League of Legends General - /lolg/

zoe edition


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Best cutest purest couple!

xth for my wife Syndra

Do you think Chadren cucks this beta male?



I want Evelynn to torture and kill me.

I hope she will have some fun interactions with Kayn

>play league of legends
>everyone is still a snowflake cuck
>literally can't talk in all chat without getting reported by both teams

Video games are supposed to be fun, why do lol players insist on being absolute babies?

someone photoshop this into zoe hang herself please

Does Jhin's ultimate apply on hit effects?

Best skin coming through

>tfw no qt petite gf

I dunno, does he cuck you?

that's not TF and Graves

fiora good girl

>about a teaser not meant for more than one part of the world
>in a language most of them don't understand
None of this teaser's intended audience thought it'd be a Shen skin due to understanding the referenced genre. Classic self-baiting.

to bad eve torture only chads, confrimed by riot

>im a rebel
>killing stuff is so much fun haha i hate everything
>stop calling me edgy silly boys XD
>omg shoes
>rawr >:3

why would anyone want this SFM bullshit


But I'm not. Chat can be fun.

For you.

>tfw no tight dragonpussy gf

I'm not mad, I don't even play Shen. I was trying to prove a point about making assumptions about teasers.

Yeah, it's the best couple

nani?! MODS!

that's not dunkmaster Darius

>any bit pure
You ok?

>world orbs only give shit

Should've bought the Ashe icon and border

The CDR cap is raised to a soft cap at 45% and a hard cap at 60%

What was she doing?

Snow Day Darius when


Also, I miss the days of playing new Junkyard Trundle but with the old loading image. It was hilarious how confused people were.

helping her with the sex education

rengar revert when

So lolg,what meta do you dislike the least (since all of you faggots always complain about everything) from the following:

bruiser meta
tank meta
assassin meta
control mage meta
protect the adc meta

assuming it's through items and masteries you get the 60% cap at

certain champions become so much more fun and interactive to play against

how do you win against this

is this what passes for war?


>xxx meta
it's just reddit buzzword

>who is aphromoo

tank meta is objectively cancer and nobody enjoys that shit.

>Fiora went from a slender toned goddess with a gorgeous face and an amazing butt to this
fuck you riot

Go back.

>ahri wearing headmistress fiora's scarf

I don't know why this is so hot to me

sauce yo

upvoted :^)

No, Leblanc revert when? I can't play new one for shit.


>freind gives me the link
>I ask him "did you get this from lolg because i'm gonna post there"
>"no it's the top post on r/leagueoflegends"
>post it anyway

Things only Gold and lower believe

If you had to choose between Shyvana and Dragon Zyra which one would u pick?

>tfw no mommy Soraka
post mommies

Yeah, no one should realistically be mad if they were before. I personally think it'd be nice if Janna is bearing the 'sacred sword' for a later Shen skin or a new champ. Shen isn't the only glowing sword champ, never mind that the one that glows is translucent and not his primary weapon.
Personal sound effects, however, make a much stronger case (though the related champs could be victims of these Hunters, as Yi and co nearly were to Zed.)

That jungle can save an 0-6 lane by ganking said lane


Supports are useless

>Faker is good

What 2017 worlds image will be remembered as most iconic?

holy shit this is hilarious

why didnt they just run away from him after he died

Ah, I dusted this skin recently. It just doesn't have the charm of the old.

"tristana is overnerfed"

"diving is always. ALWAYS better than peeling for your immobile carries"

You first

Probably DragonZyra, that midriff makes me fucking diamonds

its not 2017 but

What should I do with them? I barely play any of these champs.





games like league and dota make me understand why devs make it hard to communicate with randoms in other games now

I don't agree with the methods but I see where they're coming from

Control wards are a waste of money

with some basic understanding of Sion's passive aka leave the area as soon as he dies

Did someone say FIVE?

haha get fucked huni
fucking leecher

>bronze lolg saying you should just leave the buff to sion


If anyone on either team lands any skillshot, it is time for a teamfight.

Kindred (lamb)

Captain GP
Warring Kingdoms Azir
Headless Hecarim
Woadking Darius
Frostblade Irelia for booty
Deap Sea Cho
Poolparty Taric
Primetime Draven
Sand Kha'zix
King Morde
Darkstar Varus
Sea Thresh
Heartseeker Quinn

Dragon zyra because I play her

I think the favorite items section needs to be updated.

Hello. I am looking for a bronze ADC that I can support slut for who isn't a shit (compared to other bronze players). Please help me help you.

>kill sion
>instead of running away from him they try to fight him and die
>still dont get the buff
>sejuani loses the buff in the end anyway because she tried to fight him 3 times

>play ranked
>every lane feeds
>i try to help and roam
>they still feed
>enemy team doesn't gank
>they still feed
>next game
>same thing
>next game
>same thing
>down two ranks
>it keeps going
>can't do anything
>just carry harder
>can't control the 4 other retards

Dragonzyra confirmed best dragonwaifu

>playing bad Vel'koz

ekko buffs when

>Invest my 79k IP into champion shards
>Be worry all the time because I never trusted those Jews over at reddit.
>end up with 84k worth of essence

I guess sometimes trusting the Jews can be beneficial.

it's pretty lewd

fiora is probably using it as a leash

Anyone have a picture from that manga ending where Soraka destroys the nexus?

>wanting a bronze adc
how long have you been in bronze? every adc is fucking trash

Realistically thinking , what do you think these will be?

Hunters makes me think ADC skins

>xerath support
>not brand

Nah, you can stay in bronze, I'll just grind IP on vs. AI.

I've lost a bunch of games as nasus and tryndamere in silver, I blame myself more than anything tho


which male league of legends champion has the best body

In that order from the teaser

already confirmed to be jhin, vi, vayne, and sivir, with sivir getting the legendary

>I'll just grind IP on vs. AI.

Pentakill is best what happened to leago in last years

There really is no true motherly character in this game


>not using bot to farm IP