League of legends general /lolg

Poro rancher edition!


xth for my wife Syndra

xth for breast metal waifu

I bet Lulu fucks those poros

remember to prepare for the CLIMB lolg!
itll be here before you know it!

Maybe Swains condition was shown ealier:
>Days earlier, a crook-backed creature with a withered arm and birdlike features had told him this was Shurima, but that couldn’t be true.
This is from Varus new lore, before he went to shurima

xth for being tied up

me too, me too!

jinx kicking ezreal in the balls

This actually make sense considering that Swain is tyrant looking for expansion and he probably make a deal with the Darkin and originally had Rhaast in their treasures

How does the Snowday Graves compare to his other skins? Already got Jailbreak and Pool Party, so I'm not sure how often I'd use it if I buy it.

xth for make more shurimans pls

>oh noes i am so special i have to pick a snowflake champion for me
>oh noes i will pick galio and main him
>oh noes i dont like him now that he is modernized and better

Sincerely I am laughing at you.

It is not a Darkin, it is some demon entity like Tahm and Evelynn.

is it in character for jinx to kick guys in the balls

Have you been a good boy?

>character who blows up buildings with little to no regard for the well being of those around her
>rules are made to be broken. like buildings. or people.
I'd say so.

tfw no user gf (ahri) to sleep with
goodnight for now lolg

Let the void have something, they haven't a champ in literally years

Nope. Is daddy gonna spank me?

>in My Shops past Riot removes skins that are going on sale soon and rerolls your shop
>get Soulhunter Kayn in mine
>he has the early sale about a week later
>the prices are nearly identical
>ask Riot if I could, at the very least, reroll that slot in my shop because it's fairly pointless
>response I get is "we can't change shops, suck to be you xP"
Fucking hate this goddamned company

Get on your knees, boy

>vayne gets fed
>thinks shes a literal god
>dies 1v1
and so the vayne cycle continues
temember to ban her




That skin is shit anyways. Stopo being a crybaby, this is why d2g laughs at us.

Beatrice is the demon isn't?

holy shit how are you this bad

Please please PLEASE get a tripcode.

Uhhh lolbabs???

Of course. I shiver with anticipation!

i don't really understand am i supposed to just snowball out of control before or after my team starts feeding?

The skin's alright and I'd grab it if the sale was more than 30%. I'm more just perturbed by the change in policy for Riot over time. Back when they were smaller they did more for the players. Now they don't give a fuck even when I'm trying to give them money.

Or the harbinger.

The only thing I don't enjoy is the fact he isn't a cripple anymore. I have a special thing for crippled characters.

jesus christ riot

He doesn't even want to go swimming in Graves, he's not so bad.

He lost his arm, isn't that being a cripple too?

I'm thinking about just becoming a mundo one trick. He can do anything, top, mid, jungle, support, ADC. Fuck it why not?

Also lethal tempo/phantom dancer mundo is the funnest shit.

instead of thinking that your team is feeding, think that your enemy is a baller who is snowballing on your team mates
you just gotta do the same thing to your lane opponent but better

requesting a drawfag to draw this



cryo darius support is FUN

we should fuck

Assassinbabs need not apply

Best girl.
Best pussy.
Best wife.

At least you're good boy

What have you been building on him? Looking to diversify my champion pool a bit

i want to do well and i do my best to not die (i usually stay below 5 deaths) but i can't seem to really get the kills i need to really carry games

there is a lot to take in here

why cant we trade boxes and keys yet?

>yell at a j4 for having to put up with a 2v1 sona/tryn top
>get knocked down to honor 1
>just got back to 2
>still getting endless keys even when honor 1
you get keys for a GG

you should try cryo mage nautilus

I'm the exact opposite. Truly frustrating to have 15 chests and no key fragments

Losing an arm is not as bad as losing a leg. Losing a leg is ten times worse. Especially if Swain gets a protesthic to take care of his arm.

Now I want you to play some league

Thats fucking adorable.

t. literally never played Ornn still got the skin meanwhile 17 games in a row with Janna and no skins for her, no Jarvan skins when ive been practicing him, no Irelia skins when shes the most played champ I have that I dont have every skin for (I have literally all Twitch, Eve, Leona, and non-legacy Annie skins)

>PFE and SGU came out for half off on release.
I'll admit;
these skins were old news by the time I started playing. I was told Ultimates were never on sale.

I unironically want to cum on boxbox's feet

Your favourite champs per role. For me are:
Top: Renekton
Jg: Kha'zix
Mid: Azir
Adc: Kalista
Supp: Bard

Did you think him going where he pleases was a joke?

Do you seriously want to know? Because I troll as mundo every game and don't actually go tank.

Lethal tempo, triumph, alacrity (or tenacity if they're a REALLY CC heavy team), coup. Red tree secondary with cheap shot and ravenous hunter.

First item either ninja tabi or merc treads (depending on if I'm against AD or AP.), second item either thornmail or spirit visage depending on enemy team, third item phantom dancer, fourth item shiv, after that either IE or bloodthirster, games never last long enough for a last item but probably a warmogs because his E scales off of HP and it gives more AD than an AD item would.


I used to only play mundo top running heal/barrier, got to plat before I had to start taking teleport

We don't know if he's getting a protesthic yet, anyway his new lore sounds kinda cool, i'm going to miss the tacthician lore, but in terms of gameplay he was never one

Top: Wingy Bingy, HUE King
Jungle: Wingy Bingy, HUE King
Mid: Wingy Bingy, HUE King
ADC: Wingy Bingy, HUE King
Support: Bard

I want to buy a marksmen, so miss fortune or Caitlyn? Any tips, pros cons

>why cant we trade boxes and keys yet?
To make sure someone with 10 keys and someone with 10 boxes can't trade each other to allow them to open 5 chests each.

who is wingy bingy? is that khazix or galio?

mf, cait is garbage right now.

Top: Gnar
Jg: Nidalee
Mid: Taliyah or Zoe
ADC: Ezreal or Xayah
Support: Probably Rakan, almost never play support

lulu is for abusing

I'd rather lose a leg than an arm to be honest, you can easily walk with a leg prosthetic and even run faster than a normal person with one but you will never ever get a robo hand that works 1% as well as a human one.


It looks like nu!Swain is going to appear to be a genius with Beatrice being a sort of oracle, so Swain has visions of truths and events he has no personal knowledge of. This means he could easily discover a person - or even entire army's - weaknesses and brutally exploit them. Like seeing that a general is putting weakened soldiers on the left flank and having them hug a cliff while they march, meaning Swain just has to ambush the right flank and then Noxus can pick off the army with all the best soldiers tactically removed, all because he has information he shouldn't but it makes him look to be a brilliant commander to those around him.


shit tier

Void champion first

But a Bastet shuriman would be cool. And yes I'd vouche to make her the first female ascended.

Yeah that happens. Its annoying to have so many keys but no chests to use them on.

Here just use this

You can’t fuck with properly with one leg. It’s awkward af. I wonder if they made it this way so Swain can fuck Leblanc properly

Is she trying to suck her own dick?

he's not even good, he just cheeses idiots who have literally no macro.

Hate to say it as I love Cait, she's pretty bad right now. MF is easy as fuck and extremely strong right now.

I think MF is rather boring as I don't like the ADC role for casters, but that's just me. Xayah and Ezreal are fun alternatives to the ones you listed

Top: don't play, shitty role
Jg: don't play, it turns you into a moron who can only 2v1
Mid: Yasuo
Adc: don't play, only for morons that need to be babysat
Supp: don't play, I'm not babysitting morons

>implying leblanc is not on top any ways

Spooky mutant Void support shota WHEN

>can never leave lane for more than a minute or you lose all three towers and your inhib


Top: Quinn
Jungle: Graves
Mid: Viktor
ADC: Varus
Support: Braum

In case of Varus, "least disliked" might describe him a bit better. I hate playing ADC bot.

My husband Kled is the only gift I need for christmas.

>can counter your counters by being patient
>punish your counter for thinking theyre hot shit
>punish your counter for even so much as warding the river bush by removing their tower from existence
>%hp damage from maiden
>ghoul fuel for days
>builds a wall
no hes a grave digger and is patient. beat niggers with shovels for getting out of line and playing like monkeys

I used to play the fuck out of him, but I'm tired of playing a tank and my team not doing any fucking damage. So now I just build him ASPD with lethal tempo for max hilarity.

Also riven could literally do nothing against me and I almost felt bad farming him for gold. ALMOST.


Wait until April for Irelia's vgu

if you die to yasuo, you got outplayed

it means he had to calculate (and execute) the fight exactly to his specifications, taking into account your cooldowns and his, the position of both junglers, the creep waves and the general "feel" of the lane (an ability that has to be honed through years, maybe decades of what you call merely "gaming").

Indeed, to be defeated by yasuo is to realise that you have found your better, both as a player and as a man. Your mettle failed you, but the yasuo player is solid steel -hard, cold, reliable- and as he secures first blood and you anxiously await the surrender vote, his mind is still operating at full capacity preparing strategies for a near infinite number of possibilities.

I'll be taking my LP now, make sure you do your bans correctly next time.


>tfw get 14 day ban for leaving my lane with a khazix support who went 0/6
God. Time to just mute all I guess.

Top: Yorick, Cho'Gath
Jung: Olaf
Mid: Karthus, Ziggs, Viktor
Bot: Jinx, Miss Fortune
Supp: Sona, Braum, Bard

does nid primarily feed on young white boys

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

>TFW I ban yasuo every single game because an AD assassin should not be able to build only ASPD and two shot somebody if he finally lands a tornado after 17misses.

So that why he knows all that shit about the champs in the new interactions, basically Swain learn your deepest and dark secrets and use them againts you to damage psychologically in battle

is this a bot

Young boys and cute girls

It's mating season

respectable screenshot