Was Leon Trotsky, before 1927, the most powerful Jewish person of the past 500 years?

Was Leon Trotsky, before 1927, the most powerful Jewish person of the past 500 years?

Benjamin Disraeli was

Neither of them were actually Jewish.

But of the two Trotsky was more Jewish.

Why are you so obsessed with jews

Wasn't Disraeli just the representative of the parliamentary majority?

I thought PMs had little actual power.

You don't need to be practicing to be Jewish

The PM these days isn't that much different from a president. And whilst back in the 1800s they weren't as empowered the presidential character of the office was beginning to take shape.

What did you mean by this?

Trotsky was an atheist, which whilst not being an active Jew anymore isn't a conversion away from it.

Disraeli converted to Christianity, thus negating his earlier Judaism.

its a curse in ones genetica

He wasn't a jew, he was an atheist.

Full disclosure, I'm a Trotskyist not a Nazi. I'm curious about his position in global history based on this one particular aspect of his identity.

Rothschild was probably more powerful.

>this one particular aspect of his identity.

It wasn't part of his identity, he was a radical Marxist atheist who happened to have Jewish parents.

Why is it so hard for some people to accept Judaism is both an ethnicity and a religion?

He denounced Judaism, so no

The problem is that before 1928 the party control of the economy wasn't as totalitarian and the division of power in the CPSU at the time was so diluted that while he was more powerful than most he still shared power.

I'd go with Leon Blum or Benjamin Disraeli for political power and Karl Marx for social power.

What about Lenin?

Lenin was of Christian descent

Not for long.

Because if it's just an ethnicity, then it can easily be influenced by a culture. If he doesn't practice Judaism, then having a Jewish ethnicity means nothing.

If Lenin tried to apply for Israeli citizenship he would get laughed out of the place.

Only people with an agenda try and say he was Jewish.

Probably this guy. First Prime Minister of Israel whose love of zionism paved the way for the existence of the Jewish state and would ultimately help solidify the Jewish national identity in a globalized world. After leading Israel to victory in the 1948 Arab-Israeli War, Ben-Gurion helped build the state institutions and oversaw the absorption of vast numbers of Jews from all over the world. These actions affected every country that was home to Jews, and profoundly changed the balance of power in the middle east.

You could even say that the creation of Israel was a necessary event for many Middle Eastern conflicts and proxy wars of the last century, and thus could be responsible for a great deal of effects - but I wouldn't attribute the creation of Israel to one man, not even this guy.

Rothschilds were more powerful. How is this a question?

Is this about Trump?

He's not actually Jewish, he just has a lot of Jewish relatives.

Neo Nazis wouldn't salute him in front of the White House if he practiced Judaism.

The Rothschild family has always been just that, a family. Individual Rothschild members rarely hold much power.

/pol/tards being exposed as idiots every time they come to Veeky Forums

One of the great things about this board

It usually is some leftist who holds Trotsky in high esteem trying to diffuse any racial inclination Jews have towards communism, trying instead to paint it as intellectual altruism.

Svetovid being your typical pidorashka is probably implying Stalin is going to kill him.

Meaning he's talking as if Trotsky was alive right now and all of this was happening.

Trotsky was a good bloke t b h we should all hold him in high esteem

Stalin was a jew aswell?

Of course not

He was Georgian and raised Orthodox

Trotsky was worse than Stalin, his militant labor program would have been worse than Mao's Great Leap Forward, he used the Cheka to kill hundreds of thousands.
Was Stalin a communist? One of a kind attracts another.

>Trotsky was worse than Stalin

Oh fuck off, there's absolutely no reason to believe he would have used extreme violence to carry out his reforms. Throughout the entirety of his life post 1927, he spoke out against the brutality of Stalin's repressions.

Stalin, by contrast, exhibited signs of extreme cruelty as early as 1921. Many other Bolsheviks were terrified by his willingness to kill, and Lenin attempted to prevent Stalin from becoming leader of the USSR after his death.

Lenin was Russian and East Asian.
>I'm a Trotskyist
Quick, someone, fetch the ice axe!


>he wasn't of Jewish identity, he just followed an ideology created by a Jew and he hated Christianity


>spoke out against brutality
Yeah so did Lenin in his theories, his writings could've fooled you into thinking he was an empathetic democrat. All of that went out of the window once he took power.

He hates Judaism as well

if trotsky did take power, most of the deaths would come due to sheer incompetence outside of political theory and general naivety. see: bolshevik peace negotiations with the german empire, round 1

Jews are an ethnicity that happened to retain their ancient religion. Converting or being an atheist doesn't change once ancestry.

Rotchild is not a single person it's a large family with different member sometimes having different positions on things.


Not a gommunist and hate them but Trotsky wasn't incompitent. The guy lead the red army to victory against Czar loyalists that were the old military establishment, were supposed to be better trained and had international support.

I'm merely implying that Leon's reign is going to end abruptly at the hands of Stalin.

>Lenin attempted to prevent Stalin from becoming leader of the USSR after his death
For a second there I thought you meant Lenin rose from the dead.

Judaism is a religion. Sure there are ethinicites that are traditionally jewish like the askenazi, beta israel and such, but a jew that converts is no longer a jew.

When did christians stop being jews?

There's no christian DNA my boy

>he spoke out against the brutality of Stalin's repressions.

In the height of the purge, Stalin's speeches called for clemency and moderation.

In case of commies always: speech =/= intentions

>Christian descent

no the rothschilds

>racial inclination towards
Never fails to make me laughs.

no. Mayer Amschel Rothschild was

>culture magically renders genetics completely irrelevant

You seem alright, don't go to Mexico tomorrow.

please be bait

>Throughout the entirety of his life post 1927, he spoke out against the brutality of Stalin's repressions.
>as soon as he was powerless, he stopped advocating killing people, so he was a good boy all along
>dindu nuthing

Stop this disgusting anti-Semitism, this belongs to the racist, xenophobic, bigoted, Islamophobic, homophobic, ableist, privileged /pol/ containment board for literal Hitler Nazi bigots, you agree with me, right Veeky Forums? We are on the right side of history, trust me! Would I ever lie to you? Now stop asking questions about Jewish heritage, coincidences are anti-Semitic.