Spanish Civil War

Can we get a Spanish Civil war thread going? Its a conflict i have always found a bit confusing and odd, i recently started getting into it and i would like to know more. Also feel free to post anything related to it, image dumps are welcome as i would also like to gather as much as i can. Why did it start? Why did such a large part of Spain refuse to submit to the democratically elected government, why was the new government such an issue? Was there really such an anti-clerical terror before the civil war? And can anyone identify the troops in pic related, are they Republican or nationalists.


republicans i think

Is there any way to tell them apart from black and white photos like this one? What were the main differences?



I read Homage to Catalonia and would very much recommend it.

Didn't the Catalonian Anarchists get their asses kicked?

They gave up the first moment they saw a nationalist soldier

Least they're still around today.

Does anyone know how the former Spanish colonies the world over reacted to the Spanish Civil War?

Communists are fucking shit. Anarchists did nothing wrong.

I may not agree with most things that /pol/ says, but even I want to see commie fuckwits get thrown out of a helicopter

Anarchist art is A E S T H E T I C

Forgot to post pic

Philippines here.

We were in an interesting position because at the time we were under American rule and the American media and leaders have been telling the flips that the Nationalists were bad, and the Republicans were good.

The average Filipino of the 1930s however was a devout Catholic, appreciated American modernization but not US religion nor WASP Culture, and did have some nostalgia for Spain (even if he was a Nationalist), especially among the older generation. Not to mention many actually *DID* miss Spain especially amongst those who didnt side with the Flip Revolution.

So whatever the Americans say about Nationalists, the Filipinos were pro-Nationalist as fuck. They hated the Republican's association with communists and anarchists and the fact that these people ran around and destroyed churches and abused & killed clergy. From across the Islands, Business leaders, Catholic clergy, Catholic run schools, and even Rich Chinese-Filipino merchants donated money to the Nationalist cause. An untold number of Mestizo Filipinos even went over to fight for Franco, and a Philippine Falangist party was founded in the Philippine Senate (founded by pic related, the richest man in the Philippines at the time). Which disappeared shortly after the Philippines was attacked by Fascists themselves: Japan, 1941

Just read "For Whom the Bell Tolls"

You realize a lot of Americans were Catholic to...Right?

>fascists back stab other fascists

Jesus and I thought left wingers had a shit load of in-fighting

There was a systemic attempt by WASPS to Anglicize and Protestantize the Philippines. Something supported by the McKinley-Roosevelt-Wilson administrations.

The Anglicization worked (we can't speak Spic anymore) but the Protestantization failed miserably. Bapstists and Born-Again missionaries faced 300 years of Catholic Flip tradition. Also it turned out that the Catholic church was an international organization, and when the American government told the Spanish clergy to get out, Rome told the Irish/Scottish/Italian/Hispanic American clergy to get in. And when the Americans told the Spanish clergy to get out, they seem to have forgotten the fact that local priests wanting to be promoted past parish-priest level was one of the many causes of the Philippine revolution.

That said the American leadership during the time of the Philippine commonwealth wanted the Philippines to be sympathetic to the Republican cause. But due to religion and hispanic ties, Flips backed the Nationalists instead.

I wouldnt go as far to call the Philippines fascist at the time. It was pro-liberal democracy, but a minority were indeed fascist and another minority was communist/socialist.

Judging by the helmets, I'd say republicans.

Only the northwestern quadrant minus Asturias and the Basque Country supported the coup. So that's not a large part of Spain, and the biggest city they had with them from the beggining was Sevilla, and only because the military guy in charge there handled the garrison very smartly and effectively conquered the city.

There wasn't anti-clerical terror before the war, but there was anti-clerical policy because they needed to fuck off. There was no issue with the elected government except for the sore losers that where butthurt about losing (the church, economic elites, big landowners, oligarchs, et al scum) so the pulled the military in for a quicky coup and found out that the people took arms and beat back the scum in most cities and only then proceeded to put a bullet or two in the heads of some of those nice clergy, fascists and oligarchs.

Thanks, but i can sense you are some lefty. Can you tell me why lefties are always against "big landowners" the "church" and "oligarchs" yet want to nationalize everything and make the state the biggest landowner and basically divide it to a select few "NOT OLIGARCHS" who are loyal to the party? Fucking communists baka

And on a related note, did the nationalists wear different helmets or non at all?

>yet want to to nationalise everything
>have everything owned by the state

Those might be communists of Marxist Leninist sense, but if we're talking N about an-coms it's entirely different. Council communism is also another alternative, which is far more democratic the Leninism, Maoism etc

As for religion, some leftists believe it's a tool used by the ruling class to subjugate the lower ones, basically playing to the whole "know your place this is gods will" etc. This counts for all religion, Islam is no exception. If they are trying to sell you Islam, they're liberals claiming to be leftists.

In short- anarchists good, an coms- also good, communists= helicopter ride

Also, socialism=/= everything the state does.

If you think all leftists are all for big government, I reckon you should look into anarchism

Im sorry lads, i know there were anarchists fighting the Spanish civil war but i really cant them seriously. I think its safe to say that if the Republicans won that the anarchists would have been btfo later and replaced by more hardline marxists, i don't think Soviet support was just charity.

No one is asking you to. I'm an anarchist but often I acknowledge we get back stabbed by commies or dragged into their wars.

Case and point: Ukranian free territory and the Black army.

Rojava looks somewhat promising tho

Do you know any good documentaries on the Civil War? I would like one without any leftist bias, but im probably asking the wrong person.

World at war. Don't think that just because I'm left wing doesn't mean the right doesn't bring up good points too. It's good to hear from both sides of the arguement to form a more cohesive view, which is what world at war does

Thanks ill give it a try.

atleast try to be objective.

>brb smoking, drinking, brothels, religious education, catholic services,... are banned by anarchist puritans

>brb raping nuns and executing monks, blowing up 1000 year old churches because reasons

>brb cause another war between anarchists and communists

>brb spread a myth about how awesome and free and succesful anarchist catalonia was

The nationalist, royalist, reactionary side was bad and oppressive, but god I hate how leftists pretend their side was peaceful and angelic.

both were cunts

to OP: I recommend "The Battle for Spain: The Spanish Civil War 1936-1939"
by Antony Beevor

great and objective source

>to OP: I recommend "The Battle for Spain: The Spanish Civil War 1936-1939"
>by Antony Beevor

Thanks a bunch

Because when people in -most parts- of the countryside, miners and urban proletarians are fucked in the ass by the compact church-oligarchs and if you protest you end up either btfo or 404 in the police station, there's something wrong, and when you finally win the elections and btfo the compact church-oligarchs the shitheads pull a coup to maintain their privileges and status quo, then there's something even more wrong.

I didn't say the Republic was awesome. It obviously wasn't and the left made a lot of mistakes and there were many retards as well. The socialists going for the revolutionary way in 1934 was a stupid mistake. But they were baited into it by a right that had been sabotaging the Republic since its inception.

Let's not forget who were the real bastards.