Could Rome have taken over the world?

Let's say they knew how to travel on boats to other continents and they knew about the New World.

Would the Romans create a global world order?

Other urls found in this thread:–Sasanian_War_of_602–628

They couldn't even reach india

Do you not think they sort of have created a global world order, in their own way?
The Roman legacy dominates western culture, which has been exported all across the world in one way or another.

Nah, even if everything was going great in the war against the natives the Romans would still have the problem that every fucking general styles himself emperor and tries to get his troops to dicksmash that other general who calls himself an emperor.

Romans are way to fond of civil war to get bigger than they were.

i think the colonies would become independent alot quicker because they had worse sailing tech so would be slower

>Be Rome.
>Wrecked by anyone who can field competent cavalry.

man i love it when people overextend the parthia example

It would take years perhaps even decades to reach America with Roman technology by boat

>this shitpost again
audible geked

cavalry was useless desu
they just used it to move around fast then dismount

All of the world was seen as rome and it was thought of that all land was rightfully roman

They would have tried and probably have succeeded in establishing a settlement but it would have been too disjointed without the closeness of Mali to Brazil, say if they ended up kn the carribean, mexico, newfoundland, or north america

The only truley succesful way they could have done so is to conquer all the way to Cote d'Ivoire and then into Brazil, unfortunatly Malaria would have made it so horrendously hard but as Romans they would have tried

Most likely had they succeeded their would have been a tribe-like polity somewhere that had metallurgy and spoke latin, onadvertantly spreading it to Inca, Maya, and Aztec civilizations.
Which would have led to a much harder time colonizing as they would now have had contact with any number of plagues and diseases as well allowing them not to be raped by Spanish when they brough those plagues

I know you're trolling but that was exactly how the Britons used their cavalry (and their chariots for that matter).

>Sack the parthian capitol several times
>"haha, dumb romans can't beat parthian cavalry"

battle taxis are neat

If Rome could have remained united and put there mind to it they could have beat or conquered anyone. They were too divided towards the end with hordes of bad Emperors.

The distances would have been too vast at the time to maintain effective communication, they couldn't possibly have done it. Even if they settled all over the world the power of the Empire would wane and become nominal at best. Eventually the Empire would fracture and fall due to nomads or some calamity just like it did in history.

>And the Sassanids.
>And the Huns.

>Vietnam War logic.


is this Lindybeige?

Aka the guy that said that swords were ineffective?

>couldn't even reach india

actualy they traded with india and people traveled and lived there on a regular basis, there was even a chanel in egipt making it possible to take a searoute directly from the mediterran and avoid going around africa, but they definitely couldnt conquer it

but realy even if it was some fantasy scenario in which rome conquers the world it would just collapse into more ''roman empires'' eventualy

>Could Rome have taken over the world?


>to it they could have beat or conquered anyone.

No real justification for that except in your pathetic romaboo mind kid.

waging war far away is really fucking difficult

also their ability to administer was limiting them pretty severely already in the area they did control

So why did it take the Mayflower such a short time

I think if they could have they would have