Heroes of the Storm General - /hotsg/

Turn up the heat Edition

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>Ends January 8th

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first for tracer's pusy


New skin soon, maybe?

i shit on novas with all my picks

Please nerf Valeera we have to counterdraft 5 people just to kick her out of stealth if she's not banned she's so broken right now trust me I'm high silver/low GM

>valeera third most popular ban in masters
>hurrrrr only shitters have issues with her

Friendly reminder to stand in Mommy's circle for milkies!

Show me a pro player having issues with Valeera you dumb fuck

>muh pros
every time

Not him but pros have not played with new valeera since hgc start until january.

Yes that's how it goes

I don't really understand why people think master players are good.

>masters meaning anything when a bunch of plat shitters snuck in
>plat players having trouble with valeera

You need to keep in mind, revealing Valeera via vision stuff like Scout Drone and Chromie Lv.1 talent won't prevent her from using stealth openers. Still need to force her out of stealth by hitting her

Malfurion is much better at countering Valeera since he can safely drop Moonfires every 3s, especially with extra range talent at Lv.4

If you're really cheeky, you can take the Moonfire talent instead of drone at Lv.1 and really annoy the shit out of her

>picking anything but moonfire on 1
>calling that cheeky as if some hidden ballsy talent choice


>tfw bumped into a 42% wr master earlier who was gold 3 last season
>it's okay though reddit says they're "holding their own"
like does it get better in mid-high gm or

ya because bronze to low-mid master is the same these days

asphalt league reporting

Burninatin' the countryside

Being able to hit them while in stealth is half the counterplay to stealth, pretty sure that all ranged abilities out-ranges Valeera's openers.

rofl are you the same retard who was complaining about Tracer being OP yesterday? get a new shtick already you pathetic 8-bit moron

>tfw rexxar is my new favourite hero

he's so fun to play but sometimes it's hard to focus on where misha is during teamfights, especially if im low and running away

one of the few heroes i have never given the time of day. maybe i should. every time i play against him, he seems like he's fucking worthless.

That was in direct reference to someone mentioning Kharazim countering Valeera, Air Ally isn't going to mean shit when she can still hit you with 5 range Garrote, unless Radiant Dash outranges it

honestly he does no fucking dmg, but you get the meme health talent and never die, so he is just kinda in the fights hopefully soaking up dmg, he is kind of a ranged tank

>try him
>feels kind of worthless
>teammate picks him
>they end up being worthless
>play against him
>he does some mercs and maybe tries to sneak boss
>otherwise is pretty worthless

i only play quickmatch but have gotten mvp a few times since i started playing (just hit lvl 5). he's very good at soaking exp and getting caps, and the misha charge is pretty effective for fights.
But yeah, his damage isn't as good as the bruiser type warriors.

Honestly, I'm just fucking sick of Steve Blum. Nigger is way overrated and in EVERYTHING now that he just annoys me to no end.

Its up

yeah my dick's up your mother's anus

>picking anything but moonfire on 1

Because in some situations, providing vision and utility for your team is better than scratching the enemy team harder with your AAs?

Challenger top 100 in LoL, was top 50 in HotS, can't get Master this season.

So, what gives with this game?

I skipped all of 2017, basically. I started playing again this season.

I went 8-2 in placements and got Diamond 1. I was one game away from promos then went on a 9-game loss streak. 5 out of 9 of those games I had someone dc from the start or ragequit.

I ended up clutching 12 wins in a row the next day. Then I lost 6 in a row, 1 win, and another 5 losses in a row. Back to where I started. Out of those 11 losses, I had 6 disconnects on my team.

Is a black-hat Blizzard employee watching my account and kicking players off my team? Because that's what it sure feels like.

Why all the disconnects? How can a Challenger in LoL and ex-GM not even get out of diamond? I'm not washed up. I'm not trying to come off as pretentious. It's literally impossible.

>vision and utility
you mean the thing the moonfire talent gives?

>every game ends at level 14 as a team just snowballs with the first 1-2 objectives
but it's okay this is perfectly fine no reason to change anything take your time blizz this season is not killing your game

Im-fucking-plying moonfire talent does the exact same thing as drone

you're right, it does it better


Happy New Year. hopefully u anons quit this pile of stagnated shit game. its not going anywhere and if u have goals it will only slow u down.



Blizzard really fucked up with Garrosh's representation in Heroes of the Storm. His abilities and role do not fit his character fantasy in any way. His kit should have been for another character.

Yes, he is fun to play. But he should have been a bruiser, like Artanis, but with burst and less focus on defense and with an ability to force 1v1.

>what Blizzard devs did
Hey guys we plan to release Garrosh somewhere in summer 2017
Fast forward summer 2017
Alright guys just attach some existing kit to Garrosh and release him. And dont forget to make a legendary skin + bike with a bunch of tints

w-wish me luck bois

>being an o*c fanboi

shameful, orcs are a shit race

i play hammer hoping for long drawn out games so I can use orbital BFG to take down keeps

>playing competetive

>If late game Valeera decides that any one person on your team should die, that person WILL die

What is this nonsense

i was able to win all 10 placements with tracer and jaina. good luck.

in this meta it counts as a long drawn out game if you reach level 16

which is pretty much what happens whenever someone gets caught unaware by an assassin, and even some bruisers.

Valeera, heh.
>*blocks u with 47% winrate*
Nothin personnel, kidd.

>Not winning while she's irrelevant
>If playing QM, not going a hero that has a specific "FUCK STEALTH' talent to take since there will always be a faggot who picks Nova/Valeera/Samuro/Somethinginvis

Your fucking fault

genji rocks that 45% winrate and he's still a broken piece of permapick/ban when not in the wood leagues

Ganja huh? *stunlocks*

Mada mada.


>a hero dies if you throw all stuns you have on him
why bother balancing anything, just stunlock noobs

>a dive hero can't dive if you cc him

Except most other assassins or bruisers can't gapclose point-and-click silence someone for 3 seconds, reduce their spell power so that they can't retaliate, and then make themselves untargetable so that they can't be peeled off

Current patch is shit because it burst into flames while Blizz was on holiday

Most people who care about the game are gone waiting for the next patch to drop so all that remains is the shitters

yeah not like there are 4 other heroes that might require some cc to be thrown their way
but no, ignore all the mountain of evidence of genji being picked/banned every pro game and every halfway decent master game, let's theorycraft how he's so easy to deal with

trolls > orcs

i won >_

>it's a passive aggressive wood league episode
damn its almost like all the heroes more popular than him can counter him

>not the eva skin

>more popular than genji

how's your end of year rooster looking?


>not a single gold border
plebs not allowed here

Then dont leave the opening to Kharazim, simple as that.

changing the time period isn't really fair since genji is pretty new

that's the default setting right now

Asuka didn't pilot an Eva?

Great community.

It's okay user, I love you :3c

that includes wood league
my screenshot showed the parameters

your screenshot showed that plat shitters can't deal with genji

>genji is a more popular hero and more common ban in master league than overall
>this means it's plats who can't deal with genji
you're literally operating on opposite logic

to help you out, what it actually means is that genji is less of a threat in lower leagues as he is a bit tricky to play, however once you can assume competence from the players in your game, he becomes broken

>he thinks master league has decent players this season
when was the last time you actually played this game


st*pid n*ggers

dare to dream, looks bad ass

global rule 2

"LOL liek LI MING is totally a counter to vikings guyz CUZ RESETS. LOL. Dats y im pickin her, she so gud in every fight! will kill hole team".

Vikings don't even "teamfight" until level fucking 16 and even then they're extremely favored against li ming cause they can just burst her with olaf stun (8s cd stun + gapcloser!) and spin to win.

I hate these idiots.

>our team takes Tracer against Vikings
>"Dude untouchable stacks GG easy!"
>goes 1-3-15
>constantly not with team trying to kill Vikings, misses bomb on every single one
>We get smashed because Tracer was last pick and we had no answer to 4 man deathball
delet overshit

She's a great pick for the 4-man deathball, are you fucking retarded?

A chain is only as strong as its weakest link
You are the only constant

(You) are the weakest link constantly

f*ck u

weakest link easily
especially with how snowbally the game is right now
on maps like braxis you lose games because one guy made one mistake early and died, costing you the objective

help how do i stop playing ck2 and instead torture myself with hots

your inability to exploit the other team's weakest link more than they exploit yours is the only constant

play more

legit wish they'd show us the stats for these last few seasons
really curious as to how big dia-master is now

and if there are actually people in bronze-gold or if like 70% of the playerbase is plat+

realize how fucking boring and unflexible the game has become
the ultimate irony that all these additional options added via expansions only further solidify your dynasty's one path - you don't want to change stuff drastically and miss out on all those bonuses and heirlooms your ancestors earned, right?

>A chain is only as strong as its weakest link
till a certain point.. like it's technically possible to get fucked but not always the case as I see shitters in diamond all of the time.. we can't really tell what you are from here. Basically this game wont really work and blossom into it's true form until the have individual performance adjustments because this is a moba where a skilled player just isn't enough to carry unless they're insanely good.

>because this is a moba where a skilled player just isn't enough to carry unless they're insanely good.
explain the bronze to GM streams where good players effortlessly climb and steamroll everyone until GM then

Do the devs even play their own game

hence the insanely good part, and I doubt all gm's could get out of bronze, prolly about half of them

Do car engineers even race in their own car

They are usually good with balance. They put out all the changes early to get feedback and then went on holiday. We will get changes in a day or two, just calm down.

>tfw low master shitter but obliterate everybody until like high diamond
Although I did mess up placements and started Silver IV, not Bronze. Initial games had me around Bronze I. Might try again this season.

It was kind of shitty to implement all these changes with season roll in addition to going on vacation

Correct, Ming is strong with her team. That doesn't make her a counter to vikings because they don't ever interact. The counter to vikings is strong lane pushers like Zagara or Gul'dan and people who can control the map well.

>tfw low gold / high masters
same bro

If this game is so great why are there no fox girls? Checkmate hotstards.

holy fuck you're right