League of legends general /lolg/

best waifu part 2

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xth for aggressive interspecies impregnation.

>stomp lane
>lose game


xth for my wife Syndra

Just youtube league macro and learn how to play


nth for sticking your dick in crazy.

Why does Ionia have all the tightest girls?

I love Camille

jinx will never be viable and balanced
shes either going to be overtuned or just a worse kogmaw/teitch

this pains me

well then you're a special snowflake far from the typical player, who, when they play every few days or sometimes once a week, still only play a couple of games.

i'm pretty sure 5000 games will get you 400k essences, so you might consider playing slightly fewer games than that for your poro icon

see the xp leveling changes that are going out sometime during next patch:

4 Waifu posts in a row

I hope your games are going better than mine tonight

Don't stick your dick in crazy

xth for breast metal waifu

xth for never pulling out of the crazy

First time here?

>ezreal still hasn't been hotfixed

they hotfixed his murumana bug 2 days ago retard
read meddlers posts

>level up
>open capsule
>disenchant all but one for mastery reasons
>adds up to about 450 BE
Fuck off Riot

alright, will do, but because I have to disenchant one of em to get her I'll wait for my next S rank


Relentless Sexual Aggression Tier: Evelynn, Ahri, Vi, Nidalee, Leona, Illaoi, Magma, Fire, Kayle, Shyvana

Teasing and Control Freak Tier: LeBlanc, Syndra, Orianna, Lissandra, Camille, Xayah, Morgana, Storm, Dark, Nami, Elise

Definitely Dominant But Not Quite As Sexual Tier: Sejuani, Zyra,Soraka

High Tier: Cassiopeia, Karma, Katarina, Vayne, Diana, Fiora, Miss Fortune

Mid Tier: Jinx, Caitlyn, Riven, Quinn, Sivir, Air

Low Tier: Lux (some Elementalist forms are much higher), Ashe, Water, Nature, Akali

Submissive: Sona,Janna



Idk why you hate them so much, I pity then. Their lives are so hollow they must find solace in the non-existant arms of a 2D girl who can never actually embrace them. Kind of like that piece of shit avatarfag in /llsifg/, except all they've got is claiming to be the best player with literally zero evidence to back said claims.

i want to kiss a birb

post fish!

Fuck Riot and fuck this new patch, I'm out.
Honestly, it's been going downhill since they started cracking down on the shit talk. Three months of play and not one insult against my mother. Shits weak, got boring.

Jayce buffs when

Just learn to lane with her and she's broken
Trading stance the fuck out of people and then snowball to a 25 minute win.

that sounds about right, if the one you didn't disenchant was 400+ BE's worth

A year and a half after they nerf him to the ground

I'd much rather break her.

I want Nami to drench me in her fishpussy!


Is it wrong to want to fuck her dolphin pussy

Why are you still maining Talon/Zed/Rengar/Kha6, user?

Where would you place yourself on that list
How long does it take to break each tier?

Pet the Fish!

>know i'd climb 3 divisions if i went back to adc primary
>wont do it cause ryze is too fun even though my ryze is clown tier

>reaching almost 5 attack speed with Jinx
I admit it. I got a little excited myself.

>loading tip: "Because of their glamour, the true form of a yordle is difficult for normal humans to perceive"
I though they were furry midgets not sparkly vampires.

Xth for smack the crazy right in the face, gag her, bruise her ass with a paddle and cover her in cum

>tfw no adc gf

im a metaslave that plays to win and jinx is too team reliant for my tastes
with twitch if you know how to flank you can pretty much solocarry after 2 items

kog is also very team reliant but people usually pick around him since he melts entire teams

Lucian buffs when

imagine if i had a real weapon


i want nami to teach me how to swim


If you see your jungler hover Tristana ban it.

You gotta pull out!

what the fuck is going on in that picture and why do I think I like it

is there any better feeling than being a fed tank with thornmail and being unkillable

When Riot decides what lane he should go to so they don't make him retard strong again.

Most crazy girls like it when you cum inside. Don't ask how I know this.

Wait what the fuck when did Xayah get out of Submissive?

>Needing Thornmail to do damage

>pulling out
>of any woman
Get a load of this guy

>implying Jinx will let me pull out
>implying I want to pull out ever
>impying I don't want to spend every bit of my life day and night with my dick inside her

is there a way to make it so that you smartcast every ability w/o indicators but smartcast one of them WITH indicator? for example i want indicators on veigar's E but not on other skills, is there a way to do this?

you should see if it's cheaper to upgrade mastery using essence or the shard. and actually, you should probably not upgrade right now since they will be changing it in some way in response to the complaint that it used to not affect your champ gain rate very much but now it does.

also if you disenchanted everything then you would've gotten the full amount of 810-1260be, you retard.

>Don't ask how I know this.

Reading "gg I'm done" from the enemy vayne after effortlessly killing her as said unkillable tank

>Most crazy girls like it when you cum inside
can confirm

>Not making her beg for your seed

She won't get a load from me!

This is why I tell you to pull out!

only if you're willing to change your keybinds (and if you play different hcamps you'd have to change keybinds every game you play a different champ)

there are different keybinds for normal cast, quickcast, and quickcast with indicator.

How? They pulled out so you can't.

>She won't get a load from me!
How do you stop this from happening when she leglocks and clamps so tightly you can't even move?

>How long does it take to break each tier?
You can't break them
Because it's a good picture
it's been like that for atleast 15 threads man

Bloodmoon elise is flawless.

can you guys take your pathetic erp to discord or something

you can get this?

>Because it's a good picture
Is the person on the bottom a dude? are they in some kind of colosseum?


Actual xth for my wife Syndra because the same sad fucks like
can't stop being massive fucking spergs and think they are funny

Girls loving girls!

>can't stop being massive fucking spergs
is this supposed to be ironic

Why do mirrors seem to reflect left and right, but not up and down?

All the willpower you have is being used trying not to cum right away, you don't have any left to pull out

Are you still trying to fight lissfag?

...sneaky sneaky...muahaha

that wasn't me in the last thread

A week ago I was lost searching for a rune page for the Destruction Man and I think I've found it! What do you think /lolg/?

>all these people wanting to nut inside Jinx

You know her skeletal body probably couldn't handle a child right? Do you really want to get your waifu pregnant and have her die during childbirth?

Can those shitter silver Lee Sins stop sitting their duo fag partner in top lane? It's literally always a Lee Sin.

Predator on one of the worst gankers in the game?

That's... Actually kind of hot?

Jinx is not a skeleton, she is petite and firm

Fuck no, I hate kids. That's what the pill is for

So do I...

Where is the psychoanalysis guy

Brand is my main and my fetishes are pregnancy, weight gain, huge asses and [/spoiler]inflation[/spoiler]

>Hecarim with ghostblade + Predator

No, at this point I think I'll just stop posting because I'm genuinely tired of having to race with these retards.
Congrats lads, you reached your goal.

good thing i live in the 21st century where you can nut inside a person and they wont get preggers 99.9% of the time

whoa where did you get that picture of me

You don't get Thornmail for the damage. In fact it's kinda a bad item in most situations. When you're a fed tank you get it for the sole purpose of crushing their spirit and making the ADC ragequit.

If you don't mind anons could you post some morganas? I would like to build up my folder.

in the big scheme of things... jinx isn't actually very skeletal. she's just scrawny, not anorexic.

>got Death Blossom Elise from a crate
>spent 4800 BE to unlock her when 7.22 hit
>lose a mediocre game that didn't go too bad for anyone
>still don't have a single fucking clue how to play her
I had the same problem with Nidalee. Are transforming champs generally more difficult to learn before they're useful?

>jax jungle
you deserved it

you dont deserve syndra


Caesarean section