I'm interested in designing a strategy-based mobile app and I'm looking for the ways to find a partner...

I'm interested in designing a strategy-based mobile app and I'm looking for the ways to find a partner, a company that would hiire/work with someone with a genuine resume in the fields.

I have been designing game theory since I was 5+, from using pen & paper and legoes- to later with custom engines on PC within games. I just have lots of experience into gamification. I have worked on mod projects, highlights being patch suggestions featured in Minecraft and design choices on DotA 1. Nothing too big or serious, but those are the only things realized. I hope my best work is the thing that gets me known. Notes of experience in entertainment, public speaking and marketing/advertising.

I can direct the gameplay, balance, and style. I have over a decade of Photoshop/Illustrator/Web Design Experience. I can get the game noticed, I have some connections. (YouTubers)

I have a wide repertoire of games played at various competitive and casual levels.(Super smash bros PM states, Master league Starcraft 2, minor pros DotA 2) There is huge niche that isn't covered yet that I believe can make some sweet success, and for me, more importantly, an actual good mobile game.

Where can I find people that want to fund/code/etc, put together a presentation for crowd funding(potentially), or otherwise move to the next step to get some development going?

oop meant to say without a* and hire*. Didn't write this to be a resume, just to give a scope of who I am and what I'm looking for.

can you make 2d sprites?

That's pretty easy, DESU.

Thought its been years, I've even done some GIF animations of sprites I've drawn. SNES level stuff and some random logo things that called for that aesthetic.

how much would you charge?

Well, I'm looking for more than just a free lance art gig. I'm looking to help develop and market a full blown game that will make millions.

so you're willing to work for no pay?
I'm working on an Android game and I might need someone like you.

This question is completely irrelevant to this thread but do you know what that game with the wheat and the pickaxe is called? I've played that a while back but don't remember what its called and its pissing me off...

It's pretty standard that part of the game's profits would be the pay for the position I'd be taking.

It depends on the game, and what I'd be doing.

Minecraft? Harvest moon? Terraria? Vague af, man. Sorry.

I meant in the pic that OP posted XD

I'd pretty much let you lead the design of the game, from assets to UI.

>Where can I find people that want to fund/code/etc, put together a presentation for crowd funding(potentially)

>where can i find someone who wants to do all the work and obey my commands as I tell them what to do, and then let me keep a significant portion of the profits afterwards if it is successful at all, which it probably won't be because most indie games and especially mobile apps fail

Oh yeah OP there are tons of people wanting to work as slave labor to fulfill other people's dreams. Tons.

Anyone that is "hired" would be paid. Anyone that is an investor would be paid later, in a general sense. There are different tiers to how companies form, and the positions people take within them, and then, how they're compensated.

Either way- I can't imagine a scenario where anyone works for free.

Sure, we can chat more.

>Where can I find people that want to fund/code/etc

Professional Unity/Unreal devs are $50/h starting (1-2 yrs exp). You won't convince anyone to build your shit unless you bring concrete skills, money and a good chunk of equity on the table.


So I just googled mobile games, I dont know what game that is. But I cropped the logo and reversed google searched it and it came up puzzle craft.

Thanks, I'll keep in mind; "Unity/Unreal" devs and the price range.

I can't imagine too many business ventures starting without capital. But finding coders, actually hiring people, etc. would naturally, be among the early stages of dev. What I'm seeking is very much in the infancy of what I hope to accomplish. It's not a cash grab game, I want to make something remarkable.

[email protected]

You're actually a legend! Thanks :)

lol, thanks. No need for praise, it was about 60 seconds of work. If you ever have a picture, but not a name, you know how to help yourself and others now.

sent you an email

Well, I code for a mobile game company . it's gonna be 5 years since I work on the industry. Also I work by night with some coleagues and some games for mkting agencies.

You should be learning Gamemaker at least if you can't code. It sounds you are looking for someone to do the hard work that is making a good code foundation or really nice art.

Nobody makes it big in games in the first try , nobody really starts to "get it" until your 5th game or so. So if you don't have games on your belt I would suggest you to start now and don't worry about the business part of directing some kind of gameplay. I mean, nobody is going to be directed for free.

I understand business, leadership, marketing and gamification.

Finding a partner/hiring employees fill in the skill/labor gaps that I can't do on my own.

There are plenty of success stories of companies "making it" on their first go. Heck, depending on how the first project goes, that could just lead into a potentially better funded second project that is simply leapfrogged from the first. It's hard to say what the impetus of success will be because you need to have it, before you can claim it, but you'll never get it, before you go for it.

I appreciate and will consider your advice.