/dg/ Destiny General

>>LIVE EVENTS Gauntlet
Royal Pools Challenge: A player must always be in the water by Sun Platform at all times, jumping or moving away from the water will result in a failed Challenge.
Nightfall: The Arms Dealer - Prism & Time Warp: Killing Time
Flashpoint: EDZ
Xur: EDZ, Graviton Lance/Nezarec/Ahamkara's Spine/Mask of the Silent One
Trials: Prepare for sweaty MIDA teamshotting


What's wrong with MIDA?

PvP is stupid



shit gun that lets you see radar while aiming
pvp scrubs flock to it

Rate my stormcaller /dg/. How do I git gud at this shit.

do medallions give extra xp from story missions too?

make a new one for the DLC where osiris is big bird

Nothing, it's good but shitters call it a shitter gun

inv me then you fucks Mushkatt

Why are you playing in a cave?

what fucking kinetic legendary is that

gay ass nigga tryna look cool in his snuggy and fedora

>geforce experience meme for recording
>ALT+F1 is snapshot by default
>to lazy to change it
>hit alt+F1
>menu starts to close as screenshot is taken


Hical, no recoil, fast reload, 5-shot kill at any range and third eye perk

vigilance wing

That guy from the last thread who got stuck at 272 for this week, what about those faction rallies? Will they give me something above 266?

anyone doing the raid want someone who's already done it to come on a second char?

When are they going to add something to spend legendary shards on?
I have nearly 500.

they said something about improving the economy with the DLC

Faction Rally engrams drop at the same PL as engrams from any vendor.

Tell me about Wei Ning. Was she the Weinstein of guardians?

Change it to alt+z you dumb fuck


stop being so entitled and be happy with your token

Sure would be nice if the launcher would get past the initializing stage.

>it's been 2 months since d2 launched

cutie cat

Is the strik from the beta still around? I've never gotten it since release.

Is sweet business and the titan exotic actium war rig just a meme setup or is it actually decent?

I would like to try other exotics but I feel pidgeon holed into using sweet business and actium war rig. I did want to try peacekeeper exotic and two submachine guns but that seems really gimmicky as well.

Which titan exotics are good? Which exotic guns are worth their salt? Which exotic combos work nicely?

Also, is sunbreaker titan useless? I hate how not durable I feel when playing it. Maybe its because I use sentinel too much with "turn the tides"

How the fuck are you supposed to do the pool challenge? Either we die before, or we get all instakilled by that emperor charge thing

>Increasing levels is locked behind milestones and grinding gives minimum results
>Trying to farm heroic public events
>Either there is 50 people there and i'm trying to rush the heroic trigger before the mongoloids finish the normal event or i'm solo struggling to kill the heroic shit and then 15 people show up as the event is down to 30 seconds left
>no way to tell people how to trigger heroic shit because "muh toxicity"
>PvP is all Titans/BetterDevils/EndlessMightnight/Sunshot/MIDA/Uriels/CurtainCall

Why the fuck did this game get so much praise? It's dogshit

tfw no friends to play with


Sweet business + actim war rig is fun but skullfort and striker is more common. Mask of quiet one + striker in prestige content.

do boners still exist

Destiny 2: Expansion Pass
Destiny 2: In-Game Content

How is this allowed?

Sentinel or Voidwalker for PvE and PvP? Torn between the classes.

How new to the video games industry are you?

Man I love Destiny 2 on xbone.

No one in the entire xbone clan is online and we haven't even gotten the clan engrams for this week.

Can't even find a raid on Destiny LFG because they ruined the site and Xbox LFG is trash and is infested with shit like DO IT FOR PICKLE RICK

>Nightfall doesn't put you into a que with randoms.
So am I supposed to solo this or should I take the easy way and get someone to help me out?

How does Cayde 6 eat a samwich if he is a robot?

with his mouth


He poops it out as oil


Xboners and PCfats, in order to make up for how you got delayed content twice bungie and microsoft worked together to give you a collection of halo themed stuff. What to do you want?

I'd get online for a raid


>What to do you want?
pvp playlists and the forge

A good game.

Energy Sword exotic.

>tfw finally got my 3rd story completed and started to gear up lock

so where is those gud rec/res cucklock gear?

Custom playlists and Forge. Also SWAT.

Armor like pic related

How do I join a clan on PC? halp pls

You get invited.

i never played destiny 1. was the pvp in that garbage aswell?

What to do in Tokyo?

And how do i get to gettting invited?

Stop being a filthy casul

Make friend???


help me do nightfall for the first time pc trammjabuss#2471

Striker and Stormcaller are just better

Join [JEWS]

What if I told you that the time for people who ACTUALLY play video games is over?
The CandyCrush crowd are the ones reviewing the game.

>stormcaller better than voidwalker in pve
>striker better than sentinel in pve

>Tell me about Wei Ning.

She was one of two namedropped striker titans in the lore (the other being Holborn) who had gained some fame due to being the "dumb but strong person with a heart of gold" archetype and for some reasons bungie thought it would be a good idea to make her a canon lesbian in D2.

The weapon she forged and used, the fighting lion, is the most useless piece of shit weapon in both Destiny 1 and 2 and should be instantly dismantled upon acquisition.

Fighting lion's fluff text is that it "hits almost as hard as I do", and considering the gun's performance it's no wonder that wei ning died on Crota's blade. Some people believe she is the guardian who was brutally murdered by Crota. Being stabbed repeatedly with a screaming knife that crota hammered with his bare hands out of her still living ghost.

Its 100% my fault for falling for this scam in the first place, but somehow I expected them to treat a loyal customer better than this. The Blizzard dude that I talked to in live chat after seeing this even said that they are very strict on returns, even by Blizzard's standards.

I will NEVER buy another Bungie game again.

You sound annoyed with Destiny casuals. Do you not sexually identify as an attack helicopter?

Are you a PC retard or something? Stormcaller is better in every way, better grenades, better class utility, better super

Devour is worthless in actual content outside of public events, if you think having devour is better than pulse grenades, arc soul, and a much better super then im sorry you just suck at the game. Devour will never come in handy if you are a good player.

Sentinel is absolute trash and you should feel bad for being such a shitty noob.

Kill yourself retard.

How stupid are you?

A stomach is just a bag of tissue filled with acid. The reaction from food being dissolved in the acid as well as the components of the dissolved food are absorbed through the tissue and the colon and is used as nutrients to support your body.

It's basically just chemistry.
With technology advancing enough there is no reason to not assume exos cannot have artificial stomachs containing acids that dissolve organic and inorganic matter to supply them with energy or even material for nanomachine self-repair.

What are you supposed to do at the pool part of the raid? We all stand on each platform, the chain is completely lowered but nothing happens

I've returned games on steam dozens of times. How much of a goim fanboy are you that you would actually defend this?

How long had you played the game/what level did you get to?

I only played enough to get to lvl 5, messed with my settings for a few minutes and tried to "explore" the very linear areas (only to find nothing of interest). I honestly gave the game a fair shot, but it just wasn't for me.

As for actual game time, I'm not sure how I can check that is there a chat command for /played or /lifetime?

Does eververse stock change/rotate?

If so, when?

at reset

reset day

>First match I join today
>Ongoing match on Emperor's Respite with me being put into the losing team at a 15-60 disadvantage

Destiny 2 PvP isn't fun

so thursday? or is reset day different from patch day?

loving windowed fullscreen

Ok thanks for the information. I'm on PC so the Rally hasn't happened yet, but I'll try to pick that gun up. Have fun in Crucible!

*hacking intensifies*

>I'm in

Can't take screenshots since afterburner won't work in the game.

The Raid Milestone Powerful reward, who gives it?

I completed the raid and the milestone is gone, but I never got the luminous engram yet.

is this the leviathan?

Can you please tell me how the fuck we do that bath room stuff. Do you just rotate on the platforms until you hear that audio cue, rush to the middle?


Why are PC noobs so fucking dumb?

>Just did two matches and already feel like turning the game off already

I mean the milestone really isn't worth shit. Why would anyone play this PvP? And holy fuck how did bungie muster the arrogance to make these kind of playlist and name them "competitive"? This is the most embarassing barebones PvP shit I have ever seen.

Wait until you see trials of the nine

Rotate platform until chime. Everyone rush to the middle. Everyone shoot the purple vials at the ceiling.

Repeat until all vials are destroyed.

Challenge mode: There must always be one person in the middle.


Any place I can get this on PC without paying full price? Got burned pretty hard by Destiny 1 so no way in hell I'm dropping $60 for so little content

>got burned by D1
>still wanting to buy D2

>Really want to play Sentinel, the concept of being a void elementary captain america is cool to me
>I feel utterly gimped for not playing Striker

At the very least they could have let me keep my Spike Grenade and not this fucking useless voidwall shit.

Striker is just stupidly broken at the moment. Strong as fuck initiation when using super, strong super during its duration, map control with its wall, and then two fucking pulse grenades.