Heroes of the Storm General - /hotsg/

Under the mistletoe Edition

For New Players :
>Welcome to Heroes of the Storm!

What's New? :
>Blaze, Veteran Firebat; CONFIRMED!

>Winter Veil 2017
>Celebrate the coolest holiday in the Nexus with new Skins, a Quest, and more!
>Ends January 8th

>Stealth rework, Laning changes, PBMM, and more!

>Hanzo, Master Assassin

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Holy shit why do people do this? Even in Master,s he's the lowest win rate of any hero.

nothing personal kid

No Firebat spotlight until next year? Sad.

>people who've already secured their Master/Grandmaster rewards, don't care and just pick whatever
Aren't they great?

50/50 chance it's either tomorrow (today depending on time zone) or monday.

How fucking bad was the other team?

their valla tried to 1v1 me and ate shit most of the game and at one point they were in fear whenever i flew over them




fatmodan in qm is so funny

people will literally clump up and stand still for 5s holding a sign that says "please dunk my dumb face I'm too retarded to live"

how do i get good at chromie?

Hey man, I'm playing stukov, I can't dodge that shit.


>marauder mode/talent


Probably, because Blaze has the same VA

>Bound Minion and Invasion in the dudebro 5 clown fiesta assassin knife fight that is Quick Match
Full Q build is fun, too.

Butcherlisk here I come!

There is an article on Blizzwatch that said he'd have "heat seeking missiles" whatever that means

>heat seeking missiles
>when you ARE the heat
What a load of baloney, who thinks of this nonsense?

>"Unfortunately, his “ability kit” isn’t as easily discernible as, say, an Overwatch hero’s. However, he does have several abilities which temporarily increase his armor, as well as some upgrades to increase his attack range or AOE radius. Additionally, the Firebat unit in the cancelled StarCraft: Ghost game did have guided napalm rockets."

it's a missile that seeks to create more heat.



he probably got distracted hatting your ass


>Christmas has passed
>Nova and Valeera buffs not reverted.

Can I please play something squishy that isn't named Tracer? The whole "permaslow followthrough snipe followthrough fuck you you're dead in 1.5 seconds and I haven't ulted yet" is getting old.

Is Johanna actually busted now?

I think my favorite part of that whole webm is all the dead minions flying at Abathur as the lava wave approaches him.

post more slutvanas pls

hes in f2p

how the fuck do you Tychus?

I swear, every fucking engagement is a close call where I'm always down 50% health.

mine is the fact that the roach lived

Sit back in your Odin and outrange the enemy team. That's basically the only way you're getting damage in with him.

I like the bit where his brain falls off.

Poke with W and wait for the enemy team to blow their engage before you're safe to chew away on a tank/bruiser with your D.

>fire wave politely goes around a fort
uh, ragnaros???????????

id like if your brain fell off

>can't climb without playing stuff like Nazeebo, Lunara and Lucio
I'm not sure I ever had one.

Is there a way to turn off Lucio's passive music so I can hear the map's music? I like playing him a lot but I hate getting sent to my favorite maps and not being able to hear their music.

/hotsg/ more like /thotsg/

>tfw no hots gf to complement my sick plays and call me a retard when i fuck up

i'm still pissed off that blizz removed malf's moonburn talent at level 1. fucking nigger balance team


fucking cunts


Anyone who writes "..." in chat.

Fucking cunts.


Can you talk about the game? Jeez...

but celestial alignment made him a lane bully which is an improvement?

People that play Heroes of the Storm and type "..." in chat are fucking faggots and should be hanged


>That's basically the only way you're getting damage in with him.


man fuck you

i've seen him play morales a few times, he's absolutely horrible with her

>Hit enemy with moonfire
>They know take a good amount of damage with your autos
>Hit Chen who is drinking
>Team can kill him with no CC

His healing was never that great but now he is better taking people out and being an annoyance.

>be absolutely horrible with one of the lowest skill floor heroes in the game
umm how

>tfw finally made it out of bronze 5

what are your builds? i wanna try this in hl

>zagara gets in the protector instead of splitpushing

>15 minutes in he has done 5% dmg on top tower

The new brawl feels weird, but at least its short.


why friend?

because people are literally brain dead
i have a zagara, li ming, chromie and azmo on my team and none of them will make use of my sleep darts
azmodan keeps self orbing himself like 5 times in a row because hes retarded
liming is orb build and cant make use of my nano boost
zagara has that shit ulti and wouldnt splitpush even if his life depended on it
all of them suck dick because zagara has the highest hero damage and they all have like 60k in a 32 minute fucking game
did i mention we have no tanks
fuck this fucking retarded shit, only 5 more days until im unsilenced

>silenced for being toxic
Which loser are you? Paki or RPD?

Learn to quote.

sorry friend i think i used ctrl+a to delete my message
you don't know me but i have a 4 month silence on my main and 1 month on my smurf

I dont like this new brawl

lmao i just played an illidan one
what a fucking clusterfuck

>i have a 4 month silence on my main and 1 month on my smurf
how? I'm racist as fuck to everyone I come across on EU who doesn't speak english and I've never been silenced, and my friend just swears and name calls at anyone who calls him out for being a retard and neither has he

ask blizzard
i'm not even that toxic, my blog post a few posts up is about as toxic as i am
i throw around a few fucks, retard etc

theyll mute you over anything from weeks ago if you so much as hurt a special snowflake's feelings

>68.8% Winrate with Diablo in Masters

yeah but is diablo also the best dad?

well deserved mute, faggot


>cho'gall in game
>80% of the time the players are russian
explain please

>get "win 3 games" daily quest
>tfw it takes 3 games

Valeera is so fucking stupid, why does Blizzard think a stealth Bruiser deserves a 2.75s targeted silence with gap closer followed by instavanish into another 2.75s silence

god fuck

Is Lunara any fun / good / interesting?
She's really annoying to play against, but when I play her I feel useless.
I like her winter skin, so I was wondering if I should get her.

That's why they made her easier to see with a reduced movement speed. Valeera might be strong but she is still countered by enemy teams who sticks together

>get caught out by valeera on your own
>be near literally anyone else on your team
>don't die
woooow how was i meant to know not to retard around on my own when a snigger with a long silence ability is looking for braindeads doing just that???

try and spread poison to everyone without taking a fuckload of damage and watch out for enemy CC, make sure they waste it before trying to get cheeky and poke harder. also know what heroic since leap can get you killed and whip is useless sometimes

>Sonya is low hp
>She heals it back up and wins the trade regardless
>You can combo her and she still live

Seriously fuck this cunt. I don't even have to think when I play her ass.

>Hurr durr just stick together and you won't die!!!1

That's not my fucking point, it's a fucking 2.75s Silence that will seriously cripple ANYONE she targets when someone else on Valeera's team initiates. Nearly three whole fucking seconds on a basic ability, tell me who else silences for that long without listing a Heroic?

I never gave a shit or complained about stealthies pre-rework, and they're still fine now but Garrote is just extremely fucking retarded. Cut the silence duration down to 1.75s and add a 2s 20% movespeed reduction on top of it or something to still encourage use on hypermobile heroes

I-I can be your gf, user

It requires her to be invis, which should never be the case now that invis is more than shimmers.

just CC her bro

>tell me who else silences for that long without listing a Heroic?
Tell me who else has to put themselves at such risk to get that silience
>add a 2s 20% movespeed reduction on top of it or something to still encourage use on hypermobile heroes
So you want garrote to silence and slow? Pretty sure you just made it more OP, also she has poison to slow and ambush is better then garrote against the hypermobile.

>its another illidan 1v5s your whole team episode
can anyone explain this fucker to me? He hasn't been free since I started playing but he just seems broken af, what is the counter play

The only thing I know about him is his passive is, as per my friend's verbatum words, "he evades all basic attacks" which seems broken as hell since so many heroes I've tried have a talent that gives them time-based armor against basic attacks up to 2 charges

Her ultimate literally reduces CC effectiveness.

>what is the counter play?
Any blind.
Any stun.

How is a damage opener better at shutting down mobile heroes than something that completely blocks them from using mobility abilities?

>Tell me who else has to put themselves at such risk to get that silience

Please, it's not like Valeera doesn't have tools that mitigate retaliation by an angry team (Bruiser HP pool, Vanish, Smoke Bomb to remain untargetable + 25 Armor, Cloak of Shadows to nullify CC or massive spell burst). On top of keeping her at arms length, you still have to contend with her 4 other teammates. A 2.75s silence on a definitely-not-squishy stealthed hero is beyond "no fun allowed" that Nova, Zeratul, or Samuro could even dream of being

I am still waiting on the promised voice chat.
Pajeets, negros and grills aren't going to bully themselves

>what is the counter play

>"he evades all basic attacks"
His evasion is an active. It's his E.

He has to press E to get evasion for a couple seconds then it's on a long-ass cooldown.

Most of his ability to fight comes from the lifesteal. Every time he auto attacks or uses a spell, he gets some of that damage back as a heal. It's worthless when he's being focused/stunned. The counter to Illidan is a lot of spells and cc, and Illidan is a niche counter to an AA heavy team with barely any cc that would stop him. Also as mentioned, blinds that make him miss his AAs like Li Li, Johanna, etc.

He is built to be the "lol 1v1 me noob" hero. Don't 1v1 him. Don't let him 1v1 you. Don't let him 1v5 you. He is a super niche pick and trash otherwise because the game is 5v5 not 1v1. An Illidan should be fucking scared to go in on a teamfight because there are 5 people who will fuck him up if he gets close.

>that Nova, Zeratul, or Samuro could even dream of being
You ever tried killing a Zeratul who teleports 3 times in a row?

>what is the counter play
Silences, stuns, blinds, his own stupidity, etc.

t. bronze
there's so many illidan/abathur mains in master i feel like kms

So what do I do when I'm playing a support, positioning myself well for an objective, and he just presses R and deletes me disregarding any of that, and then proceeds to carve through my team?

Learn to stick close to the tank or curse your luck for having such shit team mates

Illidian does have weaknesses.
I play him a lot a for example if your team is in a 5 stack and one of your teammate has like 5% i WILL always use the hunt, even if i get exploded a second later, because no human can resist an urge so tempting, so you can use to set up a trap with say mediv or the self-cryogenists ability

pick malf and just ulti him then watch him try to run away while you root him and your team kill him in less than a second

Why do people always pick the worst ultimates despite them being worthless or easily countered? Not even ranked play seems to be safre from these people.

If you're in a position where Illidan can press R and then kill you before you can get help from your team or retreat, you are not well positioned.

>people getting 1v5d by illidans
back to fucking amoeba league

Forced 50 is fucking dumb and makes me want to not play more than anything else in this game.