/vn/ - Halfway down pantyhose edition

Visual Novel General #1782

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This general is for the discussion of English-translated Japanese visual novels.
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What is it with purple / black hair and red eyes for imoutos?

>tfw frequently lose all motivation for a VN after I'm like 80% done
I read the first like 30 hours in a week and the other 10 in a month.

You have to save best girl for last, I never end up finishing them when I don't.

That happens to me whenever I finish a route.

I'm not sure if I should continue Fate, I'm really early having just read the Archer vs Lancer fight.
Stuff I like
>Modern day mixed with fantasy
>Cool story
>Good world building
>Action scenes are exciting as fuck
Stuff I don't
>The pacing is very very slow
>From what I hear there's a lot of padding in between the good parts
>Generally people saying it's bad because its chuuni shounen stuff

Every time

What do you do when you come across an h scene but you're not in the mood to fap. Do you wait for later or do you read it without fapping?

Usually save before, Ctrl through and come back later.

Either save the game and close it for when you're in the mood or skip past the scene, continuing with the vn and load the scene when you're in the mood.

>not in the mood to fap
Never happens because I'm not gay.


Judge it by yourself and if you get really bored/find that you have to force yourself to continue it, drop it. But really try to judge it by yourself without being a sheep influenced by shit you read on the net,

I skip all H-scenes in VNs and never fap to anything at all.

Since I am free from carnal desires I just continue the VN like usual and stoically read porn dialogue for lile 10 minutes, whilst hoping for some character development.

t. 15 year old

>tfw only fapped to like 5 scenes not counting nukige

Assuming it's not a nukige I'll read it, h scenes still have value outside of masturbation material.

I hope all of you know that touching your own dick is gay as fuck

I wonder what is her opinion on Otoya Yamaguchi

that's what onaholes are for

Is Leyline any good?

Is it okay for yandere to love yandere? What does /vn/ think of double yandere love?

That boy was a true hero. Accomplished more in 17 years than I did in 27.

It would work really well as far as I'm concerned, even better than when there is only one yandere in a relationship. They would be so head over heels for each other that normal relationship issues won't even arise.


Hard times are coming, maybe we'll have occasions to be heroes too

Read when all three are released or the third is close to release date.

Well Shirou I made it, despite your directions

I liked it but overall it feels a little inconsequential, I would wait until the next two are translated since I'm sure that would improve things.

Why does Higurashi say "high difficulty"?

Alright I'll do just that then. Thanks.

>want to access the MG shop
>after the "age verification" it constantly throws me on Google

oh never mind, I always pressed "leave" instead of "enter". guess I got used to "enter" being on the right side and didn't bother looking

Every fucking day. Every single fucking day when I come home this little retard just sits there and gives me this stupid look on her face. What should I do about her? Ideas?

I need more girls flying off the handle over a boy.

Put it in.

I piss all over my pants too

I commend myself everyday for suffering through and actually finishing this heap of garbage.

Lol. This just went full retard.

Alpha as fug

A lot of the routes were garbage, but there were a few pieces here and there that I enjoyed.

Brainlet detected


I'm not lonely at all

>a death rattle

Very arousing.

Just finished Kara no Shoujo. The music was fucking great,

and it feels like I got fucking socked in the stomach. I don't think these VNs are for me anymore. Jesus Christ I can't get over how sad it is

Can anyone recommend VNs of the same writing calibre? Preferably ones that keep their feet on the ground rather than going into the fantastical, and if possible a bit less sad? I don't care about hentai scenes.

>feet on the ground


Have you read Cartagra yet? It's encouraged to do so before reading KnS

This looks pretty good, thanks

I haven't read it but at this junction I think I'll wait a while before playing through another innocent grey work. KnS was probably the best VN I've read but goddamn if it isn't heavy. Should I play through that before I do KnS2 down the road?

Yes. It's shorter than the KnS'

Has there ever been a single VN about anime girls surviving against dinosaurs? I feel like this is an untapped market Japan isn't taking advantage of.

Stop being so gay

The weirdest part of that route to me was how aunt shino is totally okay with you having sex with your sister, and she even wants you to get chinami pregrant so she can have grandchildren

They're NBR so it's okay

Isn't she his half sister?

a half-sister is still BR

Hitler BTFO

Wow, I thought I've seen the edgiest things in life until now.

I think there was a manga like that called Eden no Ori. I never read more than a couple chapters but I heard there were dinosaurs later on.

Huh. Not many VNs tagged with the Jealousy tag and translated.

I need to find another VN to either suffer to or ignite the amount of pent-up fury I have right now.

Some VNs bombard you with a ton of choices, whereas some give you very few. Which is better, more choices or less? And I know the image is badly made, but it's just to illustrate the difference.

I remember Sumika being super jealous when you did Meiya's route in Muv Luv Extra.

Less is more. I hate choices.

More choices are a pain when you accidentaly end up in the wrong route

More choices give more flavour. I don't like choices where it seems random and impossible to predict the outcome.

on the one hand, choices sometimes makes you feel a bit more engaged. on the other hand, it sometimes makes you feel like you have to use a guide, which is retarded.
chrono clock was even simpler. each route was pretty much just two choices, which were clearly labeled with the girls names. "go with x and y" and "i love x". boom, that's it.

The best girl from Koichoco is pretty jealous on the other girls' routes.

I recently played Canvas 2 and I went in blind. That was a big mistake. The image I posted shows how you have to do it. You can get one or two of these choices wrong and you still can't get the good end.

>best girl
Shit taste should be a felony.

Nah, she's cool with pretty much everything

Depends on the execution, I think the number of choices is less important than how arbitrary and stupid they are.

At the time, I had the fortune of knowing a guy that reads VNs and he recommended Canvas 2 but told me to use a guide. That said, wasn't Elis' route more complicated than the others? Can't recall.

I like more choices when they still retain the point of choices, and don't feel unnecessary.

Majikoi's choices I was fond of, and is one of the few times I've felt that the choices weren't entirely worthless. I would have gone in blind if I wasn't used to using a walkthrough. Princess Evangile's were about as dumb as you can get. Each choice even HAD the heroine's name in it. I get that nips are memed to be so retarded at romance that you have to fucking hand them the goddamn ball but that's just too goddamn over-the-top.

Huh. Right. Wonder why that tag isn't on-
>forgot to click 'spoil me!'
zzz. Retard at work here.

I'm not sure myself. I haven't played all of the routes yet. I'm still working on it. I can say that her choices aren't as easy to guess as some of the other girls so far.

I like fewer choices, but I hate the kindred spirits handled it, where it pretended to have choices but they all led to the same end.

>Princess Evangile's were about as dumb as you can get. Each choice even HAD the heroine's name in it.
One annoying thing I want to get off my chest: Why do moege like Pricess Evangile or Dracu Riot demand you make 4 choices for one heroine or else you get a bad end?
It's annoying when I go back and replay to get on another route.

You guys back Newton?

[kns1/2 spoilers]
As unlikely as it is, it isn't completely impossible for there to be some kind of "happy" ending considering there's a third KnS coming out, and the second one's already explored not only a "happy" ending with Reiji. The true end of 2 further expands on the Reiji/Toko front as well.
tbqh tho i just want a time machine ending so i can get muh tojiko back

Chinami's route is shit. Cannot wait for it to end.

???'s route is shit too. Eternal Heart when

I liked the plot but the incest felt forced

I would be seriously mad if lookout girl's route turn out to be a shit as well. Literally the only reason I keep reading this shit game.

The drama is shit and ruins the route.

I like the incest but the plot felt forced

I like to have some interactivity, makes me feel like I truly am the protag. I don't even mind meaningless choices, if they are executed nicely.

NTR Pregnancy!

Well, a major part of the route is only available in the fandisc

Loli NTR pregnancy!

Mother Loli NTR Pregnancy!

Mother Futanari Loli NTR Pregnancy!

This is a TRUE LOVE board

Mother-Sister-Grandma Futanari Loli NTR Pregnancy!

Mother-Sister-Grandma Futanari Loli [Shotas, Traps](Tanned) NTR Pregnancy!

Stop it.


Pantyhose pregnancy.

Beast NTR pregnancy!

It's lighthearted because you can't take it seriously at all and lighthearted NTR is the best.

Kon-Kit is the man.