/lolg/ League Of legends General

Don't be gay mang edition.



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xth for my wife Syndra

1st for fuck lulu

Welp, guess they do ban bought accounts

Still waiting patiently for Rainman to come out of the time loop and save us all

>ashe rushes bork against a team with no tanks

it has been known for a while that the sellers give riot info on sold accounts to get people banned so they buy more

Anyone need a mid laner duo? I’m bored and very lonely.

I left him in a time loop. He's not coming back.

Updated due to popular demand.

I bought 2 from 2 different sellers off playerauctions, got both of them to Diamond 5, and both were permabanned.

Are you a cute gril stuck in silver?

Vlad rework whould looks kinda like this

Xth for lulu

Good job.

I want KAT ASS

Post champions you like no matter what! I love Ivern's aesthetics and his overall playstyle. His voice lines are top notch, too. Be sure to have a wonderful day as well, and don't worry about any hardships, user. Things will always turn out okay in the end!

>Leblanc will never bind you into Kat's ass, enlarging it even further.

I’m a trap stuck in silver

Do you really think it's hard to figure out accounts leveled by bots? Even the worst automated detection system can't possibly miss someone playing 24/7 and running it down mid every single game.


thread theme





>he listened to my suggestion
I'm touched.

15rp has been deposited to your account

Is there a better feeling in this game than seeing the instant feedback window pop up after you've reported someone?

I mean I'd pay riot 15€ if they were to offer me level 30 accounts with enough champs to start ranked right off the bat, but they won't.


Cute and perfect!
My wife, Riven!
I love her!!!



> tfw no badass Orc champion

uh lolbabs

i want to mindbreak ahri

>Lethality shits literally everygame

>NA NEET hours
Nice, I just woke up and studied some moon runes.

Riven is cute! But she needs huge muscles!

>enemy botlane so bad they can't beat us in a 2v2 (not even while being thanks to careless twitch)
>enemy bot getting destroyed now that twitch is being a little more careful
But the damn game is lost anyway because the traitorous rant goes chasing and feeding once laning is over. Damn, just listen when someone gives you tips without flaming or name-calling.

I think lolg secretly loves luuluu

No one likes orcs fag

I miss the old Fiora's ult.
I miss the old Yorick's lane bully kit.
I miss being a shittier Zed with the old Talon.

Me too!

That guy literally looks like Sion


>Lethality offers you literal no zero play, you die instantly
>pick tanks because I'd like to actually play the game
>everybody flames me and spams "league of tanks" in all chat

Would you be in interested buying a hand-leveled account from me?

Wait, I need this.
She's perfect the way she is.

>darius gets a tiny buff
>he's still shit
>people still banning him







trap champion WHEN?

Why are you people so intent on hurting my dog?

sounds like you were being pretty gay lol

We can duo if all you want to do is play.

I'm not into ERP and all shit

Defensive flash is a wasted flash.

Those knock offs can be pretty expensive sometimes

This one always bothers me because this dude's neck is fucking long.

What is this heresy? Shyvana is for consensual hetero fugging.

>implying jayce needs mana

Why the fuck is there no option to turn this back on while playing TT?

>the pattern continues...

Why are there no trans friendly skins in 2018?

>laning vs comet Olaf
is this what hell is like?

My friend says ahri is futa, is it true?

>Everyone getting banned on boards for account boosting

What's happening lads?

post toplane music

Here's an idea hear me out:

Fucking kys

dark harvest or electrocute? red pill me

Fuck, leveling up you are now gifted shitty 450BE champions? I wanted to make a new account buying ONLY champions I really like so when rerolling three skins I'd always get something decent out of it. But with Garenshit and Ashit that won't happen.


>"we are in an early-game snowball meta dude xd"

I absolutely hate 40+ minute matches for this reason

if I get stomped in 20 minutes it's not so bad, but 40 minutes of effort being wasted because people have no map awareness or just don't care about objectives at all pisses me off. I kinda wish they'd make changes to force long matches close out faster, make minions way stronger after the 40 minute mark or something so they can take down turrets and inhibs faster when they're left unattended

Sure. Why not.

the one (and only) true toplane battle track

>Rothschilds bow to Bogdanoffs
>In contact with aliens
>Possess psychic-like abilities
>Control france with an iron but fair fist
>Own castles & banks globally
>Direct descendants of the ancient royal blood line
>Will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Bogdangrad will be be the first city)
>Own 99% of DNA editing research facilities on Earth
>First designer babies will in all likelihood be Bogdanoff babies
>both brothers said to have 215+ IQ, such intelligence on Earth has only existed deep in Tibetan monasteries & Area 51
>Ancient Indian scriptures tell of two angels who will descend upon Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them
>They own Nanobot R&D labs around the world
>You likely have Bogdabots inside you right now

yet im sure you have no complaints when you catch an enemy out from your "outplay", or just think oops unlucky if you are the one getting caught.

Winning > losing make u think

Are all three of these champions unviable garbage?


>tfw no Quadraxis champion

Oh wait Urgot...sort of

Yeah late game is the single worst thing in the game. Everything happening before it's almost meaningless and every late just plays the same. Hell I just had a 22/9 Kata game in which I got a fucking quadra all by myself. What happened? We lost because our team kept getting caught alone and was too fucking retarded to make use of our advantage.

Every champion is unviable garbage in your hands.

How can I influence my games more?

didnt singed at noct see decent play at worlds tho?

You know how Orianna, Gragas, and Maokai are always viable no matter what?

Kayle is up there too, except she's so boring to play no one does it despite her being busted almost every pre-season.

don't know about viability but I always thought that this artwork looks so out of place when compared to other splash arts

Holy MOLY fighting Quadraxis for the first time was amazing.

The post with 3 decides what my username and what champion i main on new account

Kog in ur Ez
Kog'maw and/or Ezreal

I am a fucking Diamond player and the games I have leveling my smurf are fucking harder than my diamond games.

What the fuck is going on.



juts carry your team bro :)

you are playing in games with other smurfs who are probably mixes of between bronze to also diamond.

you probably arnt tryharding or playing 1v5 champions, there is likely someone plat+ playing yi farming your bronzes on other team.

also ur prob a janna 1 trick.

Bad matchmaking makes everything harder. Frankly it's better to steer clear of normals and just play bots until you reach 30.

I don't play supports. My main role in season 3 was mid and I switched to jungle in season 5.

Tell me about sonas penis

>tfw he gives the Annihilator literally as the game is ending

Its so fun to use once you get it though.

touch my gems

main Taric friendo

>playing jungle janna

Annie is my daughterfu

hell darkness my old friend

the games are so fucking terrible. Every game people get death and kill counts well over 10. Most games end with at least one player at 20+ kills. And every fucking game lasts for 50 minutes because no team pushes their advantage. It's maddening.