How old were you when you recognized that the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation was the true successor to Rome?

How old were you when you recognized that the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation was the true successor to Rome?

2/10, made me reply.

Fuck off Voltaire, they met every single one of those titles

Power was given by the Pope and the Roman Catholic Church
The German prince-electors, the highest-ranking noblemen of the empire, usually elected one of their peers as "King of the Romans," and he would later be crowned emperor by the Pope
On 25 December 800, Pope Leo III crowned the Frankish king Charlemagne as Emperor, reviving the title in Western Europe after more than three centuries.

>Sacked Rome

> On 25 December 800, Pope Leo III crowned the Frankish king Charlemagne as Emperor, reviving the title in Western Europe after more than three centuries.

that's not ottoman empire


>Turks are Dark Elves

At last I truly see.

>On 25 December 800, Pope Leo III crowned the Frankish king Charlemagne as Emperor, reviving the title in Western Europe after more than three centuries.

Kill yourself fag, the French emperor Charlemagne has nothing to do with the HRE
The HRE was invented by the autistic German ruler Otto I two centuries after Charlemagne's death

I fucking knew Voltaire was there

>Following the example of Charlemagne's coronation as "Emperor of the Romans" in 800, Otto was crowned Holy Roman Emperor in 962 by Pope John XII in Rome.

They could claim Western Rome, but Eastern Rome never ceased to exist until the 15th century.

Charles the Great was Frankish, not French

The empire was split before the West, so you can have both

Why should the HRE actually want to be considered a successor to the Roman Empire? It was much better than that centralized tyranny.

Let Russia be the true successor to Rome. They were the ones who inherited its spirit.

So who's the successor to Russian empire following the socialist revolution?

IF you accept the HRE being the successor to Constantine's Roman Empire then you must also accept the view that catholicism is the unbroken branch and all heresies spring from it, not the other way around

Finland obviously, and Russia again because putin now has the emperors chair

Russia? What does russia have to do with this?

It wasn't even an empire. It was merely a federation of german states.

Meanwhile, the byzantines are literally survived Rome.

Russia always thought of Byzantium as of their beloved senpai.
Claimed to be the "Third Rome" after its fall.
Later Catherine dreamed of removing kebab and resurrecting the Byzantine empire, named her two grandsons Alexander and Constantine, raised them as LARPing greekboos. Constantine was supposed to become a ruler for a new Byzantium after kebab was removed, but it was never removed in the end.
They tried again 100 years later during WW1 (almost instantly called dubs on Istanbul when the war broke out) but commies happened.
Sad shit if you're a Byzantineboo.

> Frankish, not French
My goy, you have a serious problem here to see a major difference between both.

The Russians are merely the successors of Byzantium empire; they inherited of their decadent and late culture as well as their religious institutions when Constantinople have been taken. Meanwhile, all the classical heritage went to Italy.


The byzantines were a civilization in a pure decay, incapable of producing something else than anthologies and trade products. They were the last vestige of the classical world but weren't classical men. This empire was unsustainable culturally and had to be taken oven by a new emerging culture. The real greatness of byzantium lasted about 2 or 3 centuries but greece in itself has been completely destroyed by the first roman civil war and was nothing, at this time, more than a nation full of the worse Mediterranean trash.

Frankish are a different ethnicity than French, in fact they're ethnically closer to Germans.
The Frankish kingdom made East Francia just as much as West Francia.

And Romance and Slavic speaking states

The empire was never split though.


if this is accurate, that sucks. finland blows

>tfw to intelligent to be germanophobically ignorant of the fact that the holy roman empire was indeed holy, roman and an empire

>>Ferdinand and Charles were forced to conclude a humiliating five-year treaty with Suleiman. Ferdinand renounced his claim to the Kingdom of Hungary and was forced to pay a fixed yearly sum to the Sultan for the Hungarian lands he continued to control. Of more symbolic importance, the treaty referred to Charles V not as 'Emperor' but as the 'King of Spain', leading Suleiman to identify as the true 'Caesar'.

>>Ferdinand was to be considered as the King of Germany, and Charles V as the King of Spain, and they were equal to the Grand Vizier of Ottoman Empire. Moreover, they were banned to count anyone as 'Emperor' except the Ottoman Emperor.


>germans destroy rome
how can they call themselves romans?

>Goths sacked Rome
>Last holdout state of Rome was Gothia
Is history a meme guise?



Why is everyone so eager to claim their favorite country is the true followup to the Roman Empire?
It wasn't even that great.

I knew this thread would have Voltaire in it for fuck's sake

it really was, faggot
at its height, the roman empire was unparalleled in the world
it degenerated, yes, but I can understand why so many peoples want to claim themselves to be the inheritors

>was nothing, at this time, more than a nation full of the worse Mediterranean trash
t. Enrico Borcallinino

You shit on Greece as being useless but that didn't stop Thessaloniki being the second prosperous city of Byzantium while also the Venikikes and the Jewnoans wanting parts of Greece.

>Militarily advanced
>good infrastructure
>poo'd in loo unlike their western counterparts
>Mediterranean superpower
>the west run to them for monies whenever they wanted to crusade

As historian Steven Runciman has put it:

"Ever since our rough crusading forefathers first saw Constantinople and met, to their contemptuous disgust, a society where everyone read and wrote, ate food with forks and preferred diplomacy to war, it has been fashionable to pass the Byzantines by with scorn and to use their name as synonymous with decadence".

Try again

>Loose confederation

Romans have always had a tradition of destroying Rome


Actually, the first one to talk about a "Holy Roman Empire" was Louis the Pious in one of his letters.

What is the qualifier for succeeding a pre-existing government?

>Serbian and Bulgarians also attempts claims at the imperial roman title

L-O-L balkanshits are always so delusional and unintentionally hilarious.

treaty of verdun