Broke college kid who needs his wisdom teeth removed. No insurance obviously. Cant get a line of credit that large...

Broke college kid who needs his wisdom teeth removed. No insurance obviously. Cant get a line of credit that large. Surgeon quoted me $2,500. Low cost clinic said they were too deep and impacted to do there. No dental surgery schools near me. What do? Am i screwed?

my friend couldn't afford to have his wisdom teeth removed, so for four days he was in agonizing pain. then it stopped. so just do that

Buy some knee pads.

Theyve been hurting for more than four days

Don't fucking remove your wisdom teeth it will literally turn you into a subhuman

Your midface/maxilla (the bone that literally separates you from primates) will collapse and you will be less facially attractive

I highly suggest not getting a wisdom tooth extraction

I had all four out and nothing changed except I felt better

Same happened to me with another tooth back when there were no dentists around me and I couldn't go.
Happened during finals week that semester too, oh God it was the worst pain I ever felt. But then it just stopped.

Yeah mine lasted a few weeks and then went away.

You can always hit up the homeless shelter OP or check with your college and see what they suggest.


in fact getting wisdom teeth removed prevented my bottom front teeth from getting crooked due to crowding in my jaw

talking about as you age. the lady in that pic is obviously getting older. thats why it looks like old people got smashed in the fucking jaw

find a job with dental insurance.


Youre an idiot

Insurance wont cover a preexisting condition. Most have a 3-5 year period for stuff like this

Check with your college, talk to and write to anyone you can think of, your program office, your dean, your financial aid office, your alumni office, anything to do with grants, your student office, etc... There may be an emergency loan/grant for that stuff. Shit happens, tell them whats going on and quoted price.

Did he died?

just smoke some weed or take painkillers you baby

Wisdom teeth are not a preexisting condition.

Yes they are

I dont want my teeth to get all jacked up because i have 4 molars shoving everything else around

If the condition existed before he got the job, wouldn't that make it preexisting?

do it yourelf op
just don't break your jaw!

I used bitbean to extract mine and now I am reaping enormous gains


Tell them how much you can pay and tell them you don't have insurance. You'd be surprised what you can do with cash and doctors.

the hospital can put you on a payment plan depending... Be prepared to get raped with interest though

go to a free clinic or foundation
>No dental surgery schools near me. What do?
travel a town over. a bus ticket wont make you poorer.

aren't illegals allegedly doing this?

What do you think i meant by near me

Georgia Frontiere

He's already a subhuman jawlet and probably black if he needs them removed.

t.6 wisdom tooth master race