Heroes of the Storm General - /hotsg/

Winter is coming Edition

For New Players :
>Welcome to Heroes of the Storm!

What's New? :
>Dragons of the Nexus Event!
>November 14th - December 12th

>New heroes, Laning changes, Performance-based MMR, Laning updates, Voice chat, and more!

>Alexstrasza, the Life-Binder; Now LIVE!
>Hanzo, Master Assassin

Community Resources :
>Guides, Tips, Talent Calculators, Youtube Content, and more
>*Unofficial* Heroes of the Storm API
>Upload your replays and contribute data for more accurate statistics
>Tier lists are effective guidance tools, but should never be blindly followed

>Current Weekly Brawl
>Current Patch Notes
>Current PTR Patch Notes

Where can I find fellow players to group up with and discuss the game? :
>Blizzard App - Social Tab invite links
Type "/join Veeky Forums" in the chat


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Remember to stand in Mommy's circle for milkies!

Actual Previous:



What is the best way to deal with Morales?

tfw no mommy gf


2-3 dive heroes or chromie

Lune when?


where are the hot pictures of tyrande?

When is the Christmas update?

In the oven.

>loved to autistically split push
>split pushing is getting nerfed
Can I at least get some supports that aren't healers?

>split pushing is getting nerfed
Splitpushing is betting better if you are in the lane you are pushing
>buildings do 25% less damage to non-heroes
>minion damage increased by 10%

The thing about split pushing is that you aren't always in the lanes you are pushing. Curious to see what becomes of azmodan and zagara.

Why do so many Uthers go with a Q build? Why have I never won with an Uther on my team who went with a Q build?

Play Medivh

I would love me a support that does some silly shit besides healing. Like an ability that places a curse on an allied teammate so that whenever they take damage, that damage is also taken by the dealer. No PROTECTED bullshit, just "Don't hit this fucker or you'll explode." Trait could be something like Malth, where if they hit with a basic attack, that enemy gets their attack/spell damage gets lowered by whatever percentage, activate to increase it, with talents that increase the amount or make it an AoE at like level 20. That would be neat.

Q build is the best of sustain and is insane if the other team has a lot of stuns with the lowered cooldowns when stunned, holy shock and critical heals when under 50% life.
Can literally 1v1 Murradin.

Dunno. I see the same thing with Hammers that go full-siege mode. She can be potent as fuck just zipping around sniping at people, but no, gotta play dumb and make themselves a fat, immobile target. Then they bitch about the team not protecting them because they get caught out.

this game is so rewarding i thought it was a glitch
10 lootboxes in 2 hours
am at level 15 and i have 4000 credit what should i buy

the thing is it works if uther has dbl sup or ur own team has its own sustain, q build shock uther cant heal his own team enough,

Give me one legit reason to go colossus instead of taunt. Just one.
Varian is retarded, he has 3 ults and only one of them is viable, why even bother adding them into the game if they made them garbage?

>next summer bikini skin for alexstrasza

Are you talking about gold or gems?
Save gems for new heroes, or for skins you want, save gold for heroes you find fun and want to play a lot.

most supports can't heal their own team enough

it slows down once you have most heroes past level 5 but until then enjoy your crates galore

when is the last time you guys got "Play 8 Games" quest? I have had the same quest 6 times in a row

A couple days ago.

>Suicide to get enough seeds for another plant
>Enemy core is on 24%
>Furiously pinging as the team roves around taking merc camps and clearing waves
>Panic as it starts to wilt
>Someone finally picks it up and wins the game


i havent seen that quest in like 3 weeks, its either been play 3 support heroes or win 3 games

> - 3 actually interesting posts with pictures
Die autists


>mut Varian is mad about my genji build
>got a quadra kill because Kael ks my penta
>me: "si perras"
>mut Varian: "we don't talk taco here, Ill call to ICE"

>I'll just get Junkrat to level 5 for the gold
>2 hours later
I usually just play HOTS for the WC3 nostalgia, I shouldn't be enjoying overwatch characters.

Fuck beaners.

>I shouldn't be enjoying overwatch characters.
You should grow up kid.

>BlizzCON banner
Yea, kill yourself

imagine being this mad and poor

Azmodan isn't really as much of a splitpusher in the sense where he afks a lane and just pushes for fort while his team 4 v 5s.

Azmodan's job is to clear waves and get map pressure that way via bombing lanes, sending in Ws trait officers, but also be there for teamfights / objectives while the lanes autopush from his other abilities.

the thing is, Junkrat is actually fun. i've been playing him.
you have to earn your takedowns with him and he's a good zone player. i had a Gaz on my team and we were zoning off each other, he was throwing his turrets next to my bear traps.

>have nice winning streak
>be punished by 10 game lose streak in a row
i am getting tired of this forced 50 bullshit, i am seriously about to uinstall because this isn't a game of skill if they just force you to win or lose by pairing me with total idiots or against total idiots

I usually just call em spics

Should I be? The games obnoxious and every other HOTS character they've added from the series has been garbage like Tracer / Genji / Lucio.

I've not had an awful lot of synergy going on, I think the best I've seen is a Diablo throwing someone into a bear trap.

Certainly has the toolkit to make something happen though.

Imagine being a faggot and a good goy.

Have they made QM matchmaking to never match Abathur against Abathur?

How is me being a good goy and going to a retard convention = me being poor?

not never, but it prefers non mirror matches
the heroes it can match vs abathur is stuff like Tyrande, Medivh, most of the semi-support oddballs

lmao samefag

Yes they got rid of mirror matching in QM, so now its a stomp or get stomped gamemode

Oh shit, it's been a while.
And it's just after i broke a losing streak too, feels great
Now if only fortune smiles on me and gives me the read immortan garrosh skin, the only lego skin i want

A fool and his money are quick to part.



Blizzard really fucked up with Garrosh's representation in Heroes of the Storm. His abilities and role do not fit his character fantasy in any way. His kit should have been for another character.

Yes, he is fun to play. But he should have been a bruiser, like Artanis, but with burst and less focus on defense and with an ability to force 1v1.

>what Blizzard devs did
Hey guys we plan to release Garrosh somewhere in summer 2017
Fast forward summer 2017
Alright guys just attach some existing kit to Garrosh and release him. And dont forget to make a legendary skin + bike with a bunch of tints

yeah, of course i get the ugliest fucking tint

I got nothing but boring mounts with my legendary rolls.

i get nothing but fucking Overwatch characters. i did get Kel'Thuzad though, that's probably been my favorite orange.

I didn't go to a convention. I'm watching blizzcon, as I do every year. This year I chose to get a stream that wasn't garbage quality and controlled by people who in the previous 2 years wanted to watch overwatch panels.

Why you feel the need to shit the thread up with this is beyond me though, can't you just insult me for playing junkrat instead?

i never got a single hero from a lego box

What's the red circle indicating here?

>didn't shoo the jew


New skin, maybe?


i wouldve quit a long time ago if i was you.
but i did spend 5$ to get Arthas because i wanted him so bad.
>inb4 faggot

Looks hot.

>Tl calibrations
>Play all 10 with my friend
>He gets gold I get bronze

What the fuck?

oh you

he just plays better than you

this quest is too hard fuck this p2w game

found your problem

Why would I play ranked and lose rating tho
I just want to do my quests and play other games

Vs. AI, set to beginner.

You get credit for all quests (except win3) no matter who you play in a draft game.

you play this game just to complete dailies?

>Kill enemy Gul'dan
>No fear
>4v5 on boss ez
>Abathur is on enemy team too
>Our Azmodan top lane
>Ping Az ~10 seconds before boss is going to die
>Enemy team is also posturing around boss
>Az still top lane
>Lose 4v4 with Abathur Muradin clone

Wew I love Plat map awareness. The Az is usually a Abathur 1 trick, but enemy team took it. Az is also a shit player, no matter what, lose with him on the team.

From Plat 1 Promo to get into D5, to Plat 3.

I prefer playing league and battlerite atm
But I want all heroes so I do my dailies

Isn't that footmanius or whatever that meme is.



>wanting footmanius, the footman who assisted arthas in the purge of stratholme when you could have Footmanos, the footman that aided Garithos in purging subhumans




The pandas will be the first to get purged once Garithos is added.

>implying lili wouldn't melt garrithos' cold heart
only thing that needs purging are overwatch heroes

are we posting lewd faces?


shut up lemon buttslut

I can agree that overwatch characters also need to be purged, but the inhumans has to go, too.
Yes, even Zagara. Only humanity has the right to remain.

Why was this easy team ??

cant resist ahegao

on another note should I shell out and buy Cassia?

Forced 50 doesn't exist. Stop fucking playing quickmatch you tremendous retard.

Where you place is based off of where your own personal MMR is. He had higher mmr thus he placed higher.

>my pick gets banned
>somebody dodges the draft

Probably not.

Good goy.


he said good goy