League of Legends General - /lolg/


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xth for my wife Syndra

i want to marry this cow

congrats faggots for finally making the thread right

>tfw no Guts champion

>comet can be procced on Illaoi ghosts
>one comet can hit the ghost and the laner and the same time
>comet's CD reduction procs on Illaoi ghosts

I love my cute and perfect wife, Riven!!!

Why people abuse winrate? Dont their low iq brain understand that they dont deserve the elo they're in? If you're gold but you manage to get plat with the highest winrate champs you are just a gold in disguise.
Btw most fail anyway infact many of those little brain winrate abusers feed on the highest winrate champs cause they cant use it.


I want Nami to drench me in her fishpussy!

Who is more broken at mid

stay bronze

I just went back to a previous thread I did and got the stuff in the OP and picked a champion I liked as the OP. You make this sound like its impossible.

Each Individual Azir soldier counts as an auto attack, so comet procs off each one. But this is most likely a bug/unintended interaction.

>tfw no 1-shot-1-kill archer that fires slow but hard, and with long range



There is nothing capable of delivering as much pleasure as Vayne's enhanced cyborg pussy

1147 days without a new Jarvan IV skin.

i thought those gem things hanging from her horns were used condoms
i wish they were

Are any of you leveling up new accounts?

You want a Captain Macmillan champion?

Yasuo is "Fundamentally" the most broken champion in league of legends according to the top player in korean soloQ and probably the only champion worth a ban even if he's bad.

Brand is my favorite champion

They might give her a Blood Moon or a Star Guardian skin.



not warring kingdoms? or dragonslayer?

Elise's anime cyborg enhanced pussy can, desu


Yasuo if you know what you're doing, Zed if you don't.

Talon is in the middle.

I just want a "realistic" archer, that takes long to fire but also has quite some range.

Is SG Elise actually part machine? I thought she just piloted a machine

nice splash

but skin-wise, aristocrat is still better

My elo is higher than 95% of the playerbase and i started this game only in s6. My brain is superior than yours, and 99% of the people.

Unpopular opinion:i find yasuo much easier than riven mechanic wise

Jhin is basically that design space

Female 3 Kingdoms skins are horrible ideas.

idfk how the SG universe is supposed to work


>My brain is superior than yours
i doubt it, esl senpai

They're both braindead champs. I find tryndamere way harder to master than those easy shits. mechanics make a champ easier, but average bronze thinks that simple kit = easy to play

WK katarina and vi are bad? what?

>"guys we need to nerf the masteries to keep snowballing in check"
>nerfs merciless and double edged sword row
>"haha check out these new runes im sure you'll like them :^)"
>coup de grace: deal 10% more damage to champs with less than 40% hp

>Yasuo is "Fundamentally" the most broken champion in league of legends according to the top player in korean soloQ and probably the only champion worth a ban even if he's bad.

I need another fast paced jungler, right now I'm really only jungling on Udyr. Is Kayn fun?

Her spider arms and spider form are certainly mechanical.

I think Super Galaxy Elise is still biological, no cybernetic parts.
her pussy is probably still mind-shatteringly amazing though

Im a stranger to you, you could never estimate my IQ by few words.

apdo once said yasuo is most broken champ by design.

>not Kat's death-proof pussy

Yeah yeah I know Reddit boogeyman:


"Bullshit aside Yasuo is a broken champion. People say he's a high skillcap champion, but the secret with Yasuo is knowing how to control yourself while playing such a overpowered champion. Yasuo's weakness comes from the fact that he is too strong. His laning phase is so strong that after the laning phase people do not know how to keep calm and throw the game."

Isn't the gimmick with the recent super galaxy skins that they're piloting the mechas?

most of her body doesn't look robotic to me

desu I kinda agree.

That was Nidalee's role and everybody complained she was busted. That's why they had to remake her so she had to land several abilities instead of just one spear. There is nothing fun about a champion who 1-shot-1-kills from afar. The concept is flawed and the champion will always be nerfed to oblivion or reworked as per community feedback.

I don't see how it can compete with the mechanical upgrades PROJECT Vayne's cyborgpussy gets

Tryndamere is a bad champion but that doesn't mean he is "hard to master"
He is an easy to master champion that happens to not be that good
Is it harder to win with him? Maybe, but that doesn't mean the champion is hard in itself

Talon is easy mode. Has earlier kill pressure, better roaming and and snowball than the other two.


i think I will switch to ADC this season, I don't find the mid meta fun right now

any resources on getting gud at ADC? im currently plat playing mid and can play at that level with ADC but I want to get diamond this season.

Maybe if his ult was low cd or aa range was much longer, 550 isn't "quite some range".

You are all novices! watch mods removing this image

You mean Varus? That is exactly what he's supposed to be, except you do have to land autoattacks before the final long range shot can be fatal.

Really? Tell us the champions you play, you faggot.

>Viktor main

Yes yes and yes
They were mistakes.

varus you fegot

Dracozyra is basically as tight as Shyvana but has a masterful technique

Most of them yes. SG Elise and SG Shyvana seem to transform due to the nature of their kits though. Still, you're right that piloting would be consistent with Gurren Lagann.

The most common mistakes for new ADC is building Runaan or Blade of the Ruined King as their first item. An ADC needs crits. Always build crits. If Infinity Edge isn't your first item it should be the second.

I prefer being shyvana first desu,watching her spill the spagetthi and try her best to do snu snu right would look endearing

At the very least, in her human form, she is a biological human-spider-woman

Ult and W offer a lot of range. More what I was referring to is the slow firing aspect. Jhin is designed to not scale via attack speed. The alternative would be something like Ezreal except with mystic shot skinned as arrows.

>one of those days where matchmaking decides to fuck me in the ass

3rd afker in 6 games

How many more years until Riot puts a bubble over top lane that autokills any ranged champions that enter it during the first 25 minutes of the game?

runaan is rush on twitch

what ads do you like

>Shyvana getting jealous of Zyra's technique and trying but failing at imitating it because she can't control herself as well
>Eventually she lets Zyra tutor her with you as the test subject

There goes my afk of the day

>Play Kindred
>Enemy jungler is ALWAYS level 3 before I can finish killing, or sometimes before I even start killing the scuttle crab
>They will beeline to whatever is marked to make sure I don't get it since they know I'm unable to fight ANY jungler
>Teammates will actively refuse to help me because muh minions
>I have to choose between ganking, or spending 10 minutes killing scuttlecrabs and farming but I don't have enough time to do all three since I have to go out of my way to go for marks
>Have to nearly kill myself just to go for a mark whether it's on a champion or an enemy jungle camp
>If I gank, there's a 50/50 chance we're not going to kill them because I only have a slow and they can just flash or dash away from me
>If I invade their jungle, there's a 70/30 chance that I die for absolutely nothing or get the mark, that still doesn't do anything until I can get 4 of them which means it's a net loss anyway
For the record, I had 0 deaths that game because it was a total onesided stomp.

Also this name is a bit too real. Do you post here, Yasuo?

>not raping toplanebabs with lulu top

Because Teemo Pantheon and Wukong exists.

What about an enhanced android dick?
Hell I bet all PROJECTs are capable of delivering unreal levels of sexual pleasure.

she shits on panth and wu if left alone

post a champion and i'll link a song that fits them

I'm not gay though, so I don't care. However
>all with enchanced cyborg pussy

>implying I would EVER play that piece of shit champion

What do you mean



I would give you advice but I don't want to help others learn about my main. Kindred has a high skill floor, you should probably stick to Vi because she's secret op

You will never have enough time to recover from Panth's spears to shit in him.

>We dont have a single turret while the enemies have multiple inhibs
>Enemies have twice as much kills as we do and are like 2 levels higher
>Team refuses to surrender
>Its a normal game

just started playing it at the end of s7 and I really liked xayah, trist, varus and ashe. i also love ezreal, he was my first ever main.

to be honest i don't have any real preferences as to what champs i play, i just play the stuff that is best. i feel like i can get to decent skill with a champ in about 2-3 games.

How's this for Nocturne? Picked up resolve to somewhat solve his softness.


>Open capsule
>Get this

I thought people saying you only get 450 champions just had momentary bad luck.

But this is fucking ridiculous.

Better to say your first two items should be an IE or ER and a Zeal item. You can complete your Zeal item before IE/ER, but you should have your BF or at least a Pickaxe before you do.

Ashe, Sivir, and Xayah can go for ER first, and should usually get both IE and ER eventually. I usually don't go for a 2nd Zeal item unless the game goes "sell your boots" late.

Ashe, Twitch, Jinx, Kog, Xayah, and Varus are the main ones that you want Runaan's on. Almost everyone else wants a SS+RFC, or PD if necessary. If you don't have a good on-hit effect to abuse, SS generally better until super late.

Draven, Ezreal, Kog, Kalista, and Varus are the only ones that you may want to consider not going standard Crit build on.

Your core build is the IE+Zeal item and you generally want to go straight for that. Get your Last Whisper item after that, and around when you see 2 armor items on the enemy team. Don't be afraid to delay your 3rd crit item in favor of a Hexdrinker, Executioner's, etc. if the game demands it.

xayah is stronk as fuck and so is ez

what do you want tips with? im a washed up ex-diamond AD main so my tips might not be the best

you can shield all his spears they do like 5 dmg after shiel

>have massive lead at 10 minutes
>every one of our lanes outscales
>they keep trying to stall

There needs to be a system in place that lowers the necessary surrender votes from 4-2 based on overall gold difference/objectives secured.


>buy rune pages with RP during 2 for 1 way back when for some reason
>get spooky green vlad and lunar something caitlyn
>caitlyn is pretty straightforward but I just kind of suck at vlad
Does /lolg/ play champs because they got skins for em?

>enemy Jax has SKT in his name
>builds Deathcap, Bork, Manamune, and Bloodthirster, only thing he builds that makes sense is TForce
>finishes 17/31 in a nearly 49-minute game