/fog/ - Fallout General

Legion Get Out

>Fallout 1 and 2
>General Information etc:

>Fallout 3 and New Vegas
>General Information, Mod Recommendations & Run Ideas etc:
>Babbys first modding guide

>Fallout 4
>General Information, Mod Recommendations etc:

>/fog/ Asset and Mod Repository
>Steam Guide of good mods

>Rips (Primarily for NV):

>How to Convert Skyrim / Oblivion / NV / FO3 etc. Models to FO4 & Bodyslide Guide:

>OP Pasta

Pre-War thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


first for someone makes custom execution animation for mikemoore's combat hatchet

She must have used a lot of padding on her bra.

Dumpster fire

Explain to me why anyone could think this was a good idea

Do I for sure need graphic mods for fallout 4? I feel like it's pretty solid as is.

Are there lightweight graphical enhancing mods I can grab easily without going WAY into like I had to with Skyrim? Most of the shit I fixed in Skyrim seem to be native to Fallout 4.

user philosophers and political scientists have been trying to figure out why we do war for millennia, you aren't going to find the answer on a video game thread in a mongolian pillaging forum

He already made it

certain mods are just straight upgrades

radiant clouds, true storms, darker nights, optimized high res texture packs, interiors enhanced, dynamic fog removal, i forget.

>Do I for sure need graphic mods for fallout 4? I feel like it's pretty solid as is.
I agree. FO4 doesn't really need graphic enhancement to me.
I prefer to focus on something else.

if you like the graphics as they are, then no, maybe a few mods that just subtly enhance vanilla assets

enb for fo4 is a meme

>Amazon position

Thanks, I'll check those out.

I tend to agree but i'm willing to add one or two to help it look crisp. I had something like 15 or 20 just on graphics for Skyrim and honestly I don't want to do that again, haha.

I fucking hate EnB anyways. I think it's unneeded and is a pain in the ass to make work correctly. In Skyrim it was so much time wasted for something I didn't want in the end.

Sour grapes does that to you.

Oh my...

that one enb that makes the game look like a washed out horror movie is pretty cool. but yes, its a meme otherwise.

Pilgrim is definitely my fav ENB. Every other one insists on either turning the contrast and bloom up to Synthwave levels or going for SO REULISTIK.

You say this but your favorite ENB makes The Road look like it was filmed on a sunny day.

What in the fuck.

Pilgrim dedicated itself to a theme, and while it's not for everybody, it does its job well. If you want a spooky and tense atmosphere, then that is the best ENB.

Anyone willing to share their 'must have' FO4 mods?

I read the pastebin and watch some youtube shit but I'd like to hear it from people directly if possible.

First time modding Fo4.

Extended Dialogue Interface
Start Me Up

Every other dialogue visibility overhaul is garbage in comparison. EDI doesn't need patches and works with everything out the box.

honestly, you take out the radio, you silence the soundtrack, and the game will be pretty spooky. this enb just ties that all up

I've been playing F4 with the radio off and it's moody as fuck.
Especially if you get that mod called Fallout Suite.
Lots of nice ambient tracks.

interesting theme >> hyper-realistic any day, that's why you're in a fallout thread, the faux-50's sci-fi camp is far from realistic, but it's unique and interesting

reality is boring and we all live in it already

Nice. I'll have to check it out.

>a bundle of tape
>militia rifle
>wattz laser gun
>place everywhere
>spring cleaning

Trust me, it's really good.
Someone from here recommended it to me and it's easily the best atmosphere enhancing mod I've tried.

I am so sick of New Vegas' ancient combat system

When are we getting Obsidian's FO4?

obsidian isn't working on another fallout game and they most likely won't even if they weren't busy because zenimax almost exclusively published in house now

they were contracted to make a 'dlc' that will actually just be on the creation club. not included in sp. but it will be fucking huge and not in commonwealth, just like the other dlcs.

Which is the best ENB for looking at my female character?

What's your favorite quest and why?

Benign Intervention is mine, because the chair is broken from 200 years of disrepair and people messing with it and Cait kicks the habit herself with the placebo of the chair, as soon as she has a reason to, someone believing she can and caring if she does

Honestly I can't remember any good quest. Maybe the museum with the Deathclaw, it's nice to crawl in the basement when the big fucker is walking above you.

But I agree on your choice, that's a nice quest. I love Cait.

Kill yourself

>cabot quests
>silver shroud

I played Fallout 4 for an hour and I didn't see many differences in the combat system. Is there even a melee/unarmed bodypart targeting in VATS like Fallout 1? That's the biggest thing in combat that was missing in 3 and NV.

The thing I distinctly remember Fallout 4 having is the same good ol' bugs where a 95% shot misses because the wall of a house happened to walk past right then, and a 95% point blank shot missed due to the gun barrel clipping through the enemy and shooting behind them.

That's some Dianetics tier shit considering Cait herself says her mind is clearer and getting over an addiction isn't like throwing out the garbage.

you have no limb targeting in vats with melee or weapons with ranged, a travesty im0

So I started the Special Delivery quest, and I think it may be glitched.
I was looking for the Charisma bobblehead and couldn't get into the asylum. I killed one or two of the mercs outside, then went to Goodneighbor to find Deegan. I start the quest but after entering Cabot house and meeting Deegan inside I can no longer interact with him. Same goes for John Cabot, even though I can walk right up to him and he has the quest marker over his head. Does anyone know how to fix this? I just want that damn charisma bobblehead.

And no, I didn't aggro any of the NPCs outside the house (robots, Deegan, Cabot, etc).

This is on Xbone, btw

The Devil's Due. Yeah that one is super good too, they really made a cool moment in the Museum of witchcraft.

I'm always a bit conflicted on that quest. I want to give the egg to the mother because you just lost your son too and you could commiserate, and the quest itself implies deathclaws are aware of how you helped them because they don't attack.

On the other hand, it's still a deathclaw and saving the little deathclaw almost invariably dooms someone in the future to death by deathclaw claw so I'd rather avoid that.

If this particular deathclaw family stopped eating humans and taught all their young for the future that humans are honorable or something and stopped eating them then I would help the mother 100% but in my current playthrough I kept the egg out of fear of what was inside, not profit or anything like that.

I wish I could donate it to Curie or to the diamond city science lab lady for study too, but the options seem to be eat it, give it to the mother, or give it to Wellingham.

So, Cait is now the only human that I know of to have enjoyed a nice deathclaw omelette, prepared with love. I felt bad cooking it but I can't be responsible for the deaths this deathclaw would cause in the future, and might as well do something with it.

Which brings us to the next thing to think about, which is whether you could hatch a deathclaw and stand in as its mother and perhaps train it in some way, ideally to be nice to people and eat molerats or something.

>male SS on female robot
How boring.

Oh certainly, it's a bit of a stretch, but she was mentally prepared for a long time to get rid of them, and the placebo affect is a powerful thing and would explain the clearer mind comment.

And yes, I'm painfully aware how difficult a drug addiction is to get rid of and how long it can take (all lifetime in some cases, a constant struggle instead of an actual finish line to reach) but in this case she's been hating them for a long time and has just been looking for someone or something to help her.

The chair being broken also makes a lot of sense, there was an actual placebo room as part of the experiment which might simply be the one we found, since we didn't find two chairs. Plus stuff breaks over time, especially wires and tubes like are on the chair. Especially with dumb raiders and gunners running around recently.

So yeah I might reaching a bit but it does all make sense. Plus someone just needing some encouragement to accomplish what they thought they couldn't accomplish is a nice classic cliche and is more compelling than lolmagicalchair too...

>So yeah I might reaching a bit but it does all make sense.
No, it's pretty terrible and you're shitting on her characterization and development by giving her some mary sue ability to overcome her addiction with mind powers when even you admit it's a hell of a struggle. Why would you even think of that if you actually liked the character.

Gunners know their tech considering they take over hospitals and other facilities and some rooms have been converted to other needs.

Wait... how exactly can someone think that the NV combat is inferior then? The only thing I can think of based on my limited experience is that certain weapons such as the 10mm don't have the input lag that they do in NV. In NV there's those few frames of delay between clicking the button and the weapon firing.

placebo doesn't keep a body from detoxing after years of drug use
and since we don't see cait going through depression, vomiting, the shakes, sweating, delirium, nightmares, or things like that, i think magic chair is a more common explanation

thing i hate most about FO4 are the ninja ghouls

like what the fuck it's a rotting body how the hell can he *teleport behind me* and kick my ass

fast zombies are a thing.

though i do agree that they could be toned down a bit and still work out.

According to new studies on people with sleep walking and other related habits leads them to believe zombies, if real, would be as fast as normal humans.

Is a bit much that they go warp speed though.

and they can dodge fucking bullets

There is nothing confirming Obsidian is doing shit for creation club

They aim-dodge is more like it, and even that is more coincidental imo.

Deathclaws actually intentionally try to aim dodge.

I mean, I get it why they're fast, slow zombies would mean having to put a shitton of them and that would destroy the game, but it's fucking annoying that they can jump 10 meters to hit you while standing still, they have no fucking momentum attached.
Honestly it feels like they were made to force the player to spam VATS

This is also pisses me the fuck off.


nukapedia or the vault?

does Addictol stop the physical side effects of withdrawal?

Perhaps the chair is just a more potent Addictol and takes care of the physical side effects, and leaves the rest up to the person. So breaking the mental habit of use, the habitual habit of use, and the desire is up to the user and the chair takes care of the chemical imbalances.

That explanation seems to allow for the chair being real and working on what it can (the actual bloodstream and chemical imbalances) and still allows for the character to have to want to quit.

This is also covered in the vault itself, when people talk about going back to the drugs or staying clean after the experiment, the original vault dwellers.

Why is it that most Fallout 4 DLC are just throwbacks to Fallout 3?
It just feels like a really insecure throwback, like
>h-hey guys, r-remember all we did on fallout 3? y-you didn't forget about it after fallout new vegas right? w-we know you liked it so it's all here! a-again!

Yeah, like making robots, or building a vault, making gladiator battle arenas or visiting a theme park, or an island covered in mind altering fog dominated by the animals that live there. FO3 had some nifty DLC.


At best you could argue that FH and PL shared a similar setting, but that's about it.

Fallout 4 is just Fallout 3 2.

The Pitt and Nukaworld share some similarities in Raider run empires.

But the Pitt the actually has a route that doesn't require you to be a raider.

>sierra petrovita
>the mechanist
>children of atom
>all of nuka world with raider shit
fairly certain there are more.

i mean if you want to throw in a reference, all the power to you my man, but trying to make all of these into DLC just reeks of desperate and unoriginal

Not him, but it makes sense that the DLC would share many of the similar themes, because they are meant to achieve the same basic goals

-The base games gives us a representation of the general area near large cities of that region of the post-war U.S.
-DLC like Point Lookout and Far Harbor exist to show us what it is like much further out in the wilderness compared to the big cities
-DLC like The Pitt and Nuka world give us a chance to work with factions that normally the player shouldn't be able to work for due to how they operate, and lets us see the how the more "evil" side of the wasteland plays out.

-Fallout 3, and its DLC, were a general abstraction of the Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware area(the central third of the East coast)
-Fallout 4 and its DLC was a general representation of New England, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine(The upper third of the East Coast)
-Fallout 5 and its DLC will likely do the same for North and South Carolina, and Georgia(the lower third of the East Coast

forming an East Coast trilogy of sorts

>enclave as joinable faction never

why live

>random side character with one tiny little sidequest is hardly much of a beloved character unless you liked the few pieces of porn she got, which were nice, and probably would have been a much more effective of a character to contrast the factions of Nuka World if she got a bit more expansion of character and the slave side actually had content
>can see your point here, but the mechanist is equally an expansion on the superhero shit that was in base Fo4
>were again in base Fo4 and just an expansion on their lore from Fo3 and by FH the faction is easily one of the better ones in the setting
>the Pitt had raiders run by a former toaster-fucker who was running things for a greater purpose, NW just has raiders being raidery and being lead by the PC

I think you're exaggerating the similarities a bit, and aren't really giving things that are just expansions on previous ideas their due.

Also one could probably make similar comparisons to for FNV for each dlc falling into most of those slots.

>Unironically wanting to be part of the Nazi faction that wants to kill everyone not them

"Includes bodies in different shapes, their textures, all of the vanilla and DLC outfits, and BodySlide addons for everything."

Am I reading this CBBE note correctly? No matter which body I select the armors will naturally fit it? Is that what this is saying?

this map makes sense for Fo5

99% chance the Broken Banks is further south then that.

Well, they allowed us to join the Institute, didn't they?

That seems like a bit too much water unless they decide to drain much of it for whatever lore reason.

So, is there any proper clothing packs in f4 like spice of life from new vegas? The merc pack is too tacticool and commonwealth survivalist gear is just shit

I said DLC but honestly I meant all of FO4.
It's just filled with FO3 shit that got forgotten the second FNV came out

>Not wanting to be a Nazi
You sound gay.

>Faction that tried to help then turned into cartoon villains to further their end to survive against a paranoid surface world
>Compared to faction that was cartoon villains killing their own people since the first title

this is only the coast map, ofc that there will be a more of inland area
Ironically this area is more "accessible" to any caravan that comes from the west since Ohio river is a irradiated hellhole

>cartoon villains

sounds like mutie speak desu senpai

The institute is a faction of isolationist scientists who are arguably slavers depending on your stance on synths being people or not.

A far cry from what the Enclave was.
Outside of a few returning faces and the setting being kinda sorta hinted at in the previous game, as bethesda is making a habit of doing, I don't really see what you're claiming. Specific examples would be welcome if you care to strengthen your argument.

Welcome back "institute was just defending themselves" user

>petrovita not a beloved character

before NW? Not that I can recall outside of a little bit of porn.

>Specific examples would be welcome if you care to strengthen your argument.
So one major DLC and central bits of the other two isn't enough to make an argument strong?

Really gets the electric currents fired up

Most ports I got on GUN were quite poorly made, not only the first person meshes but the whole rigging looked rubbish. That was one of the reasons I decided to learn the process myself.

Holy fuck her arm

>wiki is useless
Can someone give me essential f3 mods? Like fellout and unofficial patch. I want vanilla experience with proper UI. Speaking of it, what's the best UI mod?

I'm about to play as I just bought all the DLC.

Any last advice on good mods?

Is there actually any way to enjoy Survival difficulty in F4. The amount of times I had to redo Concord and the trip to Diamond city because I couldn't find a fucking bed is killing me. There have to be mods out there to improve this shit.

yo what mod?

I just don't find your arguement that the dlc is supposed to be some sort of "hey remember all this grrrreeat stuff from Fo3? Well here it is again!!!" type deal very convincing.


Reminds me of one of the preset arms from spore

I don't think so
worst part is the HP bag enemies

play vanilla first you dipstick.

nvm no achievements so I'm not even bother to play

She's okay, user.

Unreleased, as I'm still tweaking it. Shouldn't take long to release it though, just need to polish the meshes and weights.

You could just, you know. Make a bed.

I have played the vanilla game with no mods. I want to do mods and the DLC now.

Is there a mod to randomize the bodies of NPCs? I always get weirded out that everyone is the exact same in this game. Even just like height, boob size, more variations on armor, etc.

I remember Skyrim having one of these. I just don't know about fallout.

Thanks friend, when you do release the mod what will it be called?

yeah. at least up to preston garvey. anymore would be cruel

is there an English version i cant read moon runes?

Wasteland Sniper Uniform. I'll release the female-only version on sunday here on /fog/ but I don't know about the male version because I have no experience with male body rigging.

Christine a cute

she must be the shortest adult in the whole game goddamn