/parag/ - Paragon General

Last Week to be Spooky edition

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Give me those thick, juicy patch notes already, Cam..

Repost from other thread
Hey, for this round i felt like i was playing with some average player for once! Serath jungle, Murdock as my carry, Shinbi offlane.. andd an AFK motherfucking morigesh. Of course. Fuck this asshole who launched the game, entered the queue, chose his champion, and did nothing for the whole game.

I actually feel like we could have won it thought. Our murdock was fed as fuck - feel very proud of myself for those damn good hook and how i managed to scare the enemy, all death are due to the fact i was 1v3 or 1v2 basically.
The shinbi was also very good, but i expected more of her
The serath was terrible thought! She stood in her jungle most of the time, got killed in it sometimes, and i've saw the enemy clears our jungle a lot so it seems she hasn't been clearing it correctly! Not only that, but she did not gank a lot, like she came 2 time on our right lane at the wrong moment, there were lot of moment where i put the enemy gideon (who came to help the enemy serath offlaner) and the enemy serath in low health with my murdock with a very late followup from her. And the last thing which honestly makes me ask "why?" is when we successfully wiped them, then.. i spammed the ping to attack Orb primes, but nobody cames at all, so when they respawn i clearly tell them it's too late to do it.. and who do i find doing orb? Fucking Serath at low health and murdock who of course get 4 man killed andd that was the end of the round.

One more thing: She had the guts to talk in post game tchat.
Yes. to tell us what? "Lol, terrible teamwork, everybody go do their own thing".
and then what?
"Useless muppets". Those people make my blood boils, man, especially since she was clearly the worst player of the team. Lvl & Gold do not make you better than anyone

What a joke. For the whole game, she could have communicated, and she decide to do it at the end to trashtalk when she wasn't in a position to do that.

> Futanari

You guys really need to put narendurs public google sheets that show every heroes stats lvl-20 including scaling, which is really important and most people don't know because it's not in-game

like half of that is pure speculation though.

I laughed

Stop playing this dead games. Play the superiors
Overwatch and Heroes of the storms by Blizzard Entertainment.

we need a completely updated OP half the shit in it is 6 months outdated or doesnt even work anymore

This google sheets is useless because they change the stats every update thought.
Also how is that speculations? They are fact, proven by first the total diseappearance of Steve Superville from the internet after he has been fired (or "has resigned") by Tencent.

>This google sheets is useless because they change the stats every update thought.
Yeah and Narendur literally updates it every time a balance patch comes out

Anyone want to pair up for a couple of games?

is there any elo limitations when it come to stacking? can you stack with someone in gold or plat when you're in silver?

i'd love to try and play with some of you later but i'm a 1113 scrub right now

there isn't even an official ranked mode, you think there are stacking limitations because of elo?

When stacking people with wildly different elos matchmaking does get iffy, usually it pairs you up with people comparable or slightly below the highest elo in the party.

no offense but I probably won't play with you until you reach gold

oh.. well........... i see.. it's gonna be hard with a -74 elo rating because of a 7 defeat losing streak.. ahah, i'll surely reach gold.. eventually..

the meta isn't gonna be the only thing expanding

Getting to gold can be a struggle to get to. Paragon being my first moba it took me about 2-4 months to get out of silver hell now i've been stuck in gold hell for roughly a year

user, if you want I can see if I can still access my smurf and i'll boost you for a few games before I go to bed. Do you have discord or are on PS4 to do comms?

videogame are hell user

Nah, it's nighttime i'm tired i already played a round and it just made my blood boil i just asked if there is any elo stacking limitations, i'm just the third posters of this thread if you need my agora ingame ID or any detail. My mic is broken and i don't use discord.
Thanks anyway

Did they disable matchmaking AGAIN???

Well does LITERALLY ANYONE want to play with me right now. I'm bored and don't feel like solo q'ing

Sorry I meant replays, not matchmaking

In the last 20 games that were saved on Agora, I've been stuck as support 14 times. That's 70% of the matches I've played recently. Support. The worst job to be in any game, ever, no matter the genre. MMO? Fucking boring playing as a healer. Shooter? Nobody wants to be the fucking medic. Now I'm stuck doing this shit in a MOBA, too? The worst part is I'm really good at it. Like, REALLY good. My Steel is a truck that racks up 10 assists per game, easily. But I hate this shit. I want to fuck off in the jungle, or play as my monkey man in the off lane.

lol draft cuck. I don't remember the last time I played support, I always pick my roles first and I don't change them ever unless I decide to play something else and I change it no matter WHO picks before me

Stop playing support then. Also, really? I find support to be very enjoy able in this game as opposed to other games, like you can do some serious shit as Steel/Riktor/Fey/Dekker/Muriel/Narbash. Maybe not Dekker or Muriel. But you can do some serious damage. and it's honestly not a very strict roles to be honest, most characters fit the roles well like Zinx to fill for her lack of offlaning capabilitie lately, she's still a pretty good support to play.

>fag instalocks Khaimera for the jungle
>he's picking last
>guy that picks first picks Kallari, also for the jungle
>2 junglers fighting for minions
>man down in the safe lane
>our team loses
Thanks, bro

stop boosting shitters
because of people like you theres braindead plat players fucking up my elo-cap games

Serath players are the worse. Useless character for shitters to feel good about 1v1ing someone.

That's mean user to call me braindead, but don't worry, i got wards. Bet most of your plat teammate don't have them right?

>when you realize every single moba fanbase bitches about the same exact shit over and over and the only difference between any of them is whether or not you like that particular flavor of shit

Don't start: you're provably wrong, the math doesn't lie.

they actually don't, the 'supports' here unironically run death/growth and never buy wards and then get mad when you go to check OP and get killed because their whole team was there and we didn't have vision

I can play with you tomorrow if you're a Yurpeen: I'm just whiling away the time before sleep by posting in our comfy corner of Veeky Forums to get the new thread off the ground, so no games for at least 10 hours from me.

Play Belica or Aurora support, and by that I mean buy wards and just roam with your carry to hunt for kills

That happened to me tonight, but I was offlane, thankfully. The funny thing is, the exact same situation played out on the enemy team. Their Crunvh did eventually come to "support" their carry, but one of ours just kept dying while trying to counter jungle. This was mid gold, too, so I don't know what the fuck was happening. Jungle is probably the most boring role right now, anyway, so that just makes it more confusing.

>play Offlane
>some shitter ahead of you in draft thinks they can play Kwang since his tether was embiggened
>forced out of Offlane

t. countess


I fucking hate playing carry so god damn much in this patch

>Die 5 times because idiot support wants to run into bad engagements or PUTS WARDS BUT DOESN'T LOOK AT THE MAP WHEN PEOPLE PASS THROUGH THEM and I try to save him poorly
>Stop trying to help my team out because no one looks at the map and they try to go for kills but then gets ganked by the entire team
>Get constantly flamed for not being in teamfights when nearly every single on of them dies every teamfight

Why do people think carries are some godlike characters that are the deciding factor in every teamfight? Especially mid-game????????? This is the 5th time i've gotten flamed for not being in teamfights while my team stupidly jumps into retarded fights and doesn't realize no one on the map is visible and/or that they're overfed and way stronger than them

>team actively trolling me
>enemy team ganging up on me
>teammates run from any fight, even those well in our favor
>go 1/5/1 as Shinbi 15 minutes in
>kda was over 6, sure it's affected which is great because I had so many 10+kda games while API was down
I told them have fun and turned the game off. I hope I'm banned.
I hate HATE the Paragon community more than any other game in the entire world, past and present.

I just want to uninstall.

Is none of the elos good? People always try to say how good gold is but i've been in it for a couple of months and it's so fucking bad. I know plat is bad too from streams and the few times i've stacked with plats

Silver is bad but if you're not retarded you can carry but I think gold is the absolute worst because you have a lot of people who think they know how to play because they're in gold but they're just so fucking retarded and make the worst plays. I think streamers and comps are the cause of this cancer. When you watch them they constantly dive and go all in and it works plenty of times and people watch them and think "oh so that's how you play"

t. demon-cock sucker

>sevs personal cum slut calling our pure angel a whore

that is how you play. you can't half ass many engages in this game with how short the matches are.

Voice acting when?


I get what you're saying but the thing is, why would I go into a 2-3v5 when i'm fucking murdock and they have people like sev, aurora, a real support, basically anyone with CC

I would die instantly and it would have been pointless for me to engage in the fight. I know when I shouldn't engage in fights. Especially when I learned my lesson early game with my support not knowing how to play and missing the majority of his thunks.

>tfw just played a match as nar and ended with 20 assist and my carry wasn't retarded
feels good

you dont go on shit fights obviously but you cant rice lanes for 40 minutes and then just wait for one 5v5 then GG

I can when i'm a carry and my team constantly dies and doesn't go defend lanes.

It's not like I necessarily want to play that way but I also don't want to constantly group and dick around waiting for one of us to make a move that never happens or my team makes the moves and gets fucked because of it. It's better to farm and get close to full build

I mean trust me, I know how important teamfights are, I build Tribe in all of my carry decks because of how strong it is but the card is pointless when you have a team you can tell doesn't know how to fucking teamfight.

>pure angel
>pumped and dumped by Sevarog
Also Countess is too busy feasting on noble women and killing the unworthy to care about mr NEET spooky man.

Growth Totem, Unbroken Spirit, and Thundercleaver on Rampage
Is this shit?

ditch thundercleaver for tyrant or numbing and its fine

i second the other user. i do totem/thermo/numbing, also sometimes i do withering shadow instead.

link it and i'll update the op for the next one




Should've had ult'd rampage with the wife beater skin in between them


>those yt links
>that image
>no link to the bush poll results

what are you implying


First it was Feng and Kwang, now it's fucking Shitbi
Can we get just one fucking patch without one obviously overpowered hero?

>just uninstalled
Well, it was fun while it lasted, more or less. But I've head enough for a few months, maybe the game won't be shit by then.
See you later, /parag/

are you gonna at least see how the reception is for .44

Yeah, I'll be checking in semi-regularly to see where this goes.
But for now, I'll be going back to Dirty Bomb

Hey user, i'd like to play with you. I'm gold, but haven't played since a few months, so it would be nice to play against silver opponents, so i can get into it again.

Are you ps4 or pc? What is your name?

I make a bamp

do not die yet

PC, ApertureScience is the name.

Who is the easiest to play midlaner? Belica? I just want to have a deck so i can pick midlane if nobody else wants to.

Gadget is the easiest midlaners, followed by Gideon.

Well that was hardly a fair match (enemy support Gideon for fuck's sake), but I'll take it.

I make a bamp

Murdock is pretty good, is 3/3/9 good? I missed a lot of snipe thought who could have been critical for the game, but finally, i know what victory is! We pushed up a lot, and guess what, we did it without wards!

Honestly felt good. That last death was because i was with the SWK on right lane and they were 4 on us and they were faster than me and killed me, i levelled my skill by unlocking my second passive and my right click then levelling my ult when i can and unlocking and levelling hot pursuit last. Murdock is very comfy honestly. Feel GOOD to destroy a Serath thought. Good Kallari with a good Greystone. Sun Wukong is.. Sun Wukong. He was always split pushing and did some damage. Nothing bad nothing good.

>is 3/3/9 good?
When i was new people always told me i have to aim for at least 60% as a carry. Don't know if it is still like that since the game is much faster now, but i think 38% means that there is still much room to improve.

thing is, i've removed so much hp from the enemy and they always got away only to get killed by the greystone and kallari thought. Understandable, it's true that i need to improve a lot on this: i'm supposed to be carrying my team, not assisting my team, i got some difficulty farming at the beginning especially, i missed a lot of shot because murdock weapon has one of the biggest delay i've ever witnessed in this game, i thought Dekker was bad, but Murdock delay is worse. You fire in X point and (the projectile, i assume it's not hitscan) and the bullet land 1 sec after that. I adjusted to that a bit later thought. As i said again, i missed a lot of snipes so it's true that i need to improve. Still, i feel like it's a pretty good score. I hate assist thought.

>Valve tries to make high level play more entertaining
man I wish Paragon had this problem

but the rest of those man I feel you my DOTA 2 brothers, shit sucks

>Valve stopped caring about dota2 after it was implimented for source 2

we have that problem but instead of a paragon upgrade it's called Fornite BR

Not really the best at any role besides carry (farm sim) jungle (just roam help your team) but get heated when someone is ass at offlane.

I get it yeah it's hard it's a 1v2 just don't be retarded and overextend fight them under your tower where they can't afford the extra aggro wait for ganks. (if your jungler is good) but even if not just play smart. The number of offlaners that lose inhib at 20min in is too high. If you can't handle a 1v2 do NOT play off ffs.

It's worse when dumbass people pick characters like Crunch or Serath who are built around 1v1s and then complain, it's like no shit you retard your character is ill equiped to take on 2 (potentially) ranged characters while being melee what the fuck did you expect.

the is no hitscan in paragon there is stupidly enough travel time on every move in the game even all ranged carries this shit is more noticable on twinblast and phase even Gideon

you can speed it up with agility, you have to lead you shot with his snipe "Aim where they will be not where they are" about a 1.5 sec delay on that so aim were you think they'll be at 2sec the .5 isn't a factor since the beam widens out for a bit of AOE.

yeah but dota 2/LoL/smite are deeper and more fun flavor of shit than Paragon, also
> Valve tries to make high level play more entertaining
like, it's considered a legitimate complains? I cringe when i think of these people. It's probably the same people that thought the sandman and reserve shooters in tf2 were acceptable in their old condition. Balancing for pubs has never been acceptable in any game that pretends to be competitive excepted in TF2.
yeah, they gave up on Unreal tournament 4 exactly for fortnite BR, they aren't scared of doing majors thing like moving team away from their games to work on other games. It's possible that the Paragon development team has been cut in half and their fundings cut in half too for Fortnite BR, still, legacy was made by 14 people including Steve Superville and development started in 2012 or 2013 i think? so even if the development team get cuts to 14 we could still get a pretty good game. Honestly, i think Legacy was made by 14 people in little time because they just knew what they were doing, knew the tools they used and what they plans to do for the game, as opposed to the identity crisis that happened after Steve's assassination and Cameron Winston being hired as creative directors. Let's hope Paragon don't get the axe thought, it need as much help as possible to survive right now. I don't want them to start doing marketing and noticing that playercount is not rising and axing the game development. Fortnite BR success is good for Paragon, brings up visibility because it's in the same launcher.

cam isn't the creative director. cam is the hero designer and lead when it comes to balance. the creative director on all of epic's games now is donald mustard who is a former mobile shit exec which is why every single one of their games is microtransaction grind loaded bullshit

> Mobile exec
oh of course, that explains why Fortnite is such a shitty boring game with no depth.
Still, they assassinated Steve Superville and i'll never forgive them for assassinating the one with the dream, the vision, THE game to end all game.
Cam is the real Creative director, Donald mustard is only a puppets useful for his knowledge in economic and that's all he really do, Cam is the face of paragon right now since the death of Steve


smelly sluts

Where can i find a gf like Serath?

let me know if you find out
very rude

Just carry with Ashur and hope to have a tanky teammate that you can coerce into deathballing

>master Shinbi


I've sent you a request


I just had a Twinblast with Knight of Ashur who went 12-1 and steamrolled two inhibitors, killing anyone that spawned and tried to stop him: is it really that good a card?


Well, all right then. Guess I'll make a deck around it. Is it just good for carries, or can anyone make use of it? I'd imagine it's the former, since all carries have to worry about is basic attacking anything in front of them, but fighters need health and armour/ casters need mana/ etc.

I've mostly seen in on carries.


I think it might work for tanky characters if you want damage but don't want to build red, but I don't know if the elevate is worth it if you're not a carry
But even without the elevate it gives decent stats, you could go something like Ashur/Sacred Alc/Unbroken, Ashur/Vampiric/Mallenks Tribute, Ashur+OoT, or something similar
Never tried these out but they might be interesting, question is whether you can prolong the game enough until you can farm up

slow day

>Honestly, i think Legacy was made by 14 people in little time because they just knew what they were doing, knew the tools they used and what they plans to do for the game, as opposed to the identity crisis that happened after Steve's assassination and Cameron Winston being hired as creative directors.
fucking this

and yeah i know cam isn't creative director i think everything else about that sentence is highly accurate tho. even if there were clearly things they couldn't quite figure out (i.e. travel mode) the game was on the path to being something big.

I'm just waiting for tomorrow. I have no desire to play sprykin adventure today.

ive been kind of wondering about building knight of ashur on tanky heroes and building the 13 agility neeed for it, then building a bunch of vitality and having a vit gem loaded deck. but then again the frontloaded vit gems arent that tanky and the late game ones means you wouldn't get your tank gems until late game once you had 13 agi and 13+ vit.

yeah i havent played for a week. meta is really stale and the map is incredibly boring. hopefully the jungle changes will be impactful and the reworks+nerfs can spice things up. ill just keep mommy bumping when we need it