League of legends general - /lolg/

league of lolis edition


no previous bread it got removed kek

Other urls found in this thread:


why did last thread get nuked

>Hurr durr fewer western people are watching an asia vs asia finals league is dying!!!

this is what happens you fags
remember, last time some nigger posted CP on a board Veeky Forums was put on lockdown

What the fuck
Why was the previous thread removed?

xth for my wife Syndra
what happened

probably the new champ nudes

Mods are legit fucking retards


will best girl be picked tonight?

THANK YOU based peoples champions

shit subject
50 posts early
30 images early


Mods = Gods

zoefags for their pedo shit

>not knowing drawn loli is not cp

nobody posted cp retard

i didn't see any pedoshit

>at worlds viewing in London
>Can't talk to anyone because fat autist


move to real thread

The game isn't dying. Only its esports scene is (and thank fuck it is.)

>jinx not flat
delete this

>20 posts late
nah, you should go fuck yourself

>leaving the house to watch competitive video games

>1 person posts a nsfw image
>delete the entire thread instead of that one post

special type of retarded

nigga are you blind? open your eyes
kill yourself

i wonder how much those floor seat tickets were

I wish we could mute individual casters

>Jinx with tits bigger than A's

you go fuck yourself faggot

posting on a non-related vidya thread

everyone but my man kobe will be shut up

xth for Faker giving Ahri the SKT skin

>remember, last time some nigger posted CP on a board Veeky Forums was put on lockdown
how new

>the absolute state of janitors

Berserker champion when

Considering companies scalp a good number of them and then resell because they fucking can, a lot

>play aram when im feeling depressed
>get to high elo aram
>people flame for bad builds
>of meta builds and they report you
>rring a decent champ and they dodge
>average of 5 dodged lobbies before i can play
>flame over fucking up cs

not like this lolg
not like this

Anyone else wish /our guy/ quickshot was casting this

>feeling burnt out
>user says to shitpick in normals
>blind pick
>two faggots start fighting over who got midlane
>i pick Garen support, first Garen game this year
>both the faggots decide to play mid
>so i'm solo bot against an Alistair that rushes Zhonya's and Teemo
>rather than joining the stupid fucking argument just say "DEMACIA" in chat every few minutes or whenever I do something good
>"demacia... has fallen" when i die
>go 9-1, win, get an S- and a fucking chest
>"DEMACIA" in the post game lobby

I got a fucking Fiddlesticks shard though. Feelsbad.

>Jinx with large tits
>Not even in a bikini
Delete this

got my tickets for 40 bucks because scalpers were mad at the KR v KR finals

tits are way too big.... but ima need sauce anyway

>fights you early game
>deals 6% of your maximum hp per aa while having a shield and aa dodge
>taunts you if you get anywhere close to turret or creep wave forcing you to eat damage
>can be anywhere and everywhere and in every single teamfight

Damn thats not bad, I thought they would be in the hundreds.

Reminder that you submit feedback about our peoples championat the bottom of the page

Not the first ime he/she/it deletes entire lolg threads for no reason

>shilling for t-mobile
So this is the power ... of e-sports

>tfw gooks never pick Jinx, Nasus, Yorick, Urgot, or Swain

Kobe is cool but why mute the other casters lije Jatt and Papa that actually have substantive things to say about the actual game

Even Frosk does her homework

>esports commentators will never be on part with real commentators

literally never played this game
have no interest in doing so
how good will this finals be?
also that new girl is fucking cancer wholly shit

A Jewish chad?



lewderino pls no clicky --> i.imgur.com/WiRZFuS.jpg

>that new girl is fucking cancer wholly shit
Shit taste confirmed

I love Lissandra!
I hate to burst your bubble ahrifag, but Faker already asked for a Galio skin if he wins


samsung wins 2, 1 in dominating fashiong then skt will reverse sweep

i know this because I post madotsukis


Relentless Sexual Aggression Tier: Evelynn, Ahri, Vi, Nidalee, Leona Illaoi,Magma,Fire,Kayle
Teasing and Control Freak Tier: LeBlanc,

Definitely Dominant But Not Quite As Sexual Tier:, Sejuani, Zyra
High Tier: Cassiopeia, Karma, Katarina, Vayne, Diana, Fiora,Miss Fortune

Mid Tier: Jinx, Caitlyn, Riven,Quinn, Sivir Air

Low Tier: Lux (some Elementalist forms are much higher), Ashe,Water,Nature,Akali

Submissive: Sona Soraka Janna Irelia



We need to give SSG our energy if they want any chance of beating SKT

Post taliyahs, cute, ugly, skins, any will do to give crown the power to carry them with her!

I'm waiting for the production errors to start.

This is China after all.

Also Riot actually thought they would sell out the one of the biggest stadiums in the world.



>pierced nipples
nice, thanks my man

best boots

God, I fucking love Shen.
>some fag picks sion
>tries to Q me
>taunt him
>use Q
>he tries to run
>he gets slowed
>half his HP is gone
>has no mana left

Y'know, in france this wouldn't even be a problem.
They're fine with little girl breasts, especially animated ones.

>league of lolis edition
alright i'm taking some shots and going to bed
if you aren't a lulufag or pedo ily and have a good night. even opposing freljordfags are better than this shit

They would've if there was a chinese teams in the finals

>falls off hard late because W is a joke skill
>can't engage if taunt is on CD
>ult has a 3 minute CD at first rank
>damage can be mitigated by not standing between him and his sword like a retard

honestly i miss old Shen. his W was a bigger joke but the spirit blade shit now feels gimmicky even if it does give him a clear identity and playstyle in lane.


Do you have anywhere you post your art to besides here?
Like a twitter or blog or something?

>THICC mons pubis

pussy mound is the best part of a girl

>Little faker flies again

this is not my art user

This has been the worst worlds we've ever had, with one of the stalest metas we've ever had.
It's a typical Korean vs Korean final, with one of the teams winning three Worlds championships, with this year likely being their fourth.

Don't bother.


What the shit I'd hate to come out to China and try watching a screen for finals with the sun in my eyes and cooking alive.

NO. Well, shit.

>haha dude just shut nasus down early dude haha
>farms Q all game, even while feeding he still manages to have stack uptime
>try not to push lane but jungler comes when you back and pushes it
>beat nasus in team fights though
>nasus is solo pushing top, blitz down mid to force a 5v4 and push to win
>win the team fight, I'm dead though
>we have lucian and another turret destroyer though so it's good
>tell them to just keep pushing we can beat him
>retard fucking backs and nasus takes our nexus in the time he spent backing and trying to kill a nasus with frozen heart and full armor when he could have literally taken their nexus himself

I'm so fucking mad, not at this champion, but because I could have bought a GA instead of steraks on Jax and I would have lived long enough in that team fight where it wouldn't have mattered
But even then this fucking autistic dog just has to spam Q and he wins the game
fucking delete this champion

there is a tripfag in the thread
do not reply to him or acknowledge his existence and he will most likely cease to post
he does this to gain the attention his parents never gave him

SKT will 3-2

I hope you die in your sleep

>A guy who was in Dignitas will win worlds

Based Raise your donger CoreJJ, you can do it

>tfw no maternal femdom champion

this game SUCKS

>free xhaust every 9 seconds
hella balanced


Why didn't Rito just bribe one or two government officials to force people to attend the event and fill up a stadium?

They could also make her trans and get away with it.

Fuggg :DDD

I think I figured out why I could easily hit Gold in Solo but am hardstuck S1 in Flex: I play teamfighting champions instead of yoloqueue champions.

Landing a 5-man Amumu ult in solo queue is almost an auto win. Doing the same thing in Flex and your team just stands there spamming ? pings on you while two of them flame each other in Chink.

I'm gonna settle for gatekeeping till season ends, time to see if my Lee is as bad as I remember it.

>tfw ahri picked in game 5

get hype idiot

Best couple!

stop making me sad because there's no actual mommydom champs, i'm trying to sleep

i like Azeal but like 20% of the time he talks he says some random, dumb bullshit for no real reason

Fuck you and fuck Riot for creating this abomination of a champion.

>Phreak is casting

>tumblerina tranny
>fat spic
>bald fuccboi


Best girl.
Best pussy.
Best wife.

Guys where is montecristo?

please post more porn

you already cross the line

is camille close user


Then source me you fuck

Is she a tranny or just a tomboy?

at least its not Vedius, I guess.

he's honestly a fucking joke if you play jax and get guinsoos, which he was every time we fought after I bought it
but good god why do you even have a champion that can be tanky and fucking destroy towers, oh wait all tanks are getting that in preseason aren't they?

I don't fucking know how to feel with all the OP busted shit like lethal tempo and the turret destroyer thing now. Like for one it makes previously not so good champs good again, but it just makes the meta champs even fucking better.