/bfg/- Battlefield General

Christmas Truce/One hundred plus posts in one day and still manage to die edition
Also, still playing this shit xddd


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If you said the nugget revolver is bad, please apply yourself

Non revolvers >> Revolvers

I don’t just use revolvers though? I’m somewhere in the top 40 in C96 kills

Why use the C96 though? Its like the worst pistol.

You’re tough to please, aren’t you? What pistol do you use?

I use the fastest firing for each class.
So Frommer Stop, 1903 Hammerless, Beretta M1915 and Taschenpistole M1914
All the other semi's aren't that bad, except for the C96. Its practically the worst. I mean its a cool gun but its stats are just terrible, why put yourself at that big of a disadvantage.
Revolvers aren't so bad either they are more of a personal taste.

are you a scout?
I feel it makes sense as a finisher gun since it's the most accurate revolver and also maintains damage over a long distance

I'll apply myself up to 100 kills, but I'll probably never touch it again after that.

i've never even played BF1, i'm not comparing BF4 to anything

i'm saying that infantry's anti-tank options are objectively bad in BF4. honestly, the only game where vehicles didn't constantly piss me off was like BC2 or something, and that was because of the great map design. in any of the mainline battlefields, maps are so open that tanks can just drive back and forth on an open field and eat rockets while sniping easy kills with the laser accurate coax MG and cannon fire. it's fucking ridiculous that the people who sit in these vehicles (and it's always the same 140 star general autist) just want more and more buffs to their playstyle. honestly, i wish dice would permanently forbid vehicles from people who have more kills in an MBT than they do as an infantryman, then they'd get to see the hell they've created

>finally finish the 20 kills with tripwire bombs assignment
>realize I still need 17 more kills for the dogtag
At last they give us two of the bloody things now.

>Fuck DICE for making the rocket gun prone-only.
is this nigger serious? just imagine how much people would use it for anti infantry if you could just run and gun with it

>one burst with the new MP
>298 damage
>2 kills and an assist count as kill
>1 second
Holy shit this thing is obscene

Whoever asked about Fighter variants, probably the bomber killer since it has self repair and you can kill stuff on the ground with the rockets.

I get some use out of all three variants still though
If my teams planes are absolutely shitting on the enemy's I'll grab a trench fighter so I can drop flares and kill hillhumpers
If I absolutely need to kill 'that one guy' I'll use the dogfighter because of the speed boost and the ability to basically shoot without ever stopping by switching weapons.

yeah man, people just shooting rockets instead of the guns was such an issue with LITERALLY EVER OTHER BF IN EXISTENCE

pron only rocket gun is a fucking retarded ass system esp when HALF the time you try and lay prone against anything providing even a little bit of cover you either wont lay down or you will lay down then pop back up because REASONS.

Tank hunter being forced to prone is fine. Assaults being forced to prone is not. Id take a SLOWER rocket with more arc and damage if it meant i could snap fire it and get behind cover safely. Id even give up umbrella nades to have something like an RPG that works.

>Id take a SLOWER rocket with more arc and damage if it meant i could snap fire it and get behind cover safely.
I know you would, because you'd only use it in choke points on infantry anyways
kys my friend.
also, if you don't think noobtubers and RPG fags weren't absolute cancer i every other battlefield game you can go fuck yourself

ok, so you are just retarded

glad we cleared that up


oh fucks sake man you really are just plain shit at this game or this is your first fucking BF game.

>noob tubing was never ever a problem
This is a next level of revisionist history.

This is the next level of i played Modern Warfare games and have no fucking clue what im talking about.

>drive plane/boat/tank
>nobody gets in

Bump for 1907 SL

>they do get in
>they steal every possible kill from you

>Steal a tank
>Everyone who gets in stays in
>Have a pocket Support following me repairing me while my infantry protect me from annoying Assaults and other vehicles as well

>sign in
>you have been awarded a superior battlepack
>no superior battlepack in sight

Best Medic loadout??

same here mate, i dont know what the fuck is going on. Ive reconnected and restarted a few times, but nothing. Im just hoping it shows up tomorrow.

Objectively Fedorov, Auto Revolver/Tachenpistole, Bandage Pouch, Syringe.
Grenade to suit the area youre fighting in. Frag is never the wrong choice.
For perks: Reciprocity, Flak and whatever the fuck you feel like.

Ty m8


Hopefully it does just appear tomorrow. I’d be extremely disappointed if it didn’t. But honestly not surprised

Any niggehs on Xbox feel like hopping into Conquest or an Op?

Just played a game with "a friendly pilot" who was pissing people off so much that an angry person spawned in the tail turret of his bomber and told the enemy team to come shoot him down

where the fuck is my free battlepack

>Got some Imperial German banknotes for Christmas

O I am laffin

>enemy using the Fuckyou-hill
>never misses, somehow fires at 500 rpm
>try to use it myself
>miss shots that should be right on
>get killed by everything else because apparently I can only shoot at the same rate as the Martini-Henry

cmon on man some of us actually like to go back to our last gen games without having to switch consoles

>some shitter is peaking through one of those door holes on monte grappa
>I give them a face full of kolibri for their troubles

I'm coming back to battlefield. Spent a lot of time on Rainbow Six Siege.

I used to bitch about Dice, but Jesus, Ubisoft is a shitshow. I wasn't even terrible. Carried gold, got Plat one season, positive k/d.

Lately it's become a fucking waifu circlejerk with the single most cancerous community I've ever seen in an FPS, and I was on gamebattles for the first two SOCOM games.

Missed you bros. Merry Christmas.


I love you, federov.

Welcome back

Merry Christmas /bfg/.
You're dead as fuck but the few of you here are good people.
Good luck completing these increasingly heinous weapon and perk assignments in the new year
and join [BFG1] if youre on PS4

Merry Crimbus to you too
If I could join [BFG1] twice I would

Does The Chosen One still preside here?

I'll be jumping on PS4 here in an hour or so. I'm down for a few operations or conquests.

I'll join you later, but it probably won't be until around 9:30-10 ET time though.

i should be nice and liquored up by then

I'm on ps4 now. How do we find one another?

I'll be home within the next 3 hours. Maybe I'll see you on the battlefield

>play frontlines because I'm a masochist
>join sinai match
>It's a sniperfest, our team is losing and is down to our mcoms
>try my best to spot the enemy from taking an mcom
> friendly spawns tank as chaumond
>decide to spawn as support to repair him
>a minute into the fight the tanker's nowhere to be seen
>I get into the chaumond
>start BTFOing everybody
>push the enemy back to their mcoms during the remaining half of the game time
>only get blown up right before we win
On one hand, tanks in frontlines are overpowered, on the other, it's often very nice that they are overpowered

join through the bgf1 platoon

frontlines, especially sinai is pure fucking suffering if the teams arent even in terms of skill. They need more variables like vehicles. Maps without them like Monte Crappa are unfuckingbearable

Its not that infantry only combat it bad, its just that the frontlines mode is fucking horribly designed if the teams are not functioning at 100% teamwork and efficiency

>no one joined me in operations
>check platoon
>2 are playing on different servers in the OTHER bfg ps4 platoon
>now i'm sad

I'll join you user.

Why is it that I can fucking erase a whole squad with the gewher 95 Carbine but become a total fucking autist with the marksman? I hate scopes on this game.

ErrorShrk? Or am I mistaken

i'm in Fort de Vaux on CQ now

I’m not the best at CQ but I’ll join.

you're right

>Every DLC, Mixed Maps Conquest
this is the fine wine of battlefield

>when the rotation is just right

>dat dynamite tho

Sorry I had to leave m8, my connection is shit tonight.
Thank you

>agree to go to christmas party with normie friend
>agree because I want to be normal too
>every guy is a dudebro
>every girl is fat
>its been 5 hours and he still doesnt want to leave
>live too far away to walk
>I couldve stayed home and played with my platoon
we couldve been a tight knit tank crew on a comfy christmas evening but Im here listening to stacy butterball talk about how she hates her boss

If I've never played BF4 or Hardline before would I be better getting the base editions of each said game or go for the Ultimate's for each off the bat? I ask since those games and those versions are on sale in the PSN Store,

i recommend the ultimate for bf4. it was just a more fun game imo

gg brokenblade
>also bump

Is anyone from PS4 still on? I barely woke and saw the posts from earlier

GGs error. I was the guy who got you while you were being a trench raider.

good stuff

Soviet? I'm down to play a Kaiserschlacht, I'm not playing too well but I think we can hold our own.

>join you on st. quentin
>stuck on the enemy team because your side is full

I’m literally useless without a syringe. But that’s ok right?


>Get 4 kills with revolvers in a round
>Awarded 7 times
GG m8s, that was well fought. I hate when Kaiserschlacht is a meat grinder but that was still fun

I got 90 revives!

Nice! I think I got best Scout score?

Squad score

>the (nearly) perfect two map sweep


We did good. Sorry it takes me a bit to put orders sometimes. My mind wanders

Haha you dont need to apologize for top scoring and getting 72 revives. gg

Thanks! Good game
I like how even if there’s even just two of us in a squad, we’re basically guaranteed to be the featured one at the end of round. Great cooperative platoon

Because scopes a shit

What are some weapons that seem to work for other people, but don’t work at all for you?
I cannot hit shit with the sl sweeper or avtomat, but yet I get killed by them all the time

Probably just the MG14 suppressive for me. Low weight is just fine but the the scope make me feel like I'm shooting noodles at enemies.

>Conquest Assault has it so both defenders and attackers spawn at the same time at the start of the game.
>This essentially means the defenders have no ability to set up for a defense of the flags closest to the attacker spawn before they show up.
>DICE in charge of game mode design.

Jesus Christ.

what is the best scout rifle then

I'm playing the trial right now and it feels like all the weapons are way better/do more damage than the standard one I have. I get killed in two shots by pretty much everything yet I can unload half a mag into someone before they die. Am I just crazy?

Gewher 95 Carbine. The twitch reaction quick scopes are nasty as fuck

Russian 1895 Trench ezpz

I'm a really big fan of the Arisaka Type 38 but that's probably because I'm fucking weeb trash and scream in Japanese while using it

May as well just use the mosin

>kill a group of enemies
>the person you killed was a medic who revives all the others you just killed


>start of game
>press down, then x to spawn in L class destroyer
>somehow someone else got it and i spawn at the base

>L class drivers that don't consider their 3 other gunners and end up getting torpedoed from the front

>using tripwire bombs on hardcore

After dismissing the Carcano as garbage I realized it fits with my "throw self at objective" playstyle
basically an Assist Counts as Kill machine

What rifle would you say it's most like? Unlocked it but haven't tried it.

>using mines on harcore

>The squadmate you just revived is now bodyblocking you from getting to the rest of your dead squad.
>All 4 of you are dead now.

This is what I get for trying to be nice.

>Good luck completing these increasingly heinous weapon and perk assignments in the new year

Those don't even bother me so much, it's the time limited shit they keep making us do for the holidays that is killing me.