already fantasized about it and would have a detailed picture of you two dancing in your head.
You're just shitposting.

Take for example my pic related. as a true degenerate waifu autist I've fantasized about this trip so much I could make a full trilogy of movies just about it.
I'm not proud of this, but facts are facts.

>play teemo
>rush hextech revolver and sheen
>burst enemy top laner for free kills

t. twitch

Lux is fucking terrible taste though.

i think its intentional so the float animation for w stands out more

>play toplane
>enemy doesn't just farm for the first 20 minutes
>actually expects me to fight
The fuck is this guy's problem?

Meanwhile I'm still too dumb to even know how to build Teemo. I've seen people do on-hit with RFC, as well as just straight AP with Nashors, and then the aforementioned Hextech Revolver, but no matter what I try I feel fucked sideways

>Pick Darius
>All your Top-lane problems are solved for you