Good, I was worried about seeing both weeb brothers fucking everywhere just like in OW.
Owen Cook
Joshua Cook
>He think the event will come our with alextrasza LMAO M A O
Jaxson Ramirez
rip prince
Ayden Rogers
Christopher Richardson
What makes you think it won't?
The 4 week thing is for the mega update, not the heroes.
Bentley Jones
>reddit thinks roll20 got paid and here I thought 4chink is in charge of conspiracy theories.
Joshua Hughes
>believing official sources you checked yourself what is this world coming to?
Joshua Harris
how are people so bad at drafting? that must have been some sort of group psychology 2008 K2 Disaster shit going on in the booth. absolutely no room for TLV in that draft with only tracer for dps i'm still mad about this
Cameron Mitchell
>[You will not be opted to automatically join into voice chat channels, though of course you will be able to change this settings within the game options as you see fit.]() BLIZZARD STOLE MY IDEA
Ethan Torres
They're doing a 3 week PTR period for all the new shit coming out. Surprisingly reasonable.
Brody Morgan
I believe NA wanted to capture the power of meme magic but it simply didnt pan out for them. Simply because picking TLV into zera is not meme magic but rather fucking stupid
Michael Peterson
I've masturbated 3 times in a row to Alextrasza and my balls starting to hurt a bit.
I did good /hotsg/?
Mason Cruz
Hit her with one of her own love arrows, user.
Thomas Reed
Ignore the pain, dragon mommy needs more cummies.
Chase Wilson
why's she so fat
Gavin Garcia
But after 4 times will hurt even more and the pain is not going anywhere for a while.
Benjamin Sanchez
post pics
James Foster
Why are you so gay?
Daniel Barnes
>torso bends inwards >fat
Noah Taylor
i'm not gay that drawing is awful and she looks like an obese chink
Hunter Perry
dont know how to feel about the stealth changes.
Ayden Bennett
Something something fertility
Chase Jenkins
It's an answer to the players who always spotted the shimmers making stealth pointless against them and an answer to the players who never spotted the shimmers making stealthies impossible to make balanced across all skill levels, nerf them and you make them worse for the skilled players, buff them and you make them stomp noobs more.
The change lets Blizzard actually DO something with stealth heroes. In this case they get to buff them.
Jose Stewart
>No role rework that they spoke about earlier this year
Fuck this shit, QM is a fucking meme hell clown fest.
Kevin Phillips
Friend of mine is upset about it, saying they mas well not even be labelled "Stealth" because they're so obviously apparent now, it isn't actually being "Stealthed", and this now makes it impossible to recon effeciently because at least before you could barely walk along the outer edge of shit and give vision whilst going unnoticed, and the true invisibility would be worth something if it didn't take almost two full seconds to take effect.
Wyatt Wright
i'd love to bandwagon that but it probably wasn't a throw. they stacked bot to open, so it's not like they didn't know what they were doing. couldn't get control of bottom though to let vikings work. and it's kinda funny ballistix went mid to start since it's a known strat.
people posted that since forever. but i swear the people against stuff like voice are all shills making it look like blizzard has to have months of discussions on basic bullshit to make pennies of work look like dollars. in reality they could have done stealth change 2 years ago and voice .dll and some ui has been there all along since this is just sc2.
Jacob Gomez
>WM gets nova skin in OW At least we get tons of bestgirl porn because the amount of OW drawfags
Lincoln Roberts
They said in the Q&A that quick match is unfixable and if you want a fair match play a draft mode.
Not even kidding.
Luke Bennett
If Valeera and Samuro keep their few seconds of true invisibilities then I can't see the changes (and the subsequent allowance for buffs toward stealthies) as anything but positive.
also your friend doesn't want to admit that he's been stomping shit players, he's a faggot.
Ethan Perez
According to Icy Veins, Alex is scheduled for November 13, and Hanzo's coming December 2.
I've only been playing since 2.0 but waiting that long to add new heroes seems out of the ordinary considering how rapidly they've come since then.
Levi Cruz
>play qm >expect a good time
imagine still believing this after playing the game for any amount of time
Lucas Richardson
The only hero I'm concerned over is Nova. Even with the increased movement speed, it isn't as if the game hasn't gotten increasingly more robust with mobility and long-ranged attacks, and even more and more slows. I just don't feel like she's going to be anywhere near decent unless they tweak some more shit about her in her rework.
Joseph Sanders
I don't want a "Fair Match".
Medivh, Abathur, Gazwloe. These 3 heroes are nothing like each other, yet they are all "specialists".
Sonya is practically an assassin, Muradin is an unkillable brick wall and stitches is a long range initiator. BUT THEY'RE ALL WARRIORS TOOT TOOT
It's just a fucking mess.
Camden Parker
>so it's not like they didn't know what they were doing I'd have to ask what they were scrimming against when designing a draft around tass/tracer and stukov/hook. both being good by themselves but terrible together.
Cooper Campbell
>I don't want a fair match I just want a match where I can win!
Henry Clark
ya and that's why it can't realistically be fixed at least not without turning it into blind pick or whatever
Dylan Barnes
>Shitty pol meme image >Greentext that has nothing to do with what I said
Jesus Christ
Parker Sanders
>We're too chickenshit to admit we've lost a lot of players and can't add more rules and filters to QM to help overall quality of QM life because we just don't have the playercount to support it, so we're just going to say you can't fix it lmao oh well go play ranked don't you want to know how GOOD you are at the game? Don't you want our system dedicated to figuring out how GOOD you are to tell you how GOOD you are!? Haha!
Sebastian Wilson
why would blx have to worry about them stacking bot, they picked a team with zero fucking damage before talents. stukov couldn't get in range to do shit without getting his asshole torn open, stitches is no damage: the hero, tracer takes a long time on a target to do anything significant, tassadar does fuck all damage until you complete his AA quest or his psi storm quest, and tlv only does damage when all three vikings are stacked up
as long as it works like valeera's stealth, i'd say it's perfectly fine. nova's needed some form of escape in heroes of the mobility creep, being able to at least get people without skillshots (or who have already burnt their skillshots) off her back for a bit would be a good change.
Evan Watson
The damage change is a trade off but it's definitely one that skyrockets her skill floor. Theoretically she'll be better than before but human error will cause even decent players to miss sometimes, fucking everything up since you'll be relying so much on Snipe Master now. I think making the baseline Snipe Master more forgiving or more rewarding will make her relatively worthwhile.
Adam Perry
or unranked where you can assemble a comp sometimes
or just play and complain about qm that's the popular thing apparently
Thomas Hughes
The time he mentioned is overkill but November 13 sounds about right.
Nicholas Allen
I don't see what would be so hard about adding a few more tags and spreading heroes out a bit.
It's just ridiculous that they tar so many characters that are nothing alike with the same brush.
Leo Young
idk what to say if you don't see the difficulty just go play draft if you want a comp
they aren't changing qm to any significant degree because they can't without compromising what makes it qm
Levi Davis
That's the problem, every mode is fucked up in some way. I've always maintained they should put out an official "Tips" guide every week for a while on the official YouTube, to teach people how to draft,and how to properly play certain sub-roles or how to properly identify what kind of situation your team has found itself in, and how to react to that.
There's nothing hard or bad about it, it's a simple and legitimate suggestion. It's not as if they couldn't possibly pull it off because they don't have enough people playing certin roles or sub-types, because you so very consisdently have games with 3 Warriors, 2-3 Supports, games with poke Assassins and no waveclear, games with Assassins that are great at waveclear but poor at focusing single target. It happens so often that you just know by adding simple tags to heroes and telling the matchmaking to spread them out more often than it is now, that right there, that ALONE would help improve match quality and user expeirences across the board.
They have the ability to make so many things so much better with little to not effort on their part, but they just won't do it.
Asher Cook
>we are not earning enough money to field such a big team so people are being shifted to more promising projects so less heroes for you in the future but thats totally cause the reworks get outshadowed by new heroes so less heroes means reworks get more appreciated by you ungrateful cunts
Luke Green
Post some nova please Sfw or not
Tyler Parker
They did that at one point, it made queue times quadruple.
QM needs to be removed, it's the only way.
Robert Hernandez
At the current hero count is when league started slowing down as well. It's no surprise really. I'm fine with 1 hero a month, as long as we don't drop to leagues 2 heroes a year bullshit
Samuel Johnson
>that Vikings pick
David Brooks
qm is a complete abnormality in assfaggots. there's no other moba that has a mode where you just pick a hero and go into a game, there's always a draft phase where your team coordinates (or doesn't because they're pricks).
Jaxson King
That was quite a while ago, we have a doubled hero pool now, is the thing. We've got many heroes covering the same sort of sub-roles so it's not entirely crazy to think it's a plausible thing.
Elijah Rogers
>there are people in this thread who unironically want to balance a game mode meant for fun, aram levels of random, and doing dailies
I'd say never change but you fucks really should, they have unranked draft for this exact reason if you guys want it to just be league that bad.
David Wright
There's also half the players. Apparently the game has hemoraged in Q4. I think it's asking for too much to want fast queues, be able to pick whoever you want, and get "even" matches. Take QM for what it is and get over it.
Josiah Fisher
Would blind pick save casual mode?
John Cruz
Probably. They either need to remove it outright and cut their losses or turn it into blind pick.
It's impossible to let a computer make a match for you and also be fair in a game about drafting
Ethan Ortiz
>not masturbating at least 5 times a day to your blizzard wife in hopes that she’ll be real one day
Show some dedication man
William Johnson
I'm not sure you realize just how unrealistic it actually is. Quick Match is easily their most popular mode and they aren't letting it fall apart because they dislike it.
Perhaps something along those lines.
>queue up >get assigned a map >everybody is free to pick whatever >no draft order, mirror matches allowed
I think it'd be awful but I don't play modes other than draft.
Ryder Butler
>reading transcripts of panels on MMO champ >during Q&A at the Overwatch panel, someone asked if QM was being changed because it wasn't competitive enough >mfw
An entire fucking game mode exists and is balanced around playing competitively. The idea that people will bitch and moan endlessly about what's supposed to be the pick up and play anything goes mode not being competitive or balanced but be too scared to actually play the competitive mode is infuriating.
Jack Cox
Is it me or is Tychus really underwhelming against like half of the melee characters and most ranged characters?
Assuming it isn't a 1v1 situation.
Landon Allen
Other MOBAs do blind pick for their casual mode and it it works pretty well for them.
Landon Watson
Quickmatch is the only thing keeping 90% of the heroes in the game
Carson Russell
Or, I was going to say something along the lines of Brawl where people are assigned a role/position but Hots is rather flexible when it comes to that and the Meta can shift over a single release.
Maybe have a few templates that are shuffled around at random.
>dood ranked is too toxic and tryhard >personal rank doesn't mean anything in teem game btw >but wtf my qm comps are shit what is this matchmaker Idk. People.
Logan Murphy
You know, it would be great and all if QM shitters actually stayed in QM and not shit up hero league with "dude its just a game i play whatever i want since their fun :)" mentality.
John Powell
Kind of, but heres to us getting 3 health bar tychus back. That will remind people of the terror that he truly should be
Lincoln Cruz
Levi Nelson
Andrew Cruz
Her dragon dick.
Jackson Hernandez
Wyatt Hernandez
Sort of why I wish initial placements weren't generous enough to lob people up into Plat-Master.
He used to be quite the beast until they kneecapped his range because he was, uh, a bit strong.
Charles Baker
when dragons shapeshift into human form, is it simply because it's convenient? or do they want to fuck humanoids too? are dragons horny? how old is alex anyway in human years? is there a dragon to human year conversion? can she regenerate her hymen? I bet she would if she could
Easton Foster
>try to play quickmemes >oops garrosh is on the enemy team and then I never played quickmatch again
Jace Torres
I'm not saying QM is bad or should be removed- I'm a mainly QM player myself because I want to play the characters I like- I just hate people treating it like it needs to be competitive.
One of the reasons I stopped playing Overwatch was because they implemented the limit 1 hero bullshit so you couldn't have impromptu meme matches, and instead implemented an entirely separate matchtype for it which means you will EXCLUSIVELY have meme matches, because why else would you be playing that mode?
Chase Campbell
Her q, it's an interesting idea for a heal by sacrificing her own life to heal others.
John Carter
Li ming worst girl tyrande is nigger-tier waifu No idea why /hotsg/ hate best girls and waifu worst girls
Joseph Wilson
Convenience and sometimes politics/scheming Sometimes For sure Old as fuck Not as far as I'm aware Probably not Probably
Colton Ross
Brainlet wojak originated on /v/ and /tv/ you fucktard
Angel Taylor
Dragonqueen looks like a really fun trait.
Lucas Harris
reptilians have 2 dicks
Bentley Robinson
same, overwatch was way more fun when you could stack heroes but reddit cried about not being able to beat 6 torbjorns so they took it out. they should have let quick match have hero stacking and then implement the 1 hero limit in competitive mode. the hero switching is one of the more interesting parts of overwatch imo and taking out the stacking limits your potential team comps so much
Brody Baker
The second one is tail
Parker Price
...So what, the game that was supposed to be more casual in lane mechanics than DOTA and LoL, is getting less casual in lane mechanics because people gamed the system? Am I reading this right?
Isaiah Wilson
Do you think Alexstrazsa will have an emote where she lets her teammates breast feed?
Will enemy players have a way to force her to let them do it to her as well?
Luis Parker
if the entire enemy team is orcs they can summon deathwing to fuck alexstraza in the middle of the battlefield to make red dragons for them to fly around on
Parker Miller
>queue at 6 AM >3 matches found in 20 min >all 3 first picks in draft asleep/AFK thanks blizzard
Asher Jackson
Alexstrasza's proportions are 11/10
The horns make her hotter
Ryan Mitchell
/tv/ and /pol/ have the same userbases same garbage boards tbqh
Wyatt Gonzalez
>Will enemy players have a way to force her to let them do it to her as well?
What does this even mean? You can't force someone to breast feed.
Blake Carter
>hots dosen't have an "accept this match" button like 90% of all other multiplayer games on the market
sasuga blizzard
Wyatt Foster
I don’t see the point of it when all it tells you are the number of other players who also accepted the match
Jordan Morris
why queue up if you don't want to play or have the time
Luke Rivera
No.. /tv/ is full of reddittor scum who watch rick and morty and got only just check it 90% of the threads are rick and morty and GoT the only things share with /pol/ are the raimi thread /pol/ is even worse All what you just need to know is that they are neet man-children who hate niggers when they are even worse than nigs
Henry Garcia
Funny thing about this, I never once had a problem with the queue times, even when you used to wait up to 5 minutes for a game.
Which, it's funny they've tried so hard to streamline everything and make the whole process move much faster, because if these changes go through, the games could easily drag on for longer than they do now.
Sebastian Sullivan
let’s not kid ourselves here and forget that pretty much a majority of this site bats for both teams