If you could go back in time to kill one person, who would it be?

If you could go back in time to kill one person, who would it be?
pic related is my choice

Stuck between Hitler and Stalin desu.

But I'll be contrarion and say Francisco Franco

Probably someone I knew IRL.

>pic related is my choice
I hope you don't think that would prevent communism. Communism already existed and his great collaborator Engels would still be alive to properly codify it.

Killing stalin probably gets rid of hitler.


Spot the Trot.

Trotsky was a fucking shit head. I'd kill him too.

Betrayed my nigga Nestor.

That shithead Serbian who shot the Archduke

my father before he met my mother, because I hate my life, and my father is an asshat, but mother is cool so she gets to live

Nah, I'd have to kill Lenin for that.

Not to mention, Hitler would still rise. His nationalism was cemented after WWI, as well as his hatred for jews. That being said, most jews were still persecuted, with them not being "devout to the christian god" as others would like them to be.

This. Could have prevented the rise of Nazism, Stalinism as well as WWI and II. All those lives could have been saved, genocide could have been avoided, and we wouldn't have any of that fascist, communist bullshit.

>That being said, most jews were still persecuted, with them not being "devout to the christian god" as others would like them to be.

But the weimar republic would have probably survived had the communists collaborated with the socialists. Together they were the majority.

Paul. Christianity deserves much better than that.

Why not just kill the Archduke yourself, which would prevent any Serbian from killing him?

Unless you're a Serb.



Fuck Brutus

Then someone else comes up with his ideas. Hell there were already other socialist thinkers at the time that he was writing. OP is retarded.


OP should choose someone that actually caused the slaughter and deaths of millions like pic related

>30 years war
>War of Three Henrys
>English/Scotish Civil war
>Native American Genocide

most of Europe's horrible bloodsheds can be traced back to this bastard

Noone. Messing with timelines is bonkers yo.

It's be interesting to see how dramatically things change when you remove Newton or John Locke.

>kill Newton
>destroy Gravity

I'd kill Trump, yesterday.

Mussolini, final answer.


Maybe. But personally I hate Leninism, Nazism etc.

ur mom

Kill Marx and get rid of both of them.

>Kill Cain
>humanity can no longer murder


Marx for sure.

You'd still have Engels to worry about

>Not Wilhelm II

Let Austria-Hungary collapse. The attack on Serbia was inevitable but they could have kept it a purely regional conflict.



Why not go one step further?

Napoleon gave europe the metric system, constitutions, sugar beets, and civil law.


Everything bad to happen to Europe a the West in the last 100 years was due to Germany

>migrant crisis

if you kill your savior, he wins.

tried it
didn't work

Why on earth would you wish to prevent America being made a great nation again?

Easy, Sayyid Qatb

>Kill trump
>Mike "Zap away the gay" Pence becomes president



Fags like yourself would be sent to concentration camps????

Isn't that a good thing for you?

>Kill Abel
>Humanity can no longer be murdered

This was a brilliant post, how did you pass under the radar?

>Mike "Zap the gay away" Pence

>Not Mike "Polesmoker Choker" Pence

Founding father of the Rothschild family

>Mike "AC/DC for the LGBT" Pence

Kaiser Franz Josef.

Why does everyone seem to pick Marx? All he did was apply Hegel to history (which is retarded memery) and criticize capitalism (which is not retarded). Worker right, anarchist and anti-capitalist movements significantly predated him (hell, pretty much all his followers previously belonged to them), and it's not like he was the first man to call for revolution. The Russian revolution would have happened without him, and, due to the clusterfuck that was Russian politics of the time, would likely have been as brutal regardless of who came up on top.

Josif Visarionovich Djugashvili 'kill any socialist who doesn't agree with me and thus alienate every other socialist movement in Europe and also make Soviet economy completely retarded forever because I killed off anyone with a different vision' Stalin.

Based Batko. Treacherous bolshie bastards

>I hate socialists who disagree with me, but I hate kulaks even more
t. Joseph Stalin

Whoever is the common ancestor of every jew that has existed on earth.

I'd go back in time and kill myself.

kek you are a retard if you think Russia would have been different without Marx

Looking back at it now, WWI not happening would be the best thing to happen to Serbia and Serbs everywhere. Without what became Yugoslavia we could have continued the relative prosperity of the 19th century, Austria-Hungary was collapsing in any case


this desu

This motherfucker right here. He murdered over half a million Americans and killed off states' rights in order to keep a bunch of niggers and evolution deniers from making their own containment country and leaving the rest of the nation in peace. And now we have to support a rotting limb that's been nothing but a drain on the country for the past 150 years.

kill everyone who could start the french revolution but let the american revolution till succeed



>no original sin
>humanity is immortal and lives forever in the garden of Eden
>I wouldn't be born

All good things

Jesus Christ

definitely muhammad.

Is that Zwingli ?

Oh common Calvin is so fucking based

This fucking twat.

Exporting nation-state democracy and building the largest security dilemma in human history.

the first sionist

Ayn Rand

This asshole
>He dies in prison
>Apartheid stays in South America

>wanting a shattered union


She was insignificant and a fiction writer. What a waste

>le marx was bad meme
