Can you tell me more about this whole "ride the tiger" thing? It seems like it would be useful these days

Can you tell me more about this whole "ride the tiger" thing? It seems like it would be useful these days.

Do you really want to understand Evola? It's heavy as fuck reading and he talks about esoteric stuff (basically magic and symbolism) and also references classical literature a lot. If you legitimately want to get into his works then you better be in it for the long run son.

That picture is fucking stupid, as expected of Iron Pill faggotry

He also expects you to know Latin and Greek just for good measure.

We're in decline, so you may as well accept it and make the most of it.

Holy fuck, that's definitely not what Evola meant. You make it sound like he advocates basic dionysian hedonism.

Where am I going wrong then?

You don't accept it, that's the thing.

Instead you stick to your ways and wait for the change of times.

It's basically no different from American Evangelical and JW attitudes towards the End Times (or modern society for that matter.) You're Left Behind (tm) in a godless and doomed world but you just gotta keep your saintliness going.

Here's from the end of "Revolt":
>"The possibilities still available in the last times concern only a minority and may be distinguished as follows. Beside the great "currents" of the wrold there are still individuals who are rooted in terra firma. Generally speaking, they are unknown people who shun the spotlight of modern popularity and culture. They live on spiritual heights; they do not belong to this world. Though they are scattered over the earth and often ignorant of each other's existence, they are united by an invisible bond and form an unbreakable chain in the traditional spirit"

>"This nucleus does not act; it only exercises the funciton to which the symbolism of the "perennial fire" corresponded. By virtue of these people, Tradition is present despite all; the flame burns invisibly and something still connects the world to the superworld. They are those who are awake, whom in the greek are called the [greek word here].

So it's just a matter of staying spiritual?

I wonder who could be behind this post?

Foiled yet again.

It's not "just" a matter of a simple thing like that. He wrote huge books on the subject. I don't even know where to start. I've only read Tiger and Revolt myself, gonna get started on Men Among the Ruins. It's the comfiest author though.

Enlarge your vocabulary, you drooling retard.

I said your triggerword?

Who the fuck would get triggered by "comfy"? I'm telling you to express yourself properly.

What's improper about "comfy?" Are you the language police or something?

Different user btw

I'm confused as to how Evola could be described as "comfy".

What is "comfy" supposed to mean when discussing Evola?

>Are you the language police or something?
I guess I am.

Again I'm not the user who used said it initially but I would say for someone who subscribes to a traditionalist worldview reading Evola is COMFORTing because he eloquently expresses that worldview and contextualizes it within the larger frame of Western history.

So essentially you're either this person or you're not.

>tfw user steps in and explains your shitposting in a rational way that you agree with


Where does the Kali Yuga fit into this?

We live in the Kali Yuga so become a cynical sociopath who claims that he would follow traditional morality if only this corrupt society would allow it so you can still feel superior while being a piece if shit.

ITT: Evola is comfy

Is the Kali Yuga closer than ever now?

>Pre-Enlightenment people were all "cynical sociopaths"

What would a non-cynical sociopath be like, you meme loving fuck?

>What would a non-cynical sociopath be like, you meme loving fuck?

Iunno, Trump?
