Communism doesn't work because it goes against human nature

>Communism doesn't work because it goes against human nature

Other urls found in this thread:

>I can discredit, with no facts and/or arguments, any statement by attaching a fedora picture to my post

>capitalism is the reason racism, sexism, alcoholism and heteronormative behaviors exist, and is the reason I am a virgin
>fuck you dad I don't want to go church

who are you quoting?

>Communism has failed.

Capitalism is just human nature iTS GIBS MUH DAT SHIT at its finest only you work for your gibs and screw people over, and its an easy way to escape class enslavement where people were born into their social classes, if your father was a peasant you are a peasant and aint shit you can do about it fagboi.

>I don't want to go church
If he's already a Communist he no longer has to.

>Communism works

>Communism works

>tfw to intelligent to support capitalism

>Capitalism won't fall

Communism doesn't work, but stuff like "Because it goes against human nature", and "Because it didn't realize people are inherently selfish" are stupid fucking memes.

>capitalism hasn't failed

>I have opinions about politics

Tip, tip, tip.

I wonder if uncle Gael's found it. The dark soul of man.

>trump won

>economy is like nature and it will restore itself in the end, even though it's a man made construct

>capitalism is the reason racism, sexism, alcoholism and heteronormative behaviors exist
No, but it does help prop them up.

t. triggered fedora

we have to evolve bro

>What is a disease ...?

Wearing a fedora is like scoring an own goal.

The human nature comment never makes sense to me because much like soviets made a system that was prone to abuse and corruption, capitalism rewards self-centered greed and exploitation of others for short-term gain and doesn't prevent concentration of power and wealth into the hands of madmen.

I mean, won't any system fail if humans are unavoidably evil morons?

>Autism Rand
>tolerance and love

It's true though.

>tribes in the amazon rain forest naturaly resorces equaly and have no concept of property
>muh communism isagainst human nature

The human condition is affected by the conditions surrounding it, humans are greedy because they are put in a system that necessitates and rewards it

King Chad shared a lot of resources with his concubines, that doesn't make him a communist.

Okay, let's make it a bit more accurate.
>Communism doesn't work because it IGNORES human nature.

Even more wrong considering most humans are compassionate

Obviously we mean communism in a large, industrial society memelord.

so communism will work because of human nature?

>Communism does not work because it misstates human nature.

No one said that. Stop building strawmen.

What rubbish. If most people were compassionate, you wouldn't have to tell us that.

Communism does not work because people aren't equal.

Why are you leftcucks here and not consoling your "PoC" and tranny "allies"?

>goofy dainty white kids with a tru PoCâ„¢ in prominently in the middle in a clear leadership position
>land whale tucked in the back out of sight as much as possible

when will the memes stop being real?

When all cucks, niggers, spics, mudslimes, women, normalfags and nu-males die

tyranny rewards self-centered greed and exploitation of others, capitalism rewards hard work that other people are willing to pay for

communism was just a dream of benevolent dictatorship used to prop up an actual one or some corrupt populist politician in a democracy, and not a very good one if you realize that liberty is inherently valuable

>capitalism rewards hard work that other people are willing to pay for
capitalism rewards ownership of capital

>Scandinavian countries are the economically equal in the world
>they have insanely high taxes
>education is free
Is that the capitalism at work or the communist part?

Except they did studies with children and toddlers that point to altruism being an innate trait to humans.

Plus the fact that people did not start a worldwide communist revolution by killing the bourgeois also points to a lack of compassion not being the reason for communism to fail.

allocating capital effectively involves work

I am not even a Communist but saying that Capitalism is "Human Nature" is fucking retarded

Capitalism ONLY became possible after the Industrial Revolution , it has nothing to do with "Human Nature"

The socialist part.

When social liberals stop appropriating socialist rhetoric.


>Capitalism ONLY became possible after the Industrial Revolution

Socialist collectivists are the real racists and reactionaries.

Free market capitalism/neoliberalism is for progressives.

not that user but my father was a film major and i work part time at a dry cleaners so up in you succboy

>stalin kills 60 million people
>the soviet union after this comes back stronger than ever, coming from a state that failed to defeat poland, to a state that did the lion's share of the war in europe during WW2 and is afterwards able to challenge the Western world for decades.
how did he do it?

He was fueled by the blood of kulaks

>im a loser
hue hue hue

do you really think it?

wtf I'm a Capitalist now

t. Reddit

t. cobrah.



wew lad
>inb4 someone posts the "we are socialists" quote falsely attributed to Hitler
>Stalin and Mao killed 110 million
I'm pretty sure that's demographically impossible.

how dumb do you have to be to not be aware of the radical leftist aspects of the early NSDAP and the anti capitalist tendencies Hitler maintained until the very end?

And as evidenced by that primal culture, the hierarchy of post-industrial society ins't "natural" either, yet it manages to work, so the argument is fucking retarded.

well you must be a qt because I haven't seen much compassion and altruism from normies besides my mom

this literally every anti-capitalist ideology ends up a disaster (when it is tried)

It's been almost a day and no one has acknowledged the reference

It is like nature. It grows and then dies, and then a new one comes in to take its place. Nature isn't immortal, and neither is anything humans have done/will do, and its stupid to pretend that the semi-functional system we have now will last any longer than anything else we've managed to achieve.

By that logic America doesn't either, because its in the first line of their founding document.

Social democracy seems to work rather well, though it's only a mild departure from capitalism. As for legitimate socialism, Seychelles, Makhno's Ukraine, Allende's Chile, Dubcek's Czechoslovakia, Nagy's Hungary, Tito's Yugoslavia, Rojava, and other examples are good examples of possible successes.

Yeah and the work that moves said capital is inherently more valuable than any work that doesn't, regardless of skill or strenuous activity involved or required.

Saying anything is "Human Nature" is fucking retarded.
>Capitalism ONLY became possible after the Industrial Revolution
Capitalism has existed since ancient times, same as socialism, it was only called something different then.

>radical leftist aspects of the early NSDAP and the anti capitalist tendencies
That explains Night of Long Knives and Hitler selling off a shitload of nationalized industries to private holders.

>literally every anti-capitalist ideology ends up a disaster
>what is monarchy
>what is merchant republic
>why are there still absolute monarchies today that are completely stable

>stupid fucking memes

Its the simple reason why corruption ends up breaking it all down.

To be fair, neither does libertarianism.


This is such a terrible thread

>human nature
nice meme you got here senpai

>absolute monarchy
>completely stable
choose one
>Capitalism doesn't work because it IGNORES human nature.
Fixed that for you.


>implying it's somehow fucked up that humans care far more about themselves, their families, and those they have direct connections with than they care about TOTAL FUCKING STRANGERS THAT LIVE THOUSANDS OF MILES AWAY.

Seriously, go fuck yourself. Taxation is extortion, a subset of theft.

not an argument

>muh property


Reddit is the definition of fedora, tough luck pal

Guess what I just did!

>communism works because im a 20 year old and i know how the world works

Economic failure, genocide and famine.

Famine and economic stagnation so bad they had to go full capitalist with a communist coat.

Economic stagnation, went from economically being on par with Austria to becoming a 2nd world shithole.

>East Germany
Fucked so hard they're still shit compared to West Germany even 25 years after unification.

Shithole that needs to cooperate with drug cartels to even survive.

One of the biggest oil reserves on the planet yet they can't even afford toilet paper.

Went from being the oldest, most famous and proud African nation to being the laughingstock of Africa.

At what point can you faggots admit it failed literally everywhere?

>the free market will fix this.


Have you been to 8pol and 4pol? Humans have an infinite capacity for hate

How the hell do you figure that? We're tribal primates that very naturally single out those that differ from the majority.

You can say socialism is an international and collectivist ideology, but you better believe that in the Soviet union there was still a preference for people obviously European and aesthetically proportional Christian, Russian speaking, and heteronormative.

If anything, capitalist societies allow for the greatest degree of acceptance of highly individualistic people. For example, the fact that you can be a 40 year old man with purple hair, a tutu, and lisp, and manage to walk through downtown urban areas without being chased off by crowds everyday.

Try doing that trans-kin-bi-spirit flamboyant shit in any collectivist, centrally-planned country and see what comes of it.

Because I don't give a shit about PoC and trannies. They're not working-class people.

Yeah, I am sure, at least some of those rich parents kids will work in McDonalds and retail.

Many of them are. But yeah the left abandoned class polutics in favor if cuckery, which is why the working class niw votes Trump.

>economic failure
>implying famines weren't manufactured

Why aren't you rightcucks mad that the Donald is going to backstab you?

>*revisionism intensifies*

Stalin was a downright humanitarian compared to that bald autistic kike before him.


Lenin was jewish by ethnicity, not religion.

Not to mention he was raised a christian, and had a mixture of German and Swedish heritage within him.