League of Legends General - /lolg/

Best bird edition

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lmgtfy.com/?q=lol runes season 8

What champion pisses you off the most?

Best guy!
I'm tired...

Why won't they just rework or give Pantheon a VU bros

It would be glorious

How do we put any skill whatsoever back into midlane or top lane aka Midlane 2.0?

>Syndra has FIVE skins
>none of them show her feet
>new loli champion gets announced
>her feet are showing


>goes in at half hp
>almost wins
Yeah, Renekton is dumb.

He's on the list, but no one at the rework teams want to work on him.

>lck is more difficult than worlds

they could do a lot of cool shit with pantheon.
guess you have to do some galio tier shit with him tho.

Reminder Lux will never be viable because of her shitty wave clear. Not being able to 1shot range minions with E which costs 130 mana makes me kek

>he lost it because he retard-used Q when he still didn't have 50 rage

nice meme anyways


Toplane is like a support lane at this point

>renekton one-trick name
>makes multiple mistakes in the span of 3 seconds
>complains about it on an internet imageboard
really gets the noggin joggin

>sona pictures that dont have the blonde hair gradient

You could write a fucking book about the things that Renekton does wrong

There are 3 things I want from a Pantheon rework:
>His hard cc can't be denied so easily
>All 4 of his abilities feel useful unlike currently where E feels like it's only there for it's passive
>Ult has more oomph, like maybe a fear on the mandrop

My mommy is beautiful.

>tfw no qt petite gf

hi every1 im new!!!!!!! holds up spork my name is Zoe but u can call me t3h Asp3ct of Tw1L1GhT!!!!!!!! lol…as u can see im very random!!!! thats why i came here, 2 meet random ppl like me _… im 13 years old (im mature 4 my age tho!!) i like 2 watch invader zim w/ my girlfreind (im bi if u dont like it deal w/it) its our favorite tv show!!! bcuz its SOOOO random!!!! shes random 2 of course but i want 2 meet more random ppl =) like they say the more the merrier!!!! lol…neways i hope 2 make alot of freinds here so give me lots of commentses!!!! TWIIILIIIGHGHHHTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

that's a comfy madotsuki

Anyone have tips for surviving getting your ult off with Illaoi?

I got some hot and fresh OC for ya lolg, whaddaya think?


righteous glory to slow them

>guy in discord shows how he played the placements for one of his friends, winning only 5
>i saw it
>i reported the account to riot
>he got banned


this needs to be spammed nonstop until Riot gets the fucking message and releases another evelynn-style titty monster instead

How can I climb in plat? My team mates are still as retarded as ever, but my opponents get better. Every game I have 3 losing lanes, even though their jungler does nothing.

Snitches get _______

/devilish/ /10

>i leave my lanes alone instead of helping get them fed
>they lose lane
>"m-muh teammates"
>"enemy jungler does nothing"
just like that malphite who literally doesn't do anything right bud

Good work, deputy


You mean in addition to.

So what champions are you going to play with dark harvest after runes patch goes live to kill all the squishy adcs, supports and mages people are playing right now?
I'm personally going shaco/rengo for jungle
zed, talon, akali and veigar for mid
nasus top
lethality mf/ draven adc

>not liking lolis

rito listens to the wrong kind of people, catering to edgelords and couplefags is truly the worst, but oh wait, now we got this shitty, annoying loli, ugh

Well, then you have a prime opportunity to pick jungle and carry those 3 lanes without even having to worry about the enemy jungler.

>fuck you mother
As someone with English as their third language, I will never understand how someone can be this inept. Seriously, in what backwards moonrune system does that make sense?

Subhuman BR's

Nice meme. But this not true. Riot will nver ban anyone because some fag said it


How are you guys enjoying League? Me and my friend have started playing again after a year break. Somehow over time our elo has gone to shit so we're against absolute tards so we're stomping

in the same one that "stupid count" is an insult, yes he wanted to say cunt but the nigga was probably so buttmad he couldnt think words

also this

>winning early
>enemy team starts to group as 5
>consistently bait us like the retards we are and kill us
>never go for any objectives afterwards
>they stop grouping
>we go back to getting picks and taking objectives
One of the rare occasions where the enemy team was more retarded than my own

I hope the next champion is an ADC

Does Gargoyle's work well on her?

I don't want another loli champion or a titty monster. I just want a girl with a kind heart and a warm smile

>evelynn-style titty monster
>implying it won't be NuIrelia


Never played her, but why do so many people keep picking this cunt. Why is she so fucking popular.
Her playerbase has a bad rep.
Her rep in ranked is even worse; known for being a toxic feed bot there.
She's supposedly one of the most difficult ADCs to play, horrible at farming, terrible early game and can only really focus on single targets. And as a result, most people are (supposedly) terrible with her.

Is she like, ridiculously fun to make up for all of this or something? Because it doesn't look like she's fun at all. From what I've seen, her kit looks boring as fuck.
Or is she only popular because there really are THAT many esports kiddos and streamer babbies who're trying to mimic Gosu for those sick play youtube montage?

I honestly and sincerely don't understand why I see her so often.

she needs damage
got a cleaver and deaths dance too out heal their damage whie killing them fast

I want Irelia to be a 20/10 waifu after the VU but making her a titty monster would be wrong imo

>I just want a girl with a kind heart and a warm smile
Literally Zoe

Ebin Youtube plays and that fact that she looks like Diablo's Demon Hunter

>She's supposedly one of the most difficult ADCs to play
Am I being memed?

Idea being you would use it to engage, ult as it's ending, then once you're in a position to W people you would be back at full damage

If you do good with her, you look good and feel pretty good since she is hard. She has a lot of out play potential so you get to stroke your ego everytime you do any better than ok


and outside of being short ranged she is easy as fuck
>Q for kiting and a high damage attack
>that fucking turns you invis during her ult
>W for about
>E for self peel and hard CC
>R for FREE damage and FREE movespeed on no cooldown

>about to get a kill
>he has literally 10 hp
>he hits a meme cone and gets away
oh right, that's why I quit this game

Vayne main here. She's a feast or famine champion similar to Yasuo and Vayne. The reason you play her is for those times where you get super fed and feel like a god, running around blowing up the enemy team while dodging all their shit. Sure you can probably do the same thing more reliability as twitch but it doesn't feel as cool

>mimic some faggot for those sick play youtube montage
you need to realize this is 90% of how Riot maintains its revenue. forcing "fun" champions with overloaded kits like yasuo, lee sin, thresh -- as well as shitty champions that can 1v5 when they get 4000g ahead of everyone, like vayne -- is how Riot generates hype and sells skins. the other 10% fap / waifu baiting.

I imagine it was something like
>I can outplay this with ult
>>goes in
>oh shit I don't have 6

Champs that are legitimately decent but is overshadowed by champs such as Riven, Yasuo, etc.

that webm is almost as old as the champs shown in it

Not that user, but Zoe just comes off as intentionally tilting and obnoxious pedobait/lolibait to me.

I mean sure, I'll still try to keep an open mind since I initially hated Kayn and Kled but later on ended up liking them, so the same could happen for Zoe.

But something about her in particular just really rubs me off in the wrong way. It makes me worry about Riot's game dev decisions and what they they're planning in the future. Like they're truly undergoing the process of jumping the shark.

So is that plural or singular?

I usually managed to beat Yasuo's when I play Yorick.

like katarina? she is the purest

I really want to like Yorick, but his E is just so jarring for me. I have no idea why they didn't just make that spell a skillshot.
I think Rengar's Q is currently the most unpleasant spell to use, Yorick's E is a close second for me.

All champs are overshadowed by yasuo, riven etc. Because required mechanic skill is in general, superior to point and click abilities and easy skillshots

>feast or famine
>can literally go 0-6 and still be relevant if the game stalls past 30 minutes

People hate these champs (Yasuo especially) because their scaling makes them so difficult to completely shut out of a game.

she's hot with a tight as fuck body but I wouldn't call her pure

>and obnoxious pedobait/lolibait to me.
This is a sign you're disconnected from the normal mate, you've spent too much time of Veeky Forums and now "whimsical child character" sets off your pedoposter alarms

> be me
> play TK top
> watch as earlygame Yasuo's and Rivens get close to me with their jumps.
> lick them when they dash around me.
> mfw 3 stacks
> mfw they try and outplay me by going all in and up in my face.
> mfw q stun, devour them and start dragging them towards my tower as they cant do shit.
> spit, q, grasp almost always finishes the job.

> mfw Riven's try and q away and on the leap I devour them back in.

Thank fuck the Ardent meta is slowly disappearing.

>similar to Yasuo and Vayne
you don't say

I like Jhin

I'm gonna main him, what skin?

skip to 1:30 lmao

Well I secured gold 5. Went of a 14 game winstreak, then in my provisionals to gold, i lost one game because our toplaner was afk from level 1 but he reconnected once so we couldnt remake.
Even almost won that, 4v5.

I dont know why I got put in silver anyway, but I ended the season with a 88% winrate on my main and 100% on my off role so I guess thats nice

xth for bad matchmaking

Hope you get the elo you want this season lolg, I didnt play much this year since all metas were lame

I can't deal with hash's autism right now
give me the run down

failed to promos due to trolls and int feeders....why is this happening...

This guy is trash
>Be smart as rocks
>Let snake ride you while you do fucking nothing
>bitch in all chat about the game

vayne is one those champions that when played perfectly, can legitimately 1v5, not that your adc will, but she has the potential.

She is also hands down the best 1v1 champion although its probably much harder now that they removed the Q crit interaction.

jax vs cass where he ignores range and her level 1 damage
followed by "you should be fired"

I don't know mate, but just stop trolling and feeding and it should be alright

>playing on D5 smurf
>some guy in his diamond promos on my team
>we're winning but things go slightly south
>he starts flaming even though he's getting carried
>tell him to paypal me 20 bucks or he's not getting that border today
>he tells me to fuck off
>spends the rest of the game begging me to post my paypal when i start inting which then turns into him losing is god damn mind

League has never been this much fun.

>tfw the only champ I have any semblance of success on lately is Vi
I'm surprised more people don't play her. I know she's considered "bad j4" but I think she's actually pretty good right now, especially if the enemy team isn't too tanky.

wanna cry demoted from motherfucking gold 2 to silver due to lose streak with shit that was borderline impossible to carry

Everyone gets a s- atleast.

i want to play league and have fun but i know as soon as i get into game i wont have fun and will hate everything. what do? when is urf coming back

old player here from preseason 1 days, I have not played at all this season
is the game worth checking again? has the meta changed a lot? I used to do a lot of support or mid
also someone told me the runes are going to be removed, is this true?

the meta has never changed friend its still the exact same

lmgtfy.com/?q=lol runes season 8

just had to carry 3 fucking retards, thanks god the adc was decent

play a game a day

Can anyone redpill me on jungle?

I think I found my role
>fun and unique champions
>stroll into a lane and steal a kill
>if game is going bad just stay and farm
>only negative is getting invaded lvl 1

why dont people love jungle

Is it just me but is like 90% of the fun you have in this game, from trying to tilt either your team or the enemy team?

>if game is going bad just stay and farm
you mean
>game is going bad because you stay and farm

>being a footfag