League of Legends General /lolg/

Bloodlady Vayne edition


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Oh, yeah, hots. I read hots and my mind put in Heartstone instead of Heroes of the Storm for some reason.
Got diamond something in 10 games with auriel, went 9-1.

xth for my wife Syndra

riot jews want to buff yasuo. WHY
lets buff a kit already full of enough free shit amirite

Hes being banned too much from own teams so they must buff him

>44% wr
i wonder why they want to buff it

just because complete shitters play him nonstop doesnt mean the kit isnt overloaded
do you want a yasuo player on your team? i know i dont want those shitters on my team

pretty sure if you removed all the low silver 2k yasuo games with a 40% winrate retards, his winrate whould be fine

give me a reason not to quit playing this game

The balance issues and community?

I dont care what anyone says Yasuo is bullshit until they change this

>Implying it matters when he gets permabanned anyway
I will literally never stop banning Yasuo every single game I play. Even if he would be literal garbage, I'd still ban him because I hate Yasuo players from the deepest of my heart and just want them to suffer.

I'm trying to think of one, but it's just making me want to quit playing

This tree is too strong

Convince me this isnt a childrens game
protip: you cant

Because "He's popular"

I'm not kidding.


lethality nunu support

I miss Morello.

League just isn't fun anymore. He was the only rioter that took an active stance on things being fun for everyone and all this heal cucking of preseason would've never been allowed under his reign.

She was the first character I played, and HotS was the first MOBA I ever played.
I think playing her so much when I first started out is why I love healers with CC options so much, nothing feels better than securing kills and helping out the team.

I want to marry Vladimir and adopt Kayn as our son!

My depression will be cured and my life will be great then!

>first pick
I don't wanna play Jayce again.

New Void champ fucking when? It's been literally years, also how you guys feel about the void being Bio-weapons instead of creatures from another dimension?

Did that guy who was porting LoL to Dota's engine finish the mod yet? I wanna play the characters again but not on this cancerous game.

Jayce is all you need though.

>muh winrates

I guess ornn doesn't need nerfs because his winrate is 48% now

also, when did sion's winrate get so high? he came out of nowhere

Teaching a shit-talking Jihn player that it ain't over till the thicc lady sings is what I live for.

What do you live for, /lolg/?

>Play game
>Get autofilled support
>Next game
>Autofill still on

I remember a long time ago, on the old league forums, Morello spent 50+ pages having this same conversation with an endless horde of talon mains
>Talon is weak I try to kill [insert tanky champ here] and they barely take damage
>You're an assassin, you shouldn't be trying to kill the tank
>But how do I kill him he takes no damage and kills me
>That's not your job, you should be trying to kill the squishies
>But I try to kill him and I can't kill him
>You aren't a frontline, use your stealth and blink to get on their backline
>But how do I do that if I can't kill the tank

I don't know how the man kept his paitence

The Swain VGU.

I live for Ok.


Makes them feel less scary in my opinion. The void was interesting because the concept of alien beings only after consumption from another dimension was far creepier as a concept than bioweapons. Especially when you pit them against other evils of runeterra making it "the biggest" bad guy in league...and thats gone which is depressing. Always thought yeah Hecarim's fucked up and scary but what about Vel'koz or Cho'gath finding any sort of interest in your existence? Eternal darkness from the void is far creepier sounding than the shadow isles mists breaking free or noxus invading something again.

Why is Riot trying to make everything outside of Demacia and Shurima murder central and unhospitable? Before I thought PIltover and Ionia were "safe" but now Ionia just picks people off and can't control its denizens while Piltover hates you if you can't afford a bottle of water

Birbs make me happy.

>Ywn sploog in lulu
Worst feel in the history of time

sion is shit

I dunno either, just having a talon on my team is suffering. I can't imagine trying to balance characters that attract children and dealing with the aftermath.

nice try

53% winrate or something

You keep stating this as if its a lore change worrying many anons even though its ur own heacanon please stop doing it


that stat is plat+

just because the kit is overloaded doesn't mean he doesn't need buffs to be worth picking again

winrate isn't everything, but it's a stat that can help figure out what to buff and what to nerf

What do you mean with headcanon, the last lore update state that Icathian people created them as weapons, they couldn't control

the problem is now talon cant even get to the backline and if he does manage to do so the backline is barraged with 80 heals back to full health before talon even finishes his combo

You're good men, you two. Keep it up.

Yeah this was the old talon, but it's more about the mentality of these people. If they can't kill everything by facerolling their keyboard they think the champ is bad

He better be a dilf

Runes are supposed to be strong, the other trees are too weak imo

Who else here /blessedbyrng/

I've just flashed a Jinx ult and the Jinx was in my team


I occasionally find myself reflex trying to stun people running in from off screen. Nine times out of ten, its a goddamn teammate.

I hate it.

Squishies SHOULD be getting killed by facerolls though and that doesn't happen anymore

I can completely understand Alistar or Shen surviving a talon combo with 75% health

Sona should not survive with 100%

do NOT open this

Yeah, like I said that post was years ago when Talon actually did kill squishies properly with his faceroll. The game is fucked up the ass right now and imo most of it wouldn't have happened if Morello still had influence

He is.

Reav3 confirmed he will be sexy.

A guy from surr@20 said the model was "daddy tier".

Just hold on.

Man, I wish things were like that for me.

Our Raka/Lux main support always just goes to help her bf even when he's shitting the bed, so it makes my games relatively miserable even if I'm ahead.

Our "Cheese" mid main almost always autofills when we're in norms, he has a crush on our Raka/Lux main, so he ditches me to peel for her when she's mid/jg.

Our top main who is our Raka/Lux mains bf also ends up fucking me over in the same way because she's his gf.

This fucking tilts me since I never have anyone dedicated enough to peel for me or stick to me. My other support main friends are also dense as fuck where they roam and peel for others leaving me alone or give up.

It's the same way when I play by myself in Solo Ranked.

should have drawn the view from the other side

do me a favor /lolg/, stay the fuck out of my ranked 3v3 matches. I dont need someone that weighs a literal metric ton in my games


Who else having a good day?

i remember flashing my team's Ashe E back when the PROJECT particles were godawful
don't sweat it

>playing league of babies when Dota 2 exists


>DotA 2

>not alternating between league of legends, dota2, and smite


>But muh 44% winrate
That's because half the people who play him are shitters

There's a reason why karthus and aurelion sol have the highest win rates consistently despite being bad champs right now, it's because nobody play them but their mains

putting kittycat in his place

But does DotA have this?

>ywn cuddle with Lulu
horrible feeling

Dota has shit husbandos too. Just look at this, is it possible in 50$ art budget game?

Is that masturbation?

Where the cute trap webms at?

Reportedly CertainlyT left that in.

Maybe I'm just a bitch, but whenever I drop low on health and Warwick's spooky music kicks in I get really tense and scared.
It's gotten to the point when even just seeing that there's a Warwick on the enemy team makes me play worse, send help.

SA Kayn should start a business selling whatever he uses for shampoo

It's the only way for Kayn to not date down.

I hope CertainlyT gets the worst kind of cancer for the shit he's put in this game. You can't mess with any of his champions with the numbers because of how their kits are.

>plat+ stat
>even if you filter for 100games+ (also known as mains), still 96th in the league in winrate
A Sol has literally 60% wr with 100games+

Doto is too complicated to get into than League.
If you want an easier experience Doto is not for you, coming from an ex dotofag.

>Zoe still can oneshot squishies with just Dorans Ring

CertainlyTerminal is kind of handsome.

>be adc
>jungler says "i wont gank early to farm souls and 1 shot people"
>40mins in 0 ganks,enemy is camping bot,4 people are always redy to all in me
>"hurrr durrr adc 0 dmg report"
>be jungler
>riven top says "please gank fast i cant lane"
>kill top with riven
>just when we kill top ,bot pings me question marks
>*b* ,gank bot,give adc a double
>30 seconds later : Riven "CAMP ME PLEASE I CANT KILL RYZE"
>Kill ryze
>head to the dragon pit
>whole team spams me with question marks
>we win
>0 honors

Why is jungle the most souls consuming role in the game? Its either played by a fucking moron or people think you have a free teleport and that you can be at two lanes at a time

Exactly my point

Yasuo's winrate is bad because of the sheer amount of people who play him causing it. In reality he's not doing that bad.

The meta is gonna swing back to Caitlyn soon. Especially with all the bitching everyone does about poke from mages bot and ADs with sorcery. That'll get nerfed and then they'll gut ezreal and everything will be gucci

>brainlet left dota for LoL because it is too complex
Great one less brainlet

Why does nobody talk about ornn
hes fucking broken a tank with an assload of damage 4 knockups a dozen slows cc immunity

Everyone agrees he's broken. The nerfs did nothing to him

>shift from ap poke to ad poke
get rid of the poke and idgaf

Your point is that even if you filter for mains he's still WAY WAY behind A Sol, and that's why we shouldn't buff him? Are you retarded?

/allmute is standard procedure for junglers.

Everyone knows ornn is fucked up. It's been bitches about for months. No one can fight him

Cait and her kit are the embodiment of what an ADC should be and feel like.

Stoic, precise and always 10 metres behind your team. You dont outwit, you dont duel, you AA from miles away where no one can touch you and if they dive you you net away. And you ks.


Too bad she is outperformed by Tristana in every way.

Im definitely going to do that from now on but what buffles me is the fact that people who lose lane with riven exist. Every time im up against a riven im pinned down under the tower farming fucktons to kill her mid game ,when shes on my team shes 0-5 by 15'

Honk if you love Demacia.

>me as ZedRivenVayne

On the other hand
>Be Eve
>Doing well
>Our top complains about being camped in all chat
>Their top: Just look at what Eve is doing to mid
>Me and my midlane Jayce are both obscenely fed and whenever their jungler tries to help mid me and Jayce just kill both of them
>Jayce is thanking me for winning his lane for him
>Jayce ends the game with 20 kills, I'm 11/1
>enemy team: Report mid and jg ty

>presses W
>if you cant cover 550 units in .75 seconds you take 10% MAX M A X health magic damage at R A N K 1

>degenerate yordles

been there,experienced that
i was force feeding our vayne kills at top lane and bot was crying about me being useless,in the end vayne thank me a fuckton of times and carried us

I love sexually liberating beautiful slender Demacian women. They pray for me to visit them you know.

>tfw your only success was warwick because you were heavily leashed

Morde mains watch out

? I said karthus and aurelion sol have a high winrate because of their low pick rate, aka only their mains play them.

Meanwhile yauso has a low winrate because of the high pick rate of mostly bad people since he's a popular fun champ. Even before pre season he was under 50% winrate because of this