/brg/ - Battlerite general

Probably the last thread ever before we die edition.

>What is Battlerite?
Battlerite is a PvP arena brawler from the same company that made Bloodline Champions.

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first for console port

this general belongs to Blossom


>me as jumong
>with taya against alch and thorn
>doing +560 dmg every round
>lose 0-3

what the ever living fuck, alch had around 250 heal score, thorn 100-200
no wonder I have ~46% wr with this

do they really have this big fucking "to-do" list and right after PC F2P release they poured all their resources into console port?
How people like this even getting into management at the first place?

Yeah youre right about that, that's probably most of it.

Anyways how to play against Paloma and also how to git gud at Palomar?

Battlerite is fine playerbase wise, but the game doesn't lend itself to Veeky Forums posting, because of how fast the game is. In league you can rattle off a few shitposts during the death timer, but you can barely squeeze in a bump during the queue time here. Perhaps a discord would be a good option for those who would like a Veeky Forums discussion site to shitpost on.

Oh come on its dead right now but it's early morning, it was active earlier. It wont be dead forever.

I'd like a discord but I wont run it. Too much of my time is wrapped up in running an sph lewd discord for me to do another.

>sph lewd discord
a what now?

You know exactly what that is you saucy bastard.

no i actually dont
link me tho

Right, you totally don't ;)



2 people just joined, senpai. Dont judge.

You have to join in order to see what that even is. Go suck a dick already or something, this isn't a thread about your shit.

I was asked, google is a thing, and they didn't leave.

counter is the worse part of this game and should be removed

Balancing become very subjetive because some people will hit and other do not, so how do you balance it?

In high level counter gets ignored so it is useless = useless champions

In low level people always trigger it and they get destroyed = no fun = uninstall the game

In the last tournament finals there were 6 ranged because of it.

>mplying ranged champs don't have counters

>he's unable to use his counter to iframe certain abilities


Made a small discord, join if interested.

>discord posters when general almost dead
you have to be kidding me

>staying in a sinking boat

get the fuck out of here trash

There are already at least 2 discords you fucking moron.

But was it effective damage?

looks like it wasn't

That's the hardest part of the game. It'd be interesting if they could add a second damage meter for max health damages.
That would be numbers you could actually jerk off to, instead of the current batch of kids and their "900 damage" but spread so thin it's all healed up.

>general dying and barely makes it to bump limit anymore
>there has to be some way to save it


the post a link mongoloid

how else would we preserve a Veeky Forums community for battlerite until more players come back in the future?

>until more players come back in the future?

You don't you mong, the general already died back in EA and the discord from back then doesn't even play the game anymore. They're just circlejerks that leech people off an already slow general.
"Preserve the community" my ass.

happy new year
don't fight

Number like that still wouldnt help. Doing max health damage isnt about playing well, its just timing. Someone has to do the 40 damage first.

Come with me to the bottom floor.

Is battlerite gonna die again? I probably shouldn't buy chests huh

i'd at least to have a non dead discord to chat with you fucking brainlet

>wanting to chat with randos in discord


Let me interrupt the daily shitposting to ask a very important question of high value:

Why does RK's Ult M1 have knockback? It's already a shitty ult, why do you have to help people escape it?

Cause sls can't balance for shit and is one of the reasons this game is dead

This general can barely sustain one community, much less two. Discords have a habit of turning to circlejerk shitpost fests, and smaller ones even more so.
If you want to talk to anybody regardless of the actual quality of discussion, go to reddit or twitch. They have plenty of discords for you to bottom feed off of you desperate lonely virgin.

Reddit has a discord.

ive done a thing a couple of times where i try a hero out, get pretty decent at them, and them remember that custom battlerites are actually a thing and bother to set a page up

long story short thorn is stupid


Please place your bets.

some leddit fag datamined that pre-season ends jan 14th, so probably at that time

How is this general still not dead

>buy chests
Why would you do that, I'm drowning in tokens

What are some unfun bullshit comps
>Double support
>Thorn Blossom

Jade croak
Raigon croak

>Not a free win

t silver

>Never fought a good one

>still no r34 of pearl
This is unacceptable

>Jade snipes and flicks it behind her every game
>Tell her to cancel it
>tells me everyone expects the cancel no one expects the flick and always will waste a cd in fear of taking the damage
>mfw she's right

this game just keeps giving
he 1v2 them and won

Fuck are you doing

AZERTY you nignog


>Teammate hitting easy as fuck counters to not hit

Look at the background

>2 girls
ok BR is saved

please no more of these shitty designs

Thought he had a mustache then realized it's just his neck collar

God dammit

Alright /brg/ Who is getting the jester skin?

>Double support
You are like a baby
Watch this

These guys have idea what they're doing with their game huh.

Why bother releasing new champs when the last 2 are unbalanced messes. RK still shit, queue still ultra shit despite 10k+ players concurrent. Get rid of 2v2 ranked, oh wait they did and leddit cried so they put it back in. These faggot devs have no backbone.

Make the wide as fuck hitboxes smaller on attacks so you can't clip shit around corners. Raise move speed. Bring some skill back into the game

If one of those skin is a Lucie skin I uninstall this game
Make a cute Lucie not a clown themed abomination

Its a skin for lucie The one on the right

user, as much as you try to shitpost about game design like you know everything, the fact of the matter is you aren't a game designer and for good reason. You would ruin the game single-handedly, so stop armchair deving and shut up. I mean have you even eaten a banana burger during your three month vacation? You can't even dare criticize stunlock until you have done that.

Well that fucking sucks, way to ruin my day. I'm deathly afraid of clowns so if they add one to the game I guess I'll just have to stop playing.

they never removed 2v2 ranked

>Clown skin
That might be his legendary skin and his rare

>shitty, basic looking human designs
welcome to the devs being lazy shits who try to pander to morons
welcome to the rest of the games lifetime
If they do port over grimrog then you can bet he'll be a cute girl or some anime-looking asshole

>Jester outfit
Please for the love of god let that be a skin for him

Can you please explain "flick" to foreigners?

Turns quickly 180 degrees and shoots it behind her.

Not too hard to figure out.

she aims at the enemies then as it's going to shoot, shoots it backwards

it's fucking retarded

>Play RK
>"I sense weakness in my presence"

At least he's self-critical

Why does that catch people? Do people always go behind you in this game to dodge like anime ninjas?

Only Jades and Croaks

*stealths behind you*
"heh...nothing personnel silver..."
*misses the ult*

Leak fag here
Lucies new legendary skin on the left. labeled Assistant Lucie, she has twin ponytails and a pink dress, you can also see cleavage

>oh shit she's gonna shoot me
>Better but my counter up
>Flicks it behind her
>WOW I just wasted my skill

> Assistant Lucie, she has twin ponytails and a pink dress, you can also see cleavage

Basically aim at one target and quickly change to another person

but so did jade

you could've just cancelled it


I think flicking is better because lets be real everyone expects you to cancel it
They don't expect the flick

what could have been done to win this game

No, people have started adapting to the flick meta. The best way to snipe is to always keep it dead center on Bakko, because he expects you to cancel or flick.

Beg the other team to throw.

Go splash damage riptide and double and tell your team to be slightly aggressive since you can slow down shots
>People started adapting to flick meta

uninstall this garbage game

The highest level of mindgames possible in any competitive game is to act like an idiot, thereby throwing off your opponent and lulling them into a false sense of security.

Wait I'm confused here don't you have the better comp here

>"highest level"
>not actually being an idiot and winning solely by confusing your opponents with your subpar decision making

Exactly, properly played this tactic is indistinguisable from an actual novice. They can't read you if even you don't know what you're doing.

This. It's like fighting games, at some point you go full circle and the retarded shit like wakeup shoryuken becomes a legitimate tactic again because everyone is expecting you to do the smart thing, so the dumb thing becomes the smarter thing.

>used to play fighting games religiously
>tfw this actually happens
I miss BlazBlue

>Destiny activates EX-M1 next to poloma
>They just M1 each other to take no damage
Did I just witness 69ing become a viable tactic?