When did pedophilia become socially unacceptable/taboo?

When did pedophilia become socially unacceptable/taboo?

Man-boy love, while technically illegal, was still romanticized (and practiced) in Britain during the Victorian era through WW1.

But the British have always been poofs, haven't they?

Not historically.
Pedophilia (or atleast pseudo-pedophilia aka having sex with a young boys thighs without actual penetration ) was widely practiced by the Romans and therefor spread across a large chunk of the world. The "Vandals" who are often characterized as barbarians were at the time devout Christians due to people like "Ulfias apostle of the goths; as proceeded to (pun intended) wreck Rome's shaved little ass. Conquereing former roman territiory and then replacing the governing bodies by those who they deemed to be more moral or just by christian standards - there for changing the culture in the conquered areas. This was the first major change (IN THE WEST) away from sexual degeneracy involving children.

>But the British have always been poofs, haven't they?
Technically, yes.

Why is the murder of pedophiles illegal? I wanna get my anti pedo gangs and cleanse the streets of their filth

>using that word at all in a discussion of history

>not using degeneracy in the discussion of history

what's wrong with boy loving?

it's only old guys w/ young girls that's creepy

Boy loving is worse. You're scum, my dude

How fucking retarded that sounds
How do you pick them on the street?

It's not literal. But it would be fun to drag a pedo onto the street and curb stop him/her

because you have a mental disease.

the relief in OP pic is a cupid as you can tell by the arrow and it was made in the 19th century, it does not depict pedophilia in ancient greece

4th century

I blame the Jews

Christianity, Child psychology and development.

And children are dumb shits that ruin everything.

>ruin everything

Is there something you want to tell us, user-kun?

Why don't you have a seat sir



"Those who touch the children should put throw themselves at the sea with a boulder connected to their feet"

Normally Jesus is super forgiving but he was clear on children

Well, according to a study, you're going to miss a lot of them, then.

It was just as expository. A "pic semi-related" if you may. I can bring the way Plato talks about liking "boys who don't have traces of beard yet" as a waste of time, rather than a crime or something truly deplorable. And then there's Aristiphanes' "Wasps," in which the main character says, referring to people that are losing a legal cause " why, then they drag forward their young children by the hand, both boys and girls, who prostrate themselves and whine with one accord, and then the father, trembling as if before a god, beseeches me not to condemn him out of pity for them, 'If you like a lamb-like ass, have pity on my sons' "

"evil the the vulgar lover who love the body rather than the soul" -plato

The better question is why is wikipedia, youtube and twitter filled with pedophile garbage???

>evil the the vulgar lover who love the body rather than the soul

Look a little further. He is not talking about specifically about the people liking prepubescent boys, he is talking about both lustful people and people that don't like stable relationships. Again, he does talk badly about paedophiles (as I said, time-wasters because they are loving somebody that may or may not turn evil) but they do not call them evil.

I was adding that to my former post. I mean that because of kids, and their stupidity and fragile psychology we have to stop many other things in society for them. Example: censorship of sex, violent movies/games, and extra measures such as "child proofing" a building have to be implemented to make sure they aren't hurt or scarred, which is annoying as hell. My point is pedophilia as a crime basically follows those principles. Plus fucking kids is gross.

Is it really the kids' fault? How many of them do you think would really have a problem with censorship of sex, violence etc. in media being relaxed, or be scarred or otherwise harmed by it?

True, but it's indirectly their faults. Their existence pushes for such mandates to be made by dumb soccer moms and the FCC.