/2hug/ - Touhou General - 84

2018; New threads, new discussions edition.
Previous thread: >So what is this game?
Touhou is a bullet hell game made by ZUN. Instead of ship or robots it features anime girls fighting youkai and such.

>Where should I start?
The games until 5 were designed for the PC-98 platform, which would require an emulator. It's recommended you start either with the sixth (first Windows game) or the second game (as the first one isn't a bullet hell) and work your way up from there. Some games aren't your usual bullet hells but should be played anyway.

1: Arkanoid's drunk abusive cousin.
7.5, 10.5, 12.3, 13.5, 14.5, 15.5: Fighting games.

The others follow the basics of the bullet hell genre but usually add a game play twist. Once you're done with the main series you can move on to the fangames, of which some are of excellent quality.

>Where can I get the games?
moriyashrine.org/ (For separate game downloading)

nyaa.si/view/979648 (All in one pack)

>Touhou Project Official Material Reading/Playing Guide

>Please git gud!

>eraTohoK (plus other era games)

>Touhou 16 on steam! Please support the official release.

>AoCF Demo v3!

>1cc charts!

>PoFV and Soku Netplay Guide!

>Fangames pastebin (Contains a fixed version for game breaking bug in FMW2)


Touhou is a video game franchise, even in the year 2018.

Other urls found in this thread:



Let's all take it easy

I tried making a thread three times but my phone is shit (I know, I know) and fucked everything up.


Don't lie, samefag.

I'm honestly shocked
Every time I post Yukkuris people tell me to stop

Don't make me waste image slots on dumb shit like that, user.
That's because you post abyuse and abyuse isn't cute.

Which is your favorite non-ZUN original track from the official games? There are some more or less hidden gems among them, like Our Hisoutensoku or (Neo) Bamboo Forest in Flames.

Yukkuris are fine but Shion is cuter!

Why I'd never

>Yfw everything turns into an abyuse scene.

Would be a pretty good metaphor for life desu

Post 2hus you would bully on a daily basis

I already hate 2018.

I want to ruin that smile.


check this shit out

2018 hates you back
Reisen deserves to be bullied

Or youtube.com/watch?v=aEAGkgvaA-I if CD arranges don't count.
Hopeless Masquerade was the peak of Tasofro music.

What could Tenko be thinking of now?

She just saw Yukari's gap.

Can somebody please give /2hug/ the most fun general 2017 award?

We wouldn't even make top 20.

user please, we don't need to be modest. All of our dicks are 12-inch long.

Good morning 2hug. I'm in a fucking good mood today, let's fucking go.

>That remix of Patche's/Marisa's theme on the title screen

Comfy as fuck

Heard good things about this game and its music.

Well, it's not like Alice will be playable anywhere else so here we go. And if this art style doesn't give you some sense of nostalgia then I don't know what to say man.

>All of our dicks are 12-inch long.
Oh shit I'm sorry.

I got ahead to the first boss battle which is Eiki. Holy, fucking shit. This is the best remix i've heard of her theme yet, it's so soothing, therapeutic even. I'm not even fighting her, just listening to this music.

Tell me about the Baku. Why does she wear the hat?

To contain her long hair. And night caps are really comfy too.

Btw, this game has a CP system. Basically, you gain points by succesfully multitasking between both Master and Slave. It doesn't seem to do anything, but if you get 30 or more...

Oh, yeah, before I forget, esc closes the game, which you're supposed to beat on one sitting. Also, pressing down and c will make your partner stay put, which slowly recovers health and allows to set up ambushes.

I lost to Eiki quite badly, the game let me continued but I said no and upon returning to character select I can start from level 1-5 which is where Eiki is at, does doing this give me a bad ending? How about using continues upon losing? Looks like I'm also gonna have to plug in a controller because using the keyboard is far worse than in Tempest Heaven.

WAKE UP /2hug/!


Your posts on that /v/ thread were more pathethic desu

Yesterday I got my 1cc on GFW. On one hand it honestly felt really good clearing A1 on my 3rd try after not playing for a week but on the other, thanks to me first commiting to clear B1 first, it feels kind of imcomplete and almost, dare I say, cheating to get my clear this fast.

I know I did train a lot in B1, so going from that to A1 would be a cakewalk in comparison, but still.

The run started out okay, perfecting stage 1 and dying twice on stage 2. I was anxious and stressed out when I reached stage 3, because I was no longer acclimated to feeling of having a respectable amount of resources in the last stage.

But the fight went oddly smoothly, I even capped a lot of Sunny's stuff, despite only doing that for the third time, which surpised me. Before I knew it I was in their last spell with 2 lives. At this point my heart was racing and I proceded to fuck up their last more than usual, which I am usually able to cap, and die twice. I was scared shitless that I was gonna fail, but alas, they died and I did it.

It was pretty fucking cool and I'm happy that I'm done with this game. My next goal is PoFV Normal and I'll be finally done with all the mainline games on Normal.

Congrats, man.
Aren't you going to attempt the extra before you give up on GFW? It has Marisa as a boss after all.

Congratulations bro, good luck in PoFV, I can give you a little dirty trick for 1cc'ing it if you don't know already.

Also thanks for your reply to me in that /v/ thread, it was quite wholesome and let me sleep like a fucking baby because of how happy I was, thanks so much for that man. And hopefully I'll catch wind of your typing style soon.

That's a cute picture of Marisa!

>PoFV Normal
Good luck with it, results vary depending on the character you choose: some are better than others, so you might want to unlock some of them, unless you just plan to 1cc as Marisa.

What's the point of hard mode?

Thanks and no. I'd rather not bully my waifu as a filthy weak fairy.

Real answer is that I don't want to bother with Extra's unless I 1cc all the games on Lunatic or Hard first, in order for me to be able to finish them without much pain. I play the games in order and those few Extra clears I've have are the exception. I don't usually find Extra's fun because of their short length which goes against my playstyle of sticking to one game until I finish it. It gets really tiring resetting so much and seeing the same stuff constantly. GFW was a pain for me to do so because it was about as long as an Ex stage.

Thanks man.

And oh please, do share any useful knowledge you have with me. I'm really bad at PoFV so every little bit helps. The last time I played I was stuck at Aya, who took all my lives without any mercy.

I would reply sooner, but something happened. I managed to sneak in that reply at the last second.

>unless you just plan to 1cc as Marisa.
That's the plan indeed. Every shot is straight one, so might as well pick my waifu while I'm at it.
Her scope and lv1 are also ideal to my playstyle, making this a match made in heaven.

It is quite cute indeed. Here, have another.

That battle was fucking hype.

I like that Koishi is slowly developing a character and at least is starting to understand emotions

Kill all Lunarianhaters

They're like elves. They are for either hating, dicking or both.

t. Yorihime

I have read Tenshi's translated story, and I love her again!

Lunarians are scum.

Pre-abyuse Takumi pictures are diabetes inducing.

I agree.

Koishi at least gained some with that mask she found.

She did literally nothing wrong


Would you still love her if everyone hate her?

But everyone hates her

Even her dream version is pretty cool:

>Once I beat you two,
>I'll destroy Heaven,
>Destroy the Earth,
>Destroy humanity,
>Tame the land,
>Make four beautiful seasons,
>Create new life,
>Give them hearts
>that never feel sad,
>Build a society
>where no one's poor...
>I'll remake this entire world!

I like her

>these two aren't a team in AoCF

>genocide and destruction is pretty cool
Why are tenkofags delusional?

No you don't

>Give them hearts
>that never feel sad
I want Tenko to destroy my sadness

It's a dream self, so it lacks all inhibitions.

But it shows clear as day that her heart is firmly in the right place!

Also she beat the Mary Sue, which alone is enough to make her my favorite.

I do

So you hate her

I don't really care about her

You should

What the fuck is wrong with Tenshi?


Also Tenshi is not best friends with Shion, and Shion-chan is cute. CUTE!

Prove it

>What the fuck is wrong with Tenshi?
Literally nothing.

Show me your character sort

Still kinda bummed they're both con artists and not Poorfag vs Richfag, it would have been funnier.


I'm sure she will.

Do you prefer teenager or loli Tenko

This pleases Seija.


I think it's a non-question. She's somewhat short (mostly because she is standing on a keystone, and if she was normal height her sprite would be too big), but she is not a "loli". We have several canon drawings of her besides SWR, and they are all over the place (loli-like in Grimoire of Marisa, way more grown-up in Fairies manga, etc). Her AoCF sprite is average Harukawa Moe stuff, no more loli than Jo'on or Reisen or whatever.

Jo'on as a poorfag must've been precocious though.

Sorry for replying so late, hope you're still here for this nugget of advice. Basically to have an easy 1cc in PoFV you have to intentionally lose a life to Komachi and Eiki, this for some reason will make them much easier to defeat as they're difficulty will fucking drop once you lose a life to them. You can get 2 extra lives in total, if you can get your second extra life by the time you defeat Komachi yo're golden.

And don't worry about replying late at all, I think it was actually great that you responded just in time, the fact that it was the last reply only made it better, so again thanks for that.

I see you like breasts a lot

I seriously doubt that Tenshi regards her as a friend and equal


Is it just me or is Mokou looking especially attractive here?

mokou is always burning hot.

Also, thats a fun stage. They aren't even taking you into account, they are just fighting eachother and you need to stop it.

I compensate with the boobhus

Compensating moko is not possible

>I seriously doubt that Tenshi regards her as a friend
Of course she does.
> and equal
Why would she?

This fight is pure fucking kino
They fight each other without even noticing you're there
The pacing of the spells is top notch
Epic mashup BGM
Actually hitting one makes the other start laughing
You can actually start hitting the one that's laughing for extra damage (though it's not always feasible)

Indeed it was a fun as fuck fight, I almost died to those two though, it was a bit tricky trying to dodge thier moves, especially the last one where they move faster and faster and you have to time thier final clash just right lest you get hit for massive damage. And yeah that fucking laugh was a nice touch. This game is pretty good, easily going into high tier.

Next up is the coolest kid on the block and Yuuyuuko, so far they wanna do it one at a time, Youmu's first spell proves to be pretty easy.

Yuyuko is a lazy ass who just stands there. She tries to attack around the second to last spell, and only even bothers fighting you when Youmu's unconscious.

Nuclear pasta

Oh my fucking god if it weren't for Patche's special attack doing so much damage Yuuyuuko would've done me in and ruined this 1cc run.

I don't even know if you can do anything other than spellcarding that away.

Oh wow Remi is quite fond of her photoshop skills it seems.

Most definitely not compensating for something.

What's Flan's hand reaching for?

Nope, absolutely nothing at all.

Laevetainn probably.