
Throughout human history, there have been many accounts of genocide and pogroms. But has there ever been a successful one? Has an entire ethnicity or group ever been completely erased from the face of the planet?

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Don't they still exist partially through their descendants? I know for the most part the culture is gone, but I'm talking about complete and utter eradication.

That is impossible because there are always remains, no matter what, you can never really eradicate a race.

Genocide of the Gauls was a hoax there's no way Romans and Caesar could kill three million of them using only swords wake up sheeple

The Taino were completely wiped out. A combination of killing all the men and raping all the women while a 90% mortality plague sweeps through sure gets the job done.

>Throughout human history, there have been many accounts of genocide and pogroms

Lot of pogroms but application of "genocide" to anything before 1940 is retroactive.

>Has an entire ethnicity or group ever been completely erased from the face of the planet?

It's kinda suspicious that we're successful animals but all the other species of human died off.


They got HUMANED

Neanderthals were humans.



Don't fuck with the Chinese.

The Jews, Russians and Americans did a thorough genocide of the Prussians.


Qing China wiped out a subethnicity of the Mongols with just swords and forced driving into deserts

Depends on what do you define as "ethnicity", but:
Assyrians liked to genocide a lot.
Assyrians themselves were wiped out.
Alexander kinda genocided Thebes a little.

>Assyrians themselves were wiped out.

Assyrians exist today

The mongols completely wiped Xi Xia off the face of the earth, not really an ethnicity though

>Xi Xia
The Tanguts merely migrated into China proper and finally got absorbed by the 16th Century.

Do you mean Kurds?
On what grounds are they "Assyrians"?

Lots of human ethnicities are extinct, like the original inhabitants of most of the Middle East for example. The native whites of Great Bong Island and Potato Island are also extinct.

The San people were once all over Southern Africa, now they can only be found in Namibia because the african blacks outcompeted them and drove them to near extinction when they migrated into Southern Africa.

There were also possibly dark skinned humans that were not blacks in North Africa but went extinct.

In the mid-12th century, the Cathar Perfect, who were hard-working preachers leading lives of poverty, won a large following in Languedoc, which was then an independent region of traders impatient with the strictures of the Church

The Cathars were dissident, pacifist Christians who believed that an evil deity had created the material world and a good god all the invisible rest.

As if to prove Cathar beliefs, the armed might of Rome which exterminated them with such glee that the name given to the Cathars' torment
- the Albigensian crusade -

The crusade began at Béziers in 1209, when 20,000 people were slaughtered ("Kill them all, God will know his own!" was the order) and lasted 20 bloody years.

The crusade was followed by the birth of the Inquisition, expressly formed to hunt down and burn the remaining Cathars. As inquisitors fanned out over the countryside of Albi, Toulouse and Carcassonne, anyone resisting them was imprisoned, tortured or killed. On March 16, 1244, some 200 Cathars who had withstood a 10-month siege atop their summit hideout of Montségur were marched into a field and were burned alive.

Genocide if the white race.

The qing you mean

the taino, only a handful left in a caribbean island (I think Dominica but not sure)

>Late 1700s Qing
Basically the same thing by that point really.


The Tibetans very soon

I'm pretty sure every German with a backbone was exterminated in WWII

So perhaps there was an eradication we just don't know about and never will.

Tocharians. Albeit they were conquered and mostly TURKED into Uyghurs but still astonishing, a whole branch of the indo-European family completely extinguished.

The Onas.

>Do you mean Kurds?
no he means assyrians, they are still a minority in the region

The Ainu are a good modern-day example.

no, they were sapient but not homo sapiens

t. Ataturk

Except that it was the Germans and it wasn't a genocide - it took a few hundred years for them to be completely assimilated.

>dark skinned humans in Africa that aren't black in North Africa

Those humans are still alive in the Sahel, and most of them are black. They fled due to the desertification of the Sahara.

Forgot to add: The Khoisan race(I'm including the Khoikhoi and San), Hadze, and Sandawe are all in danger, lest someone starts protecting them. The Khoisan got lucky, as there are multiracilal groups like the Griquas, Basters, parts of the Xhosa Bantu group (black Africans who speak a click language partially borrowed from the San, like the Zulu), and especially the Coloureds, who are mostly Khoisan who still exist, and could easily be merged with their race, despite admixture. Kinda like how black Americans are 25% white but are still predominately West/Central African.

The Khoisan language and culture isn't that strong. Also Coloureds have Khoisan as their 2nd highest dna contribution, Europe influence is petty damn high and Asian/Bantu influence notable too. Also none have any ties to Khoisan asides from genetics.

Kinda of in the same bleak scenario American Natives are but different.

They assimilated them and the few that didn't migrated.

Abos still exist

Nice meme.


The Taino , The Guanahatabey and the Ciboney people of the Caribbean:

"There was one royal official on the island who, when he was allotted three hundred natives, worked them so hard that, at the end of three months, only thirty – that is to say, just one tenth of the original number – were still alive, the other two hundred and seventy having perished down the mines. Later, he received another consignment of much the same number, or even more, and he saw them off, too. The more he received, the more he killed, until eventually he himself died and the Devil took his soul."
De las Casas

During the three or four months I was there, more than seven thousand children died of hunger, after their parents had been shipped off to the mines, and I saw many other horrors also.

It was later decided to hunt down the natives who had fled into the mountains, and the subsequent hunting parties were responsible for carnage beyond belief. Thus it was that the whole of the island was devastated and depopulated, and it now affords, as we discovered on a recent visit, a moving and heartrending spectacle, transformed, as it has been, into one vast, barren wasteland.

man the spanish were given this incredible opportunity with a naive people and they just brutalized them

Real genocide can only be done by evolution. But then it wouldn't be genocide.

thier pictures are always the coolest

"Qings" never existed as an ethnicity or noun.


tbf they didn't like it as well.

Catholic Church literally threatened the Conquistadors if they won't stop.