/lolg/ League Of legends General

Hook edition.


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xth for my wife Syndra

Unironically, aside from the Zoe fiasco this All-stars has been somewhat entertaining. The meta seems somewhat diverse this time around as opposed to Syndra + Orianna + Taliyah and people are shit-picking to experiment, some failures sure but things feel a little refreshing for once.

Also I'd take Leona over another fucking Janna game.

>smurf account
>hit lvl 6
>champion capsule with Xin and only Xin
what the fuck? Is that possible? Should I contact support?

xdh f\ur syndrol

Does this yordle entertain you, /lolg/?


post reasons to even bother fucking trying

She's the best.

>my beloved Syndra is worse than ever, probably one of the shittiest midlaner atm
>meanwhile I'm trying some assassins and I'm facerolling every game
what's even the point of mages anymore?

>fiora keeps pinging its a bad idea
>they do it anyway
deserved tbqh

it's normal the lvl 1-30 works differently

>probably one of the shittiest midlaner atm
Oh hello there

she's my 3rd favorite yordle


>My hero lineup is all waifu's.

My secret shame.

i was the ekko. i'd just respawned after literally single-handedly forcing them off of a baron attempt 1 minute prior and they typed in chat for me to hold bot because "we've got this"

>less than 100 health
>all 4 fucking people turn to fight the kayle instead of just killing the baron
i wouldn't be surprised if she 1v4'd them too.


I always base my champion pool, in part, around having one waifu per role.

>tfw my favorite champion is a mage and is strong right now.

Seeing him in pro-play once again is cool.

Is your main Diana because if so I hope to god you aren't my roommate

>tfw no qt petite gf

Tuesday can't come fast enough!

Alright I can speculate about the full Vlad lore now. Rate tism levels:

>Kills some kids runs away in the ages unnamed
>Wanders into the territory of the female Darkin
>She teaches him blood magic
>He fights on the side of the Darkin for the entire Darkin war
>Is captured and imprisoned in the Vaults beneath Noxus like Rhaast
>Stays there for the entire duration of Morde's reign
>Noxus is founded
>The Black rose comes to power
>LeBlanc sacrifices a virgin on his tomb and wakes him AWAKEN MY MASTERS STYLE
>"You now serve Noxus and the Black Rose"
>Cue present Vladi lore with the lewd cults and whatnot

xth for breast metal waifu

hey guys whats it like having a winrate above 45


Can someone give me advice on playing led into range tops like Gnar ? It seems once I get dismounted I die

I'm with you. New runes, no more shieldslut meta. And the individual moments have been great. The Karsa pop-off. NA Jayce. Faker's 100th cs. The Garen dance-off. Shit's been fun.

haha funny clever post user
galios winrate was always above 50 because only diehard mains played him or people that picked him into full ap comps for free wins


are you autistic

I rate it "Never thought I would find myself filtering pics of Jojo on /lolg/ but here we are"/10

>tfw no sugar daddy to dress up for and duo with in return for skins

How the absolute fuck can you justify zoe's numbers.

I literally was chunked 90 percent of my health as rakan.

Hes not the tankiest but she came down two levels above use and almost one shot me with her redirect poke bs.

Also can somebody tell me why she can do her movement ability and increase the damage it does.



>loli Leblanc made a pact with Vlad à la Hellsing

Papasmithy and Pastrytime are the best caster duo that Riot has now.

kill yourself and stop tripfagging

>be one trick
>keep getting honor keys
>can never get chests to spend keys

I wanna cuddle Jinx and give her love (also buffs when)

>tfw that box gets me every time

Papatime or Pastrysmithy?

What're some easy to learn characters to play for somebody who hasn't cared much to get back into League since that faggot Yasuo was released?

>2 levels above
stopped reading there.

>"just jump on zoe and kill her bro"
>she Es on your face which cannot possibly miss in melee range

high skillcap champ btw

We've been over this yet you refuse to drop your ign.

>mid laner gets more xp than bottom laners


find me another champ who can nearly one shot someone with one ability not even fed, just normal farming.

Shut up nerd

Its always so easy to detect the shitters in this thread, by seeing who complains about Zoe's "hurr durr she one shot me like nidalee" instead of realizing that her actual main problem is the bubble

Lets see:

One Kog'maw mid

You know thats not a bed meta at all. Its almost like removing Orianna was the solution to getting this many meta champions.

>you're allowed to obliterate a support/adc off the face of the earth because you played a role that has more xp income
whoah... so this... is the power... of sololaners...

>tfw Azir poster is my favorite poster cause he likes Taric and Metroid Prime and has great taste in a favorite champion.

who here /wannaplaytoo/


>annie locked in
>vs azir

Tahm Kench
>easy to use kit
>can play Top, Supp or Jungle
>tanky, but shits out damage and even if you're behind you can just bail out your carries
>can carry games if he gets ahead

Come join the /lolg/ discord if you haven't already.

Here's a fresh link


Come here to find groups to play with, eat food and have fun, and post pictures

This is a picture of a Shen picture that my sister drew in a few minutes years ago.

It's just not fun anymore. Pulling off a full combo and see the enemy barely scratched. Meanwhile some braindead assassin melts you just by sneezing. The worst fucking thing is that even when I play and win my lane my mid game is going to suck dicks. Meanwhile with Kata even when I'm behind I can nothing personnel the squishies and kill them before they can even react.

And I love you random citizen!

Seeing my birb back is really refreshing but yeah its been a fun tourney to watch.


>up against a jungle Morgana
Alright explain this tasty meme to me. Should I be concerned?

When did you start playing and what's your current rank?

>almost 2 years ago
>d5 40lp

Give me all the azir tips I need to become good at him

Post a champion that you really like, whether it be design wise, lore wise, aesthetics, viability, anything!
I really like Ivern and everything about him, especially since I main support so if I have to jungle, I can at least play him and still be a support. Be sure to have a wonderful day as well, and don't worry about any hardships, user. Things will always turn out okay in the end!

I'm glad the like is mutual

i wouldnt know

Lots of complaining about Zoe but for the wrong reasons.

Q does a lot of damage. Fine, it's her only damaging spell, it's a skillshot, etc. Q alone is fine, I'll give Riot that much at least.

E is a "skillshot". Most champions are punished for missing things with long CDs and the like. Zoe is rewarded for missing by spawning a trap. The ability has a short CD so you aren't punished for missing. It doubles the damage on her Q as well as teammates' abilities. Range is extended over walls so you're encouraged to cast from out of vision, even less counterplay.

W. RNG is cancer.

If you showed me Zoe's Q alone, it'd be fine. In conjunction with her E, and also just her E alone, she's broken. Not to mention the potential game-winning RNG loaded onto W.

>Malzahar without aery


practice, that there that's the only tip you'll ever need for any champion

if he's right for you, you'll get good at him. if not, you won't

Elesia on EUW

Rito buffed her healing on jungle monsters so she could clear, then hotfixed it so it's now like half of the original value. Viable but not terrifying.

Main just got perma'd. Was a Sion onetrick, looking to pick up a new champion on my next account. Pick for me?

Jokes aside I agree, I'm still having success with her just because I played her so much I can handle most matchups but she genuinely feels weak as fuck right now, either you snowball or your team helps you out or you are fucking useless, and even then some shit like Talon or Zed just makes me want to kill myself, and they just need Hexdrinker and Mercs to make Syndra completely useless while having insane kill pressure. I literally just played vs a Vel'Koz who survived my 6 spheres combo (I had all three components for Morellonomicon while he had just Mercs and Lost Chapter) and then killed me through Heal with just his laser. Not counting all the bugs she currently has even if they should be fixed next patch but knowing how it works for her other bugs will surface so it's a whatever.

I think I found how to get out of silver



take Comet. Electrocute is okay too but comet's more reliable.

Nashors or Morelloes first (I prefer morelloes). Rylais is just okay on him but shouldn't be a priority anymore. You really want Lyiandries and Void-staff. Poke away in lane, it'll annoy the fuck out of them and your bases are solid enough but be mindful of your range since its not as long as it was before, you can die if the enemy laner gets a good combo off. Also practice, your positioning should become second nature. Don't try the shuffle until you feel comfortable on your positioning, do it in practice tool so you can get the timing down but even a few minutes to really get a hang on how the shuffle "works" will be helpful. Lastly if you learn to land your E you can get a soldier reset and proc your attack speed passive easily.

Have fun user.

How is Sion perma'd, he's meta but shouldn't be permaban.

Also Darius.

Post logs.

>annie top
I hope she gets shit on so I don't have to lane against yet another ranged mage.

He's saying his account got permed you fucking neanderthal

He means the account got perma'd.

>Main just got perma'd
>How is Sion perma'd, he's meta but shouldn't be permaban.

I'm fucking dumb, ignore that

Still Darius

>Annie maxxing W first

Is that actually a thing?


Papatime sounds like some stepfather rape time.
The other one just doesn't roll well.

Lads who's another tank to play top besides Sion?
Or is he all I need?

I'm looking for a champ that is:
>Less reactive, more proactive, playmaker
>scraps in lane, not too passive
>preferably magic damage
>can cs under tower fine or has waveclear
>can survive in a 2v1 or escape easily
>not permabanned

I'm thinking Shen, Maokai, or Nautilus. I suck massive dick with Shen though.
Tahm's lackluster waveclear and low survivability in 2v1 situations turns me off from him.
I suck at nuCho'gath, and hate what they've done to Galio.

How do you choose between Nashors or Morellos? In what situation is one better than the other one? Also, if I do go Morello's, do I build Zerkers instead of Mpen boots?

I want Kindred to be good again

>calling the "mini morgana shield without the cc block" rune a "mini hexdrinker"

nahnahnah my main account got permabanned.

go look up the damage on the wiki and report back

>Azir and samus
I guess Azir's a lot like a chozo, but that's about as random as you can get

Wait is she shit again? Like last patch she became decent since almost her release, now she's shit again?

Give me an easy and consistent most patches toplaner to learn, /lolg/babs.

Ornn is fun but he will get nerfed eventually.

>Make fiora go 0/4
>after laning she becomes impossible to 1v1 and just leaps into my teammates and gets a quadra
why is this champion ok

>ambition going topside instead of near bot so that top can take turret or do more damage instead


I've been watching Hashinshin's stream and holy shit ! I used to think he belonged in silver, but got lucky. But he's proving me wrong. I kinda feel sorry for those kids he's winning against

do NOT open this

Game 1
trash sion: wtf
trash sion: was thatr dmg
trash sion: wtf
trash sion: no assist
trash sion: shoot me
trash sion: warded
trash sion: tfw ive done nothing so far
trash sion: im coming
trash sion: lol
trash sion: gromp was 2hp
trash sion: prettysure hes trolling but idk
trash sion: cant
trash sion: cant
trash sion: cant
trash sion: cant
trash sion: cant
trash sion: this guy
trash sion: muted
trash sion: wtf is this malph doing
trash sion: malph
trash sion: wtf
trash sion: r u doing
trash sion: malph im tired of ur shit
trash sion: pull anything like that again
trash sion: i int
trash sion: this guy is actually retarded
trash sion: malph always way too deep
trash sion: they are
trash sion: full ap
trash sion: literally trolling
trash sion: wtf
trash sion: that taunt hitbox is bs
trash sion: wtf
trash sion: r u doing
trash sion: its 5v3
trash sion: report malph inting and trolling
trash sion: thx
trash sion: im afk gl
trash sion: go ahead and report me
trash sion: malph doesnt deserve a win
trash sion: collateral dmg
trash sion: sorry
trash sion: i know we do
trash sion: we have a chance with malph trolling
trash sion: if hes gonna troll
trash sion: he doesnt deserve the win
trash sion: even if we're good enough to carry him
trash sion: muted
trash sion: if u cant see the logic now im not explaining again

Renekton or female Renekton

Don't do Zerkers, the math is there that the penetration is more important than the attack speed. Morelloes is honestly better if you want immediate damage back in lane, procing your passive is easy and lost chapter is really nice, but nashors is still a solid choice, usually its one or the other since you want the penetration items first. Some pros build abyssal mask if the enemy has alot of AP but you don't really *need* it. I like morelloes solely because I use precision secondary with stacking attack speed, I dont need nashors per se so I prefer it that way.

Its a matter of preference.

like I said, misread. Darius. Show them WITH OVERWHELMING FORCE

pta was op and kindred can use that

I'm on NA.

Where is the idiot shitting on toplane TP? I hope he's watching all-stars right now.