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Will I regret rolling on a full/high pop server like Moon Guard? Are ques really a big deal? Back when I last played WoW I had spent the entirety of my time in the game on a server that was on the lower end of medium pop.

I'm a Horde main but God-Emperor Anduin is pretty cool. I hope he doesn't get killed off in a retarded way

He looks like a young Brad Pitt

nearly as blatant as Turaylon Eastwood

>this is a 10/10 in zandalar

I fucking love WoW bro's. Sylvanas shouting For The Horde and Anduin calling the light gave me goosebumps when the past 3 expansions did nothing much

Ion's Yuge Throbbing Cock

>WoW Q&A
>People will ask a bunch of dumbshit retarded questions instead of stuff like where the fuck Baine has been

He's clearly DiCaprio


Is there an upright orc race?

>Artifact necklace

Boobs wrapping are my fetish.

He'll go Garrosh

>Inklings at a learning, proud leader
>Blizzard realizes they'd have to do actual work
>Either make him go insane or just put him in the back of the lore bus

my dick

Will vanillababs finally stop crying?

So is there going to be a panel about class changes? Or is that info coming much later?


naw they're kind of made to kneel before others

havent you seen the threads since the announcement?
they've just gotten worse

You lost the war

Us Nostbulls won

Clearly not

Trick question. They never stop crying

drumph desu

>tfw Anduin looked prettier than Slyvanas
No homo.

>Sylvanas shouting For The Horde
I have not played in a few expansions now, isn't this kind of out of character?
Last time I played, the forsaken and/or Sylvanas didn't seem to give two shits about being horde or their allied races except maybe the BE, and even that is a stretch.
What happened?

Best class for killing rogue?

I’m going to camp the inevitable wave of chink gold farming rogue faggots at Tyrs hand


>Alliance gets THREE (3) COMFY ZONES on their own continent
>Horde only gets one, the other two are shitty, uninhabitable backwaters nobody would care to settle
Alliance wins again, baby.

She’s got to pretend so the orcs and tauren and trolls will be cannons fodder

>More sub races planned

If Mag'har Orcs arent in i'm going to scream, I have always wanted to play a Mag'Har Orc Warrior

Make Nathanos style undead while you're at it

yfw retailcucks arguing over new characters while you bask in the glow of vanilla

Alright lads, this is how WoW should have happened:

> Classic WoW, as we know it
> Final raid is Kara rather than Naxx, setting the stage for TBC with Khadgar as an anchor
> After TBC, Naxx appears, kicking off the Scourge Invasion
> Wrath of the Lich king happens
> War kicks off between Horde and Alliance due to the whole Wrathgate incident, leads to MoP
> MoP plays out as normal, leads into WoD
> WoD happens, but it is good, leads to Legion
> At the end of Legion, Sargeras stabs Silithis, awakening Deathwing
> Cataclysm announced instead of BFA

>tfw they turn Anduin into a supreme fuccboi

Why not give him some stubble or facial hair? How old's the nigga? 22?

shadow priest is anti-everything

Maybe it was just because of the way the VA said it, but it sounded kind of patronizing, like she just wanted to trick the barbarian retards under her control to keep fighting

Alliance = Faction of the white man

Horde = Faction of niggers, jews, spics, and faggots

are we all in agreement?

She's the warchief now and has been slowly warming up to everyone else

Although a recent novel excerpt makes her still sounds somewhat similar to old her, so it could simply be an act to rally

I CAN'T be the only one that had an animal urgency to breed Alduin, right? He is a fucking femboi and I want him on my bed naked RIGHT FUCKING NOW. Jesus Christ, he is legal
right? Who cares, I'll eat that boy alive from head to toes.

He is my denka Holy shit, complete with wolf senpai.

Am I the only one massively disappointed with the new expansion?
I mean
>couldn't care less for Classic
>non-playable city sieges that took place behind the scenes
>two timeless isles aka "continents"
>6 meaningless zones worth of filler quests
>a jungle zone, a pirate zone, a snek zone, a meme zone etc
>wasting dev hours for making everything pre-legion scaling
>while making it not-alt friendly with the same-ish cap grind
>fucking "le edgy race reskins" to waste even more dev man-hours
>mop scenarios and some moba-rts pve crap
>every server is pve now by default
>another titan containment facility raid

Everything just speaks playing it safe and making money, nothing groundbreaking and at least tiny bit interesting. With all the pointless backtracking, scaling and much needed numbers crunch/ilvl squish - I mean it's silly for me to expect the actually systems to be any good and have any depth in them.
Nothing groundbreaking, daring and brave, even compared to legion is just feels bland.

>mained troll since Vanilla
>he was the first character I ever made
>mfw Zandalari trolls
Who /tazdingo/ here?

Fuck off Kevin Spacey.

Guys who do i whisper for an inv on Illidan

Well, she can't shout Lok'tar Ogar, Victory or Death because death is the one thing she's most afraid of so she has to settle for shouting For the Horde instead.

The forsaken warshout "For the Dark Lady" won't go over so well in encouraging all these orcs and taurens dying for her.

stop this is gay

so is tmorph just gone now

i liked to trial races before actually changing

>including WoD in anything

i bet your dad fondles your asshole

Chronologically yeah he might be 22-23

>We will literally never ever have something as cool as Anduins armor

WoD had the potential to be fucking great, but Blizzard dropped the ball in a lot of areas, turning it into the meme it is today.

You do realize that most men aren't growing much facial hair at 22, right?

Leave out wod

Yeah, you're retarded
You're literally just looking for a reason to whine

>Varian’s last living words were “for the alliance”
>Anduin picks up his father’s sword and honours his dying wish

The ally armor is pretty cool and similar minus the helm.

>fucking "le edgy race reskins" to waste even more dev man-hours
The funniest part of it is, majority of the people saying they'll totally roll this new race because of how cool it is won't do it. They'll end up deciding either based on what's the sexiest or what has the most useful racial.

>tfw my guild's filled with those people

>4 new races announced
>none of them are naga
>all of them are reskins
thats amazingly shitty



Highmountain or Zandalari warrior?

>Sylvanas takes out an artillery tower single handily
>lucky she has vague shadow powers that allow her arrows to explode with enough force to destroy a full structure
>"autistic screeching" then transforms into a banshee and takes out a group of soldier's single handily
>all the orcs, tauren and trolls don't just laugh at her
Is this the worst Mary Sue in the Warcraft universe? She's a garbage character who's been doing villainous things since Cataclysm yet her reward is being warchief


>no wildhammer
why blizzard
fucking why

>no ogres or nagas
It's shit.

How the fuck does Kara lead into anything in TBC?
Damn.... There's a library.... This makes me want to visit serpent shrine caverns....

Zandalari but desu I'd roll both. Those tauren racials seem absurd at a glance

>mfw Mommy shouts FOR THE HORDE

The Horde is shit though

Why would the horde not fucking love that display of power?

>he thinks one specific character out of all the terrible Warcraft Mary Sues is THE Mary Sue
kys incel

How is choosing to roll a race because it's le ebin badass any better than choosing because the models are attractive or the passives are good?

Just sounds like you're complaining for the sake of complaining

>destroy a siege tower by herself
>somehow they are suppose to laugh

What kind of autistic mentality is this? That's like saying why they don't make fun of police or fireman when they risk their lives to save people?

Why didn't he shout Lok'tar Ogar? Missed opportunity. Or maybe they were afraid he'd steal the spotlight from Sylvanas.

>implying it had to be just about orcs
>implying that draenei couldn't have gotten some actual story
>implying that the time manipulation couldn't have been expounded upon
>implying that draenor's history with the titans couldn't have come into play

All of these things could have been. Sadly, they weren't, which is why it became more nigger orcs.

Mate I have a Dwarf Warlock, Draenei Hunter, and Gnome Warrior.
I damn well don’t care about stats or racials or sexy shit.

Who is ready to roll a new toon?

just you wait, 8.1 will have Manduin purifying her Elven pussy via his light infused semen

i just resubbed
how long will it take me to get flying? i stopped playing a month in legion

>Alliance have control of Lordearon
>Undercity is in ruins
The absolute state of Forsaken cucks

deffo switching my shaman to zandalari

why would they laugh at her
they basically had their warchief go super-saiyan and give them room to rally

>complaining about a fucking banshee "*autistic screeching*"
are you retarded

Would have been cool, but he's getting a new model so hopefully this niggais gonna beast it up in his 4th fucking war not counting Northrend WOD and Legion

Well, it was the home of Medivh, who trained Khadgar, who at the time was on Outland.

remember stances in wow?

so... how can Darkspear Trolls even compete with Zandalariubermensch?

How can I watch everything about WoW today from blizzcon?

We need more expanded-universe Warcraft games:

>Survival-Horror game where you play as a priest lost in Duskwood after being separated from your caravan
>Mystery adventure game where you play as a gentlemanly Tauren detective in Dalaran solving a murder mystery that ends up being a magical conspiracy
>Metroidvania where you play as an Explorer's League recruit trapped in Karazhan

>6 meaningless zones worth of filler quests

Draenor all over again

Most men I know have a lot of facial hair in their early 20's

Hell, some of my friends had full on beards in high school.

there are 0 lore relevant darkspear left, so who cares

>mfw just remembered no collections/mount tab

oh shit

>Warchief is a fucking elf
>shouting FOR THE HORDE as if she gives two shits about any race other than the Forsaken
You are a fool. Varitmathras warned you but you refused to listen

You probably gave them more attention you slut.


Naga are coming with Azshara

>How is choosing to roll a race because it's le ebin badass any better than choosing because the models are attractive or the passives are good?
There's nothing wrong with any of those reasons. What's annoying is people pretending and constantly repeating they're so totally super duper going to do it but they won't. Like they have to say something now to fit in. There are people who will really do it though but it's nowhere near the amount of the people RAVING about it now.

>Nathanos style undead
THIS, I'm tired of alliance getting the absolute best proportions (humans) for tmogs, I'll accept upright orcs though that probably doesn't fix the helmet and shoulder issue probably.

>Most men I know

Are you a girl?

>our boy Saurfang will NEVER lead the horde

I hate green niggers as much as the next guy, but having an elven bitch lead the horde feels all kinds of wrong.

I thought the same