Are women worth the investment?

Are women worth the investment?

How do you minimize risk when investing in them? Prenuptials? Hidden Bitcoin wallets?

120$ for 30 minutes with a bitch off backpages

This approach really is cheaper in the long run.

Learn from their wisdom OP

Only if she's a qt virgin you plan on loving and keeping around your whole life

Don't be a cuck

What happened to good old-fashioned whores/escorts OP? Don't be another idiot, marriage is literally the worse resource investment you will make in your life. If you really want a long term bitch, just don't sign stuff (aka don't put a ring on it)

Reminded me of this beauty

What if you're black?
90% are no aa and those who arent are usully leo

Invest in an onahole

You have to constitute a portfolio to minimize risk

Sounds like you need to take a vacation.

As people said earlier, the safest route is to use escorts probably.

Prenuptial agreements are an absolute must, but realize that doesn't completely protect you - and anything you make after marriage certainly doesn't get covered in that.

Watch out for Common Law Marriage. If you state has it, then be wary of even a live in girlfriend. Never have a joint bank account. Best thing to do is just pay for everything, don't let her pitch in at all. With Common Law, even a hotel bill showing you presented as husband and wife (Mr. and Mrs. X) is solid evidence of common law in court.


>tfw you try to diversify your female portfolio
/pol/ won't be pleased

Look for an escort service that isn't backpage

Try the erotic review

> prenuptial

It's an over beaten meme from the 50s. Stop it. Prenups have been thrown out of courts more than mothers have gotten custody over the kid.

Having any long-term relationship with a female in 2017 is like shooting yourself in the foot.

Tfw can't afford either of those ;_;

Only if they're employed in a job with an income that's equal or greater to your own and you want kids.

Ironclad prenuptial. If she refuses, trash and try until you find a signer

think of it this way: the only reason to make more than 30 or 40 thousand dollars a year is for women

so who cares how much you lose so long as you can afford to stay alive

>pay for everything

Nigger that's what we're trying to avoid doing here.

If anything just have her give you cash and put everything under your name or something like that.

also taking elon musk's situation:

amber heard is a literal 10/10. she is among a handful of people on this planet who can claim to be at the pinnacle of human genetic quality, probably in the history of the species

purely from a reproduction perspective, even if she took half of his wealth, he wins so long as he impregnates her

cheapest whore in my city is $225 USD for 30 minutes im not even kidding, and shes an ugly blonde milf with wrinkles

Women aren't property: regardless of any formal or informal agreement they never belong to you, they can can leave you or restrict your access to them at any time without warning. What you'll want to invest in are firms that make sex robotics, lifelike dolls and virtual reality porn.

I'll also add that it is cruel and selfish to think of having children as an investment either, considering the state of the world you absolutely should not reproduce at all, but if you do anyway, you cannot expect your offspring to be anything like you would have hoped for, they have subjective consciousness and feelings of their own.

Holy crap, women really do post on Veeky Forums.

>women aren't property


Here's a thought maybe instead of posting this question you could actually go outside.

How can you be this grumpy when the market was so kind today?

>ITT ugly antisocials who have never considered becoming a toyboy

Seriously, it's the age of feminism. Why pay for a woman? Why not let her pay FOR YOU!

it's like you're not even thinking Veeky Forums

>inb4 "muh masculinity"
>inb4 'something something ...Chads get all the breaks'

Only in places like Saudi Arabia. In first world countries wives can simply pull a "no fault divorce" and talk more than half the husband's money/assets. Even cohabiting in most places is considered "common law marriage" and the same rules apply.

Even though /r9k/ and /pol/ talk about MGTOW the most its boards like here, /k/ and /out/ where you see the most men who actually are going their own way, not just sad virgins whining.

>smart people are the ones making society work
>dumb people keep having kids
>hey dude, the world is overpopulated, don't reproduce

While anyone who falls for the above flawed thinking isn't prime genetic candidate, caring for the future still makes you above the unthinking consuming masses at the bottom.

A world filled with ~100 IQ people is what we have in the western countries right now. It's not ideal, but it's ok. A world filled with sub-90 IQ people is what there is in Africa, South America, the Middle East, western Asia.

Most of the world is roughly at replacement rates. The overpopulation problem solely comes from African and Muslim populations, who also happen to be the dumbest people on Earth.

It's cruel and selfish to NOT have kids if you can read and write to the point you can interact on Veeky Forums. There is a horde of retards on the way, and humanity will die out if reasonable people check out.

>considering the state of the world you absolutely should not reproduce at all
How old are you to think like that?

Why would my age have anything to do with it. Are you a product of your generation and assume everyone else is as well?

Answer the question, roastie

I'm assuming you're less than 25 years and that your mindset comes from your young age, that's why I'm asking. Even though I swore I'd never have kids when I was younger and more immature, having children started to turn into an appealing idea after I approached 30 years in age. I know some single men who range from 35 to 60 years and they desperately want to find a much younger woman who'd be willing to have children with them. Reproduction is the one big task every living being must fulfill in order to not be a failure and a dead end. This thought starts pressing in your brain more and more as you're growing older. But if you realize this too late, time will have worked against you, and you'll have tougher luck charming a partner who can still give you children.

And these first world countries are on a fast collision course back to reality, and women will become property again.

>Reproduction is the one big task every living being must fulfill in order to not be a failure and a dead end.

Are you under the impression that your genes will survivie for infinity?

They will dissipate within a few generations, then obviously when the human race goes extinct you're as genetically successful as the 2/10 obese NEET who died a virgin.

If your reason for having kids is 'So I'm not a genetic failure' then you really shouldn't have kids.

Also, if you believe that the world's heading for trouble, I think the best survival strategy is to have children. If all the societal problems of today end up significantly destabilizing the Western nations, it will be important for you to have a family to protect you when you're old and weak.

On the other hand, if you think this would be selfish, and if you truly believe that everybody has to make personal sacrifices for a better tomorrow, keep in mind that anyone who has less than 2 children is causing a fertility rate that's below replacement level in the Western nations. They are causing a situation where the population decreases and there aren't enough people around to keep a stable population pyramid. This means politicians feel the need to import immigrants in order to increase the size of the population, which has introduced the problems we've been enjoying in recent years.

If any of the other sperm cells had reached the ovum first, there would be someone else in your place, and you would not exist. If your mother had fallen for another man, or if any of your ancestors had gone for another partner, you would not exist. You were the one who won against all odds; an unlikely lottery winner in a long line of unlikely lottery winners. It's a selfish decision to throw in the towel and disregard the struggles of the generations before you, as well as snuffing out the ones after you.

Of course that's not the only reason, read above a few others. But the most important one is simply the wish to have children and experience parenthood.


Tfw I hire $25 hookers all the time and havent got tested yet

Clearly a virgin.

damn where do you live ? Can't believe it's the case. Have you checked eccie, preferred411, or theeroticreview?

>How do you minimize risk when investing in them?
Be good looking and pump and dump them for free.

Right. Only Chad can have women as property, otherwise you are a cuck.

Depends on the woman.

>advocating for sexbots and against reproduction

ME. i have a company that needs investment, invest in me and get rich, it can be only 1000 for a start

I'm a 28 year old male virgin
The urge to reproduce is just a biological impulse, and I have the foresight to avoid it since I know the reality of having children is not something I want to experience. I know the feeling of male baby rabies because last year I did some long no-fap periods and felt like I was itching to inseminate thicc fertile women and would actually be happy and excited the get them pregnant. But its only the act of cumming inside a pussy with no condom and the idea of reproducing that sounds appealing. I flash forward to imagining myself having to deal with the stress, responsibility and financial drain of having children, flash back to the present and say nope nope nope. This thought experiment is also helpful to reverse rationalize my virginity: If you never want kids, you should never have sex unless you are 100% sure it won't happen my accident. Celibacy is actually a congruent lifestyle for being a pro life antinatalist, but you can't turn off the sex drive, hence all the porn tabs to my left.

Are you really that boring and is your life really so pointless that you need to procreate in order to justify your own existence?
Even if women are considered property, they will still fuck Chad behind your back, Always have, always will.

>have a family to protect you when you're old and weak.
The purest example of selfish
>anyone who has less than 2 children is causing a fertility rate that's below replacement level in the Western nations. They are causing a situation where the population decreases and there aren't enough people around to keep a stable population pyramid. This means politicians feel the need to import immigrants in order to increase the size of the population, which has introduced the problems we've been enjoying in recent years.
The key to sustained peace and prosperity is population reduction. Less people means less pollution, less mouths to feed, less infrastructure to maintain, more competition in innovative fields and less competition for bottom tier jobs. You're thinking like a boomer, must have kids to inherit the national debt and pay for my retirement.

He's the ultimate cuck if he let that happen. I would literally shoot the bitch.