League of Legends General - /lolg/

Yordle Girls edition!


I want to warm Evelynn's icy heart!

xth for my wife Syndra

great op

How is asking people to be decent human beings dickriding him? I'm not some fanboy defending everything he does and saying he's perfect, I just think he doesn't deserve all the hate he's getting from the League community and most of it is motivated by jealousy and plain herd behavior.

This is what I'm talking about with character assassination. It's was a something taken completely out of context, the girl wasn't "a little kid" it was a 16 turning to 17 girl and he was just joking around.

He OTPs Irelia and she's in a terrible spot right now (see: she's getting priority reworked over shit like Nunu and Udyr). Even the guy that basically started all this Gbay-mocking and the guy Lolgen sucks the dick of, Boxer Pete, couldn't even reach masters and basically gave up League altogether because Tryndamere got spat out of meta. Furthermore diamond 5 is still high elo.


Careful not to fall for it, lads.

i would let her take over desu

>liking literal pedophiles

Best girl.
Best breasts.
Best wife.

Mundo VGU when

>Furthermore diamond 5 is still high elo.

>ywn be dominated by Irelia, Shyvana, Leona, Vi, Dawnbooty Riven, and Star Guardian Ahri at the same time.

>goal for end of season was D4
>get to D3 with 80% winrate in last 20 games
i still feel competitive and i'm sure i can climb higher but i also don't want to get unlucky with shitters on my team/end-of-season boosters on enemy team and lose d3, WHAT DO LOLG HELP

what if BOTH kayns were chad?

Top quality League stream mates.

You could help me get out of silver if you really want to keep playing

Not happening, bro

Xth for bullying Shyvfag's womb and impregnating her with quintuplets!

>you vs. the guy she tells you not to worry about

Graves buffs when

>tfw eve,shyvana and dracozyra take turns with you

I’d like to see her squat

>eve,shyvana and dracozyra
One of these things is not like the others.

Except cowtits are lowest tier

On patrol with Caitlyn

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

>tfw no qt petite gf

Gonna end Silver, but it's not like it fucking matters, Diamond to Silver is all the same shit and you faggots need to stop acting like it isn't

>The concept artist for NuIrelia is the dude who made Azir, Nami. Ao Shin and Eve
Holy fucking yum.

Best kayle counters in top lane?

How does Red-Kayne scale?

It's hard to verify on any analysis site because they never separate the fucking forms.

>i'm shit and that means EVERYONE is shit
not quite how that works

how would we even do that, d3 can't queue with silvers. i mean i could look at your replays and give you tips if you want. i'm a good teacher

Big tits are fine. It's when people make them cartoonishly massive is when they become low tier.

femboy champion when

Diamond 5 is still in the top 2%. If that's not high elo then I don't know what is. That's like saying the Rockefellers aren't rich.

frostbooty is gonna be 10/10

team wouldn't stop bullying me :/

I don't think robot legs count and lamb would be much less thicc sheared

>That Olaf build
Please report him.

Try to be a little more subtle next time, eh.

Most things that can just hop on her. Kled, Jarv, Akali post-6

Yeah,one lacks tentacles

didnt they said nu-eve can shapeshift her appearance to lure her prey?

Best guy!
Eve buffs when?

post Jhin

>accidentally open tutorial instead of practice mode
>this loading screen
what the fuck even is this

/mute all

Akali can fuck her up if you Shroud correctly.

Then again... Akali.

Are you a girl?

its one side of the aram map, Howling Abyss

That's concept art for the ARAM map IIRC.


Silver is not shit you fuck, stop acting like it's Bronze.

If you're Diamond or Plat all that means is you have too much time on your hands

Big tits/cow tits are overrated garbage user

Kys fag lmao
did you know that draven is a womanizer? He'll never love you lmao

Darius buffs when

>silver is not shit

there will be a new mission on monday

kys cuck loser lol!

shyvana buffs when?

aku champ when

uh oh...here we go

Green tinted silver here we come!

Should just rework all immobile champs and give them dashes. It's the only way to get around these days

>healsluts still being played in low gold/high silver
>pick up zyra
>fuck them up real good
I fucking love this champion.


>my favorite bot laner is becoming FOTM and will probably be "meta" then nerfed in the future


>Down to 0lp
>Play whatever champs because I don't care about climbing anymore
>Start winning
Why doesn't this happen when I try to win. I was preoccupied last game but still got fed and carried with a champ I'm not even mastery 3 on

does it matter?

who is it

ty for the info user

Lately in norms half the enemy teams have 3 adcs. Is this a new trend?

What do people build on rhaast anyway

Domming those healsluts who think they're still invincible by using Zyra has never felt so good.

I rush Black Cleaver > Cinderhulk > Ninja's Tabi > Death's Dance > Spirit Visage > Gargoyles Stoneplate
Lets you run through the enemy team and heal up effortlessly.

ezreal is a jungler
twitch can go jungle
jhin is a situational mid
vayne can be decent top
lucian is a ranged creep occasionally found mid
ashe picked support from time to time

Screencap this WE will win World

>sion passive disabled in Doom Bots lvl 100

what the fuck is one supposed to do to beat this mode now

>A Dragon Zyra lewd I didn't already have


vi buffs when

Should've played Galio bf the hotfixes

They had Ez top, kog mid, twitch bot. Strange comp

Can't wait for terrible china crowd again

>kog mid
oh forgot about that one
thought they nerfed the ratios

but she has a move speed buff!!!!

how to lane against mobile champions as immobile champions? nasus vs say riven or xerath v anything? I understand that it depends on the match up but is there any general advice somebody here could give me?

>jake paule
kek'd out loud


pray to the god of your choice have pity on you or the opponent chokes on a pretzel

>leveling past 30
fucking WHY. now everyone can make fun of me for playing thousands of games. please tell me you can disable showing this somehow

everyone can already see how many youve played user


0-0 so far

>pick Diana first
>enemy mid laner picks Galio thinking he's hot shit with the new buff
>0/5 him before the end of landing phase

I love my waifu.

yeah but it's going to be alot more obvious with the level.

Hey Kooba you're pretty cool!

>ywn feel zyra's dragonpussy almost crush your dick

Please, god.

Please god, kill me. Kill me now, I'm ready.

Every matchup except for top lane is cancer

I want to tickle Jinx's cute feetsies!

>be at plat 2 50 lp
>unsure if I can reach dia before season ends

I mean, a 10 wins streak would put me in Diamond, but I've been getting matched with so many retards that it's impossible to not end up getting feeders / leavers in my team every other game and tilt to no end. What is a good solo carry champion in high plat so that I can try to win even in a team of drolling retards?


Relentless Sexual Aggression Tier: Evelynn, Ahri, Vi, Nidalee, Leona Illaoi,Magma,Fire,Kayle

Teasing and Control Freak Tier: LeBlanc,

Definitely Dominant But Not Quite As Sexual Tier: Elise, Shyvana, Sejuani, Zyra

High Tier: Cassiopeia, Karma, Katarina, Vayne, Diana, Fiora,Miss Fortune

Mid Tier: Jinx, Caitlyn, Riven,Quinn, Sivir Air

Low Tier: Lux (some Elementalist forms are much higher), Ashe,Water,Nature,Akali

Submissive: Sona Soraka Janna