Is it Really Necessary to Climb the Corporate Ladder?

So I have a job that pays in the high five figures.

I'm only a couple years in but I don't see why I'm supposed to try and seek higher positions and responsibilities. Basically I see no reason to:
>fit in
>kiss ass
>go beyond what's expected
>be social, go to the dumb corporate social events
>muh come in early stay late meme
>muh always be learning meme
>aggressively chase base salary when all I'm going to end up with is more responsibilities and work
>care about being respected, etc.

It seems like I could basically sit on this job all the way until the next crash causes mass lay-offs and save myself a lot of stress and compromises on my life. This is nearly an entry level position but I don't see why anyone would need more than this unless they had mouths to feed...

nope, not necessary at all.

my strategy is to do the same thing until cryptocurrency grows enough so that i can retire. hopefully in a few years.

>is it necessary?
Not unless you need more money cuz you spend like a profligate/you're forced to spend unsustainable amounts of money

I wish someone would make a wagecuck board, or at least a thread. Reading about peoples 9-5 jobs is depressing as hell.

The shittiest part imo is once you start staying late it becomes expected of you.

>sit outside of departmental head's office
>can hear everything this mouthbreathing assclown says most of the time, usually it's really annoying
>he had a big project that had been assigned to me
>I was already working on some other tasks for officers within the department that were extremely time critical. His request wasn't time sensitive and my direct boss had told me not to work on it yet.
>hear departmental head talking to my boss one day
>tells my boss "I don't care if he has to work every night and weekend I want X project done. Does he just not care or something? Why isn't he excited about his job?"
>really fucking stresses me out
>begin staying late, sometimes until 8 or 9:00 PM(normally leave at 4:00PM)
>even come in on a saturday like a fucking beta cuck
>get project done
>other people notice I'm staying late
>start asking me to do more stuff
>can't reasonably fit all my tasks into my 8 hour workday anymore

I think I'm going to slowly start winding it back to leaving on time. Fuck staying late for this shit. It usually makes no difference and nobody really cares or appreciates it. Also why is every VP or higher the same fucking "jus b urself bro" "positive thinking bro" "check out this TED talk bro" ass hat?

Lol wtf are you doing? Tell them to hire a second cuck ffs.

We're getting an intern in a month. Will probably try to cuck him into doing a lot of shit. Will be nice for a little while anyway.

Depending on the kind of work you do, I've always found that interns require more work out of you than you get out of them. Especially if it's just for a month.

imo if you have a decent job that allows you to have a comfortable/decent living and to have some savings there is literally no reason to ascend any ladder at all and waste time on that, be it corporate ladders, academic ladders, government etc....

Just invest and do other things. Someone with money can basically have a second income investing.

We usually keep our interns for the entire summer. Sometimes they are good sometimes they are a total bust. This past summer we hired our intern and she was actually supposed to take over some of my tasks but she got stuck with some other project.

We had an intern before that who literally was caught sleeping at his desk kek.

Invest in ethereum now and you'll be richer than all your higher ups combined.

Because they want to keep milking your time so they don't have to waste their time doing tedious bullshit.

None of the people you work with are your friends. You may end up having a bro co-worker or two that you become friends with, but anyone that is your superior is never to be trusted and is essentially exploiting you.

The toughest pill to swallow IMO is that nobody really gives a rat's ass about anyone but themselves, and a few select others which 99% of the time ends up being wife, kids, and family.

see i went in day one with my attitude, so I'm definitely not seen as competent or a hard worker, and yet they dont fire me and i keep getting raises

i get there exactly at 8 and leave exactly at 5, and i take my full lunch hour


It's not for everyone. Any large company has plenty of employees who just dig in and stay in their lane. They don't like the idea of extra responsibilities and enjoy being able to say oh that's up to my manager.

I personally find the idea of being stagnant repulsive

why not just jump to an equivalent position at a different company?
now suddenly you're working on something else

>It seems like I could basically sit on this job all the way until the next crash causes mass lay-offs and save myself a lot of stress and compromises on my life.

Congratulations you peered under the curtain and understood what the game is about. Are you at microsoft by the way? If you are, you'd know the long running joke that working means working for four hours and doing your side thing for four hours because eventually you'll get booted off anyway (at least with stack ranking).

Moral of working in corporations - keep your eye on the exit, preferably with your terms. And don't be a push over bitch if you want to keep your sanity.

Entirely self inflicted.
Here is whats gonna happen now, you're gonna wind back, but you wont be able to deliver double the work (are you salary btw? If you are you're the dumbest cuck Ive heard of). Since your delivered line items will decrease, they'll rank you as one of the worst in the team. Here comes the PIP with unrealistic expectations (which require you to go back to 12h days). 80% chance that they won't keep you anyway.

Save yourself the trouble and get a new job where you won't piss yourself in public again.

No but I am in tech
basically I was terrified that I was doing a shit job but suddenly I was at 6 months (long enough for unemployment) then a full year then two and nothing happened, I just get average performance reviews and no one particularly likes me, which is fine because I'm there for the paycheck and not muh ambishuns

I see that anyone who doesn't have to go into work terrified about keeping their kids insured and their stupid cunt wife happy and the payments on their mcmansion and bmw's going really doesn't have much to worry about, and I really do not envy those people one bit, it's just upsetting that my eternal poorfag family holds me to those same standards

Depending on your director, it's pretty difficult to get fired from a big company once you're in. Keep cruising if you want but I will never understand why anyone is ok with just being mediocre. Maybe since you came from a poor family, in your view you are doing well and feel content.

how can you say that the rat race isn't any less of a life of mediocrity if so many people are doing it?

>It seems like I could basically sit on this job all the way until the next crash causes mass lay-offs and save myself a lot of stress and compromises on my life.
You might, but a lot of corporations have an up-or-out policy which will screw you over if you spend too long in the same position. The pressure, for people who don't want to take on management positions, is towards contract roles, but those are even less secure and the pay isn't commensurate with the risk.

The reason I like my job is because I learn new things and get handed bigger challenges. And by doing well I have more income to spend on hobbies. I don't see the appeal of sitting in one position for years and getting bored

In the two years that I've had this job I've learned that this is essentially right. You are also correct in that it's a tough pill to swallow.

I had that attitude for a while until I started feeling the pressure I mentioned in my first post and I ended up caving like a weak willed beta. I don't know how I can recover. It doesn't help that I sit outside the exec who runs the department's office. He will literally shouts my name from the office like I'm a fucking dog and I have to get up and come running. If I had known working would be like this I would've just gotten a pair of kneepads and kept my dignity.

I agree that it was self inflicted. And yes I am salaried and yes I am the dumbest cuck. I fell for the entire thing hook line and sinker.

This is something I've also come to realize. I have almost $60k in savings after working for

>The reason I like my job is because I learn new things and get handed bigger challenges

Do people actually think this or is this just more corporate stockholm syndrome. I hear people I work with use this exact line every time even when describing their jobs even when their jobs are boring as shit.

Don't be upset bro, especially if its your first "professional" work experience. Look at it that way, you learned what not to do early on in your career. Some go until the very end, or the inevitable heart attack without learning this important lesson.

You don't need to do anything you don't want to user. As long as you're living somewhat comfortably and providing for your offspring, you have no obligation to climb the corporate ladder if you don't want to. Live how you chose, it's your life after all

A higher salary would enable you to retire earlier.

Don't know I'm in IT and I quite literally learn new stuff every week or two

It's not depressing, but it's borderline offensive how ignorant they are

Mediocrity and lack of ambition is ugly. People who fall for wageslave concepts such as the "corporate ladder" are never going to be truly successful. They'll piss away 40 hours a week (if they're lucky) and 25+ years chasing pipe dreams and gradually increasing their mediocre bank balance until retirement in their 50s

You'd think education would open their eyes, but they still fall for the same bullshit every other "successful" wageslave falls for

it'll take five more years to get to that point for me, and at that point they're either gonna have to get someone else right out of school to train all over or live with me

>providing for your offspring
LOL no
see this is why people have no choice but to work like dogs
because they have to provide for someone, and live every DAY in fear
but I realized that is the absolute last thing I would ever want, and it is the key to a lifetime of misery
>laughing at your manager's shitty jokes so you get a .1% higher raise at the end of the year

yes at the cost of having to endure a much less palatable job

I still do not understand what frogposters define as wageslave

is literally ANYBODY employed by someone else a wageslave?

>is literally ANYBODY employed by someone else a wageslave?
According to frogposters, yes.

we're ALL wagecucks.

we just cuck to different things

Depends. If it's a good company and they are gonna reward you then stay.

If the company is bad in anyway, jump ship for a higher offer somewhere else.

It's 2017 and business loyalty is basically dead.

benefits package is unrivaled and the work is interesting, I just don't want any more of it

this is so stupid
my expenses are only a tiny portion of my salary
I probably manage to save more in a year than they'll ever make from cryptocoins

Tell them no, or leave.
You can make more elsewhere, and you need to learn to set boundaries. They're not gonna fire you because you're too busy. They may threaten no raises or bonus or whatever, so then you just leave and they will see how fucked they are.