/assg/ - Asymmetrical Slasher Series General

Cat Thomas Edition

>What is Dead by Daylight?
Asymmetrical multiplayer slasher game where 4 survivors scramble to fix 5 generators while 1 killer wants to sacrifice all of them.

>What is Friday the 13th?
A slasher game featuring Jason and counselors. 7 counselors with different stats try to escape the camp while Jason kills them one by one.

>What is Last Year?
In development. Class based with weaker killers. Beta Delayed yet again.

>Steam Group

>Latest Patch Notes (DbD)

>Skill Check Simulator (DbD)

I-is that a dead thread?!

Other urls found in this thread:


A killer just called me a "waller" or so I think. What did he mean by that?

Collectively rated DbD perks, should this be in the OP?

Is that picture supposed to be meg? Where are those autistic OP image posters to call this one out for being even shittier than the huntress one?

Wallhacker. Are you new to video games?

It's the most Veeky Forums OP pic this general's probably ever seen!
Not saying that's necessarily a good thing.

Also stop being autistic everyone. Another Cat Meg instead.


Not new at all but this is the first time I've seen someone call wallhackers "wallers". Knowing this community I just assumed he was upset I stayed around the edges of the map too much or something.

>Facecamping literally isn't in the game anymore
>Exit gates are powered so I have no reason to fuck off
>Survivors still bitch in post-chat about "facecamping"
I bet a psychologist would have a field day with the players of this game

>>Facecamping literally isn't in the game anymore

what did he mean by this

AJ butt.

You can unhook from any angle. Typical facecamping i.e. standing to block the unhook prompt is gone.

>game still hangs on find match screen
>no way out but to alt+f4
>has been happening since launch

Sure feels great to care more about a video game than its developers do.

>Survivors now completely control the field and can basically beat up the killer on his own ground

They need to make some new game modes or fun maps

It gets boring playing the same maps over and over, even if procedurally generated

That would require actual effort. It's much easier to add licensed killers that are shit tier with reused, unfinished animations that will still sell because licensing.

Yes, because right now you can tell it’s not in its best state
>terrirorial imperative that low
>knock out that high

>implying the killer can't simply just strike down the survivor the moment they get unhooked

And no user, BT isn't a valid complaint. If you can't manage to hit a hurt player who is on a bleedout timer then maybe you should learn to gitgud

What did I miss? Why was there no /assg/ when I came home?

>Exit gates opened
>Hit him once
>All other survivors cluster around him like ants on sugar
>Teabags the ground gently as he escapes thanks to his crutch
Next you'll say "just hit the other survivors!"
>They speedboost away
>Next faggot blocks instead

>Survivor with sprint burst and borrowed time zooms off the hook
>full health survivors start body blocking you to prevent you from chasing them
>everyone gets healed up if you do manage to chase the looper until he bleeds out

I'm pretty sure most of the playerbase doesn't know what facecamping actually is. I know that when I was new I just assumed that it meant the killer stays fairly close.

Can now confirm mori dailies are still in the game.

Nothing. The old thread hit max replies and it took like 30 minutes until someone made a new one.

Yeah, what's up with that? Just got one for my level 7 Leatherface. Thanks a lot, devs.

Don't you like dailies that likely don't even make up for the cost of the BP you spent to get the item?

Would have been cool if you had free mori for the duration of this daily.

I just got 60k for mori daily

What kind of AA does this game use at the various levels?

>3 lobbies
>3 times the killer dodges
What the fuck I'm a level 1 Kang and there can't be more than a 3 man SWF. There weren't even any flashlights. Stop being so paranoid.

servers down for anyone else?

Hillbilly is so good.

How the fuck are people not complaining about this over shit like Nurse or Huntress?

you can juke a billy a lot easier than the other two. Nurse is near unjukeable when the killer actually knows what they're doing

People bitch about him, it's just less pronounced. He'll still get nerfed anyway because he's actually effective.

God I wish I could get the legacy killer weapon skins
I'd gladly take the old grind system

I had this happen earlier, around 7-10 dodges instantly as soon as I joined, maybe somethings goofin off with the servers

new killer idea
scrappy doo from the end of the first movie

what in the flying fuck is that anatomy

is the artist even trying

so what happens when you hit P3 level 50, do you just not get any more addons/offerings anymore?


>being so new you don't even have any characters at level 50


What changes would Wraith need to be viable in your eyes?

Make him able to do shit while cloaked: kick gens and pallets, search lockers. Get rid of the cross-the-map notification for cloaking/uncloaking. He's actually invisible while cloaked.

Prestige tier 3 level 50

>Get rid of the cross-the-map notification for cloaking/uncloaking
I agree with the whole post but this 100%. Anyone can hear the sound effect at any time. Hell, the whole "make the bell less noisy" add-ons are completely useless because of this.

I cut the bottom part of the image off. Trust me, it's even worse than it looks now.

you can keep doing a level 50 bloodweb over and over again. You'll need 145 "levels" to get all perks on a single survivor. 130 for killers. Assuming you take a perk every bloodweb you can.

share with the class user, looking at bad art makes me feel better about my own

If it's any consolation, the devs have confirmed that will be part of the Wraith cube. IIRC, we will also be able to kick things, but I assume locker searches are still out.

i played a game with sattelizer and watched myself get killed on his stream. pretty cool.

I'm already bored of the new killer


The air was hot and I was out of breath
Just when I thought I was safe, I felt a force pull my underpants down
The silence in the night was broken by his two words
The last words I heard before I felt his meaty member enter me


He should just be deleted because Freddy does the invisibility thing better.


So can any of the killers actually talk?

Yo what the fuck am i looking at

Apparently all of them talk except Myers and Wraith


>Apparently all of them talk except Myers and Wraith

Hillbilly spent most, if not all of his life in a room. Doubt he can talk anything other than tard-speak

thank you
I don't really need to, I make enough BP with what I have to evenly level everyone I like up

some dev stream I think, they basically just said none of the killers like each other but Myers and Wraith tolerate each other because neither of them say a fucking word, which kinda implies the others can

I've heard this "the killers don't like each other" confirmed on a dev stream thing several times. If anybody knows which one it is, let me know pls

i dont know shit about drawing and i'd have to deliberately set out to draw that fucked up

I've come to the conclusion that these devs have no clue what they're doing.

BNPs, the sheer number of bullshit survivor perks...these devs are truly clueless. How do you put up with this shit as a killer player?

i just had a swf jake sniff my ass to the basement hook and unhook meg right as i hooked her because he had BT

epic game

Trapper, Doctor and Freddy are pretty much "normal" people so I see no reason why they wouldn't be able to talk.
Leatherface and Billy were raised in complete isolation and are probably retarded.
Shape probably can but is so autistic he won't.
Hag, Wraith and Nurse seem to be so fucked up they're in constant state of agony so I doubt they talk much.
Huntress I dunno.

Honestly as a killer you just have to love the game at its core. If someone made an identical game but made it perk-less I would move over in a heartbeat.

reee this game keeps giving me shitty pings. my internet is fine wtf.

That's when you just stand on the stairs so they can't leave.

stop calling him this.

Who should be next female killer guys? I vote Sadako.

Huntress probably just talks like a stereotypical russian who doesn't know english.

God I wish Scissorman was in this game. Dope weapon, dope music, dope mask.

I doubt she speaks any language.

i thought i could saw him down before he unhooked but i should have just ran to the stairs

>survivor with DS and instablind disconnects when I outjuke him once

The Huntress' mask should've been wolf instead of bunny. Bayushki Bayu is a lullaby about a wolf coming to get you in your sleep.

Wolf mask cosmetic for Huntress when

>rank 16 survivor unhooks me twice in a row beside the killer
>they don't have borrow time and we had 1 gen left
I would like to know what goes through these guys' minds when they do this.

They;re getting over 3000 points for zero effort is what they're thinking

Devs already confirmed they're not doing non-rabbit masks

as much as I'd love it

We still deluding that BBQ&C isn't overly strong?

hide behind gen when he hooks
theres the counterplay

abuse a bug is the counterplay....nice

even with this bug it's still got an 80%+ pick rate from what I can see. I wonder why.

SHADOWBORNE got nerfed for less than this.

>abuse a bug is the counterplay....nice

Dead by Daylight is the wrong game for you if that idea bothers you

This isn't a game ABOUT abusing bugs.

Just because you have no actual thing to say about the matter you just "Lol wrong game friend"

The perk is overloaded was the initial statement. The fact that there is a bug that counters it at specific times doesn't mean shit about how the perk is designed. The bug will be fixed and the pick rate for the perk will only climb from there. The perk should be split into two perks. They made WGLF first and nerfed it because "too many points" but then BBQ&C does the same thing AND makes it stupid easy to accumulate points through the fact you don't have to waste time actually looking for survivors anymore. God forbid if it's being used on someone like Doc or Freddy. Then the game is just on auto-pilot at that point.

What does it look like when you do this?

you just see the red outline of the gen

Jut hit the purple ranks for the first time,

Is it going to get horrible once I hit rank 5

You can mindgame killers with BBQ&Chili too easy. Pretend you're running to the right for 4 seconds then change course.

It's kind of like if a survivor is downed or hooked and the killer walks in front of them the survivor aura is "blocked". Except in this case the gen can block the whole survivor.

This only works one maps that a huge enough to give you enough space to fake for 4 seconds, AND you have to deliberately be across the map from the hook. I guess this is why since I've hit red ranks like 90% of the killers are Billy.

also too*

>also too*

Memes man

>I've hit red ranks

Be careful against Nurses too. Sometimes she pretends she only have two blinks at the beginning until she found someone.

I don't even bother doing that. When someone gets hooked I just stop moving for 4 seconds. Once I count those seconds away I head for a different generator.

>play doctor to farm free bloodpoints
>chase survivors away from 3 centralized, close together generators
>end up just patrolling them until one of them slips up and gets caught
>repeat for 30 minutes and keep hooking them
>two guys left wounded in a corner, ground them both
>as soon as they hit the ground they alt+f4

Are people really this salty in dbd?

>Hook someone
>Gates powered up right after
>Someone comes to unhook the person I just hooked
>She had adrenaline
>The unhooker had BT
>Would have had to hit her 3 times or twice with billys saw to down her.

Yea sure, git gud.

Most people don't want to waste time dying due to bleedout. Though y'all wasted a fucking hell of a lot of time already if the match legitimately went on for 30 minutes.

You eventually reach a state of extremely intense apathy and eventually just stop playing the game less and less till you just stop.

DBD is a real shame because they built a cool world, the lore is interesting and you still sometimes have a nice intense match, but they're few and far between, then you add the rank nonsense and you just attract a really toxic community, then you combine that with stupid developers and its a recipe for disaster.

The day developers said that David's perks would and I quote "Infuriate killer players", I knew just how incompetent they where, it was finally laid bare for all to see at that moment.

Even if it didn't have the tracking capabilities, people would still use it thanks to the BP boost. As it stands its not a hard perk to counter.

Blessed image

>Cuck Daddy