Why would any intelligent person reproduce?

Why would any intelligent person reproduce?

To dominate the lesser races.

I certainly don't intend to, in my opinion reproduction is an inherently amoral act as one cannot consent to being made.

But there wouldn't be any people anymore

But there is no-one to consent in the first place?

Becayse sentience: a cosmic anomoly only owned by humans, is truelly god, and it's will should be followed.

>inb4 europoor doesn't know about possessives

So is childbirth rape for the child being birthed?

It is immoral not to reproduce as there cannot be any good if people do not exist.

Because they would want to and they could.

It is immoral to reproduce as there cannot be any evil if people do not exist.

Does that mean that 'good' is subjective, dependent on people?

Good is not a lack of evil.

The lesser races reproduce more. The majestic Sabre-toothed Tiger went extinct, while roaches and rats reproduce indefinitely.

No. Good can be objectively defined to a degree of accuracy.

I can't tell whether it is more good to give to oxfam or cancer research, but tossing babies into vats of acid is clearly not good.

Any intelligent person wth a sense of empathy wouldn't reproduce.

Breeders are sociopaths.

But those things would not matter if people did not exist?

So that there's another generation to support you when you're old. You don't want to starve to death in your 60s, do you?

exactly my point, every human was created and subjected to this imperfect world without being asked because they could not be asked. We as humans who actually do exist can recognize this and refrain from repeating the cycle.

>typed the autist as he sat alone in his room all the while cursing his parents for his own failings under his breath

Because it feels good to know that you're spreading your seed. It's in a sense a show of power and desirability for you to get a woman who wants to breed with you.



So just let the human race go extinct???? You don't make sense and you view seems very defeat. Yeah I get it. I never asked to be born, but I'm ok with making the best of it. Now if I or anyone decides not to have kids that is our prerogative and not any less moral than having kids. In any case no one gets to consent as you pointed out.

you're gonna die anyway though

the human race will go extinct eventually anyway, as will our entire universe

humanity is not so important as you think it is

Might as well die somewhat comfortable and surrounded by your loving kids though. Seriously, a lot of the arguments ITT against anyone ever producing seems quite defeatist if not out right edgy and misanthropic.

I never said that humans were per se. Of course that is an opinion. But why should any species go extinct for a silly reason of simply not reproducing when they easily could? There are a bunch of other non preventable ways it can occur inevitably. Why make it happen this way?

It's all people who couldn't find someone to reproduce with them

thankfully you are not intelligent

Because they still have genitalia, and Einstein needs to get his freak on.

More seriously, intelligence doesn't necessarily equate to a dislike for and rejection of life.

>more projection

why is it so difficult for anti natalists to understand life is an opt out contract instead of an opt in?

Yes, as a matter of civic duty

T. Socrates

Also this. Intelligence doesn't necessarily mean you question every action that you ever do, in fact most intelligent people are very passionate and deliberate whenever they commit themselves to a project, including relationships. They still value base desires including the ol' "consensual sex in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreating".

Even the most intelligent people on earth can understand that penis in vagina feels really fucking good

>More denial

>says the guy who thinks reproducing makes you a sociopath

Ad hominem is not an argument, if you have a point to make that's not a personal attack then by all means make it. If not then fuck off and die.

What do you mean?

If only there was some way to have sex but not have kids...

Reproduction is natural and entirely responsible for the future of our species

If you think fulfilling your nature role makes you a sociopath then you are completely disconnected from reality.

>naturalist fallacy

There is no rhyme or reason to "love". I held this exact ideology as a teenager. Since then, I've realized more and more that it's nearly impossible to boil the human condition down to a science. People are irrational and will do whatever they wish. It's sad to think about, really.

>What do you mean?
anti natalism is btfo because if life ever becomes so truly horrible for whatever child you bring into the world they can always opt out on their own volition (suicide)

>because it's a fallacy it means it's untrue

>we are being oppressed by nature
Yes, that's why we try to overcome nature, seize it's bounty for ourselves, and create civilization. Naturally when we are oppressed by something, we feel the need to overcome it.

a lot of people who are severely depressed choose to stay alive because of the pain their suicide would cause to the people close to them though.

I'm not sure I see the problem here.

I never said it makes you a sociopath (that was a different user) but I do think it's not right to willfully subject others to existing. Look I can understand why that might seem fatalistic and an overly glib world view considering all the pleasurable experiences one can have while alive. And it's certainly true that many people do have good lives, but many don't.

I've seen things in war, horrible things, that really made me question if life is worth the risk of having that happen to you. Frankly I don't think it is.

Because life is infinitely more good than it is bad, we live in the best of all possible worlds and there is no greater joy than teaching this and every other wonderful truth this reality has to offer to other people.

Imagine getting to experience the joy God felt in creating man as a finite sinner. Reproduction is an end unto itself.

t. leibniz

Schopenhauer's will-starving and life-rejecting pessimism is in some ways a weaker aspect of his system, and can significantly be explained as more of a quirk of his personality and temperament; it's not such a *logically* necessary part/consequence of his philosophical argumentations as is, for example, his phenomena/noumenon distinction or his ethics of intelligible character or his empiricism about conceptual content/knowledge.

>future of the species

this is the most spooked thread I've seen in a long while

>implying that anyone is infallible in their intelligence
We're imperfect beings, user

This thread is fucking haunted

I would if it wasn't so burdensome, this world needs more me

>Yeah, that's right. I never wanted a girlfriend anyway!

>yet more projection

Why strive for perfection? Our imperfections are what gives us our humanity.

>implying spooks are bad

shut up

Is giving birth a violation of the NAP?

people do exist, regardless it is a possibility so it does matter

because they realise

>pure reason alone

is like trying to ride a bike with pure hands alone. we are more than pure reason alone, and the worth of life is not derived from it.

I wanna get kids and show them how cool it is to have tonnes of water float above you.
I wanna show them how a machine built by man is able to pierce those floating oceans.
I want to show them how precious this is.
Alas they would get used to it all and lack perspective. Presumably the person I would want to meet would lack that perspective too. Nobody sees things anymore.


Why you have a really PROJECTING mind

Fuck off

because it will make my peepee feel good


How can one man be so based?

Yeah, but that doesn't answer ops question.

Objective morality died when god did.

Honestly it's not. Animal training influences how animals act but as is seen in Christianity no one acts as the religion intends them to. Much like Islam as well. Only daesh acts the way their prophet did.

follow up question: would any intellectual be a hedonist?

why would he not? no objective basis for such a question....