League of Legends General - /lolg/



Best couple

xth for my wife Syndra

I hope Riot does more of those facials in the future. They're pretty to look at.

My beautiful wife!

>Tfw Vlad x Lilith will make Vlad x Vayne obsolete

>tfw no qt petite gf

what the fuck did they do to my dear leblanc

i've just played her after like a year and holy shit she's fucking garbage, no damage, no burst, no mobility, 1.5s delay on combo, what the SHIT

>no damage

Yeah stopped reading there. Fuck leblanc.

I hope you'll perform more facials on my face in the future, user!

Honestly asking: Do you expect League's playerbase to grow or diminish over the next few years?

>graves and Urgot with Piercing Arrow + Essence Reaver

I wonder how would W work with PA. It doesnt interact with RFCs bonus range so probably nothing. Havent tested Shiv

Does Xayah want to rush essence reaver or IE?
And after that, shiv or RFC?

>Teammates are blabbering in their spic moonspeak
>At one point they call my champion so I assume they are addressing me
>I answer I don't speak mexican
>They start to spam the chat with "fuck trump jajaja"

I can't take this anymore. I was supposed to grab my ez dia border and get out, I didn't sign up for this at all! Do something about server transfers already, Riot!!

Are you a support main?

E-sports will die soon. The Game is somehow still growing. I give it about 3-4 years before any signs of it actually dying appear. League works with college students and casual mindsets.

depends on what they do with the game
if they keep going the way they are now it'll probably grow

>Do you expect the playerbase of an eight years old game to grow or diminish over the next few years?
Hmmm... tough question!

It gives her mana sustain, the same exact stats, and IE's crit passive does not interact with her E damage, only crit CHANCE.

You'd be very surprised at what could and has happened, user.

Grow. 100T, GGS, OG and CG are probably gonna bring some new people to the game that never considered it before. Who knows. Maybe Riot will do something about their shitty outdated engine in the foreseeable future.

>throws a bubble at you from melee range
>runs away with better ghost movespeed just because
>redirects a star at you
>claps at you for a good measure

Truly the pinnacle of balance.

No, I'm not, but what difference does it make?

>i want put peepee in da looloo
>xth sandra

Should I get the new Jinx skin or the new Draven one? I play both both only got enough RP for one

>my top is irelia vs ghost tp graves
>camped the shit out of graves
>my irelia still manages to go 1/6
>"lol im playing bad lets go next game"
>since we didnt want to surrender for that cancer he afks
>diamond game

If you could punch people through your screen would yo do it?



>Aram in a nutshell

>throws a bubble at you from jhin w range
>zoe ults out of the fog, paddle star follows, one shotting you along with her empowered auto


Is ad sion viable? Im tired of being a meatshield that cant kill someone even with full combo

>fizz vs vlad
Ask for ganks if he brings you at tower, even if vlad survives he still gonna lose some hp so you can freely farm, then consider ganking other lanes, especially bot and your job will be in killing adc, don't try to lane him especially if you are low, better let him overfarm you but don't feed

>Zoe vs Malz
Farm with your Q, try to push lane and gank bot, get QSS after morellos, basically you lose 1 slot but rest is doable

You should just focus on farm and game overall and dont feed your laner 0/10/0

>People think Zoe is unbalanced
Let me guess, silvers and golds, right?

Or just run Cleanse instead of rushing a fucking QSS, dumbo?

Yeah, silvers and golds like Dopa and Faker for example. Fucking scrubs.

What are your reasons for thinking she is balanced?

>tfw been working on my fucc game so I can pound Vladfag to the beat of Transilvanian Hunger

pic related, me working out

Are you ready for Santa Draven, /lolg/?

xth for breast metal waifu

lulu mid will be back, bow down now and perhaps she shall have mercy on you

>ugly goblin face
>people still think draven is sexy
i bet you're a twink too, you disgusts me.

I want art of santa draven dicking jinx and poppy

You think Draven is a cool boss or is he a ball buster?
How hard does he ride Jinx's ass to meet those Christmas deadlines?

I love Kled! He's a wonderful husband and he makes me feel happy!

Maybe they should just delete lethal tempo. It's not very good

Probably won't happen because LCS

i want art of santa draven and santa braum dicking snow day graves


Get rid of Lethal Tempo, get rid of both Inspiration keystones that aren't Klepto, and get rid of the Resolve Keystone that isn't Grasp or Aftershock.

yeah or dp

it was very good but overnerfed on pbe
itll be good at some in season 8, im sure
same with fleet of footwork

glacial augment, summoner spellbook and guardian are just destined to be crap unless seriously overbuffed

Do I do it? Do I shell out 20 dollarydoos just to give Vayne a cybernetic thigh gap?

Zoe is the biggest tumor in the history of League, period.

She's more cancerous than LeBlanc and Kassadin in their most broken state combined. Not even rework-Skarner or release Xin Zhao were THIS bad. She literally deals true damage and oneshots anyone, no matter how tanky they are. This champion has ZERO counterplay whatsoever and even punishes you for using escape by recycling them against you. Any game played against her is a complete waste of your time.

if they remove the rng they can start balancing her
in her current state she shouldve never been allowed to exist

you only need to spend 15 dawg

>Zoe is the biggest tumor in the history of League, period.

Actually that's "Riot"

Which Star Guardian girls make best couple?

>team is retarded
>enemy team shit-talk you for the eventual free win
>carry the shit out of your team
>go full Tourette's in /all

>Wrote a fapfic for /lolg/ with Lux cucking Ezreal with Lucian
>Never got added to eyesongive

My main problem is the the trashy bubble. Xerath has the same shit going for him.

Just make it only deal a little bit of damage if she casts it from point blank. But getting put asleep and then oneshot is absolutely retarded.

Whichever one makes the most people upset.

they need to tone down the effect on fleet footwork it's screen clutter



Wait are the Project skins limited time?


Fanfiction.net deleted it.
It's lost forever now. It was called "Cux'd by Lux"

Lux/Jinx is kind of the basic one
Ahri/Lux has potential
I like to think that MF or Syndra bully Soraka too.

Pantheon is easily one of the champions most in need of a rework. I really hope he's next on the list after Irelia and Aatrox.

Fuck you

>t. Fiora main

>>Zoe vs Malz
>Farm with your Q, try to push lane and gank bot, get QSS after morellos, basically you lose 1 slot but rest is doable
Still her hardest counter if she cant poke through his shield.
Morgana mid is a meta counterpick to her, literally check champion.gg or any other site.

Also I meant Malphite into Fiora but eh.
once he gets his complete Thornmail she should be trash, right?

What is this from

Why is that manlet Ezreal so tall

please rewrite it, hope it was contain a lot of humiliation

if they rework him i hope they'll make him sluttier
men in helmets is my fetish

>200 true damage one-shots tanks

>burst mage one shotting tanks by burning her ENTIRE load

>Zero counterplay
>her only "ESCAPE" tool is level 6 and up and doesn't move her at all, even if she flashes or gets displaced on the first blink and also telegraphs her exact locations effectively rooting her for 1.5 seconds

What? If anything her passive could get a slight base damage bump and ratio nerf and then reduce her E mana cost by 5 per rank

probably not for long, but a patch or 2 surely theyd allow that

remember when faker was a lulufag

Step the fuck up

Its honestly mostly in her E. It's hitbox and prime amount is really hard to work on, its borderline as powerful as a thresh hook too. It may not drag them in but it holds the target down long enough.

Nerf Zoe's damage but give her iframes during her ult

Literally anyone can be x with Lux and it works more than the forced Ez x Lux.

Hell, the Darius comic even outright suggested something in terms of how Darius' former love and mother of his son looked exactly like Lux.

Which one is the fluffiest?

Are all Darkin gay?

I can't tell if I've gotten better or people just play like shit in preaseason. But it feels good shitting on my normal elo

>invincibility frames
>In league

Not Rhaast

I wrote it several years ago.
See above, I don't remember it and I don't really have an interest in the topic anymore.


Which league champion is the most real human bean?



>tfw no Elsa skin for Ashe

I want her with a braid. It does things to my dick.


In that order more or less.

t. filthy Pantheon main

Your champion has shit design, shit gameplay, shit skillcap, shit lore and shit model. The only thing remotely good about Pantheon is his Dragonslayer skin.

>Cleanse vs Malz
Newfag spotted
Go ahead, run cleanse vs Malz, I wanna see it, you may aswell send me your replay to laugh at

What gets me is that Rhaast (and now 2Fagrus) look nothing like Aatrox.

Among Zeds, Yasuos and Ornns, Pantheon is on the higher end of champ design.

Fuck you, that's 1/4 of my smurf roster right there.

>Pathneon is good deisng

maybe theyre a diverse species dumbfuck

>xfh synre