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>7.24 Patch Notes

Here are some updates on how we’re making it easier to play with friends… plus, voice chat!


>All-Stars 2017


make soloq solo only

Some amount of days without a Jarvan IV skin.

Brand is my favorite champion and this thread is dumb

I wanna cuddle Jinx and enjoy her new skin soon

reminder: DO NOT post in threads made by waifu posting faggots

If CertainlyT remade Fiora would she be double broken or quadruple broken?

xth for breast metal waifu

>tfw no qt petite elf gf

I want to cuddle jinx and enjoy her pussy

She'd be better than if DZK made her

i wanna ruin this experience by playing kha after her release and camping the shit out of jinx lanes

xth for blackedposting

Then he'd claim there's a "proper" way to play her and then we'd have to wait 3 years for Meddler to fix her.

Kha'zix is a fun Assassin

Have you bully mid yet?

good idea user. ill do this in my games


Every champ he's made has been broken or unplayable at some point and had to have been fixed by the balanced team. I'm honestly shocked how he's still on the team making champs.
I'm surprised you dislike him Azirfag, he made your husbando

>be jinxfag
>also like playing k6
>whenever I play him vs Jinx imagine that I'm raping her
>rock hard all game


I dislike his ego. I don't mind his champions at all funnily enough. Taliyah fucking sucks,
I hate her play style.

Also Kayn is pretty balanced so call it stroke of luck I suppose.

I've been in this dilemma for a while, curious if anyone has any advice. I'm a main ADC in low gold, not getting better as quickly and consistently as I'd like, especially considering the fact that I've been playing this game for a long time and I'm actively trying to improve. Now whenever I go and play support I'll have a consistently high win rate by just having decent mechanics and game sense even though my vision game is pretty bad. I know enough about bot lane and the match ups and what an ADC wants to be successful but I still feel like I'm not a very good support. Still I win a lot more and a lot easier on support than on my main role.

You must've loved Invasion and having your ADC ass getting violated by dozens of K6 right?

>tfw no Evelynn wife

Best girl.
Best hair.
Best wife.

If you want to win: Support
If you want to have fun: Support
If you want to be tilted all game due to retarded teammates: Either

>Meddler fixed and balanced Rek'sai and Azir

If he was able to do that, is there anything this man can't do?

itachi champ? will swain be it?

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

This is getting deleted. Calling it now

>His ult will be trapping you in a fake world

Being Zed is suffering

>play with fiora
>feeds in lane
>doesn't show up to anything team-related until after out 2nd inhib is down
>only took 2 towers the whole game

oh yes, I played Jinx everygame and loved watching her get violated by everyone. Being eaten by cho'gath was the best

Big, fat tiddies are literally the best thing in the world.

>take fleet footwork
>Healing every 7 seconds
>Movement speed bonus and celerity gives me some ad
>Auto enemy and run away fast with no counterplay
>Continually do this
>By the time I've gone back for bf, boots, refillable and dagger I've healed 450 health

3 potions worth of health plus the constant poke and it got even better after IE. Is this the answer to my prayers or a false hope?

>That one champion that you want to play but you're shit at
What's their name lolg

>ywn be able to satisfy your waifu like bbc can

it's a pretty good feeling desu.

>it's a 4 man queue forces a forfeit episode

I prefer a nice toned midriff. Tits are nice but midriffs are what truly carry it.

Its sad how this is intended to be a melee keystone but everyone's taking it on ADCs

I'm the worlds worst Elise player

>Not wide, fertile hips


>mfw Karthus buffs


Is Janna the lewdest Star Guardian?

Don't worry she's got 'em

If my father followed his advice around 30 years ago I wouldn't have been born

>Riven that low
Cmon son

Literally built for impregnation in the missionary position while holding hands.

are there any pics of certainlyt on a leash

The warwick rework

I am looking for a new fun champion in the top lane, any suggestions ? I was thinking Riven or Fiora, and even Zyra
I already have Kled Maokai Teemo Xin Gp Kayle Camille Cho and Akali

>not having more than 10 CS per minute every game
Step it up fampais

Also, what exactly does my full Malzahar build look like?
I tend to be fully built with 3k gold in the bank at around 30 minutes every game so I have no fucking clue where to put my money, they should really add some sort of high-power,high cost consumable item or lategame upgrades or whatever so you don't literally have only 5 slots + boots that are awful late game.

Varus I have so much fun as him but I suck as him

Too bad

>You suck as him

Its funnier the more you think about it

>tfw you'll never have Imaqtpie be your adc

Flex literally doesn't mean anything right? I just spectated a silver flex game made up of apparent gold/plats in other queues and the whole game was like this.

>Play aram
>Enemy rolls Janna
>Effectively a 7v6

>>Effectively a 7v6
>13 people

stop maining support

Because with all the shields and healing she does youre pretty much killing an extra person

>vi not s+ or higher

literally retarded list

her thighs are bigger than her entire body

so if it makes it a 7v6, and having janna is like having an extra person on the enemy team, then where do the extra two people on your team come from

I have a Poppy ADC help

daily reminder that kpopmakes you play better

listen 2 blackpink

blackpink is in my area

>already m7
why do people like this exist

>enemy jungler literally stands in top lane bush for 2 minutes
>in this time everyone else on your team dies and loses dragon

>Play Aram.
>Want to tell the team to stop trying to make plays because they're all negative kda and we can get an okay fight if we wait for ults and someone to be out of position
>Don't want to be an Aram tryhard

Lamb is A at best. Fan art doesn't count.

I like Morello, Liandrys, Rylais, Sorcery boots. Void staff and Zzrot are great picks. Zhonyas only if there's an assassin targeting you. I hardly ever get full build with Malz

My bad I guess I was still to much from my last match

>Not being a good support to your Adc
Well now aren't you awful.

We have nothing left but her butt/thighs fuck off

>You are now head of Riot
>The game has become stale and you are rapidly losing money
>You must fire ONE champion designer of your choosing
>In the aftermath, you remove all champions designed by that creator from the game
>You must replace all champions deleted with the same number of champions by another existing designer
Who do you choose to fire?
Who do you choose to create the new champs?

I would remove CertainlyT and make Rabid Llama design the new ones.

as a healslut you shouldn't question your adc choices, your adc knows better

I mean she's been out for a while now desu, pretty sure anyone can get to m7 in a day

so, is zoe support or what? what's the consensus?

Fire CertainlyTrash
Bring Gypsy back to champion design to fill the gaps

CertainlyT goes. Replace him with the balancing
lead (Jaime Griesemer) from Halo 2/3

Simply furry art

That's all wool

None of you are fit to be dads so the whole fertility thing is pointless.

Do you think Evelynn even knows how to fuck? I mean, she's a virgin and I doubt she spent time around bedrooms learning how people fuck and what works best.

I mean, I'm having trouble imagining Evelynn being able to do much more in bed than lying down and taking it while moaning and teasing,

>Not just making CertainlyT balance all champs and design all new champs
Now the game is balanced

>had it with this game
>don't have the willpower to actually quit by myself

What's a fun and easy way to get banned permanently from this shitty game? Hard mode: no racial or homosexual slurs.

you need like 20k mastery points to get 5 and then at least 5 more games to go from 5-7. Assuming you win every game and get an S in every one after hitting mastery 5 thats still 25 games

We have nothing left. Fuck off.

a virgin succubus sounds hot!

Now wait one Healing second. I'm too a healslut But I fully believe you have the right to bully the Adc because they don't know better but still support them anyway

I bet you ain't no Healslut, are you? You're just some sissy Adc boy trying to act like a teen.

No, now the game is HOTS.
Everything is busted and no one has fun.

>Every champion is fun to play
>But at the cost if a champion gets ahead at all its unbearable to play against.
>Even if they aren't ahead their mechanics/passives within passives allow them to be relevant at every point in the game with 0 consequences

If everyone can't have fun, nobody can.

And bad at her job. How can she expect to milk a cock dry if she doesn't even know how to properly pleasure it to begin with?


What's the lore behind this?

Which Leauge girls would drug you and then take advantage of you while you were passed out?

Smite balanced their game this way and managed to be fun somehow.

The map and game will need to be redesigned to make it fun for certaint champions

No one has any fun now anyways

but you could teach her what she should do...

7 decides which champ I fap to