League of Legends General - /lolg/


Taric is perfect edition

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xth for my wife Syndra

Is that minion dematerialiser thing useful on ANY champ?

>tfw no sexually aggressive Katarina maid

1157 days without a new Jarvan IV skin.

Should I do it or should I get a chroma?

xth for the TCS

Alright this is a warning to all you PERVERTS out there.

Star Guardians are canonically underaged teenage girls. There will be absolutely NO lewding of them from here on out as that would be illegal and you'll reported to the proper authorities.


Its good on literally anyone that struggles to lane as with nearly everything in the inspiration tree.

Ever been pushed to tower and lost CS to Tower shots?

congrats you now get a wave of CS for free (which is basically like 1 level).

She's ruining the fucking turkey.

who here /notganking/ ?
best way to jungle

nah they are all early 20s just so stupid they got held back this long

That's reason enough.

>underaged girls
>Ezreal in pic
user, I

>tfw katarina is too mechanically challenging for my brain to play without feeding

I'm really not paying attention to the turkey in this situation

Is there anything contradictory in that?

>miss fortune is a teenage girl
u wot?

I skipped out on the star guardians event, is this an alternate universe or something?

>Star Guardians are canonically underaged teenage girls
provide evidence

>"95% of my losses are because of my jungler"
>"1 in 20 I actually lost my lane reasonably"
/ourguy/ proving that my elo hell is real

lmao what


Art imitates life.

The idea of Nidalee in a miniskirt gives me a pretty solid boner.

>high school age
easily 18

so, which do I can and which do I keep?

Legal in Leaf land

Sona, Gnar, Lux and Lucian look pretty good.

>16 or 17
>she must be 18

Watch out for the taxes, goy.

Lewding them in their untransformed state would be wrong, but when they transform it's totally fine

Lulu is VERY cute!

Sona's second best skin
Lux's best skin
Decent Akali skin
Good Blitz skin

Rest are meh. Depends mainly on who you play.

I can see Riot doing Star Guardian Nidalee by referring to her as a girl who's actually a Familiar that can actually transform into a cute girl at will and is there to be a parent figure for the current Star Guardians.

>mfw watching hashinshin atm
feels good man

It's the second wave of Star Guardians. Supposedly an older, more experienced crew, Ahri is the leader and had lost girls to the void before so is super jaded about it.

I wanna TOUCH Lulu's EARS!

Now that the dust has settled what the fuck is this guy's problem?

So what's the best way to spend project icons?

Dust all but Unmasked Kayle and then complain on the forums that you never get a good skin.

haven't played lol for 2 years
currently downloading it
any fun hero you would recommend me to try?

3rd. Lux was the original True Star Guardian. Others are just cheap cosplayers

He got too hyphy.


Best girl.
Best ears.
Best wife.

ezreal fun and OP atm

Except Lux is the one with the bland, dated costume and everyone else is fabulous.

There's no difference between the average plat player and the average low dia player in terms of skill, it's literally the amount of games grinded.

I just never bothered to. I could but it would take more time than I'd care to set aside for the border. It's literally easier to just transfer to LAN near the season end and play some games there with mute all on. I'm not a poorfag so RP isn't an issue anyway

You should, because you'll be eating it after you're done with the main dish. There's nothing worse than a ruined dessert.

Who do you ban every game and why /lolg/?

I'm going to end up spending them on borders + key + BE because I have a thing for exclusive content

best choice would probably be 2x skin orbs

gonna check out if they changed him a lot since i played

Yeah, because true fighters of evil don't need some overly fancy clothes. Proves my point again that others are just cosplayers.


>implying I'm not eating the turkey while she rides me
you are right that if the turkey is ruined, it would make it worse

In order:
Zoe because fuck CertainlyT
Ezreal is currently OP
Twitch because goons in my bot lane fall for the cheese every time
Kayn because I fall for the cheese every time

>looks the same
>said this to fuel sex fantasies

Even when he's not as strong as he is in the current patch, he is not fun to lane against and can go fuck himself.

What's she bouncing up and down on?

How do you deal with frustrating teammates that you absolutely want to go aggro on?

I just got a 14 day for calling a retarded gook just that in team chat after he called me trash for not being able to consistently survive ganks while he just fucked around in our jungle.

What lanes do I NOT pick fiora into besides the manly man of many spear throws?

Dust jungle nigger Akali.

Tahm kench top is fun

>looks the same

see you in jail buddy

>Pick Xerath
>J4 just keeps diving me from our Jungle

Feels good man

My current order is Ezreal > Zed (so I don't get him on my team mostly) > Gangplank > Vlad


You don't need to manage your orange essence economy, you don't get upset because your box had some shit like shamrock malphite, you don't have to get jewed just to experience the cool effects for yourself, you can buy icons, etc.

It's a genuine relief.

>Want to play my cute SG Ahri skin
>Keep getting destroyed in lane because I'm bronze and can't hit her E


gonna keep Lux and then get rid of Kayle, Akali, and Gnar to get Lucian

you dont have to hit her e lmao

Ahri, it's a lazy ban and I don't want assasinmages in my games

Do you want any of the project skins (except the 3 new ones)? Get project skin shard.
Do you not mind having a huge chance to get absolutely shitty cheap trash while also having a minuscule chance to roll something real good? Get 2x skin orbs.
Are you le exclusive content plebeian? Get borders.

Don't do it, people have been banned for using skin assets before!

The very worst matchup I could get on whichever role/champ I'm playing. An example is when I'm playing Riven, I'd always ban Jarvan poor. Riven has a lot of bad matchups but banning a braindead champ that manages to be tanky, play extremely safe while being like an assassin even with only 1 lethality item at the same time is a big big YES in my ban book.

is fiora good?

i got the project shard and was hoping for anyone but her, but i got her


it literally says "supposed to be" so whoever wrote that actually has no idea and just threw a number out there

Before preseason I'd always ban Lulu, haven't been playing on SR since tho.

check who's streaming
target ban from there


She's actually pretty hard to master but is pretty solid once you do. She not viable high diamond and up because people will know to hug the wall when you ult and back out to reset the vitals, but anywhere below that she's pretty solid.

when vlad vgu with mind control ability

>Already have Blood Moon and Warlord.
I'd be hard pressed to find one I could want more.

Just R and then E melee

Is leblanc and syndra good? I'm level 25 and have never seen either of them in a game

which champions is like the darksouls of champions in league??

Oh, nothing special.

Leblanc's decent. Kind of hard to play for newer players.

Syndra's always been good and is pretty easy to play.

In high elo they're both pretty disgusting.

Syndra is good and pretty straightforward, LeBlanc is probably good if you're amazing at her, but it takes too much effort.

Chomp Gath

project on the same quality as jhin would be pretty nice

Best attack speed champs?

please tell me you have access to the full thing

syndra sucks massive cock, dont listen to any bronze that tells you otherwise

Why is Cass mad in this image?

poppy for hugs
tristana for fugs
lulu for abuse

She's kinda weak nowadays but not complete trash. She has a lot of bad matchups though. Learn how to proc your ult quick. You general all-in not counting vitals/ult should be q-aa-e-tiamat-aa, block with w their cc or hugest damage, then orbwalk around trying to get as many vitals as you can.
Runes are matchup dependant, in melee ones where you can proc klepto a lot - get it, phase rush for ranged ones usually, grasp if you just want to survive the lane, PTA is meh and is only good if you're snowballing out of control, those 12% don't increase true damage and are only good if you have a lot of ad and autoattacking a lot. When building pages always aim for AD stats instead of ASPD when possible, it's much more powerful early.
