Is the term "islamofascism" accurate or just a buzzword?

is the term "islamofascism" accurate or just a buzzword?

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Clerical fascism is a thing. And Saudi Arabia can be described as a country with such a system.

Bush neocons coined it

It's nonsense, it's literally just sharia, secularized states are the deviation.

shitty bait thread


Not every bad person is a Facist.

it is somewhat accurate for extreme salafi jihadi splinter groups like ISIS but the way it is usually being used is inaccurate.

It depends. It's kind of a buzzword because fascism is a secular ideology obviously.

no. islam has allied itself more closely with leftist (bolshevik) movements over the past hundred odd years, due to shared hatred of the west.

islam itself is more similar to leftist governments as well. fascist governments die with their founders. franco, hitler, mussolini, pinochet. communist governments on the other hand do not and instead transition to something slightly different that continues to serve the people, sometimes splintering into smaller groups based on ideological differences.

but every fascist is a bad person

Epic dude :D upboated for Bernie


Clerical fascism implies Catholicism though.

But if go by the definition of fascism as the merger of corporate and state power, then you can say islamofascism is the merger of state and religious power. So it kinda works I guess.

>is the term "islamofascism" accurate or just a buzzword?

As buzzwordy as Iraq's WMDs.

Is this bait?
>What is the Afghani Soviet war

It is totalitarian more than fascistic.

It is, but not in the way that the people that actually use the term islamofascism think it is.

>islamigommunists are coming to kill us.

>Islamist communism
I guess the memes were true about the americans

Isn't that just fundamentalism? seems like a buzzword to me as anons have stated

It's just fundamentalism. The thing that makes Islam different is that it is inherently political

Depends. If by fascism you mean Mussolini and friends then no. If by fascism you mean general right-wing populism then yes, absolutely.

Political Islam fits basically all of Eco's "Ur-Fascist" criteria.

islamig gommunism :DDDDD

>no. islam has allied itself more closely with leftist (bolshevik) movements over the past hundred odd years, due to shared hatred of the west.
Dude the entire reason wahhabism exists right now is because the West tried to use it as a weapon. First against the Ottomans, by sposnoring . Then against the Soviets and later Russians by having the Saudis sponsor Islamist groups, in Afghanistan, Chechnya and a few other former Soviet republics that aren't really talked about. For instance Tajikistan had a really bloody civil war in the 90s where the secularists fought against islamists and won.

Well, fascism is a modernist movement that opposes reaction, while trying to achieve pretty much the same goals by modern means. It doesn't really ascribe to any religious creed, instead trying to create a new religion - the state.
That's 100% true only for Italians, as each country had its own brand. Mussolini even went so far to say that fascism is just Italian socialism.

Such a definition might be applied to some lines of thought that brought about the Islamic Revolution of Iran. Some "godfathers" of the revolution have indeed studied the German Conservative Revolutionaries. Ahmad Fardid studied Heidegger deeply and pretty much came up with the idea that Islam is the only form through which Iranian identity can be reborn. Jalal Al-e Ahmad wrote extensively of "Occidentosis" as a sickness that can be defeated through mastery of technology, and explicitly quotes Ernst Junger as his inspiration.

But even though those guys had a lot of influence, the revolution in the end took a much different turn - it was a religious Islamic modernism, either via Khomeini who wanted to apply Islam to the modern world, or leftist thinkers who saw Shi'a Islam as a vehicle of social change for the oppressed (pretty much like Liberation theology of Latin America)

To follow, obviously there were some fascist, socialist or nationalist ideologies where Islam played a role taken by Christianity in Italian fascism - ie. an important footnote pretty much.
Ba'ath Party might be an example in some of its iterations.

There were some neo-Nazi or neo-Fascist movements in Islamic countries, which for some reason were often quite anti-Islamic, like Sumka of Iran, which was founded by a guy who served in some German foreign volunteer force in WWII and went pretty bonkers, even growing a Hitler stache.

And the actual fascists weren't anti-Islam. Even if Hitler's supposed exultations of Islam are suspect for lack of source, it's obvious that Himmler at least liked it. Mussolini had the title of Saif al-Islam, Sword of Islam, and since 1938 Muslims were allowed into the fascist party.

ISIS fits every definition of a fascist state

ISIS is the most far right state to exist in modern history

Its purpose is to violently enforce hierarchy and tradition

Most (admittedly shitty and untrue) definitions of fascism include nationalism. In what fucking way is the Islamic State nationalistic?

So... Zero of them?

No, its aim is to enforce the equality and unity experienced by the first generations of the Ummah, where even the Caliph would live in a tent and wear a tattered robe, and the poorest were given money and support by the community.
Now you might (rightly so) say that this is untrue and that al-Baghdadi wears 10000$ rollex watches, but that's not the stated aim of the IS.

>unironically believing leftists hate the West rather than barbaric Western foreign policy

Islam is nationality. This is why there existed the Nation of Islams, and if you hate Islam you must be a racist.

Desiring world domination isn't nationalistic?

ISIS simply pursues a religious nationalism over an ethnic nationalism.

just their way of trying to avoid calling them wahhabists

Islamic hierarchy isn't really material, but social. Men over women, master over slave, and the oppression of religious or sexual minorities.

Not an argument.
Every ideology desire world domination.

Their "nation" is the ummah, and they are accordingly discriminatory, revanchist, irridentist, chauvinisti, xenophobi, etc.

By this definition you can claim that communists are nationalistic since their nation is the worker class.
And that liberals are nationalists, since their nation is the human race or the individual, depending on how you look at it.
Words have meanings you know. You can't call any ideology nationalistic just because you disagree with it.

And that's not even going into the fact that self-government of nations is a basic tenet of nationalism, while Islam claims its constitution (in the material sense) to be literally God-given, rather than self-determined.