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Crazy cat lady edition!


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>playing adc because i don't play it ever
>do decent in lane
>kat feeds talon
>literally can't ult, flash or w away from him because as soon as he's on my screen i die

would probably be more fun if it didn't feel so old

What is the correct build for Kayne (Red)?

>chainstuns you for 8 seconds while shitting out damage and being tankier than everyone else
who's that champion?
it's gnar you retard

I want to play Ball with Orianna.

I want Oriana to play with my balls.

>tfw you yourself deal with your lane perfectly and the team calls you a shitter when they all lost their lanes but were on 2 duos and wanted to scapegoat someone

honestly, fuck this game, too antisocial to play with other people, but playing this game solo is the absolutely worst experience in gaming.

I might be able to get him if I grind

I have 12k BE that will turn into 72k BE during the preseason and I have about 6k IP, I bought like 20k IP worth of runes that will be refunded and then I still have my even older runes and rune pages that will be refunded too

I might still need to grind out 10k - 20k, I'll probably do that next week by spamming 3v3.

The only problem is if I do that I won't be able to afford literally anything else in the BE store. The fact that gems are 50k BE is just insane to me.

>tfw no petite gf


I have 12 chests and no keys

I figured they just tried to jew you into buying keys by making chests readily available

Also nth for Morgana, purest maiden

Who has mallet in core except for gnar and urgot?

>ended placements 2-8 due to a relentless streak of feeders
>silver I, I believe I can make it to gold 5 at least, last time I played I made it to gold 1
>try my hardest and get to 1 game away from promo
>feeders strike again
>5-11 currently

where is the fucking variance riot
where is my fucking 50% winrate

>and the team calls you a shitter

/mute all
problem solved

the only thing that gets through is pings, if someone starts pinging me for stupid shit then I mute that too, there's 0 reason to read anything anyone says in game

If you are going for the AD top route, Kennen.

Are you honor 1 or something? i usually get 2 keys per day since honor 3

>Support instalocks TP/Exhaust Nasus
Honestly after a dozen games of Flex this doesn't even surprise me anymore.

i feel you, i always have 10+ chests and it fucking sucks

I have no clue how some guys have this large of disproportion. You ever bought chests in bulk without keys? I have honor 5 and been getting chests on cd for most of the season, keys are coming just in time for a chest to be opened, sometimes have 1-2 in reserve. I can't imagine how you did that except for either buying a lot of chests, or playing just 1 game per week for a chest, or having low honor.

the only constant is you :^)

>there are people upset about korean dominance

Remain angry, homosexuals.

not OP but:
nigger what, how much do you play?
i'm honor 5 and i get 1 fragment every 2 days

most of the skt fans I've seen seem to be gays

>whithers your ADC
>exhausts him too
>enemy attacks at 1 attack every 3 seconds

lane won

>Play support be a healsut
>Vayne starts talking shit about the enemy team after they botched a gank and got wiped
>Gets so fed, goes balls deep without any vision when I'm not around
>Follow her around trying to protect his ass in the mid game
>Get caught out because I was going way to deep with him due to his retard ass not retreating and me thinking that he'd probably explode if he dies alone
>Blames me for not protecting her when the enemy team was going for my ass first and cc locks me instead of her
>get shit talked more
Fuck ADCs, you literally can't please them.

I just got honor four and get at least one a day. how much i play varies

>follow her around to protect his ass

i play atleast 3-5 normals and maybe some ARAMs almost every day and i get jack shit

Can't completely separate the neckbeards that play her and the actual character, user.

>no links
Garbage human trash OP.you're going to die alone in your dark room, and even your mom will don't give a fuck OP.

>Very Useful Links


>7.21 Patch Notes



>Legends Never Die (ft. Against The Current) | Worlds 2017 - League of Legends


>Compare Your Connection With Lag Report



>Runes Reworked: Forge Your Path


>It’s time for October bundles!


>Octuber Early Sales


>Champion and Skin Sales


How do I practice Riven. If I play ranked I'll feed my ass off and demote. My normals mmr is fucked plat/diamond players all the time and troll picks so I either get shit on or no chance of winning with wierd comp.

That could turn bad, you see, she has sharp things.
Be safe

Shipping guide, grab while hot.

Pretty close to like, 3 games per week actually.

That must be it

What skin should I go for: Subterranean Nautilus, or Lollipoppy?

idk which i'd prefer
a fucking lulufag starting threads
or you

if i ever decide to main adc i can praise you for every bit of healing i get

oh, i play a bit more than that on average

Leona:"build late game trist" I don't know what they mean by this I am an adc noob

Op is just scum Lulufag who wanted to make a thread with a shit picture.

i wonder whos behind this post

Seriously, fuck off back to tumblr already.


>There are people who actually ship SG Ahri with the void monsters

Alright, I already have problems with this

>that Zed

Tfw the tournament started looking good but ended being skt wins lul again

Warrior->Armor/Mr Boots->Cleaver->2 def items from this pool:Visage, Adaptive Helm, Thornmail, DMP, Omen -> GA
If they have many tanks and little to no damage or you need heal reduction get Mortal Reminder or Lord Dominik
That's basically it.

>Leona will have 47 base armor on lvl 1

This is how a prime predator looks like

I'm a support main in gold 3, if i really grind at it do you think i have time to hit plat

Honestly, only China might ever be able to win something where Koreans are present, the culture just breeds winners. The West is just too egocentrical and player-focused to ever become good enough. As long as Koreans have their team house structure where you do what the staff says and not what you want, they will keep on being the best.

Play meme supports like Brand or Malzahar, no one knows how to deal with them

>Me playing 3v3 to get blue graves skin
>Already going 7-0 in quali
What are the chances that I will get matched in gold directly? Don't wanna play it much.

xth for eating out Xayah's smelly feather cunt!~

b-but I don't have a tumblr

>I'm a support main in gold 3, if i really grind at it do you think i have time to hit plat
Put on your slutty E-girl clothes and pick healslut like Sona. While weaker you can easily climb to Plat with them

Who /scripts/ here?

Should I buy Akali now or save up for Kled ?

>im a rebel
>killing stuff is so much fun haha i hate everything
>stop calling me edgy silly boys XD
>omg shoes
>rawr >:3

>Tfw dota doesn't have Koreans so different teams win the world tournament

Why did they have to choose this game instead of Dota? Damn gooks

If those are your only 2 champs left you should buy Akali now and then reroll champ shards for Kled

going Blue first

No I only have like 20 champs, I just wanted to choose my next "main" for a bit

Daily reminder that singed mains should be executed.

It's more Fun. But really I watched Dota and it looks like Clown Fiesta with close to no tactical macro-game

>Carrying the shit out of a game
>make one mistake
>reported for trolling

Support main here, I play this game just to watch ADCs shit on me and go 0/8/1 while I laugh at them with the other team's support.

>they go 1v3 into a fight
>I blow my ult, a shield, an exhaust, cc and redemption on them
>wtf support 0 help, reported
>I have more kills as a Lulu or Soraka at the end of the match

The trick is expecting to lose every game so you don't get invested and actually have fun.

akali is all about knowing exactly when to use your combo until you're so fed it doesn't matter anymore
Kled is just "you're in my lane, im going to stab the shit out of you"
kled accurately reflects how players feel when their team sucks and you just want to get out of this elo

Koreans suck at dota, they can't deal with turn rates worth a shit.

To be honest I just Googled Dota world championship and saw the article in Wikipedia that showed the teams and they all had different flags

Dota allows way to many possibilities to gank someone from 1km away. This is why people abuse so much heroes like Nightstalker or Earth Spirit, to obliterate enemy carry as much as possible.
Because carries in dota are on another level than in LoL, they can actually 1v5 and oneshot people when farmed enough.

>Soraka getting pounded by wolf cock

I never knew I needed this in my life.

>Healsluts are masochists who get off from being physically and verbally abused

Who should I play of the free rotation champs available now? I've already gotten an okay handle on Illaoi

How do I not want to kill myself after playing 3-5 games?

How do you grindlords keep going?

Please, do keep insulting me.

who is that with mundo? looks like ashe,the one on the left not the right


>Mundo x Ahri

Oh god no

I see healsluts rather as sadists who watch how someone is getting raped by your mindless goblin carries, and when they (the enemy) finally think that those carries are out of their load you just boost your carry with new energy and completely destroy all the hope your enemy has.

You're idiot, Dota Korean server has ~1000 players on it and they already have team of 5 random gooks who are raping other world level teams

>he doesn't know Soraka's original lore

Fucking secondaries

Whiskey usually. That or anger makes me keep going

xth for my wife Syndra

>also support main
> ADC complains when i harass and never wants to auto anybody when I engage
>I have to ult defensively 80% of the time to save adc

>fight went bad, have to retreat
>team never slows down just a tad so I can use Stand Behind Me, then complains that I died when all it took was them stopping for a fraction of a seond
>can pick first or team will auto fill with mages for some reason

>people complain when I miss a hook, when I land a game changer I get no praise
>Watch adc try to engage in a clearly outmatched fight, then gets mad that i didn't help them 1v3 at level 3


This is why you pick Brand and make ADC your bitch
Censer got nerfed anyways

It's only slightly more than she does now with +9 armor runes. What I'm more worried about is how situational rune builds will work, since you can't pick into MR or whatever against specific matchups, other than picking the Resolve tree as secondary just for the single shitty +5 MR or +5 armor rune.


Yeah that works but it makes you play like shit so it's not very useful...

I literally play to lose.

By winning

tfw skt will be playing league for years to come

>get carried to plat 5 because 2 out of 3 of my wins I get 2 different gangplank one tricks that pop off insanely hard
thanks you autists, appreciated

They act very haughty but when their poor mindless puppets are dead and is completely surrounded by the enemy team, they're the type to beg for the enemy team to not gangrape after blowing their spells trying to escape to no avail.

>people complain when I miss a hook, when I land a game changer I get no praise

This is why I stopped playing Blitz. I don't even bother banning him, I genuinely feel sorry for the guy whenever I see one on the other team.

this so fucking much
>adc slowed on half health
>throw lantern and be on max range
>adc flashes and dies anyway

>bork/Triforce tries to 1v1 me
>I'm a lategame Kayne
Holy fuck lads I can see why so many people like him now.

>cast wither
>cast wither again
>do literally nothing except cast wither on 1 person at a time with a maximum 80% uptime
>do no damage because you have no gold for ap or minions for q
>lose game because enemy support has more than 1 useful ability

Yeah that doesn't help, even when I win every single game it feels the same

They can't miss the Lanturn if you never throw it.

>Black man tapping his forehead

Why isn't this shitter banned for spamming?