Why is Europe still so ancient looking, compared to Asia, where you're having cyberpunk countries everywhere?

Why is Europe still so ancient looking, compared to Asia, where you're having cyberpunk countries everywhere?
What made them go full-on modernity and all its implications, while Euro's remained a bunch of snobs in old and dated shit to stay nostalgic in?

Those cities broke ground like 60 years ago. Of course they look cyberpunk.

Public infrastructure work expenditure follows high gdp growth.

Because prior to WW2, most of asia was just wooden houses, while Europe had complex artistic stone architecture
Easily understable why asians were fine with getting rid of it all while Euris werent

Asians were peasant rice farmers prior to 1985.


Europe has sturdy stone buildings that work fine to this day. Asia modernized recently in comparison so their cities started off modern,

The European population isnt huge and isnt growing so its not as if they need skyscrapers.

Looks like they need more cultural enrichment.


Europe is literally the biggest wewuz on the planet.

How so?

Asian here. Medival European and Asian cities were both incompatible with modern cities.

However during the colonial era European architecture and streets evolved as Europe became wealthy and industrialised.

That's why Paris has those baroque buildings and wide streets that still function today.

Asian (and the rest of the world) did not evolve from medival to industrial so we still had wooden one story buildings and such that are incompatible in a modern city

When Asia modernised we basically copied European city design and culture that evolved from medival Europe.

It would be cool to see a scenario where Asia industrialised and evolved our own "modern" civilization

Go live in china if you like their shitty buildings and deathscalators so much fucking dipshit. Cyberpunk wont make it any easier for you to get laid

>Surround itself with the reminders of Empire tries hard for buildings to resemble 1800s counterparts.
It's like a friendly reminder that the world out there is not dominated by a capitalist hegemony and things were still Kings n Colonies n shiet.

>Whitey is keeping up renaissance buildings for the sole purpose of feeling good about past glories
Okey dokey

They will soon fall victim to the poor infrastructure hypercrisis

>sole purpose of feeling good about past glories
Thats literally what historical preservation is all about

I guess it's more of a mix of these two, but more on the practical side of , why destroy something that still works and is aethestic?

It's also more functional opposed to demolitioning it all and building in that place where you can do that in undeveloped areas. Also, do you have a problem with turning castles into art museums or something?

>When Asia modernised we basically copied European city design and culture that evolved from medival Europe.
Not quite.

Europeans were all about MUH NATURAL GROWTH OF CITIES or some shit.

Meanwhile the old towns of many Chinese/Japanese/Korean cities follow the classical grid shit. Kyoto and Beijing for example.

Sweden tore down all their old looking buildings