Optimates or Populares

Which one are you Veeky Forums?



The Populares are clearly the best faction for the most people, but I just prefer the Optimates.

Whoever can get me the purple toga.



Populares is literally for plebs

>Trump vs Clinton


Am I a pleb or a patrician?

The Populares

Optimates. Leftist populares ruined the Roman Empire

That's Galen not Sulla, you pillock.



Sulla is the greatest man in history

Would Caesar support Trump?

>Leftist populares ruined the Roman Empire
They established the Empire retard.

Caesar would be a communist.

I wouldn't be surprised, honestly.

Caesar would found his own legion in Arizona.

Caesar is for Caesar, and Caesar is Rome.



Caesar was a leftist.

Caesar would raise an army and illegally march it across the potomac

Populares, like my homeboy Caesar.

so was hitler

Optimates pre-Marian reform, Populares post-Marian.

Can we have both, but select which one is in control at set time intervals that would be decided by a representative or popular vote?

why were Optimates so oblivious to the urging need of the popular reforms to happen in order to mantain stability and power?


Both are outdated, though I'm sure it's more that the oversimplified definitions are outdated.
The more diversified support you have as a politician, the harder you are to attack politically. I am sure Caesar had plenty of very wealthy supporters as well as Sulla having plenty of supporters who were not as well off.

Completely circumstantial, but usually optimates. voted trump tho

>popular vote
Then populares would never lose

As an egoist, and a common citizen, probably the populares. What's good for the patrician, and supposedly good for the republic, may not be good for me. I'm not spooked into being a collectivist and supporting the state simply because it is the state. I would only support the Optimates I actually benefited from their success and it somehow trickled down to me.

Caesar was a man for his times, you need a Populare when the Patricians depart from their duty, in which case they actually cease to be patricians. For instance, when they operate in politics to benefit themselves with neglect to how this affects their nation and people.

In such times, the plebs have more virtue than the proposed "elite".

Any books/sites detailing the Romans government system?


[spoiler]Pax Romana my friend[/spoiler]

At heart? A Populate. But I see what is happening to this country. The loss of social values, the show bullshit.

This protest is only affirming my belief that the plebs can't always control themselves. Glad I voted Trump.



