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Friendly reminder to slaughter all Abathurs.

No bully!

>tfw still don't have skelethur skin

Fourth for tank is a fucking retarded term that we'll never be rid of because of WoWbabs becoming LoLbabs.

Ever fucking time I play I get a support quest, every fucking time.

Way to go blizzard, you sure know how ruin it, I am so tired of playing support.

>tfw got it for free in a chest

Fack u, osloeb, sosi moy dick, jebany moosor.


Just play unranked or ranked.

You know Blizzard said that the "Play X several times" quests are based off your match history, right? Keep playing support quests with support games and you'll just keep getting support quests.

Also stop finishing quests every day. Only do them when you're full or you have Play 8 Games / Win 3 Games. Clearing the 200-300 gold quests as soon as you get them just means more chances to get them tomorrow. You don't want that.

>Only do them when you're full
Thats what I do, I have been too busy until now to really do anything but finishing the quests every few days, and all I got to play was supports
>quests are based off your match history
Then why did they decide to give me an overwatch quest? I never play overwatch heroes.

It's weighted, not guaranteed. You just have a higher tendency to get quests for hero classes you play more often.

>feels so good

I love Alarak's mechanics, but god damn is he an edgy 2cool4u faggot. Should I be tipping my fedora when I play him?

>but god damn is he an edgy 2cool4u faggot.
That's why he's so based.
>Should I be tipping my fedora when I play him?
He's not a fedora though. Fedoras are fags who are all talk. Alarak gets shit done.

Play UD or ranked and you can pick whatever you want, it counts for all quests in those mode regardless of pick.

What's up with double supports in QM? I know it's a clown fiesta, but that shit is extra unfair.

For whatever reason when someone queues up as a support in QM the odds of having 2 or more other supports on the team raises exponentially.

>Alarak gets shit done
I'll give him that. But when he says shit like
>I've known better healers
I get embarrassed. Like, dude, would it hurt you to not be a dick sometimes?

Hahahaha, I love this webm. I like seeing the minions getting blown back before the wave washes over him.

It would hurt him desu, he comes from a society where not being a complete asshole 24/7 is to show weakness and causes people try to kill you for a promotion

We need a random load out option. As in, randomly pick one of your existing load outs.

Also, also, I’m glad they fixed that stupid bug with skins.



>afk vs ai since no daily first win yet
>lose all matches
>can get daily first win? = instant win while being full afk

>Metamorph now makes Illidan do Chaos Damage on his AA's and Abilities (Ignores all Armor)

Does this save Illidan?

No, because Meta is still shit even with that change because it's not hunt and doesn't make him immune to CC or blinds.

Only if they made that his level 20 upgrade instead of permanent metamorph.

>gets blinded, stunned and/or polymorphed

Nigga's already blind.

Tempo Storm out of group yes/no?

>ana's level 7 talent
why is this allowed

Adding insult to the injury.

Depends If they choke again.


Even if they don't choke China will just destroy them.




This fucking meme lmao

>Plays it safe from a distance
>He doesn't leech in lane next to creep with his body while buffing creep from other lane so he has literally double the exp of everything in the game

Aba is the manliest hero disguised and the pussiest hero

>Illidan can't be blinded
Does this save him?

>the trinity of tassadar, rehgar and illidan every game again

>Sgt. Hammer gets a talent rework so she isn't a goddamn fossil anymore
Does this save her?

>Solo-laning as Murky
>Die 3 times to kill the other guy
>mfw his support rotates up and doesn't leave until laning phase ends

Remove cast times from Chromie spells

Remove Chromie


Do you think VanCleef could ever happen or would he be too redundant, with Valeera already being the wow-Rogue archetype?

He could easily fit the "Outlaw" version of a Rogue.

i want to report a bug, blizzard forgot to add maiev

nah we want vanessa instead of him

Yeah, as the other user said he could easily fit the outlaw spec. Although bringing roll the bones to HotS is not something anybody would ever want.

But user, he has known better healers

The rng versinon of rogue? Also this


>Niggers, Trolls, Orcs
Why have 3 options for the same thing?

"niggers" is overwatch heroes

You don't have to necessarily bring in Roll the Bones. Just have the Pistol Shot, Sabre Slash and some other ability to dump combo points.

I have a similar story
>Be murky
>On braxis
>decide to solo top
>Place egg behind the platform with fish eye
>get Kael as an opposing laner
>literally the worst Kael I have ever seen
>tries to set me on fire
>E when the fire is about to blow
>0 damage and no spread
>he still has to clean up the minions
>rinse and repeat a couple more times
>valeera rotates up
>I see her because of fish eye
>fart near her
>she retreats
>kael has to go back to heal
>take top platform while my team has a comfy 4 vs 3
>rinse and repeat the entire game

It's not like I didn't got almost every skin from the event, I just said I still didn't got skelethur

when the fuck does the event end

Read the OP fag

read the fucking OP you unga

Rogues can play completely different from the skillset valeera has.

It still feels the same tho, not to mention she already have all the cool talents.

>roll the bones
>but there's no roll, you actually decide the OP buff you get
I love it, imagine how salty people would get.

>tfw the game won't ever have a super cancerous DoT hero
>tfw the game won't ever have a hero that summons 30 or more units
>tfw the game won't ever have a hero with a very low CD iceblock-like ability
>tfw the game won't ever have a spellsteal hero
why are we here?
just so suffer through more overwatch heroes?

>tfw the game won't ever have a hero with a very low CD iceblock-like ability


>she already has all the cool talents
You don't even have how to know this, also it's not like HoTS team follows the source material closely, look at Ana, Leoric, Valla and D.va

i didn't mean PROTECTED i meant stasis yourself


yeah that's kinda close but i'm looking for like a one second stasis on a 6 second cooldown kind of deal

read nigga READ

>we'll never have all these shitty cancerous ideas

Why is this a bad thing exactly?

Need some help with Xul /hots/

i like to pick W build unless im on tosq, then i go trait but i always hear that Q build is better. Am i just bad at it or its just that all Xul builds work fine?
tldr Does Xul have a "better" build or i can just play him however i want?

if the enemy team somehow has 3 or more melees the W build is fucking awesome
generally though they have a bunch of ranged cunts and/or mages with like 1 or 2 melees and W just won't cut it in teamfights so you go trait/Q instead

what did I do to deserve this

its my second morales game ever

I'm level 15 with Xul and I'm still mediocre at best with him. Shield aside I think he really isn't made for bruising, according to my experience its best to continuously rotate between lanes early, pushing WITH allies in lategame and focusing on Scythe-poke.
Obviously I'm no expert but I've went through a lot of trial and error and those are the most consistent reliable strategies to me

W build when enemy has heavy melee comp. Trait build is standard build, but it's never bad. I thought Q build was a meme but the 20 is good against heals

you're gonna win that
just suck sonya's massive cock all game and she'll win it for you
generally speaking if you get a 5man that looks like that on the enemy team they're all bronze league shitters and it'll be an easy game

just had a 36-2 game, feels pretty good

W build is best for fighting full melee comps or being the biggest piece of shit aids 2 lane pushing fuck imaginable. Being the cancerous piece of shit I am I usually go W build regardless of enemy team and hard push their forts down, nothing quite like deleting towers, the gate, and the walls with 75% attack speed permanent aoe autos. When I'm forced to fight I usually avoid ever actually doing anything offensively, xul is squishy as fuck so just look to peel with your prison or maybe get a pick if some dumbass actually comes forward into range for it.

W build xul can "bruise" surprisingly well
the trick is to abuse the lvl 1 slow shield talent CDR
you can seriously spam that motherfucker thanks to the W build's attack speed buff
also lifesteal really helps
he's an anti-melee bruiser though and he can't really do it against mage/range comps

didn't work out like that sadly, sonya liked their backline and I didn't enjoy tracer and alarak in my backline
the coordination just wasnt there

just last night i got garrosh'd into 5 people as W build xul and just started hitting them
killed 2 before going down, genji cleaned up 2 more
W xul ain't nothing to fuck with

I have literally never seen anyone take the level one slow talent

>have a 20 kill lead
unga how?

Xul is painful to play when you're not laning, especially in qp.
You'll almost always need mages just so you can actually reach the enemy.
His builds can really vary these days, they've been getting better with the trees, so you'll just need to know what to capitalize on.
taking executioner and using it with your w is pretty much how you carry a teamfight.

try it sometime, you can use it so often it's actually nuts

Team gets cocky, think they can get away with bad plays and then beefs it.

It's an unsung hero of a talent, hardly ever see anyone else take it either but fuck me it's up so often and keeps your ass alive well


>lulu moor dmg xtra pro dude
>double the cooldown to take less damage and completely destroy your ability to lane safely
Man you must be playing with some shit xuls.

Kills only mean as much as what you get off of them. Also; it's less about how much you die and more about when, especially early game.

Ty anons, guess i was beign meme`d.

>pick azmo
>allied team has zero waveclear
>enemy team is literally all waveclear
>get bullied for pick when we get pushed in
ahhhh I'm trying my best

how were you in terms of structures/objectives

But in the end... isn't it the only one that matters?

>it's another "mage is massively out of position but insist Valeera is OP and they should be allowed to afk in a lane with no consequences" episode

Pick someone who can clear early and rotate well like Xul or Probius.