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Welcome best mommy Edition

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where are the hot pictures of tyrande?

Those pants are amazing.

>keep accidentally juking friendly ana
>hold still
>still misses

Valeera is cute! cute!

im in mid silver and actually ok with it because I can play shit heroes I like and still have a good chance at winning as long as my team doesn't quit in draft (which they do a lot).
Nova, zagara, tracer, rexxar, gazlowe, splitpush abathur, sonya, chromie, guldan, and cassia.
feels comfy as fuck.


If you could actually play Sonya, Cassia, Tracer, or Gul'dan you'd be higher rank

feel sorry for ya

I'm playing Valeera right now!

my winrate with those heroes in HL is significantly higher than the rest of the heroes (except rexxar his winrate is up there with those heroes for me) i just play the other heroes more.
my nova winrate is like 40% but shes my most played, zagara is my second most played and im at 47%, tracer rexxar sonya guldan are all near 70% while cassia is at like 59%.

not him but
>always do double the next top damage as Gul'dan
>rarely die
>still only 45% winrate with him out of 20 games
I just don't think he can carry.

Imperius when? Itherael when?

Where the FUCK is Maiev!?


fuck weaver


I have like level 45 valeera.. too bad they're getting rid of stealth. I hope they do my girl right.


mmm dat bounce

im that guy, for me, in silver, guldans retarded wave clear plus maybe 1-2 3 man horrifys in a game wins you the game pretty easily, I might be undefeated on tomb with guldan in HL. he's kind of like xul in that his ability to clear 2 lanes that are close together at the same is vital to his win condition.

those are some big titties...

>stand somewhere completely invisible
>when fight starts teleport opener on some squishy
Basically the same gameplay.


ummm dotards? but forreal that was terrible positioning by weaver. this game is over. game 5 here we come.


Why not both


Soon match making will be performance based so your group will n longer hold you back. Hopefully it will help get rid of the fags that always get carried.

Why is solo queue such a nightmare in any team based game?

no cooperation
hopefully voice chat changes that

Because our tiny ape brains always somehow think we deserve better than what we get, and always want to blame others and not ourselves.

Same shit happens when you drive. Everyone sucks but you, right?

>Stealth finally nerfed
Cry moar, faggots. You'll actually need skill to get kills now.

I know what skin I'm getting

I think she is ugly and you faggots saying "thicc" are just a bunch of niggers.


she definitely has a man face

>voice chat

>*bong rips* DUDE
>Hey guys I'm a girl...with a VAGINA

more like fixed
now they'll no longer use stealth as a reason to cripple heroes and actually use it as a neat mechanic to go with a hero's kit

Wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle, yeah! She's sexy and she knows it.

Praise be to our greater than 64 000 year old milky mommy who's into straight shota and incest.

>me unga team bunga posters still don't leave

>he actually thing stealth heroes are good
>the useless mechanic is even more useless now

Imagine being this bad at the game.

Anyone got pics of the tints?


>complains about girls tits being too big
>calls us fags


I blame the SJW's at blizzard.

Enjoy your manfaced covered up dragon queen, faggot.

You're worse than an SJW faggot

I look forward to some good r34

they do it because it personally annoys people like you

Everyone is

What's everyone's opinions on the tower/ammo changes?

kinda fokn dumb desu

How so? I would've made mommy dragon as sexy as possible. Dragon of life and fertility looking like a man? Come the fuck on.

Sounds good on paper, though a direct nerf to players who got used to passively pushing very quickly, like Abathurs and Xuls. The changes mean you'll need to commit more to killing buildings, not just the minion wave.

They claim it won't affect game time, but we will see.

Most people who talk about it point out how it fucks over specialists and ruins something unique about the game.

I personally don't care.

It's a very bold move. I think it will be good and adds more predictability to strats. For people like Abathur it will ruin his war of attrition. They will need to do so many talent reworks now.

it's shit
the ammo was a good feature and one of the things that made the game different from other mobas

Not yet, they will put out an In-development video soon that should have them all though.

>I would've made mommy dragon as sexy as possible.
You're being superficial and out of touch bro. She looks perfect.

Actually, I kinda care, I think players who neglect towers should be punished for it and this kinda fucks with that.

I bet you like traps too.


>She looks perfect

It's retarded and the people making balance changes should be lynched right next to the SJW tranny lovers at blizzard.

Ye it will be next to impossible to push lanes like before unless you're a very select few. They got rid of the back towers to compensate, but idk. Feels like they'll need a total redesign right after they finally got things balanced.

I guess Sylvanas trait is now more valudable sonce it's now the only way to put down a fort outside of having a minion wave with you

If you think this is bad you should have played it in beta. It's a million times more balanced now.

That's her arm

I don't think it will be as big of an issue as some people think. However, only a few people who played at Blizzcon have actually seen it in practice, and from what I've seen NONE of them have commented or complained about it at all.

It's probably nothing, just a shift in urgency for splitpushers to kill the tower and not the minions and leave.

Yup, and the heroes that create fodder will be priceless like Azmodan, Xul, Zag, Naz. They were good before but now they will be necessary to win.

>It's used to be worse, stop being so spoiled
Just because "bad" is better than "worse" doesn't make it good or not worth complaining about.



Blizzard really fucked up with Garrosh's representation in Heroes of the Storm. His abilities and role do not fit his character fantasy in any way. His kit should have been for another character.

Yes, he is fun to play. But he should have been a bruiser, like Artanis, but with burst and less focus on defense and with an ability to force 1v1.

>what Blizzard devs did
Hey guys we plan to release Garrosh somewhere in summer 2017
Fast forward summer 2017
Alright guys just attach some existing kit to Garrosh and release him. And dont forget to make a legendary skin + bike with a bunch of tints

balance team tards making unnecessary changes to make it seem like they are doing work

It actually makes summoners valuable for pushing and not exhausting ammo. Your minions getting killed means the lane minions live, and people forget that lane minions had massive buffs to damage early this year to assist with pushing. Towers not having ammo means when the hero+summons+minions are pushing you'll get the same exact power as you do on live, except when the enemy shows up and makes you back up, every tower still living is still a defense they have to use against you.

It's far more healthy from a gameplay point of view for both teams. Passive pushing isn't fun or counterable, and this change is to address that.

I actually think that this change will decrease gametime after people get used to it because they will be forced to learn how to be more efficient to get push in.

really makes you think

orc niggers are not known for their intelligence


Yea but saying they should be lynched when they've improved so much. I don't know the new guy that took over but he's been fixing all the shit the last team had fucked up.

Alan has always been there. After Dustin left he just stepped in. Everything Medivh launch has been under him.

they probably need to remove MULE from the game entirely to compensate it, they also need to make it so that 1 type of creep, probably the leader creep does extra dmg to buildings so that shoving waves into towers isn't 100% useless.

is it actually possible to get out of high silver/low gold ?
3/4 of the matches I play I have at least one dead weight on team and even if I manage to carry 50-60% of the game I end up either stagnating or going down because of the PRA shit.

That's about when I noticed the balancing get better and a philosophy to the design start to form.

Camps have been buffed across the board too. This makes Merc lord, Azmodan general, Infest, etc much more valuable.

It's a healthy change and buffs will inevitably come out if summoners need buffing making those heroes even better. Like the stealth changes, these are structural changes that need to happen before any major tuning can really happen and have always held back the balance of these heroes.

>not using based pic

Holy shit mule will be op asf.. get a few free wins with this knowledge.

in my experience it isnt, so I just have fun with it/play the heroes I want, I know im a shitter but occasionally roflstomping games can be pretty fun


>placed in low plat
>dodge so many queues I end up in high silver
>54% winrate
>rank still going down

what's the highest level you can get with a hero?

>orc sympathizer
>can't even spell the name of the orc he's sympathizing
checks out


sorry I don't want to waste 30 minutes because some motherfucker decided to first pick gaz/nova/go twinblades

That's generally how it is. Everyone does suck but me. I'm mediocre and not good enough to carry but I'm better than the trash I get put with.

Changed from grossly imbalanced to balanced. ie nerfed.

>insanely imbalanced game mechanic that entirely undermines risk-vs-reward and is utterly cancerous
Imagine being this bad at game design. Blizzard finally got their head out of their ass at least.

You have no idea how easy it is bro. I lost every single placement and went from plat 5 to gold 5. I'm usually in low diamonds every season though. I went on a pillage right after that. I lost like 3 games out of my next 30 and was right back in plat. I was thinking of making a youtube video on how to do it. Basically you need 2 assasin heroes you're a god with and that are meta, the rest is a few fill picks and knowing how to ping and what you for fact should be dong at any given moment as a team. Only games I lost were when my team had a troll or somebody who didnt trust me.

>rick & morty
>tiddies bigger than Alexstrasza's
checks out

Completely correct and a stark reminder how talentless Blizzard has become.

Please die.

if you are better than the trash that you get put with your rank should inevitably rise because 4 shitters + you will win more games than 5 shitters.
you are dunning-krugering hard.

Doesnt it make sense he be like an opposite to Varian though?

they were horribly underwhelming and repeatedly got nerfed because shitters kept whining about stealth though
now that stealth has been redesigned and is much more visible they can buff heroes with stealth because shitters now have literally no excuse for failing to spot the stealthies
at any skill levels above bronze this is going to be a huge buff to stealthies
