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Reddit overreaction Edition

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>You were able to swap out a hero at next to no loss for a support, because that support had similar damage or waveclear to the hero you traded.
Why do people believe this horseshit of a lie?

b-but people on reddit and in the past threads said that the game is literally unplayable with the support nerfs, how dis happen

Who was the "damage" support anyway? Kharazim? Rehgar maybe?

It isn't a lie. Supports were literally that good.

Rehgar, Khara, Tassadar. Even auriel can crank out damage with the right build.

So instead of nerfing their damage .................... they nerfed their healing......... their supportive capability.....................

They nerfed damage, healing and health, and nixed some of the waveclear talents.

The nerfs were 5%, so the damage and health are more significant than the healing nerf. You get *less* out of a double support comp in all ways now. A single support is relatively untouched.

Healing was and probably still is overtuned vecause.of the interaction with armor and effective healthpools. They needed tuning back in general, support as a role was and probably still is too impactful for his nessicary the role is. 5% was probably the absolute most reasonable tune down they could have done and keep everyone relative power about the same. No supports died because of the changes, everyone is still just as viable as thry were yesterday, except Malf and Rehgar who needed timing down in the wave and camp clear department which they did.

Great, now I'm going to get yelled at even more for picking Tassadar in ranked. Like people didn't hate my guts enough.

t. bronze, does it get better?

And even then, rehgar clears siege giants in 23 seconds as opposed to his previous 19, and doesn't spend as much mana cause he doesn't need to drop a totem. Not sure the difference on "knight" camps currently though.

I know that the stealth rework / hanzo patch *is* supposed to change camps up though making some of them harder to take unless you stutter step or "play well". Hellbats in particular sound fucking terrifying.

It's a fucking lie, no support is ever going to outdamage or outpush someone like Sylvanas, Azmodan, Ragnaros, Rexxar or any mage in the game.

Played team league last night and we went Li Li and Tassadar and didn't feel gimped. It's still going to be a draft and Mao dependant choice to go double support, now instead of 50% of matches being double support it will be closer to 5-10% which is ideal.

Tassadar + Auriel are still probably the best ways to play a "protect the carry" comp. Dual support comps are less mandatory now, and instead situational.



I got a 1 year 2 month ban and fuck these stealth changes im still gonna pick nova and ruin it for everyone now because they totally ruined stealth and its fucking unfair so watch, ima teeach these fucks whattheyve done

Pros really are desperate to make Junkrat work

real talk I could out dps a lot of people with supports, my lili, tyrande, and rehgar regularly out dps'd the dps.. that aint right. I wondered how long until they fixed it. Support was spoiled and 10% nerf wasn't enough. Also lili winrate will fly through the roof this next week, bet money.

Rehgar used to 1v1 Sylv, Rag and he could 1v1 kael'thas too. Kharazim could 1v1 azmodan (and sylvanas). They didnt need to excel at clearing the wave because they could just beat the shit out of the hero. Tassadar could 1v1 Rexxar.

Hell malfurion could sit in a wave and moonfire spam the wave + hero and self heal and be basically immovable. Against plenty of supports they had decent enough waveclear, that if you didnt have either a combination of insane sustain + waveclear (sonya), or a ton of harass (zagara) or kill pressure (alarak), you *could not win a lane against them*.

Ragnaros meteor build *can* do something like 2000-3000 damage to a fort if you roll it back and forth and take the explosion.

>t. bronze, does it get better?
it does get better, but people can still have moments of absurd retardation even at mid/high plat.

Qm seeding needs to go.

hasn't even been a day and she's moved up 1%, she'll be at least 52% winrate by the end of the week.

>not a pusher

Tass needs peel I hate playing him with dumb teammates that let them walk right up to me. That's why tass is so good in good teams and so bad in bad teams.

y i k e s

glaurung is gone?

>hurr hurr lava wave guysssssssssssssss
It took you 32 minutes to end that game against a fucking awful comp for the map. If you were actually a good pusher you could have finished it at 15.

Fuck you could have finished it faster by taking smash and consistently killing people with the setup you had from garrosh + tyrande.

>press R
>37 minions die
>gets 46k per press of R
Not pushing

yes, now in tempo storm with fan

>1900 mmr strats.

>my lili, tyrande, and rehgar regularly out dps'd the dps
Tyrande has her trait so she can dish out some good damage with low healing. However sounds it's far more likely that you had shit dps on your team
>he could 1v1 kael'thas too
Of course he could, Kael had limited escape. But Rehgar is never going to be able to deal more damage then Kael. But being able to 1v1 Sylvans? Horseshit
>you *could not win a lane against them*.
Fucking horseshit is what all this is. How fucking shit do you have to be at this game to lose a lane to support? Iron Fists Kharazim I sort of get but anyone else? Rubbish

With Lili I could usually squeeze out some good dmg because I can get in there and attack more than the dps can. It's usually more useless dmg, and the nerf set her back some, but I could get top dps on regular before her rework and nerf.

That's like from some nature documentary that makes you go "oh fuck".

>Fucking horseshit is what all this is. How fucking shit do you have to be at this game to lose a lane to support? Iron Fists Kharazim I sort of get but anyone else? Rubbish
Rehgar has a gapcloser on a 4 second cooldown that gives him a 75% crit on his already fucking absurd AA damage, that he followed up with a slow + four instances of lightning shield (at 64+4%/lvl per second)

And then he could just walk away and efficiently heal himself off of totem + regen globe. They regularly out-traded other heroes that did not have amazing self sustain.

Seriously go fucking watch a few master league games.

"now watch as the falstad unknowingly approaches the waterhole where the predators have been stalking their pray"

Rehgar can even talent into a 5% giantkiller on that crit attack and take a hefty bite out of tanks (and get some healing from doing it) while he's dancing around the fight doing his thing.

Is |Nova totally useless now?

Gul'dan is the ultimate hero.

Does he deal incredible amounts of damage? Check.
Is he a pusher who can obliterate a wave in 3 seconds and come out full hp and mana? Check
Does he delete forts and keeps faster than specialists? Check.
Does he have any easy to land hard cc? Check.
Zoning potential? Check.
Range? Check.
Free out of jail card button? Check.
Absence of gay? Check.

Gul'dan is the ultimate hero.

Lets put this into perspective. While artanis has a much better AA, rehgar has a giant killer that is only 1% worse, on a lower cooldown, and it heals him.

Not sure, I cant seem to get the same amount of Burst in PTR, I am getting high numbers though but the whole gameplay is different you is more accumaltive and slow where before youcould just in and out its totally pointless


I want to do lewd things to Lyob

>Keep getting retards in the brawl
Whelp, guess I'm not doing that this week.

Shes like raynor now with more skill shot dependency and slows instead of stuns late game. Actually how I already played her. Only in noob games do you "gank" with her.

Yeah it took 32 minutes of stalling and pushing and multiple boss pushes to outpush the Zag pushing in all 3 lanes while the roaming deathball took all the nukes because we were always several people and levels short because Leoric was perpetually not being useful, and Rag+Tyrande+Khara was not a great early teamfight roster.

If one hammer in a teamfight was enough to take out a Tracer with 3 HP bars, I would've taken it. I took the option that would let the game last long enough to overtake their overwhelming advantage since the trait alone wasn't going to stop all their nukes. Clearly it worked.

I love Sulfuras Smash but I'm not going to religiously take it when landing it won't actually change anything because it takes longer to kill the Diablo with 2 supports up his ass (or kill any of the same supports) than for Tracer to respawn and come back, assuming it killed her to begin with. When the enemy has a deathball up your ass, the answer is to avoid and outpush them. Who doesn't want their games to be a perpetual 5v5 that you win because of ~mad skillz~ and flashy ults? But when that option is out of the question, you go for a different path that actually has a chance of winning.

Ragnaros is a great fighter but that doesn't mean he's a bad pusher. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's false.

>clear lanes of minions
>put pressure on all lanes because minions are constantly creeping towards the gates
>not pushing

I haven't done a brawl in like 6+ months. I'm too busy trying to hit master.

Which dosen't mean shit if he cant get in

How good is the Veeky Forums EU group, im a shitter but would like to join

>She like raynor

So totally defeats the purpose of being Nova then

I'm 800 MMR higher than you. I know for a fact you're wrong. You had all the setup in that game to instant delete tracer or either support, and then just chip away at diablo with 9% giantkiller Q's + leoric.

Your justification is wrong and only further demonstrates your ineptitude.

>Ragnaros is a great fighter but that doesn't mean he's a bad pusher.
"I'm going to say he's a 'pusher' because I took lava wave in a game that I caused to go long, so it grossly inflated my siege numbers!".
No. That is not the definition of good push or siege. [MUH NUMBARZ IZ HIGH] is never a good argument.
>Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's false.
It's false because it's actually fucking false you tremendous silver league tard. Sure he's better than malthael at hitting buildings but he's got nothing on several other characters.

>No. That is not the definition of good push or siege
But the fact that Ragna has living meteor means that he is a good pusher and siege character.

Like I said, she has always been like raynor or any AA, but with no need to lane and faster mobility. It makes sense still really. Her stealth ganks were only strong on noobs who couldn't keep track of her movement on the minimap or see her in general. She's going to be worse for newer players and better for high end players. If you can hit all of her shots she might rival the likes of valla and her early game mobility will be nice.

junkrat meta



Blizzard really fucked up with Garrosh's representation in Heroes of the Storm. His abilities and role do not fit his character fantasy in any way. His kit should have been for another character.

Yes, he is fun to play. But he should have been a bruiser, like Artanis, but with burst and less focus on defense and with an ability to force 1v1.

>what Blizzard devs did
Hey guys we plan to release Garrosh somewhere in summer 2017
Fast forward summer 2017
Alright guys just attach some existing kit to Garrosh and release him. And dont forget to make a legendary skin + bike with a bunch of tints

korea sleeping and still owning..

>living meteor means that he is a good pusher and siege character.
No it doesn't. Living meteor does not instantly clear a wave and it has a long cooldown. It does 272damage per second for 1.75s while it moves, which is barely enough to get archers to half health on a 12s cooldown. And that is literally his *only* 'siege' tool.

Gul'dan's fel flame does 200 damage on a 1.5s cooldown, and will completely kill a wave in 3 to 4 casts; and corruption / rain of disappointment are quite strong against structures. Certain healers are able to either augment his push or efficiently sustain him for near forever (eg brightwing, who with gul'dan can clear a wave in 3 seconds total, and keep him topped up *forever*).

Imagine being this autistic

>wonka wonka wonk I didn't read your post but Leoric would've countered the Diablo
Yeah, maybe, if he was ever there. He'd do some stupid shit like try to tank the towers 10 seconds before the nukes spawn, die, and then fuck off to play tag with Zagara (and lose). 90% of the game was a slog that was a perpetual 3v5. It was a miracle that the game even lasted past 10 minutes.

>muh mmr makes me smart
You just sound like an idiot pub who lands one hammer and then spends the next 10 minutes bitching about how you would've won the game if it wasn't for ~everybody else~ and that it's not your fault you're avoiding teamfights to soak because the team is several levels behind, etc. etc.

>"I'm going to say he's a 'pusher' because I took lava wave in a game that I caused to go long, so it grossly inflated my siege numbers!".
If killing minions and doing damage to building to boost siege damage numbers don't count as pushing, I don't know what will.

I think nova could have the highest winrate in the game and people would still cry in draft if you pick her. I've seen people flame me for picking murky when he had the highest winrate in the game. People are dumb.

>lol I both play with and am a retard so ur wrong lol
Quit being a retard, retard. Quit playing with retards, retard.

You're silver league, not the fucking expert at the game that you think you are.

Gul'dan pushes better than Ragnaros the faglord.

but rag has more escapes, and escapes are the true mark of a good pusher. Not to mention the ult that guarantees most siege every time.

Remember to stand in Mommy's circle for milkies!

Indeed but it drains the health on buildings quickly and safe.
And Probius is the best pusher in the game, yet people consider him trash for reasons unknown to me.

im not risking you being the 1% of good nova just so the other 99% can lock in their shit character and be retards all game

That's the average winrate for nova, She's a top 10 hero right now and was 3rd highest winrate like last week. You're part of the problem. She's fine.

whats the best characters for the brawl?


What kind of escapes are you talking about? Ragnaros has not a single escape ability.

If you aim the lava ball it can zone em out so you get away and he fire aura thing gives him speed boost. He can also self heal as he escapes. Literally his whole kit. He also has a stun ult and huge aoe lane ult that would add to his escape. He's borderline specialst like junkrat.

>People actually go W build Alex
>Versus an Ana, Malthaeal, and Li-Ming

How can I be this retarded guys

>people W build ever
I've seen alex's go full Q without any high health teammates

Q build is different imo. I went Q build once, because I was lazy, and I knew enemy team wouldn't jump on me. Wont go it ever again, because there's no incentive to do damage, and with E build, I could've even had higher healing done.

>gold league talking down to silver league like there's a difference
You're all hilarious.

Using your method you can say that every hero has escapes.

Literally the same escapes you mentioned can be pinned on Gul'dan. He can zone with E which can be talented with slow. He has cc on ult, can self heal etc. This is bullshit thinking mon.

Escape has to be either dash, jump, huge speed bonus or something like that.

guldan must be stationary to self heal, guldan can zone out people while moving, guldan has no way to move faster, he only has 2 moves for escapes, his end game teleport and only 1 of his ults.

His aura counts. He’s not immobile like Jaina or Malf.

>plat league talking down to gold league talking down to silver league like there's a difference
You're all hilarious.

(hotslogs still has 2850+mmr as master league).

Other guy is retarded but the closest thing to a Rag escape is the speed boost from the E.

Ragnaros has 1 of his ults too. And speed bonus that can be easily ignored. It's not a real escape.

Plus jaina and malph are bad examples to prove your point. You must be handicapped.

>Plus jaina and malph are bad examples to prove your point. You must be handicapped.
that wasn't me brainlet

anyone managed the new brawl yet?

Actually you're the retard. How often do people use guldan to solo top on braxis? Oh that's right they use rag. You're an idiot if you think guldan is as good pusher as rag.

They use rag in top lane on braxis because he's a bruiser with a *bit* of self sustain. Not because he pushes well. Truth be told almost no one uses rag in top lane on braxis anymore because he *isnt good*.

Yep. It's not too bad. Just gotta kill the high priority things like nydus'

>client crashes while loading
>finally fucking rejoin 5 minutes later
>somehow my bot has most xp gain, hero damage, and siege damage with second least deaths

Whatever. I won't be linking all over the thread so ppl can keep their prestige on an anonymous picture forums.

Gul'dan is a whole scale of magnitude better in every role except being melee and being a fort's second health bar.

>people thinking Li Li is actually a good healer even with buffs

>so ppl can keep their prestige on an anonymous picture forums.
I think it's more so you can actually have a coherent exchange with a poster instead of just being a retard who's replying to one person about shit they didn't even say.

>Caring about such things on an imageboard
What are you? TLV main?

>getting matched against 3+ man premades in every single unranked match I play

they already fucked quickmeme matchmaking can they maybe not fuck unranked up too

except unranked is quickmeme with 5 minute meme drafts so the fault is yours

>Played 2 games with new hammer so far
>Steamrolled both of them with my op dmg and selfheal

>Have shitty diablo in my team
>He dcs/leaves
>The bot actually plays better than he did and we win
Based murkablo bot

Anybody know when the christmas event is?

Sometimes around christmass.

>one of the highest winrate heroes in the game
>isnt good anymore
Take your meds stop sniffing glue or whatever you guys are on. He has 8% higher winrate, mostly bc he can out soak/push most other assasins.

>2/3 game modes in the game don't count because i said so

didn't they also change it so that capping one boss disables the other boss as well?