/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #2563

>Recent News
New Years skins are available - new skins for Lancelot, Charlotta, and Zeta
Varja, Earth Vaseraga, Ilsa, and Grimnir released
Olivia released - gbf.wiki/Olivia
AK-4A 4* released - gbf.wiki/AK-4A
Granblue Fest happened
- Day 1: pastebin.com/5W94vG7c
- Day 2: grancypher.com/2017/12/23/granblue-fes-2017-day-2-news-roundup/
Balance Update went live - pastebin.com/yMve0nK6

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome.

>Schedule for January:
12/30 - 1/9 - Right Behind You
1/10 - 1/16 - Rise of the Beasts (Rerun)
1/17 - 1/24 - Guild Wars (Wind Bosses)
1/25 - 1/30 - Miscolored Memories (Rerun)
1/31 - 2/?? - New Story Event

12/21 - 1/4 - New Year's Special (pastebin.com/d2L4VpvH
12/31 - 1/4 - Legfest

>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Guild Pastebin

Previous Thread:

Smashed potatoes!

Explain this right now.

I wanna play Light but Olivia won't let me!

I trusted you OP...


When will chev stop dropping guns and harps and start dropping swords?

>already at thread number 2563
how the fuck did this general get so popular?

Me in the middle

delet this

>check pending friend request
>see this

Roulette was mistake

Why aren't you guys playing the greatest class yet?

>until now arcarum has given me a lot of SSR fodder, 3 celeste claws, 2 celeste axes, 5 colo sticks and 4 levi daggers (also 1 chev sword but I can't use it yet)
This is a pretty nice feature. After I got the MLB magna summons I never really farmed the raids for those elements, but now I have a functioning grid for most of them.

how the fuck vee-kun isnt strongest primal beast

Nio was called first, sorry lad.

There is no boundary that autism and waifus can't clear.

>Baal runs keeping failing
Fuck off Japan and go back to work

disgutsing fonts

Still have to create a Class Champion Weapon to Unlock "Search for an Hier"

Well, what are you waiting for, user? Sneeze on him.

I cant remember, but they should not stack as baha's call does not grant cap+

i applaud your great work user

>primal beast

I get what you're going for, but that needs more gbf appropriate quotes.

Can someone explain the lore around baha please

Help I don't know what Rev I should make next.

Water I have, Yuel, Altair, Vane, Romeo.
Earth has, Ygg, Cag, Halle, Old man, Eustace.

I was thinking either Quatro or Sarasa but can't decide. Or should I dick pick Nio because my Wind team is dogshit?

yeah, all you need to know


They stack, but in a different sense.



>Or should i dick pick Nio
Yes you should. End of discussion.

>event is about the Society weapons changing and taking over their owners
>Eustaces gun never changed between his normal and Halloween ver
Truly he's best boy

Something about a big guy and a mask.

He's not a lizard.


He's an onahole.


How does wind compare to other elements for racing with the release of Grimnir?

just got home in time for new thread

Summarize the previous discussion in two sentences or less so I too can be updated and cool.

Ilsa needs to say something along the lines of "I've raised puppies to be useful before, but even I cant save this 8.5 dog".


God that Ilsa face gets me so hot

Me in the middle left.
No support ever comes ;a;

Taking back the glory of the old days i assume.

some girl who want to go to helheim so bad

WHERE DA BAHA HL/UBAHA @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@????????????????????????????????????

AMAZING event when

Winds only good for racing if you're a quadboxing autist

Racing what?
General content and Baha HL? It still won't beat Earth.
UBHL? It still won't beat Water.

wtf bros, I can't unsee it anymore. Whenever the loading screen with Lyria eating ramen happens, I think she's biting on some pantsus.


What does this even mean?

Can Macho Vee defeat Proto Baka? What about UBaka?

>gran's D gets this long

Yeah, up and down, up and down. It doesn't look like noodles at all.

>Whenever the loading screen with Lyria eating ramen happens
wtf type of ramen have you been eating?

Finally finished my first seraphic. It wasn't that bad I guess.

It's mochi you retard

wait until Vee Blanco raid

Origin Baha > Grandblues Vee > Ubaha > Proto Baha

I'll show you a noodle...

Yeah yeah mochi mochi Jesus desu I know the meme you faggot.

Whatever you are saying, weeb.

Something like this

there's a reason why he likes eating apples so much
lyria is eve, and he's the red scaled wyrm. Look back on literature and wahey: wyrms are snakes.
If you look at proto bahamut, he's chained up and he has his mouth shut. There's a reason why he's in that state.
If he opens his mouth he'll tell lyria to eat the apple.

>Tiamant showdown music



>climax of what makes the sky blue 2 is "Eat the apple, lyria"
weew lad

>Lyria cucks Gran with Adam
Good riddance desu ne


I'm not sure if this is mindblowing or if you're looking into this too DEEPly.

Not that Lyria needs some kind of advocate to tell her to shove food into her endless abyssal maw.

is there a point when you ever feel good about GBF, or is a constant treadmill of 0.1% progress towards the 10% you need, which becomes 20% before you even get there?

Where do Cain and his dead brother fit into that?

Objective theme rating:
Ubaha > Luminary knights > Arcana bosses > Default primal theme > all Magnas > the rest

If you don't feel good playing why do you keep playing?

>is there a point when you ever feel good about GBF

what about jew10shoes?

It's worse at the end of the line, where there's an empty feeling of having nothing to progress towards. I'm just slaving away trying to get plus marks for future +300 character marks.

Whenever I hit BIG NUMBERS I pop a boner

Crimson Horizon

Just do something fun in your life, bro. I'm worried about you.

Why is ifrit voice is fucking sext

>Just do something fun in your life, bro.

Forget about Mushimaro. We need more TEDDY's characters in GBF.

Fuck off jesus

Who was the 5* of december?

The 'Luminary Knights' theme there is probably the same as the Juutenshuu's.
'Watershed of History' gets used several times in the story, but I think the Juutenshuu's had it first.

>Fuck off

what is nio's appeal?

December was too big, they couldn't fit any 5* char in.



I'm too weak to solo the level 2 extra stages on co-op. If I host and share the room will random people help be clear them? Or does no one join random rooms anymore unless they're farming for stuff?

>Last SSR 5* was in september


>we want the pedo audience

i'm just wondering for those alter down the line. it feels ok at entry level, because it has better arts than any other mobage, deeper than most, and its familiar as an FF/Square fan. but im more wondering about beyond being a noob, when every single day or draw or SSR magna drop feels like satisfying progress.

>once upon a time, the great one created the sky
>ancient war (Xeno): the great one splitted in half: bahamut of the other half of earth
>bahamut of the sky inherited power of rebirth and destruction, and the position as the god of skyrealm
>the other half of earth fallen down and became the Read earth, hosting otherworld beings
>astral war, astrals invaded the sky, enslaved the whole skyrealm
>Baha got converted to primal beast, but he didn't let astrals control him easily
>splitted himself into B (in the same fashion as Lucifer splitted himself into lucio) and disappeared
>astrals replace ancient gods with primal beasts
>100 years war: skypeople crafted revernat weapons and went all-out war with astral
>astrals BTFO to the moon
>Lyria was isekai'd to skyrealm
Something like that.